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13797637 No.13797637 [Reply] [Original]

I am a rather handsome 21 years old young man that just arrived in Paris.
I have 50k in the bank and my parents are dead.
How do I become the XXIth century Rastignac?

>> No.13797706


>> No.13797727

>rather handsome
Better start selling your body for money, OP

>> No.13797763

I wouldnt mind fucking old widows for money, I don't know how to find them though.
And if you talk about selling a kidney, yeah I would rather not

>> No.13797956

>5’11” manlet, weight 110 lbs, 12 oz, will estrogens turn me into a convincing female?
The Anglo mind

>> No.13797967

>50k in the bank
>in Paris
You'll be begging on the street by next June

>> No.13797976

Nah, my unfortunate situation grants me a fuckton of free gibs from the governement, which I thank for. For now, I essentialy lives a normal student life, instead that my spendings are not covered by my parents but by the governement.
Moreover, I have 50k sleeping the the bank. WHAT DO

>> No.13797990

If you don’t want to spend the money on hookers, unironically go to r/personalfinance and learn the basics of investing.
stop bugging us with not /lit/related questions

>> No.13797996

Yeah you're right.
I just only ever went to /lit/ so i figured out I would post here

>> No.13797997


>> No.13798002

You’ll die a Papa Goriot.

>> No.13798009

I was meming earlier, but for a serious response, I need to know:
>what nationality are you?
>what languages do you speak, and how fluently?
>what did you study and how far?
>what are you others skills?
>what interest you more, power, money, clebrity, glory, fucking qts, making contributions to art, etc. ?
>what color of skin are you? (French people are more racist than they'd admit, at least in Paris -in the south they're openly racist)

>> No.13798045

I'm a white frenchman. I speak French, english, spanish, and a tiny bit of Japanese. I'm currently in my 4th year of financial engineering. I have no skill whatsoever, but the 2 girls I've been with told me I was the best fuck they ever had.
Mentionning Rastignac in my first post was not anecdotical: the way he litteraly fucks his way to the top of the french hierarchy is fascinating.
I just loved the very few times I've been able to touch the indecently rich upper-class (Through contemporary art on-invitation-only events), and was astonished by the number of similarities I've witnessed with Balzac's novels:
> Filthy rich out-of-touch people
> Seems completly dumb and unaware of how the whole world tries to manipulate them
> Bunch of lustful young and not so young women
> And finally: schizophrenic and utterly bored people.

>> No.13798058

Il n’y a effectivement qu’un français pour créer un thread aussi pompeux. You’re not even talking about the same city at this point. Illusions perdues.

>> No.13798067

La ville n'est pas la même, mais le système de classe l'est.

>> No.13798069

Hum hum

>> No.13798093

Seems like you've already all the cards in hand, in fact we should be the ones asking you for advice.
I'm 28, doing a PhD, probably twice as skilled (in conventional terms) as you yet I'm paid 2k a month to do a useless job I hate. I also never had a proper relationship (though quite a few nonproper interesting ones).

Really I should not be advising you but since I am secretly smart and also very arrogant I will do it anyway: keep going into finance, put a lot emphasis on networking/intelligently partying so that you become somewhat well-known in high circles. Cultivate your own mentality, ideas and sense of humor in order to 1. not become a boring cunt like the upper class you hang out with 2. can fascinate people and have them do you favor for free.

You can achieve that by keeping reading, focus on dandy like figures (Baudelaire, Marinetty, Villiers, Mishima, Malaparte, even Kierkegaard in a sense) which a healthy heaping of philosophers from all eras and places. Ideally find a non fucked, intelligent and nonambitious friend to discuss books with and stay grounded, also you won't be able to trust the wealthy people you're using, so better have at least one trustworhty friend.

Beware of echo chambers of all sorts (4chan is equivalent to the high society in that respect). To keep a fresh thinking reguarly talk to interesting stranger from all walks of life. Cafés open late at nght are great for this.

If you can pick up "lateral skills" (coding, other useful foreign languages, any easily shillable shit like machine learning, maths or economics) do it. Never rely on a single compound of skills and relationships. Never look stingy or afraid but by god keep a short leash on how you spend your own resources, including (but not only) money. If you can make people happy to spend their own ressources for you.

Keep moving up slowly, politely and inconspicuously. Remember being liked is as importnt as being respected, and more efficient than being feared. If people see helping you as a good investment that's nice, if they see helping you as a favor they're happy to grant for free it's even better. Make sure to never actually owe anything if you can.

Ideally you should be seen as reliable if predictable at work (while being all for yoursef in reality), fun if unthreatening at parties, interesting and profitable to be with in business, unique and irremplacable in private. Come back here every once in a while to update our community of autists on how you're chadfucing your way to the top.

I'm a Jew, so I have eyes everywhere. I'll be watching you in the shadows. Good luck and make our master Balzac proud.

TL;DR: Be all smooth strategy and pleasant efficiency with others, keep an inner unseen unbreakable core for yourself.

>> No.13798162

Thoses are very useful advices. I'm preciously saving this post.
I don't think I should be the one giving advices. As you said, and as I realized by now, communication is everything. Networking truely is more useful than a degrees nowadays, and it's especially true when you gravitate near the high society.
However there is a reason why I'm on here. I'm a fucking sperg (I now have more dead people contact than alive one on my cellphone), and never really held a long relationship either. I'm going to change that since it seems to be the only thing that truely matters.

I won't update stuff here since this is not really /lit/ related, except maybe to thank you if I really make it big.
Thank you my Jew friend.

>> No.13798190

>communication is everything
Yes, that's the take away, but you have to think about it in terms of probability and cybernetic systems. I.e. looking for positive feedback loops, minding your time investment, maximizing exposure to random positive outcomes, having a robust system that doesn't critically rests on any single part.

>I won't update stuff here since this is not really /lit/ related
A good way to do this is comparing your own ascension with Rastignac's. Would make a worthy literary exercise. If you still have scrupules about it (which makes perfect sense) I could regularly make threads on /biz/ asking for your progression.

>Thank you my Jew friend.
Please, it's a duty for Jews to help the ambitious.

>> No.13798229

A social climbing general could beak that crypto and precious metals monotony and generate good larping, but I doubt it could be useful for OP

>> No.13798236

Would you really take advice on how to people from Pajeet or some /pol/ invader?

>> No.13798249

> maximizing exposure to random positive outcomes
That's the thing: getting to people, especially upper-class people, seems difficult. I thought about using Tinder or language-learning app in order to increase the potentiality of meeting someone strategically interesting, but it seems like they simply don't use any of that. There might be some in the university where I am, but once this is done, what's left? Nice places like the Opera Garnier or Comédie Française are just packed with foreigners and art students, and it's very difficult to actually meet someone in those circumstances anyway.
I really don't know where to start, so I'm just going to try to be popular with my direct environnement.

I will do a few threads on /biz/ if you care, we might catch each other someday. But I think I will only do that once every few months.

>> No.13798282

How do I do all this but in NYC? Where do you meet rich people as a university student?

>> No.13798295

>think about it in terms of probability and cybernetic systems.
Books about this? Especially how to optimize?

>> No.13798302

Why would you want to do that?

>> No.13798309

I am young, energic, in a relativly stable situation, and absolutly no one in my life.
I have absolutly nothing else to do.

>> No.13798321

Read Hardellet and leave Paris at once.

>> No.13798325

Does reading order matter For the Human Comedy?

>> No.13798326

Why no focus on developing your abilities and searching for meaningful, fulfilling connections instead of falling prey to hedonistic impulses and interacting with people you are going to hate?

>> No.13798328

Some works are interrelated with common characters like Vautrin. I'd say definitely read La pere Goriot before La peau de la chagrin because of Rastignac being the MC of the former and a prominent character in the latter.
Those two are great places to start in fact if you wanna get hooked.

>> No.13798333

Because I don't want to. I've seen with my own eyes the absolute indecency of the high class and realized with horror that most people don't have the slightest idea how it really is.
I'm not a commie though, I think this is an unavoidable situation.
And well, if you can't beat them, join them.

>> No.13798334

Never been to NYC so I wouldn't. I would guess either contemprary arts/avant-garde poetry events and the like (the lefty humanity route) or fundraised and corporate event (the righty economics, law and finance route, science will probably fit as well).
In both cases you need to stand out in term of academic record and work ethic (and efficiency) and to choose your major well. Go for something undercrowded but that can be shilled as relevant.

Taleb's Black Swan touches upon this, plus it's a book Steve Jobs wannabe love to quote. Fréchet's book Le calcul des probabilités à l'usage de tous will probably be useful, although it's a tad more technical (was written with another guy whose name I forgot).

Look up the autist crowd around LessWrong and effective altruist, they have some ideas in that vein (but don't take them too seriously, just pick up whatever practical advice you can get from them and don't buy their corny rationalism).

As for optimization in practical life, I must be the single worst practitioner of it so don't take me at face value.

But the general idea is developing a daily routine so that you are disciplined, explicitly making place in your routine for exposure to interesting stuff, be on the lookout for opportunities and open to new ideas, never lose sight of the playing field (everything you pour time into has to be weighted against the others things you could dedicate that time too instead). Learing to cut your losses (not clinging on sinking ships, giving up when you know there won't be anymore payoff, that kind of things) is a big part of it.

Ultimately there's no magic bullet though. Successful peope often applied smart methods, but they're still the lucky minority among those who applied smart methods. It's all about maximizing your chances and praying to be the lucky one. Still, with your assets you're almost guaranteed to go high enough (if not to become the next Macron or Niel) as long as you don't fuck up and kee in check your spergy part.

>> No.13798356

I think I’ll start with Le Pere Gorot

>> No.13798358

>And well, if you can't beat them, join them.
You don't have to do either. Why bother with the way high class people live when you can put all that energy into bettering your own life?
If anything, by desiring to be among them so much, you're just becoming part of the problem. I really can't see what good can come out of this unless you feel any sort of personal satisfaction with the idea of associating with these people despite not being born into their environment.

>> No.13798368
File: 669 KB, 692x920, BalzacOldGoriot01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my precise recommendation, sorry if my post was somewhat unclear.

>> No.13798375


>> No.13798380

> I really can't see what good can come out of this
We are talking about a class of people full of beautiful, cultured individuals, helping each others in a way poor people never do, while mostly resting on passive incomes and top jobs. All of that while hanging out together in fastuous environnement and raising their child with extreme caution. And they have a lot of sex to compensate their boredom.

>> No.13798387

Damn you're making me regret being a middle-classfag now.

>> No.13798393

Thank you. I’ve been looking into Balzac’s work for a while but he really has a lot of novels to pick from. Am I right that Lost Illusions is something of a Magnum Opus?

>> No.13798399

What's the relation between Chateaubriand and Rastignac

>> No.13798408

Chateaubriand was secretly Rastignac all along.

>> No.13798415

Does this class exist globally? Because I can’t imagine it in bongland, it seems like it’s full of larping boomers and guys into rowing competitions.

I know a guy that went to Cambridge and he’s more of a boring virgin than I am.

>> No.13798422

They are a rootless international cosmopolitan anon

>> No.13798428


parles français si t'es français au lieu de solliciter l'avis exterieur

>> No.13798433

Eh, I guess I'm too much of an unostentatious loner to see any sort of appeal in this lifestyle. You do you though.

>> No.13798437


>> No.13798443

Buy yourself a Bible and read the new testament

>> No.13798451

Voilà, la mentalité francais dans une seule phrase.

>> No.13798494

On dit française, rosbif

>> No.13798532

Give me 10k, I'll teach you literature, lifestyle, and investment.

>> No.13798628

I don't know. Contrary to what >>13798422 says, those I met where profundly french. Everyone had a few relatives that were officers for example (That may be because the best french engineering school is still a military one), and all of them were catholics. Furthermore, they are not racist, they will happily discuss with a saoudian prince or whatever. "Out of touch", that's what they truely are. No need to be racist when you only meet nice people. Hell, no need to even stop your kids from dilapidate your money or marry a non-member since they will naturaly stick to their kind.

>>13798428 C'est un site anglophone. Je passerai peut-être sur le francofil un jour.

How can I contact you

>> No.13798639

>Furthermore, they are not racist, they will happily discuss with a saoudian prince or whatever.

>> No.13798649

Of course they are actually racist. But not in the way the lower class mongrels are.

>> No.13798664

>they will happily discuss with a saoudian prince or whatever
This strikes me as very characteric of that class. "We have no problem with Arabs as long as they're filthy rich like us". Even though the Saoudian and Quatari are ultimately much more responsible of the nation's woes than the average Arab street worker.

>> No.13798675

I'll tell you the place, you tell me the time.
You'll bring one grand in cash, I'll bring the books.
We start with these guys:

>> No.13798699

I would rather not, seems pretty foolish.

>> No.13798715

Anon, do you realize that if you pursue this path, you’re going to get crushed by someone who knows it better?

>> No.13798721

First of all invest some money in not very lucrative But relatively safe avenues (government bonds for instance) and some in more risky but lucrative fields. Take confidence with the act of moving money and investing.
Meanwhile get yourself invited to as many of those Private parties as You can (by any means necessary, suck cock If you must) and coltivate a web of contacts amongst artists, writers etc.
To keep yourself from becoming as dumb as them tho remember to also cultívate more lowbrow contacts. I'm talking regular normie conventions, informatics courses, seedy clubs etc. You're going there more to meet people with usefull skills and contacts than to actually learn them. You never know when you'll need Jamal's help to break a lock open, or Muhammed's special home grown tobacco. It will be easy for you to make friends in there as soon as they notice to What kind of events you get invited.
Good job. Now You're Your élite friends's "fixer". This may well become your litteral job but imho You'll do better by leaving this world as soon as you have obtained What You need from it.
The endgame is finding a dumb Rich girl to Marry, listen to your dumb friends's political "opinions" and join some party they may have contacts in (the hyerarchy of which You'll then be able to climb by fucking) and/or discover too much about What they do at their private parties and be sacrificed to Shub Niggah the Black Goat of a thousands bros.

>> No.13798730

Well You told him What i wanted to tell him But better. Well done.

>> No.13798748

What do you mean exactly?

Thanks for the post. I get what you mean.

>> No.13798764

Dont mention it and condolences for your parents.

>> No.13798772

I want to read about this rastignac guy, what book is about him?

and why is lit so fucking narcissistic?

>> No.13798778

He's a character of Balzac's Human Comedy.

/lit/ is like the rest of 4chan, youthful, depressed and bored.

>> No.13798788

Good question. How about you let me ask you some questions and you may grow to understand what I mean. What about high society draws you towards it? Perhaps you think that by being alone in this world, devoid of a sense of community by the passing of your parents you think it in your best interests to penetrate high society. Further, you’re saying this as a 21 year old who admits to having no meaninful social relationships. Tell me if I’m understanding so far, anon; you are fascinated by a fictional character who “fucks his way” up the social ladder, yet you’ve only had sex with two women. From these two women’s opinons, you derive what sounds like a qualification of your sexual ability. Am I on track thus far? Answer me this: why would a young man resign himself to his own impulsively drawn conceptions?

>> No.13798799

Your choice, anon. The offer still stands, as long as this thread is alive.
You'll know I'm no imposter, when I'll show you a book and the first words on page 55 will be "smoking cigarettes in Italy".
I promise: You will not regret our deal.

>> No.13798810

I just looked it up, it consists of a ton of books, where I should I sgart? which novel is focuses on rastignac?

>> No.13798856

>I won't update stuff here since this is not really /lit/ related
You can post in "write what's on your mind" threads. It's the blogging and off-topic discussion containment thread.

>> No.13798866

>becoming their “fixer”
And be treated like one? Anon, this is like befriending the girl you like and staying friendzoned
As long as you’re the one who provides them with practical matters you’ll always be considered an outsider.

>> No.13798868

>What about high society draws you towards it?
That reminds me of the end of Orwell's 1984: power. Power is not a mean but a goal. Even though this high society doesn't seems particularly happy, they do hold way more power than your average Joe. Furthermore, it may be because I haven't read enough philosophy, or even recent events that drastically changed my life, but I am genuinely perplex on how one can be satisfied by living a simple, average life.
I may sound like an asshole when 80% of the globe would probably kill to live an average Western life, but man. It's only after talking to those people I realized there is SO much more than reading, working, playing vidyas, and having 2-3 friends and a wife.

> You are fascinated by a fictional character who “fucks his way” up the social ladder, yet you’ve only had sex with two women.
> yet
I don't see how those two affirmations are contradictory, you are right on both of them.

> From these two women’s opinons, you derive what sounds like a qualification of your sexual ability
I've only mentionned that because I've been asked about my skills. I don't take any pride in that.

> am I on track?
You completly are.

> why would a young man resign himself to his own impulsively drawn conceptions?
Honestly, what else there is to it? What purpose can I have instead of understanding my environnement and making the best out of it?

>> No.13798872

>government bonds
Good luck with the lowest yields since 5000 years and still the possibility to be defaulted.
try dollar cost averaging on some boomer funds instead, you have time

>> No.13798873

It's just to put a foot in stabily. The endgame is actually getting in the group.

>> No.13798882

What an idiot, beauty is everything.

>> No.13798893

You don’t get accepted if you stink like horse shit
They remember where you come from unless you’re some intellectual-ish guy and fuck one of them
And one of their girls wanting to fuck an average Joe is generally symptom of some major daddy issues
You’ve been warned

>> No.13798898

So, be an “intellectual” in the broadest sense of the word.

>> No.13798905

How do I become an intellectual?

>> No.13798920

Don't do too many drugs. Read not mor or less than 1 hour a day

>> No.13798937

>and why is lit so fucking narcissistic?
Most of 4chan is like that but /lit/ anons in particular let the attributed intellectuality of literature go to their heads so they end up perceiving themselves as smarter and more interesting than they actually are.

>> No.13798946

I wonder how these type of posters act in real life

>> No.13798994
File: 67 KB, 500x421, IMG_20190823_101825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to elaborate on your 'unfortunate situation'? A chronic ailment, mental health issues perhaps? Orphan's pension? My imagination has been piqued.

>> No.13799004

they say that to all the inexperienced boys :)

>> No.13799015

This is really turning in a blogpost but oh well.
My parents died in a car crash two months ago. They weren't rich, but free gibs from the governement will take care of me until the end of my studies. I'm just completely alone now.
Appart from the obvious grief, I don't have mental issues.

>> No.13799019

I have a huge dick that made them cum :)

>> No.13799028

Not OP
Why are you trying to hijack my thread asshole

>> No.13799111

Buy wouldn't all this time be better spent studying the Greeks?

>> No.13799141

Say things that are unexpected. Those people literally crave for thoughts that at least appear to be original. You can join some courses/associations into your university to meet most people. Being a uni student is a neutral environment and so many people from different backgrounds congregate there. You’ll find out something at the end, you don’t seem like an autist and you’ve nothing holding you back.
Ah, and after graduation, become a freemason if you don’t want to go full catholic and you can do it just now. Just think about what part of the elite you want to cater to. Sorry if I can’t provide specific info, but I personally know just a couple of Parisians and they’re middle class

>> No.13799148

And as soon as you finally join them, blend in like a chamaleon, or you’ll be treated like an outsider. There’s major herd mindset in all closed groups

>> No.13799161
File: 84 KB, 928x523, jake_gyllenhaal_nightcrawler_aol_h_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok he kinda be lookin like jake gyllenhaal doe

>> No.13799165

What do those fags dress like today anyway?

>> No.13799183

What is the Freemasons for the Catholics?
>inb4 muh Jesuits

>> No.13799188

Also, how do you intellectual stunt on Catholics? What are some books to speed me up in my knowledge? Any catechisms?

>> No.13799194

You must have been validated to your own attractiveness since you describe yourself as rather handsome. Can you describe a specific event which reinforced this belief? And also, how do you feel when you see an attractive woman and what signals their attraction to you? What changes in behavior or expression?

Having never really experienced any of this myself, I find it difficult to write about, so I'm asking you.

>> No.13799197
File: 75 KB, 571x839, 74844C05-6EBC-4C52-9743-350C3C9FA23E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosbif? comme Arby’s?
vous l'appelez une femme?

>> No.13799201

Order of Malta or Opus Dei

>> No.13799203 [DELETED] 

Opi dei or something like that

>> No.13799205

Thank you. I will definitely save this whole thread in the end. Thanks to the few contacts I had in the upper class, I've got an experience already with the Catholic's freemason (that might interest >>13799183) which are the Opus Dei (Litteraly "God's Work"). That truely was crazy shit.
However I don't know if that fits the thread so I will leave it at that.

>> No.13799216

lmao the Beirut of Europe, you arrived too late

>> No.13799217

Mentalité, c’est un nom feminin

>> No.13799256

Tell us anon. I want to know what I’m getting into

>> No.13799262

> Can you describe a specific event which reinforced this belief?
No, it's the multitude of things. I've been told a few times by girls that I was handsome. Even though I'm a massive autist, girls tried to "put me out of my shell" during my whole life. For those reasons, I've always thought girls were much nicer than men, only until I started browsing this website. At first I was shocked by the massive amount of mysoginy, then I realized that most of those as shut-in as me had never been approached by a girl. I don't see anything but the physical appearance that could have differentiate me from internet incels.
And also, the girl I've lost my virginity to blunt me told me she fucked me only because of my look, 15 minutes after.

> how do you feel when you see an attractive woman and what signals their attraction to you
I usually look down and become all red.
However I don't feel like that in front of high-class splendid women. There, I only feel anger to be honest.

>> No.13799277

In france we use Roman numerals for centuries to be fair

>> No.13799284

You’re the perfect target for one with daddy issues

>> No.13799314

Not related but I just read the Galateo yesterday, very nice read if you speak italian.

>> No.13799319

>However I don't feel like that in front of high-class splendid women. There, I only feel anger to be honest.

This is quite interesting. Can you describe the physical or mental manifestation of that kind of anger? Not why you feel it, but how. I imagine it's very different from other kinds rage.

And thank you for answering. I myself come from a poor immigrant background and while I've been told before that I have a handsome face, my extremely short height cripples any attractiveness. I have no reference to your kind of experience, with which to draw from, so this is very helpful.

>> No.13799328

>how to spot an esl faggot

>> No.13799334

I live in Paris, 11th Arrondissement near Republique. Let's meet at the Jardin des Plantes at 8 pm and duel for your 50k. I will provide pistols or sabers, whatever you prefer.

>> No.13799337

You're getting into the Opus Dei? Welcome, enjoy your stay.
I don't know much about them since I'm a simple soon-to-be-member though.
They are an extremely conservative branch of Catholicism that exists in every major european cities. Here in Paris, you can only assists reunion on invitation. Every saturday, I go praying in a high mass underground with them for an hour.
The building is a common luxuous building in front of the Seine in the most costly area of Paris

They have a bunch of rituals, but most of it is common catholic stuff: singing, praising the Lord, etc.
Usually it goes like this, starting at 7PM:
> 10 minutes of praying, while kneeling, with almost no lights on and absolute silence.
> 30 minutes of a priest political speech about: our responsability as a member, Islam conquering the West, Wonders of the Faith, stuff like this
> 10 minutes of singing
> 10 minutes of praying
Then, everyone go upstairs and feast upon a gigantic meal while talking to each other.
After that, some small groups go in other parts of the building. I've never been invited to such events, so I just leave after the mass/the food.

They are rather nice people, but they mostly care about networking to be fair. Even though I was invited by a member, I had to state my studies and my ambitions the first time I went it.
I've met rather unknown people (except a few politican's relative), but they all smelled like massive amount of money.

>> No.13799361

>having the duel at dusk rather than at dawn
fucking plebs

>> No.13799363

Are there such communities for orthodox, protestant, other denominations or this s catholic thing? Curious

>> No.13799364

OP right now you have the perfect life. Most of the reason why we stopped having such high impact breakthroughs in philosophy, math, lit, and every subject is that we had less people who could afford to spend all their time contemplating these idea and the ones who could afford it, only cared about making their pockets grow. Break the cycle. Start the next great era of literature

>> No.13799379

I know a lot of upper class people in the Anglo world, for the most part they’re neurotic workaholics with serious chemical imbalances which leave them only capable of finding self worth in an increasingly pointless accumulation of accreditation and tokens. They are usually well trained, but extremely stupid and arrogant, with rare (but notable) exceptions. There are occasionally hardworking and brilliant individuals who manage to use their recourses towards their own advantage (that is conquering themselves), but they’re the exception... the elites you read about in antiquity are from a social/economic system which was firmly grounded on relationships-either between individuals, communities, the historical consciousness, or the infinite in forms of religion. In modern society, status is directly tied capital and Inés ability to function as a cog in the leviathan.
It’s mostly poor people who fuck to alleviate boredom. for the wealthy there exists huge social pressures demanding moral impecability and constant high performance— what the bored wealthy class generally do is engage in which hunts against one another, and weird virtue signally rituals. You ever see those Yale protests? Those people don’t represent all the upper class, but they represent around 20-30% of it. Is that really what you want to be surrounded by for the rest of your life? Of course all this only applies to the Anglo world, France has a wonderful elite full of interesting and charming people, and my only recommendation is that you become involved in the Paris Rotary Club.
I’ll tell you another thing: democracy is on the way out. Any historical record swings between democracy and tyranny like clockwork, and the USA— the one country enforcing democracy as the standard for “legitimate” rule— is teatering on the edge of a coup, although none of them realize it. There’s a complete lack of mutual respect for civil institutions, up to and including the supreme courts, and already with the Trump election we saw the media class floating justifications for a coup. With their political structure, the only possible way they can maintain relevance and prevent their rapid decline into a post-dystopian hellscape of atrophy and violence is an oligarchy capable of breaking the various special interest groups and violating the constitution. This is something that needs to happen, and the only question is how long will it take for the upper class to wake up tot his fact and fall in line. Once this happens, no other country will have an external reason to appear non-oligarchical. The newly emerging ruling class will be less miserable workaholics, but their success will increasingly become defined by a pragmatic relationship without China. My suggestion would therefore be to either become a freelance journalist along the pacific rim, or start cultivating friendships within your countries military and police apparatus.

>> No.13799386

I need to be at work tomorrow morning

>> No.13799393

> Not why you feel it, but how.
I suck at this kind of exercice, especially considering english is not my native language, but I will try.
This is an extremely deep rage. But also kind of a masochistic one, I guess such as the one a man can experience upon knowing his wife cheated on him, and trying to get every details.
It is rather easy to keep calm. I just calm myself down by imagining horrible things happening to them, while they talk to me. Honestly I feel hateful as well when I talk to one of those high-class dude of my age that tries to be friendly, but it is nothing in comparaison to attractive chicks. I don't know really, they just have it all.
> And thank you for answering
This whole thread has been helpful to me anon, you're welcome

>> No.13799398

Fuck french, GOD SAVE THE TSAR!!!!!!!!

>> No.13799407
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>> No.13799414

>move to a part of France where 50k won't make you bankrupt in three months like Paris will
>invest 10k in gold and just let it sit
>5k in bitcoin because why not
>buy/pirate a few books on copywriting
>get online biz off the ground, create websites that make money while you sleep
>start writing

>> No.13799427


>> No.13799444

I'm trying to be Rastignac, nlt Evariste Gallois

I don't know. Catholicism is known for extremely rigid hierarchy, which allows such groups to exists. I'm not sure about the rest.

I'm too retarded to make an impact on the world. I am ambitious but not completly mad

> neurotic workalcoolic
We have those as well, but consisering their parties and lifestyle, it seems like it is worth it.

> You ever see those Yale protests?
No I don't. What do you mean?

> Paris Rotary Club
I don't know if that was sarcastic or not, but I will definitely check this out.

> everything is going to shit and we are all doomed
I do not agree. It looks like the wealthy elite have bright days ahead of them. Or at least they make it seems so.

>> No.13799461

Bright days as in? More Money?

>> No.13799473

Nothing changes. They are wealthy, well educated, and help their kids to follow the same exact path. Determinism at it's finest.

>> No.13799483

Where do you live anon? I’m not elite by any sense of the word, but I’ll buy you a drink and we can talk about books for a while. Speaking from experience, impotent power fantasies aren’t a healthy way to cope with loneliness or misery.

>> No.13799544

Thank for the kind words. I live in Paris.

>> No.13799641

>We have those as well, but consisering their parties and lifestyle, it seems like it is worth it.
It seems to me like what you really want is to be a court bohemian. Read Eumeswil, it’s a good guide on living on the periphery of power. Also the Manual of the Mercenary Soldier has a lot of solid career advice for, again, living on the periphery of power, as well as things like winning loosing battles and succeeding as a free agent.
The Paris Rotary Club, which I was involved with for a while, is full of high-bourgeois bankers, lawyers, doctors, etc. They’re mostly old men— not beautiful young women— but by being a young man, an intelligent man, and an ambitious man, they’ll likely take a liking to you, and it will provide a decent social network for as long as you can afford it.
On the subject of affording it, you should really take an account of your finances. History (and literature) is full of ambitious young men who squander their inheritance trying to schmooz up the social ladder. You can join all these societies and play the part of a prince all you want, but the cost is prohibitive for a reason, and what’s most likely to happen is that you’ll become bankrupt within a year. There’s all the world between paying to do something and being paid for it, and you’d likely be better off looking for a job which has you interacting with elites while also earning a living. Clearly you’re smart and ambitious, I’m sure you can figure something out.

Now for that last point, I’m not saying that we’re all doomed, I’m saying be aware of the dominating factors which effect society— these are the currents even the elite must swim or perish in. How did most elite families make their money? Overseas- through African banks, through the East Indian Company, through the rise of Chinese industry. Capitals are wonderful places to spend and invest money, fortunes are made on the periphery. With climate change we face both the melting of the northwest passage and massive immigration and increasing refugee crisis’s. With America’s decline and China’s rise, we will see a global shift away from democratic politics towards oligarchic ones— and this is a good thing if you can attach yourself to future oligarchs, but be aware it won’t be the useless upper class who’s corpse you seem so intent on pillaging. China needs clients, financially, you could find yourself quite comfortable acting as a middleman between Chinese political interests and western skeptics. Write a couple scathing defences of Hong Kong, and you’ll not only establish yourself as a skilled orator, but also a potential threat which is better bought off. Most elites are simply coasting on their investments, you don’t have this luxury so you’ll need to ride with the tide
Finally, consider seriously moving to Buenos Aires. Your money won’t last for shit in Paris, you can buy an apartment in BA and at least have passive income

>> No.13799748

Why would anyone recommend living in Buenos Aires right now? We are on the edge of our routinary collapse right now. You should come here later and pick up the pieces for cheap.
I understand the allure, but it's either a few years late or few years early for that kind of thing.

>> No.13799801

Are you not already several years into the collapse? I lived in Argentina during the first six months of Macri’s term, I remember the three hundred percent inflation and economic freefall... has he not reigned it in for the re-election? How much worse is it going to get? Seems like the right time to me, but I haven’t been there for several years so you’re definately a better judge of that. As long as the OP keeps his money in Euros or USD and doesn’t get involved in any ‘investments’ in Argentina he should be able to afford the kind of luxurious lifestyle he wants, at least for a good couple years. By then he’ll speak Spanish, know how to tango, and probably have a nicely toned figure and charmingly energetic personality from his inevitable cocaine addiction and he can go back to Paris and charm his way into the upper class.

>> No.13799990

Three hundred percent inflation never happened yet but it's bound to. How much worse is it going to get? Well, the next couple of years will be interesting I guess. Nobody knows what will happen, we could be going 100 mph towards economic ruin or bounce back like the last couple of years were nothing, that is how it goes here.
I guess OP could invest his 50k elsewhere and live off them here, but he would be better off in Chile. It's not that beautiful though.

Are you living the /lit/ lifestyle around the world, anon?

>> No.13800086

Who are you anon and how do I become you? Books to read to be as wise as you are?

>> No.13800124

This is all nice but the real answer is of course to, like Rastignac, be related by blood to an exceedingly high-status person willing to accomodate and grant opportunities to you.

>> No.13800375

This upperclass you refer to throughout this thread, what would be its lingua Franca?

>> No.13800493

Not him but, as he is referring to the FRENCH upper class then I must image it would be french. I don't think there is a lingua Franca for the upper class today like Latin, greek, French etc. Used to be, besides English. I may very well be wrong tho, I know shit.

>> No.13800584

Charm is more important than beauty here. Beauty is only a part of charm.

>> No.13800595

I act like a bored and boring guy, which is like a front except that's also what I actually am.

>> No.13800606

The Greeks wouldn't have spent their time studying the Greeks (or the Egyptians), they would have spent their time trying to get into high society to have parties and fuck qt, just like OP does.

>> No.13800617

What is charm exactly?

>> No.13800627

>city of high culture for about 1000 years
Yeah that seems to check out.

>> No.13800690

Btw since this has already turned into a /soc/ thread, I'm >>13798093 and if OP wants to grab a drink sometimes, I can be in Paris very easily on most evenings. When you feel like it just make a thread about Balzac's "Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées" and if I'm there I'll answer. It's also a good book that's underdiscussed on /lit/ so it's a win for everyone. Can't promise any useful networking but I like meeting interesing people.

>> No.13800695

The ability to get people to like you

>> No.13800733

Upper class French tend to know some English but won't use it much among themselves unless they're wannabe nouveaux riches or deep into corporate cocksucking. The catholic/aristocratic elites certainly will speak French, and make a point to speak well at that.

>> No.13800985

Thank you very much, I will remember that. However don't think too much about it.
I will definitly take a look at this book though.

>> No.13801043

I assume you're not handsome, so you're already out of the running.

>> No.13801058

> However don't think too much about it.
No worries, I meet people in strange circumstances all the time, I rarely expect to meet them a second time.

>I will definitly take a look at this book though.
Please do, it's one of my favorites Balzac. Very tender and realistic at the same time, most convincing first person rendition of a female character by a male author I've ever read.

>> No.13801202


>> No.13801266

I’m back anon. I’ll continue where we left off.

You say high society holds more power than your average Joe. In what ways do you think of power? Is power capital? Is power physical? Is it intellectual? What’s stopping you from exercising the likeness of the power, aside from the monetary aspect as you stand in life? Tell me anon, what does it mean to be satisfied with life to you? Is there a moment after which one is indefinitey satisfied? Or is this not the case, and is reality different? How so?

I asked why you’re prematurely resigning yourself to your conceptions especially if they’re drawn from impulse. Do all impulses lead to the understanding you seek? Or only some? And what of the ends at which this understanding aims? What are they?

>> No.13801515


do a ton of cocaine and develop a drinking problem not joking this is the only way to achieve personal success

>> No.13801554

I’ve done this exact thing and I’m now penniless and 31 and live with my parents. Not recommended.

>> No.13802026

What do you think about Paraguay? Interesting culture, good people, seems like the economic situation there is good although I doubt OP would see huge returns out of it. I assume that his goal is simply to sleep with beautiful woman and attending elegant parties in Haussmannian apartments with high ceilings, which he would do a much better job of in BA and for a fraction of the price.

I’d like to live the /lit/ lifestyle around the world. In reality I’m just an English teacher/very occasional backpacker who reads a lot and pays careful attention to the places I visit. Someday I’d like to live a life of luxury and adventure, and that’s a long ways off.

Read Manual of the Mercenary Solider. It will explain to you, in very basic terms, the fundamentals of:
Modern geopolitics
Career development
Working as a self driven contractor
Language accusation
Physical exercise
Blending into different cultures
International finance
Intelligence analysis
And much much more. Really a fantastic book which never achieved the recognition it deserves and is entirely forgotten today.

>> No.13802043

This sounds gay and boring

>> No.13802055

I want you to reread what you just wrote and what you're replying to.

Now I want you to tell me what it's like to have a double-digit IQ and what it is that's stopping you from killing yourself.

>> No.13802114

What exactly are these people doing that's more interesting than an average life? Going to art shows? Sex? I'm honestly confused on what the difference would be besides physical luxuries and not having to work a 9 to 5

>> No.13802263

Paraguay is more of a retirement choice, really. It has stability, an up and coming economy and it's rather cheap. It's also dull as fuck. If OP wants to live a bohemian life full of sex, drugs and art like a courtier in pre revolutionary France, you were right, his best bet is Buenos Aires, it's a hotbed for culture and all kinds of people. But economically unstable like I said. Chile would be a middle ground between both.
I guess it all comes down to how bad things can get here and how much is OP willing to go through. He could get some cool stories to tell the french upper echelon, that's for sure.

The /lit/ lifestyle around the world is the dream, anon, the fucking dream. Hard to achieve, though.
Do you have any stories from your time here?

>> No.13802396

What are their thoughts on philosophy majors?

>> No.13802560

Any other books similar to Mercenary you recommend?

>> No.13802712

I’ve got to disagree. Paraguayan culture is extremely cozy, albeit rural. Apparently it’s a hotbed of smuggling too, although I can’t speak to that. I lived in Formosa for a semester teaching at a school there, and it’s a very stimulating environment. The Chaco is tough, you can’t go more than a kilometre outside of the settlements and the mosquitos will eat you alive, although if you smear yourself with mud and focus your breathing you can avoid them somewhat. The girls are beautiful and hotblooded. The heat and boredom goes to everyone’s brains a bit, lots of sex and even more gossip. It’s old fashioned, but I used to love going to the chacarera dances. Most modern music is so explicitly sexual, with all its grinding and groping and bumping and tits and dicks in the lyrics, but when you dance the chacarera and it’s just you and your partner spinning around each other and never quiet touching beyond eye contact... the space between you fills up with all the tension and desire in the world, and finally you take her hand and spin... it’s very nice. There’s some deep philosophical truths in that dance, the kind that can’t be expressed in words.

One of the teachers I worked with was a daughter to some Nazi official who’d fled there after the war. Hated Indians, but paradoxically had an amazing knowledge of jazz music. Personally I always liked the natives down there, they kept to themselves and did their own thing, less loud than the Spanish, less scheming than the middle classes, less violent and empty headed than the Brazilians. Interesting language too, lots of different cases. Work can be conjugated in fourteen different ways for example, somewhat similar to Latin. I took some classes at a local agricultural school, and still have the notes lying around somewhere. ‘Tiki ist’ is more or less how you say “good afternoon” but that’s the only thing I remember now.

After that I lived in Córdoba for a while and worked at a hotel that kind of operated as a halfway house for smugglers from Peru and Chile. I got to hear some pretty good stories, but personally tried not to involve myself too much with them. My bosses were all jews, and the ran a good business but worked me to the bone and didn’t pay shit besides. I had a couple of good friends and we’d drink and play chess and bullshit and life was generally enjoyable there.

Someday I’ll save up a lot of money and go back there. Argentina’s an amazing country. Anglos are too stuck up their own assholes sometimes, it’s hard to live in North America for long.

>> No.13802717

Just read Mercenary. It’s a one of a kind book, and should keep you busy for a while, if for nothing else because he constantly references other books and fields of study to throw yourself into.

>> No.13802761

Paie moi des bières et je présenterai des zoulettes

>> No.13803044

Very good, I've met a few philosophy majors there.
Only if you are excellent academically speaking, have a -gigantic- theological knowledge, and have a strong Faith though.
Or, like I did, if you manage to make it seems so.
Oh, and you have to be a man. No women allowed.

> zoulettes
Nan, je veux pas aller en Seine Saint Denis

>> No.13803058

come hang with me in 7th arrondissement OP. I don't speak French but I'm learning. Also pls buy me a beer; I have no money for food. I'm living more like Miller than anyone else - not intentionally though.

>> No.13803074


Hey, trying to learn French here. How do you Y in French? It's so confusing to me. I tried to look it up online but I still don't get it

>> No.13803076

why would you go to that shithole?

>> No.13803091

What did you ended up in the 7th arrondissement if you have no money? Genuine question

My studies brought me here.

>> No.13803108

J'habite dans le chambre du bonne. It's a 10meter room, everyone that comes up tells me I got lucky finding it. The room was listed on my Uni. housing databse.

>> No.13803113

1. Change your gender
2. Change your ID to an African one
3. ????

>> No.13803244

Not the ones that are remembered besides some people that got into politics/military but they did it t oget into politics/military and not to feel superior or have sex

>> No.13803251

You are describing old money people. Good luck breaking into their circles without seeming like some opportunistic poorfag. They can smell those from miles away.

>> No.13803654

Interesting, what do they think of math and finance majors?

>> No.13803777

Most of them are either financial or political science majors. Those are all good.

>> No.13803815

>Not the ones that are remembered
Yes there are remembered, ever heard of Alcibiades? Do you think Periclès spent his time studying "the Greeks" (or the Egyptians for that matter)? The ones that were studying wrote about them.

Having direct influence on processes larger than family dinners I guess. Also if you're aesthetically minded (not even necessarily a standard hedonist) you could get a lot of mileage from luxuries.

That sounds really fascinating, especially the language part.

>10meter room
>in the 7th arrondissement
>with not money
Indeed you were super lucy. Nowadays that kind of stuff is as pricey as a normal 90 sq meter apartment in a normal city.

>> No.13803935

>Do you think Periclès spent his time studying "the Greeks"
Yes, they did. They studied Homer, Greek mythology and each other.

>> No.13803993

Alcibiades is mainly remembered today for his role in military and political history.

>> No.13804579
File: 22 KB, 307x343, soyboy-gif-6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a rather handsome 21 years old young man that just arrived in Paris.
>I have 50k in the bank and my parents are dead.
>How do I become the XXIth century Rastignac?

>> No.13804812

not at all, have you read his memories?

>> No.13804945

You kill all the niggers in there.

>> No.13805072
File: 26 KB, 242x290, IMG_2830_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to get rich and have sex, then yes I think you'd fit right in with the catholics.

>> No.13805489


>> No.13806294

You sound like a faggot. I hope you get mugged, it’s what you deserve

>> No.13806314

I just read the thread so I take back the latter statement, but you still sound like a faggot

>> No.13806806

>you sound like a faggot
Anon, I'm french I cannot do anything about it

>> No.13807402

Based. Seize the world French anon. Do it for Mom and Dad