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13792057 No.13792057[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books will raise your testosterone levels?

>> No.13792074

Leftmost looks like such a runt.

>> No.13792265
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figures the korean with the smoldering look got the highest result. white men are fucked

>> No.13792351


>> No.13792665

They are actually Vice journalists or something like this

>> No.13792668
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>> No.13792673

he did a dna test and he's an asian mutt.

>> No.13792682

eugene gets rated least attractive by girls in some blind test lmao

>> No.13792691

Might is Right
The Ego and Its Own
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

>> No.13792914


>> No.13792928

It's buzzfeed

>> No.13792930
File: 1.01 MB, 854x480, rIP asian race 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw chang asians can't even compete with white basedboys

>> No.13792932

Everybody in America is a mutt

>> No.13792937

Pill makes women more attracted towards low test beta providers

>> No.13792946

is homosexuality related to testosterone levels?

>> No.13792956

im a teacher in asia and this is me basically everyday, even my students do this
very awkward

>> No.13792960

>scientifically most attractive
>gets rated last in tinder matches,boyfriend material and who girls find attractive in anon surveys
lmao poor asians.

>> No.13792971
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Just read up on elephants
>Musth or must /ˈmʌst/ (a word from Indian languages meaning a state of enjoyment) is a periodic condition in bull (male) elephants characterized by highly aggressive behavior and accompanied by a large rise in reproductive hormones.
>Testosterone levels in an elephant in musth can be on average 60 times greater than in the same elephant at other times (in specific individuals these testosterone levels can even reach as much as 140 times the normal).[1] However, whether this hormonal surge is the sole cause of musth, or merely a contributing factor, is unknown.
>Scientific investigation of musth is problematic because even the most placid elephants become highly violent toward humans and other elephants during musth.
Tfw i'll never have so much testosterone that cum starts to leak out of my ears

>> No.13792977
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>white men are fucked
Implying this is a representative sampling of white men

>> No.13793061

Prenatal? Absolutely
After birth, not really

>> No.13793065
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>love asians but dont want mixed race kids

>> No.13793090

No matter how many times I watch this video, it still makes me laugh.

>> No.13793125
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testosterone is a signaling hormone. it's not something scarce, your body can produce endless testosterone if it wanted (and didn't have a problem) but it only produces what it needs (with "need" being a very very complex system of basically everything in your body from psyche to hitting your small toe).
still for some reason /pol/tards have this idea that testosterone is in genes or that it is something scarce and demanding (say like height or muscle or bones or vitamin c)
just be yourself

>> No.13793143

how do make body need more testost'rone, brother?

>> No.13793161
File: 128 KB, 1240x775, KeanurReevesOpener-FTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just find yourself a high T and relatively tall Asian wife who looks white and if you have a boy make sure to raise him on a clean diet, involve him in lots of physical activity, teach him mewing, and consider giving him HGH if he inherited manlet genes. The problem with hapa children is that low tier white men go for low tier Asian women and produce absolute abominations as a result. Mixed children with pretty parents will end up attractive themselves.

The most prominent example of a successful white/Asian male child is probably Keanu Reeves, who identifies as Asian-American.

>> No.13793236


>> No.13793280

>still for some reason /pol/tards have this idea that testosterone is in genes or that it is something scarce and demanding (say like height or muscle or bones or vitamin c)

Testosterone is extremely demanding. It depresses your immune system. Being able to have external signs of high testosterone (muscles, body and facial hair, behavior) signals that your body is healthy enough to handle this depressing effect on your immune system.

>> No.13793282

>he fell for muh testosterone meme

It's over niggga. Naturally raising your testosterone won't physically change your appearance or even personality, unless you start injecting it in your ass. It's a meme made to give narcissistic losers a feel of superiority of how much more "manly" they are compare to other males. Just look at how every scam-artist, advocating for "male dominance" and "male masculinity", has some bullshit product to sell you, that apparently makes you more manly.

And of course it's all about attractiveness to the opposite sex. Hate to burst your bubbles, but high testosterone isn't some pheromone female will smell in the air like perfume.

Also I'm fucking sick of you idiots thinking testosterone is some all mighty god-gift of a hormone, and often confusing it with growth hormone or serotonin.

>> No.13793318

my fav part is he's so proud and that he doesn't hit her nearly as hard as he could.

>> No.13793353

T. low test

>> No.13793386

I don't know what my test levels are and i don't care. I'm not insecure about my masculinity like some people. This is why cuckoldry is the intellectual's fetish. You insecure people think it's about making the cuck feel "beta" when really it's like a front row seat to your own personal porn! Haven't you ever watched porn and thought "man I would love to eat the cum out of that pussy" be honest.

>> No.13793402

No, but I wish some bald dyke would make me gag on her dildo before pegging me

>> No.13793408

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.13793421

It's literally poison

>> No.13793427

Go for an already mixed one then. Children will be >white and your wife can pass as Asian to your dick.

>> No.13793439

Not at all. It is taxing on other subsystems because it takes the priority, but it is hardly 'poison'. It makes you more focused and is a mood stabilizer. If anything it is the ultimate stimulant. You'd have to be a turbo Jew to call that a poison.
The only downgrade is that is makes you a manlet if you have a tendency for high test.

>> No.13793463

>mood stabilizer

Holy shit, nigga, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Testosterone unbalance, can literally make you insane.

Constant sweating, night terrors, anger outbursts, all sorts of emotional instabilities, cramps, heart problems... This is a mood stabilizer? You braindead nigger, you literally got sold snake oil.

>> No.13793538

Only if you roid, naturally high amounts of testosterone don't have side effects.

>> No.13793592

Yeah because it's balanced out with estrogen, you moron. As soon as one is unbalanced, problems begin. For every extra drop of testosterone in your body, there's extra estrogen being produced. That's why only way to significantly make testosterone matter is to roid. All natural ways of raising your test makes almost zero difference, and it's placebo. It might come off as a surprise to you but the difference between a natural low test, and natural high test is insignificant outside of a few minor visual differences. You should stop confusing testosterone with growth hormone, since most the traits you parade as being due to testosterone are actually from hgh during development.

>> No.13793604


>> No.13793685

I studied abroad in China this last summer. As a maybe slightly above average american guy, I was treated like a supermodel. Women that spoke no English did things like literally tap me on the shoulder and show me a phone with a translation app open that said "WeChat name?" on multiple occasions. I think it's due to some sort of fetish for the exotic, which would make sense, especially considering that I was in a relatively provincial city and was probably one of very few honkies in the region.

>> No.13793717

tfw natural 920 testosterone
tfw 5’8

>> No.13794544

>Haven't you ever watched porn and thought "man I would love to eat the cum out of that pussy" be honest.
No. I think that’s just you, and if that wasn’t bait, you’ve just embarrassed yourself.

>> No.13794567

High test = high impulsivity. If you want to be an intelligent, levelheaded man then you don't want high test.

>> No.13794576

so all writers are low T?

>> No.13794582

If I were a betting man I'd say most are.

>> No.13794655
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Eugene (the korean guy) is gay. Unironically.

>> No.13794666

about the same and im 5'7" lanklets btfo

>> No.13794672

this, it actually works but you will become horny so be careful not to jerk it

>> No.13794722

aren't the four of them?

>> No.13794728

they all have gay face

>> No.13794743

and talk very gay, and compliment each other outfits or looks, well that doesn't mean they like it in the their butts

>> No.13794752


he's clearly larping for establishment cred

>> No.13794811

fixed that for you, anon

>> No.13794822

>fatigued muscles
>good sleep
>good food
>no stress

>> No.13794823

i don't know who is who but i think i can guess from the image

ned, eugene, zach, keith