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File: 501 KB, 2000x2000, Shit Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13801609 No.13801609 [Reply] [Original]

*corrupt and ruin future generations*

>> No.13801631
File: 121 KB, 720x683, nietzsche story 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13801644

These two conflicting opinions make me nervous about tackling Nietzsche.
>pursuing passion, art, self-ownership, and struggle
This is everything I've been striving for.

>> No.13801646

I seriously can't see why this is so hard to grasp for people.

>> No.13801657


>> No.13801670

Not only faggot teenagers.
It seems like most people have no idea about Neetzsch at all, but those who do associate him primarily with either nihilism or nazism.
I don't think there is a more tragically mis-remembered philosopher in history.

>> No.13801689

>implying enough normies read Nietzsche to make a dent on an entire generation

I question whether OP has ever read any book cover to cover--let alone Nietzsche.

>> No.13801701

>Nihilism is a problem
>OK, Nietz, how do we solve the problem
>I dunno bro, just make up your own values and shit, who cares, that ain't my job

>> No.13801705

Are you daft?

>> No.13801715

You're thinking of Sartre

>> No.13801747

>just be strong and will yourself above nihilism
How did brainlets fall for this shit

>> No.13801803

>I have no idea how to stop feeling nihilistic

>> No.13802031

The solution was the transvaluation of all values, the condemnation of Christianity and neo-Christian values, and the embracing of will to power.

>> No.13802060

You really this stubborn to have someone tell you how to live?

>> No.13802066

but that isn't Kant or Hegel

>> No.13802213

Uuuuummmmmmmm, sweetie? You're living your life the wrong.

>> No.13802354

Tell us them butterfly, and so help me blob if you post that lonliness book...

>> No.13802362

Who else reckons he was crushed under the greatest weight?

>> No.13802384

You know, I thought I'd be ok with the eternal recurrence being true, then I remembered things like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta have happened and I just can't see the demon as divine.

>> No.13802548

Why do you think the schizo went insane? Personally I just think pessimism is correct. Making plans for my hard reset.

>> No.13802564

Not my fault there are a lot of lonely people around here. But no, this calls for the philosophy trio. Mops up any nihilistic concerns.

>> No.13802578
File: 47 KB, 567x649, 1568211942338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to be powerful and noble
>can be entirely undone by the writings of a single German with a funny moustache
>nu-christcuck's face when

>> No.13802638


>> No.13802693

>implying anything in Nietzsche is original

>> No.13802706


Regardless, it's still pathetic and shows just how weak your religion is

>> No.13802732

Ironically, modern world and modern art are quite close to what Nietzsche wanted.

>> No.13802741

Yeah I’m sure you know a lot about Christianity fedoratard

>> No.13802745

Nietzsche’s brilliant, insightful, and very entertaining, but...
It’s not just edgy teens, it’s 1%ers too. Back when I was an Uber driver I was talking to a mega-millionaire real estate developer (googled him while driving him to LAX), and we were talking about wealth inequality and AI and the governments duty to the people...and he stayed on the Koch brother talking points until he was cornered by arguments about the inherent unfairness of a market system disproportionally rewarding some genomes over others, and he doubles down on 1%er status by pulling out ‘heard conscience’ hate. That’s a disdain for genomes that aren’t well suited to the current post—-hunter gatherer/agrarian/industrial globalized environment. That kind of prejudice, not disagreeable to the nazi, deep in nietzsche’s heart, is worthy of disdain.

>> No.13802751

He knows you have 0 evidence for your beliefs aside from***eye witness testimony***. How do you feel about living your life according to something that couldn’t even get a shoplifter convicted?

>> No.13802757

Tell me, what good do moral foundationalism and teleology do except for narcissists to justify their metaphysical escapism?

>> No.13802766

>eyewitness testimony has led to the wrongful deaths of literally millions
That’s the epistemology for me!

>> No.13802812

The proud ape!

>> No.13802950

Can't stop slaves being slaves I guess.

>> No.13803004

>implying anything in existence is

>> No.13803102

>implying anything in existence isn't

>> No.13803199

You could try to do some personality tests and then search for statistics to see what people who are similar to you are passionate about.
But in the end you have to find it yourself. Try something out that might be the thing you can be passionate about - realize, that's not it - try something different - repeat until you find something that's worth going through pain for.

Or just ask you father what job you should get and what hobbies you should have.