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13797194 No.13797194 [Reply] [Original]

*BTFOs Hegel in your path*

>> No.13797202

I choose the other path ;^)

>> No.13797266
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pic related already refuted kierkegaard in her book on phenomenology

>> No.13797626

Whenever i see this guy i just think how its always funny when the text to speech robot says his name they hard pronounce the second a like


it this really inhuman way and its hilarious and makes me lose concentration.

>> No.13798731

Based. Feels like the Darwin came along and the naturalist fags just decided to pretend Kierkegaard doesn’t exist and start over rather than realize they were doomed from the start

>> No.13798738

Fucking lol'd

>> No.13798759

>just have faith bro ;)

>> No.13798766

phenomenology of the kawaii desu ne?

>> No.13798807

Kierkegaard feels kinda... impenetrable, he appears to be complicated and layered. I have Either/Or, should I just doitfaggot.jpg and force myself to read it?

>> No.13798901

He really isn't, is this your first fling with philosophy? Maybe start with fear & trembling and a good secondary on it, like something from the routledge guide to philosophy series

>> No.13798904

I've read some others like Schopenhauer an Aristotle. Came to Kierkegaard specifically because he's generally recommended to go along with Schopey, but he seems a bit more complex with his multiple fictional personas and such.

>> No.13798964

He's also responding to both Kant and Hegel, so familiarity with their ideas would probably help it to be more understandable

>> No.13798988

I've read some stuff about Kant's ideas, some comments on his Critique of Pure Reason. Read a few chapters of it, it's nice, though his style can be a bit offputting, but it's rewarding when you manage to make sense of it. Definitely something I can't get through all at once though. Hegel feels like batshit crazy nonsense when I try to read him, however.

>> No.13799064

sounds like you aren't thinking ~dialectically~ yet

>> No.13800007


>> No.13800336

why is he so cute bros

>> No.13800409

Do I need to read anything before I read either/or ?

>> No.13800582

Read repetition first