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13799651 No.13799651 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm 18 and diagnosed with depression for a few months and recently ive finally opened up been talking to my dad about what makes me depressed and shit and he recommended me this book. Im wondering if it's the usual pseudo science bullshit (also because i see religious connotations in the book) and if it's worth my time at all since its pretty long for my zoomer standards

>> No.13799694

It's total pseudo religious nonsense for sad boomers and gen-x'rs. Basically nothing exists but the sensations of the present moment, so forget the past, the future, think less, just be in the present. He believes all emotional trauma comes from something he calls "the pain body" which is kind of the ego's accumulated traumas and thinking patterns. The way to get rid of these problems is literally to ignore them by only focusing on the present. Very unconstructive pseudo-eastern nonsense.

>> No.13799730
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I was in a similar state many years ago. Read some passages from a Dalai Lama book, but it started to get repetitive and simplistic. I got more out of the Tao of Pooh.
Discovered Epicurus, faced atheism and took gradually took my life’s direction in hand.

You might find a thing or two from this book, I donno. But I think he’s probably just a quack. I know Chopra is


>> No.13799737

I recommend getting to therapy.

>> No.13799739

Why do you post with a trip? Why don't you just turn it off? I don't get the point.

>> No.13799743
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I don’t care.

>> No.13799763

But why do you do it to begin with? Pretending you don't have a motive doesn't make your motive go away. It only pushes it deeper into your unconscious mind until it festers as a neurosis. You should "know thyself" and figure out what pushes to all this attention getting on a website that promotes anonymous communication.

>> No.13799779

Trip codes are a crutch for people who want to distinguish themselves but don’t have an identifiable style.

>> No.13799780

Should i skip the read then?
Eh I'm already atheist but i Have no incentive nor motive to go forward in life
Hahahahahahaha i went to therapy a few times and it literally doesn't help those faggots just say useless retarded shit

>> No.13799788

Not only have I answered you, you have found the answer yourself
You are so lost. Am I talking with the OP?

>> No.13799790

>Should i skip the read then?
imo yes. It's the worst sort of self help cult. Why don't you tell us what you told your dad about what makes you depressed and then based on that we might have some helpful tips or recommendations.

>> No.13799794

You're 18, you're a child, you know nothing about the world and (most likely) yourself.

Humble up. That said, I wouldn't read Power of Now. I'd go straight to the source: Buddhism.

>> No.13799816

There’s all sorts of incentives to choose from.
Get your head (and body) straight, and look around at how you’d like to live your life.

>> No.13799833

>look around at how you’d like to live your life.
That's very poor, boomer-tier advice, because our "likes" change from day to day. Maybe today I'd like to live my life one way and tomorrow a different way. If that's your mentality you will never be able to attain any long term goal, and you'd be extremely unstable. I mean, it's good advice for a small-souled boomer or a bugman who has little to no variation in his inward life, but doesn't really cut it for actual human beings

>> No.13799844

This book got my roommate into taking spirituality and metaphysics seriously, so I would say yes. While some of it may be simplistic, its a great intro book to those concepts

>> No.13799858

I hate modern life and I don't want to keep living like this, i dont like how social media fucked us up yet i know shit about cultivation of land and living from the land. I can get educated on it but then comes the problem of making money to earn enough to buy a patch of land, and i have 0 motivation to keep going to school and work as a fucking officer on a ship. I also find social interactions very boring and i Dont even wanna bother with relationships (ive had sex and all that shit). I mainly talked to him about that stuff and stuff like lookism (i know retarded but true) and i he knows im right so he can't tell me im wrong so he suggests turning a blind eye on the truth i guess.
So what if i don't? All I know is it doesn't get better from here and its very much shitty rn.
Eh im pretty fit but i lost all motivation. Also read the beginning of my post. I don't want to fucking live, basically

>> No.13799873

Don’t dismiss me with that shit.
You even acknowledge it as good advice, “because our likes change from day to day”. Follow that. You’re young, so often you go astray of what you end up doing twenty years later. It’s normal.
If I were bossy, I’d tell you to look into socialism and ways to combat the climate catastrophe. There’s a huge problem that you should consider in your life’s plans.
You need me to pick a major for college?
Live. Dream. Get excited for your life. This is your one shot. Stop playing video games.

>> No.13799875

you say
>i dont like how social media fucked us up
but then you say
>I also find social interactions very boring and i Dont even wanna bother with relationships

you say
>stuff like lookism (i know retarded but true)
but then you say
>ive had sex and all that shit

Are you retarded?

>> No.13799882

Begone tripfag

>> No.13799884

Back into your grave, christfag

>> No.13799887

Haven't read it but it helped a friend when he was depressed

>> No.13799893

Yeah? The exact reason i hate social media is because everyone is a personality-less drone now and social media literally destroyed social interactions. And yes, relationships are a fucking drag because women always seek better. This is where lookism comes into play. Getting sex is fucking ez, finding and commiting to a relationship, making sacrifices and mutual self improvement isn't

>> No.13799900

And on top of that, the moment she sees someone better than you has interest in her, its game over boyo. You can counteract that by settling with someone below your league but that's just beta as fuck

>> No.13799917

Those are some bold statements for a 18 year old eh? But at the same time is just what is expected.
Follow butterfly's advice

>> No.13799923

I don't play video games, and i am very well aware of the basedness of communism (through revolution of course) and I frankly don't give a fuck if this is my only life, i wish i was aborted

>> No.13799934

Bold? Yes. Wrong? I'd genuinely be very glad if you could disprove what I said

>> No.13800061

How the fuck do you identify yourself on an anonymous board without a tripcode? Maybe you can in individual threads but tripcodes make you more recognizable

>> No.13800067

Some people have very identifiable posting style like guenonfag

>> No.13800095

>All I know is it doesn't get better from here and its very much shitty rn.
No you don’t you fucking retard. Again, you’re 18 (probably younger and lying to avoid a ban) and have such a profoundly small view of what there is in the world. Don’t like social media? Guess what you’re not the only one. Just don’t have an account and wait to find others who don’t use it and/or you have similar interests with. Not everybody is the same as people you’ve met.
How the fuck do you have such an incel mentality while not being a virgin? Either everybody you’ve met is shitty or the internet has made you delusional.

I’d recommend reading on Buddhism or Stoicism, but how much those help you depends on yourself.

>> No.13800227

That is basically what I do except I focus in on my present goals.

>> No.13800236

Ngl stoicism looks appealing, ill look into it. And idk i guess I'm kinda of a standardcel, also the problem is social media although very poisoning to the mind is the best type of social interaction for me since real life people bore me the fuck out, especially my classmates who only talk about weed motorcycles and betting on sports cars. I like your approach tho, thanks. Wish people weren't so politically correct today.

>> No.13800243

Betting on sport games*

>> No.13800285

I used to be a tripfag and part of the tripfag club (yes, they more often than not hang out with each other on Discord or as it used to be, IRC). What pushes someone to become a tripfag is an extremely pathetic existence, if I'm being honest. Tripfags seek any sort of validation and meaning they can, because they are too socially isolated, usually because they're shit people, to derive these things from anywhere but online. And because they use imageboards a lot, as there are seemingly no social expectations of them there, they maneuver themselves into this weird headspace where they are simultaneously anonymous — i.e. without responsibility — but also well known — i.e. respected.

Now the fact that nobody else, or at least very few people, tripfag does only bolster their ego. They are 'special', of course the fact that anyone *could* but doesn't only underlines this. And if you attack them, well, guess what, they will pretend not to care, while using your opposition only as further fuel for their ego. You don't even have a name, so how could you be a threat? And in fact, any attention is good attention.

I think this is enough. I'm not joking when I say that being a tripfag was the peak of my depressive episode a few years back and I wouldn't be surprised if many tripfags rope'd by now.

>> No.13800292

Social media thrives on quick hits of dopamine that you can’t get from actual social interaction. Cutting it out will lead to withdrawals at first but cultivate more respect for actual interaction in the long term. Plus the more actual interaction you get the more you realize people aren’t completely good or bad as the internet would have you believe.
Stoicism is the philosophy I feel has helped me most in life. I’d recommend reading Seneca first, but most say Meditations is where you should start.

>> No.13800325

I also recommend that book. It's not nonsense, it's the truth.

>> No.13800333

Horrible interpretation. Very shallow understanding of the subject matter.

>> No.13800342

twfp youtube

>> No.13800350

>underage we-live-in-a-society joker-tier posting
fantastic board

>> No.13800357
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I feel like you’re pulling our leg.
Watch the Epicurean video

Voltairine de Cleyre‘s They Who Marry Do Ill
Ingmar Bergman’s Smiles of a Summer Night

>> No.13800485

Here's some of the science behind this book from a different source:

>> No.13800837

Eh social interactions began boring me before i started dwelling in social media so much

>> No.13800883

An uncle of my recommended this to me too. Looks like a self-help book but since you sound a bit averse to religious messages, maybe that's what's warranted for you.

>> No.13801407

Read it and judge for youself

I reccommend it

>> No.13801439


>> No.13801440

all self help books are bullshit, and all with tell you the same.
>It's now that matters
>Lol who cares about consequences
>Don't think too much you little bitch
>u's gotta FACE that ank-si-eh-ty

You dad prbably saw the cover or heard it from a friend and never really read the book.
Look for alternatives, but self help books will be sometimes destructive.

>> No.13801468

Establishing and maintaining an identity on an anonymous Swedish yodeling board is the spookiest thing you could do.

>> No.13802871

Look fucking read It to bond with your dad Obviously, but dont expect some revolutionary stuff.

>> No.13802876

I recomend never doing so and hanging psychologists to trees together with astrologers and homeopatic phydicians

>> No.13803030

I had the same reservations as you when someone recommended it to me, but I read it anyway because I didn't see the harm. It is difficult to put into words just how much The Power of Now/A New Earth did to help my cultivate my own mental well being. Its advice is overwhelming practical and what mysticism there is is easy enough to look past or recontextualise

>> No.13804353

I'd recommend reading the Bible and to get to know Christ, it helped me.

>> No.13804396

Ha Eckhart Tolle. Lol.
To fit the rhyme, I will recommend Meister Eckhart.

>> No.13804483

OP yes it worth reading absolutely. A great, great book. The pain body concept is absolutely spot on. HOWEVER you need to do things like letting go in response to that trauma not just being present. Letting go produces permanent change. The technique for this is pranic breathing that I've come across

Look up on YouTube JulienHimself/Transformation Mastery as well as Teal Swan and the Completion Process for modern takes on this subject.

If you want more scientific approaches look up Body Keeps Score and Waking the Tiger. If you want another spiritual book look up Letting Go by David Hawkins

Good luck OP

>> No.13804700

It's $5 on ebay, and that's a plus. I only know what he's talking about/agree with him when his words like up with my experiences with meditation, that's a drawback.
My 2 cents would be to find an ebook download of The Mind Illuminated by disgraced polyamorous hookerfucker John Yates, and see if you're up for meditation.
Don't kys whatever you do, it'll stabilize by your 30s most likely.

>> No.13804749

I never knew that so many retarded boomers frequent this board. Eckhart Tolle is a total idiot and phony.

>> No.13805091

I don't know what that shit is but having read what I assume are OP's other replies in this thread, here are my recommendations which also got me out of a depressed hole when I was 18:

1. The Dhammapada
2. The Baghavad Gita
3. The Meditations

That said, these books animated me enough to get to a point where I was able to seek professional help, without which I wouldn't have gotten better. Don't presume you know better than trained therapists until you've tried more than one, despite the depression making you want to give up. Antidepressants and CBT were integral parts of my personal journey to recovery, and that's true for the majority of people close to me who have gone through similar things.

>> No.13805106

>Antidepressants and CBT were integral parts of my personal journey to recovery, and that's true for the majority of people close to me who have gone through similar things.

oh no no no ahahaha

>> No.13805126

>oh no no no ahahaha
yeah, I should have mentioned the last thing anyone should do is listen to the board hivemind that thinks therapy is a jewish scheme or whatever the fuck.
Most people here are depressed neet pseuds who don't care about their own self improvement and create a culture where they're content to drag other down with them. Don't listen to them, and don't be like them.

>> No.13805272

how does this work, man?
I see a therapist but she mostly asks me questions and I achieve greater self knowledge.
I don't think I haved moved an inch towards actual improvement tho, specially when it comes to socialization

>> No.13805762

whoa dude!
union of egoists amirite?

>> No.13805766

therapy is a joke and for socialized bugs

>> No.13805907

>socialized bugs
is this a new meme? pathological isolation is a virtue to /lit/?

>> No.13805936

i agree with this post. 4chan is cope.

>> No.13807073
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Man's Search For Meaning by Dr Viktor Frankl
Learned Optimism by Dr Martin Seligman

Should be required reading for all humans. Unfortunately it is likely, as is the case with a large swath of modern people, that youre under the sway of the deceptions of nihilism which stems out of relativism and atheism and leads to despair. To be honest, the most effective antidote is Orthodox Christianity (as opposed to gutted protestantism and catholicism)

>> No.13807581

Do not pretend that enlightenment is exterior to your acts, do what you need to do to reach it.

>> No.13809228

>Man's Search For Meaning
this one is better

>> No.13809236


Yes OP, lying to yourself should do the trick

>> No.13809736

Please Butterfly can you post your meme trilogy. I need it.

>> No.13810034

>mfw I have a connective tissue disorder that means I'm in near-constant pain so focusing on the present is the worst possible thing for my mental health

>> No.13810273

take as many blackpills as you can and if you're alive in a year you've made it