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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 160 KB, 331x480, rmbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13796458 No.13796458 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw so Jewish that your jealous contemporaries bitched about you to the Catholic Church so that your works could be burned to the ground

>> No.13796502 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 522x522, 90909090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were Jewish, bros.

>> No.13796505

It's not too shabby, if I don't say so myself. What ethnicity are you?

>> No.13796507

I'm Czech and I wish I was part of a Conservative Jewish community

>> No.13796512


Name a more aesthetic ethnicity

You can't.

>> No.13796514

Czechs are pretty cool man. Prague has an interesting literary history. I'm Jewish, but I love Gustav Meyrink. I guess Kafka is Jewish and Czech.

>> No.13796515 [DELETED] 

>tfw you will never be part of the Jewish art/entertainment elite
>tfw you will never be one of God's Chosen Ones
>tfw you will never be an Ashkenazi Jew, the smartes ethnicity on earth
Why even live bros?? What the fuck is the point?

>> No.13796517
File: 174 KB, 447x637, talmud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there even any sincere Jews lurking on /lit/?

T. Proud Kike living in Brooklyn

>> No.13796521 [DELETED] 

If I marry a Jewish woman my children will be Jewish, right??

>> No.13796526

I'm secular, but ethnically Jewish

>> No.13796550
File: 46 KB, 648x474, jooz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, I grew up in a very orthodox family so I stood out very early on.

Until two years ago, I literally dressed up like the stereotypical /pol/tard ideal of a Jewish banker who ate bagels before he went to his accountancy job.

Also, am I the only one who's noticing the sudden influx of Jews in California? Where the fuck did they come from? I was so shocked that the first person I talked to once I arrived from New York was a Jew from Egypt.

This was in Sacramento mind you

>> No.13796559

Greeks, Western Europeans in general, Indians

Jews are a lot of things but definitely not aesthetic

>> No.13796571

Tons of Israelis are moving to Los Angeles. I live in a random suburban street and there's like five Israeli families on it and a new one just moved in.

>> No.13796579

>tfw my dad's jewish but my mom isn't.

>> No.13796584

If they're here for property investment, they're gonna have a rude awakening once they realise who they're competing with

>> No.13796586

>who they're competing with
You mean the Chinese? That should be interesting. It could potentially spark WWIII

>> No.13796597

>Israel forces the USA to fight with China over some property investment in California

I wonder if the RMBM foresaw this coming

>> No.13796601

He was a very prolific man.

>> No.13796619
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I refuse to believe there are actual Jews as in actual Jewish people who would lurk this website

>> No.13796623

We don't lurk, we post.

>> No.13796636

I've been here since 2010, goy

>> No.13796652

Like why though? Don't you Jews usually have very well paid jobs? Why aren't you people working?

>> No.13796662

Nah im a poorfag

>> No.13796664

My job affords me free time.

>> No.13796704

I envy you, what's your occupation?

Literally learn2code

>> No.13796716

>Literally learn2code
I can't do that shit, man. It's too menial. I'd rather just spend all my time reading and writing (and shiposting on /lit/)

>> No.13797041
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Pretty much all works considered to be modern classics.

>> No.13797078

Bulgarian NEET Jew here. Feels bad man.

>> No.13797098

Did your ancestors migrate from Anatolia?

>> No.13797104

Not him, but I'm Sephardi with J2 haplogroup and my genetic results come up as 11% Anatolian so I suspect mine probably did. Why do you ask?

>> No.13797116
File: 295 KB, 845x1280, 845px-Sultan_II._Bayezit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank him for saying your ancestors from autistic conquistadors

>> No.13797119

My ancestors immigrated to Morocco, but I still got mad respect for the Sultan (peace be upon him)

>> No.13797134

No, they came from Poland, Romania and Ukraine. But I look Turkic Af so I usually pretend I'm one of the KARA BOĞA. IDk, maybe. Judging from how swarthy I am, they may have come from Asia Minor.
But I'm not that much of a phag do sell my DNA to other semites, lmao.

>> No.13797207

Post some good Jewish lit you fucking g*ys

>> No.13797220

I'm one of the Jews posting in this thread and I honestly don't like Jewish lit besides Kafka I guess. I heard someone here say Montaigne is Jewish, but not sure if that's true. Montaigne is great though

>> No.13797230

Lemme guess, landlord?

>> No.13797269

Bolgar koike from before. Have you tried:

Bruno Schulz.

Asimov (I don't personally enjoy him that much but whatever)

Strugatsky brothers.

Stanisław Lem.

Ilya Ilf.

But in all honesty, most of the Jews were too busy writing communism propaganda and scamming the gentiles to actually put some effort into writing. I think that’s why there aren’t so many of them out there to begin with. I could be wrong but I don’t know.
It’s kind of hard to imagine a guy like Trotsky being a fiction writer.

>> No.13797298

I actually have not read any of those except for one short story by Asimov which was actually pretty good.

>> No.13797341

>the absolute state of Yehudim literature

Do you think the Nazis robbed us of some talented writers that could never make the daylight due to being SHOA'D

>> No.13797352

Nah, I think Jews in general are not very creative in the arts. It's very rare for Jews. Kafka is a great exception, and I guess Proust too but I haven't read him, just going by his reputation. Not impossible that this will change with time. Israel isn't really helping though, since it's a cultural garbage bin.

>> No.13797379
File: 36 KB, 413x480, 413px-Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So jewish, even the jews excommunicated him

>> No.13797382

RamBaM, Thank You Ma'am: A Paper on Maimonides

>> No.13797383

I feel bad for never having read Spinoza given I'm Sephardi and I love philosophy

>> No.13797425

Would you like to hire a shabbos goy? I'm available

>> No.13797431
File: 59 KB, 312x475, 90BD3ADE-8DD6-4249-A977-A9BEBCE49859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got pic related as a gift. I'm not Jewish, but there are some very cozy and based stories here.

>> No.13797433

Yiddish folk tales make me want to barf. Maybe because I'm Sephardic

>> No.13797443

Can you tell me a short Sephardic story for comparison?

>> No.13797446

I literally don't know any. It's not really a tradition. There are a ton of medieval Sephardic poets, mystics, and philosophers though

>> No.13797458

I assume most of them can be found on the list here? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_age_of_Jewish_culture_in_Spain
Thanks anon, I’ll check some of these out

>> No.13797951


>> No.13798135

>like the jews for their mythologies and history
>hate them for being so leftwing

>> No.13798267

All social minorities are left wing because the left are the only ones who care about them. Take a look at the black voting trends. Anyway, a lot of Jews are rich neocons with a vested interest in right wing corporatist ideology, so it's not like they're all left wing.

>> No.13798528

Feeling comfy that global hatred against kikes is rapidly growing and shows no sign of stopping; accompanied by a drastic decline in birthrates of western jews and a strenghtening Persia as regional nuclear counterbalance to Israel.


What mythology and history? modern jews have nothing to do with the old hebrews. They are a multi-ethnic inbred convert group.

>> No.13798536


Blacks are easily manipulated, while the jews are doing the manipulation.
You dont see Armenians or Greek minorities voting left wing in the USA, why, even the japs are a mixed bunch.
Jews go 90% democrat because they are destroyers, and hate their host.

>> No.13798596


What took you so long goyim?

>> No.13798599


>> No.13798697

Don't, Spinoza was a heathen and a hack and the Jews rightly disowned him

>> No.13798729

tell me more about the jews

>> No.13800160


>> No.13801003

Go to the synagogues

>> No.13801179

they sense a collapse coming?

>> No.13801300

Funny. Israeli society used to look down on Bulgarian jews. Some considered them even worse than oriental Jews, who were pretty much Arabs with jewish names.

>> No.13801339

Makes sense, Czechs and Jews have a pretty similar culture of questioning authority (see the Hussite wars), self-deprecating comedy (see any Czech movie), and obviously drinking

>> No.13801353
File: 156 KB, 1600x979, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reading that name changed my pants into lederhosen

>> No.13801359


>> No.13801363

I'm still a student like most people here

>> No.13801369
File: 94 KB, 680x788, 73a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your Jewish IQ backfires on you

>> No.13801386

>fuck democracy, I want a big strong man to tell me what to do
>oh fuck me harder daddy Hitler 0w0

>> No.13801429

What do you study?


>> No.13801436

>I think Jews in general are not very creative in the arts. It's very rare for Jews.
Several were listed in >>13797269
Robert Bloch
Harlan Ellison
Philip Roth
Neil Gaiman
Michael Chabon
And maybe listing film directors is cheating, but it's still an art form:
Stanley Kubrick
Roman Polanski
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Peter Bogdanovich
Dario Argento
David Cronenberg
David Mamet
The Coen Brothers
Darren Arronofsky

>> No.13801543


>> No.13801686

Is the Zohar worth reading?

>> No.13801712

even /pol/ is full of Israelis

>> No.13801721

unless youre an anarcho-communist you also want some 'daddy' eg Lenin or whoever. Most communists seem to understand that leadership is necessary in the short term but for some reason think that one day it won't be.

>> No.13802361 [SPOILER] 
File: 208 KB, 826x548, 1568263558569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot of Jews are rich neocons
hi juden kek. what is blackrock, what is blackstone, what is goldman sachs

the juden are nothing but parasites on the goy

>> No.13802371

we're used to jidf and paid shills raiding us
if you want a good jewish lit read the new testament, kjv or nasb

>> No.13802523

>>even /pol/ is full of Israelis
Christ, what a shithole folded onto itself. Unironic anti-semitism and all the other -isms being pushed by Israelis and Jews.

>> No.13802631

Well, like I said, it's rare, but not impossible. I don't even like a lot of those names you mentioned. Jodorowsky can be good at select moments in his films, but overall they are pretentious and frankly idiotic. I can't stand the Coen brothers at all, most overrated film makers ever. I think Kubrick is a genius obviously, but his films are rather soulless (I much prefer John Ford as far as American directors go). Polanski I actually do like a lot, probably my favorite of the directors you mentioned. I can't stand Chabon either. Arronofsky is pretty good, but generally people overrate him I feel. Never read Philip Roth but I keep hearing him mentioned on this board.

So yeah, I stand by my statement that Jews generally don't do well with the arts. That doesn't mean this isn't something that could change in the future, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.
We hate ourselves probably more than anyone else hates us. I'm something of a Jewish Jew-hater myself.

>> No.13802705
File: 416 KB, 1057x2160, u2TnnnPD6IE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah, I think Jews in general are not very creative in the arts.
That's because you're a lazy and you can't even bother to do a proper search.

Ernst Fuchs
Solomon Alexander Hart
Solomon Joseph Solomon
Maurycy Gottlieb
Salomon Adler
Samuel Bak
Isidor Kaufmann
Moritz Daniel Oppenheim
-Diego Velázquez (debatable but in all honesty I doubt he was.)-

To name a few. As for musicians I do not care.

Yeah well fuck you too budd! Fucking rude ass punk-ass faggot. You wouldn't fucking say that to my face. I got into fcsfskuning plenty of fights111! I'll fucking break your god damn beak nose in a fucking moment fuickifsfsin trash ass retard! I'll fucking stab you all!

>That doesn't mean this isn't something that could change in the future, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

It's a cultural thing Imo. I.E. Giving up the pursuit of money and kikery in order to pursue a craft.
I believe there's little chance for you Americans/ Israelis in that case. But there's also not a lot of us left here in Europe ;(. And there's the whole thing with art/ literature/ music being fucked over that one cant help it but feel as if it's pointless.
To your original statement, it's not the Jews. It's the society the sects are in which enables them to assimilate and adapt. Without it, there can't be any incentive for to make art.

>> No.13803669

>To your original statement, it's not the Jews. It's the society the sects are in which enables them to assimilate and adapt.
This. Jews are a reflection of their host culture, and sometimes the host culture doesn't like what it sees.

>> No.13804747

>As for musicians I do not care.
It's a shame, because if anything that where some Jews have really excelled when it comes to the arts. Some great composers.