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/lit/ - Literature

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13800268 No.13800268 [Reply] [Original]

Reading makes me feel dumber... Not smarter.

>> No.13800277

Stop reading Ben Shapiro then

>> No.13800281

That's how education works. The more you learn the more you realize you don't know. Keep it up anon, you're fine.

>> No.13800288

Read harder

>> No.13800300

Knowledge erodes the ego

>> No.13800305
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Reading actually makes me sadder because every protag is better than me.

>> No.13800308

Because you have a low iq

>> No.13800311

>uhhh. Why isn’t reading like downloading information to a machine
>uhhh. I’m already 20. Why live?

>> No.13800351

this tbqhfampai

>> No.13800363

Struggling is how you improve. Just choose a reasonable struggle and don't dive into deep waters when you don't know how to swim.

>> No.13800373

Depression has made me dumber

>> No.13800376

Read Oblomow

>> No.13800383


>> No.13800388

He's better than me.

>> No.13800399

At least you still have eyes, Right? Or does your internet use Braille and you have been using your dick to type this entire time?

>> No.13800410

I can't read contemporary authors because I get mad jelly that they tricked retards into reading their schlock but I can't do the same.

>> No.13800413


>> No.13800418
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I meant metaphorically.

>> No.13800421

Only a dumb poorfag would say something like this.

>> No.13800422
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I know this fucking feel. I even went on /lit/ a while back and asked for books featuring the saddest most depressing failures ever. Got stuff like No Longer Human, Notes from the Underground, Stoner, Sorrows of Young Werther, Venus In Furs, Whatever, Flowers for Algernon, etc. I read ‘em all and every single one was better than me.

>> No.13800425

If you are patient you will eventually see progress. Do you have trouble focusing? Setting up a habit of reading? Are you interested in books at all?

>> No.13800430

Write a book then. You can be the king of all losers. Perhaps your supreme losership is in a sense a superiority to the other losers?

>> No.13800432

So you're saying if I dumped money into getting a publisher, editor, muse, etc. I wouldn't be so bitter?

>> No.13800433

How is the protag from Notes from the Underground better than you? That guy is literally boring garbage.

>> No.13800443

not that anon but he can talk prostitute into loving him also semi-decent friends

>> No.13800719

Same here. Maybe I oughta publish my diary desu before I finally work up the courage to bite the bullet.

>> No.13800747

Whats the main theme?

>> No.13800798

>read books to feed my passion for certain fields
>intense desire to bounce my ideas off people to verify if I'm understanding it right
>even more intense fear that I'll reach the point where people only learn from me and I won't be able to learn from them
>stop reading books
How do I get over this shit?

>> No.13800820

A rising sense of alienation and isolation rooted in agoraphobic tendencies developed during adolescence and numbed via technological escapism. Layered throughout is the delusional fantasy and far away hope of acquiring eudaimonia and the delusion that living a logical and thoughtful life will somehow make up for a lack of basic human connection. Slowly our subject descends deeper and deeper into the hole of twenty first century isolation.The end.

>> No.13801037

You stopped reading books because you thought you'd become too smart? lmao just read breh

>> No.13801743

Same. I was borderline retarded already so now I’m just a whole retard desu.

>> No.13801865

most books are just some faggot stroking his ego

>> No.13801976

Sounds relatable. I'd like to read your book one day.

>> No.13802688

Someone recommend me books like this please.

>> No.13803672
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The misconception dumb people have is that they are intelligent because the have definete answers to uncertain questions. Intelligent people know what they don't know.

>> No.13803679

I'm not talking about philosophy btw, I'm talking everyday situations

>> No.13803704

I love that bewildering feeling you get after jumping head-first into a new area of knowledge, realising the field is so much bigger than you ever thought possible. It’s like a warm blanket composed of all the future years of reading and studying that I’ll need if I want to understand the field properly. To get lost in the knowledge and then find your way out, book by book, is the comfiest existence known to man.

>> No.13803713

>uhh excuse me bro do you know what time the library opens today?
>*me, wicked grinning* why... I don’t know... though perhaps we can solve this question... have you ever heard of the *smiles devilishily at the camera* Socratic Method™?

>> No.13804858
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I was making a joke.

>> No.13805458
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He has a point, though, or at least you gently gave one to him.
>uhhh. Why isn’t reading like downloading information to a machine
This is actually an impairent of our species soon to be sanitised. Just imagine trascending the time-consuming, almost eternal, act of reading in the search of knowledge. Imagine not having to dive into a sea composed almost exclusively of detritus, unfiltered and exponentially accumulating. Soon, we will have the ability of filtering out what has been proven to be second-tier knowledge, i.e. irrelevant, false (not true) and redundant. I do not advocate nor defend the upcoming of such distant realities. Nevertheless, OP has a good point given to him by you. He seems unable to be well articulated with books (American, I guess), and so the coming of this soon to be reality may uplift him in the end and us all as a whole.

>> No.13805578

Operative word there is feel. You know the turn of phrase about stupid people tending to think they’re smart? A healthy sense of ineptitude is good and means that you are open to improving. And no one stops improving.

>> No.13805598

I guess anything but feeling smarter but actually dumb is good?

>> No.13805604
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>> No.13805661

based image, thanks