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13794092 No.13794092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does 4chan have revolutionary potential? I was daydreaming about us becoming an intellectual Far Left terrorist organization where we assassinate the pedophilic bougeois elites.

>> No.13794101
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We shitpost about anime here, sir.

>> No.13794108

>far left

>> No.13794118

Boy have you come to the wrong site.

>> No.13794122
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>Wanting to become a radical Intellectual far left terrorist organisation instead of a radical centrist absurdist paramilitary orginization doing away with petty morality.

>> No.13794127

>Far Left
Anon, I ...

>> No.13794128
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Any that had this potential seem to have all fled.
I remain to taunt the silly ones. They’re determined to have no potential.

>> No.13794135

Yes. That is the only type of intellectual you can be. The Right is full of midwits, who dont read, who have nothing to organize around, whose world views are built around racism, sexism, and blind tradition. Far right terrorists have only killed innocent people.

>> No.13794141

>Far Left
>against pedophilia

Hooo boy

>> No.13794143

If I did I would have usurped and improved Moldova long ago. It's a shame that none of the other citizens of Moldova seem to care about their country enough to revolutionise it. It's doomed for eternal irrelevancy and weakness.

>> No.13794148

This. Pre-2014 4chan users were mostly apolitical, and if they weren't apolitical, they were libertarian or anarchist. Anyone who picks left or right are post-2016 Tumblr Neo-Marxists or reddit republicans.

>> No.13794163
File: 56 KB, 550x366, 1C78A8D0-4763-46D0-9ADE-38B440BE5B70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inbred southerns
>Catholic priests
>Wealthy elites
Uhmmm, anon...

>> No.13794164

Nothing says potential like being a 50 year old tranny who still thinks he's 16

>> No.13794167

This board is for literature. Not for you spergs to be spamming your stupid politics. You are all pathetic. None of you ever put up a substantial argument, all you guys ever do is call each other midwits, incels, NPCs and whatever. Take this garbage to >>>/pol/

>> No.13794183

>stale memes and liberals
The state of trannies

>> No.13794185
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46. It seems my genes think Im still 36.
I think you’re just trying to get rid of me though. Have you looked at /tv/? So many old people in there now.

>> No.13794204

We must divorce ourselves from politics, all politics.

>> No.13794208

4chan has incredible revolutionary potential, but you're going to have a hard time steering it the direction of your own little pet politics

>> No.13794218 [DELETED] 

>because that ever worker!

>> No.13794240

>because that ever worked

>> No.13794249

Nah, i would kinda of like it. I remember when we could gaff about anyone and had a more or less maluable model of thought. Kept things lighthearted and keks were more often and more wholesome.

>> No.13794250

Pretty much this, 4chan(nel) has lost its sense of freedom. Now you only see them either sucking liberal or republican dicks.

>> No.13794258

You have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.13794268

Not if you keep posting frogs

But real talk the traditional internet is unsuited to revolution because people are too spread out. You have to organise shit on Facebook

>> No.13794277

lol nice bait nazi

>> No.13794300

But it doesn’t work out. Letting the elites have their way has led us to this.
For all the talk about responsibility the conservatives bitch about, they are the laziest thinkers and take zero responsibility.
But I see you’re just talking about board culture or something

>> No.13794306

far left terrorism is a matter of the left (as the left, and by extension, American liberal culture consists in many ways) not wanting to give a shit about how the rest of the world reacts to their ideology. That this "left" is a cult of non-conformity and non-concern for the community is the root of the problem, and is the reason why the left cannot be brought back to power. When the left no longer cares and does not take the effort and commitment to get the left back back into power, the left will only grow in oppression

>> No.13794311

>the precedent to organize having anything to do with intellectualism

>> No.13794315

That's what I meant with my original post (though I'm not the anon you're replying to), but maybe it wouldn't be so bad in a wider sense. If the political change one wants isn't going to come, isn't it better for the individual to isolate themselves from political causes as much as possible?

>> No.13794318

It's funny how the post-2016 newfags have resorted to "if you dont join my party affiliation we're going to make fun of you!!"
You would have NEVER seen this behavior before 2016.

>> No.13794320
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I remember you posting this before, OP. I doubt it would ever happen, but I would be willing to start an eco-fascist movement with you lovely retards any day.

>> No.13794324


>> No.13794327


>> No.13794351

Oh, I see now.
Not responsibly possible now. The world is getting smaller and more dangerous

>> No.13794364

You could have made of bush or obama without being called a liberal/conservative

>> No.13794372

Now they tricked everybody into accepting those 2 as the only alternatives

>> No.13794528

What would eco-facism entail? Install a dictator which bans shit left and right?

>> No.13794539

Godlike show so far, on ep 3 rn.

>> No.13794611

Fascism with naive environmentalist sentiments and retarded solutions to ecological problems that are understood very poorly.
Basically it's the ecological ideology for weird preteen bootlickers that got upset after reading about deforestation on Wikipedia.

>> No.13794629

Pretty much this. But imagine selling arthoes our eco-merch, which is ironically antithetical to the fascist doctrine.

>> No.13794742

>which is ironically antithetical to the fascist doctrine.
So is ecology...
Besides the fundemental dissonance between the way fascist ideology imagines communities and living relationships work and the science of ecology. How could ecofascism ever work our practically? It would require a strong populist movement and most people who would support fascism could care less about ecology, and the vast majority of ecologists vehemently oppose fascism. So you can't give any ecologists technocratic power, as they would be enemies of the state. You would probably have to kill or imprison most of the ecologists that didn't flee the country.