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13790224 No.13790224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m not a lesbian or super religious but I’ve been getting back into Christianity and I can’t seem to figure out the homosexual question. It is an indisputable fact that a man can not have sex with another man, and the same can be said about women as well, but are they still allowed to love one another without having sexual relations? Can homosexual couples still be Christians without having sex?

>> No.13790232

Eternal judgment and hellfire awaits you, pedant

>> No.13790239

Plato retroactively rebuked sodomical practices and unions.

>> No.13790254

>But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Mark 10:6-9)
You would "put asunder" man and woman by cohabiting even only homoromantically. Jesus absolutely disapproves.

>> No.13790256

Can you give a quote so I can understand his argument? Is it mainly how homosexuals can’t reproduce?

>> No.13790280

Read Laws.

>> No.13790286

>not even /lit/

I hope this site burns to the ground.

>> No.13790292

hope it gets banned like 8ch for the lulz

>> No.13790337

8ch is coming back though.

>> No.13790338

The problem with homosexuality is the sexuality part, not the homo part. Their identity is based on the fact they like to take it up the arse, their sexual identity. Sex itself is actually bad for you because it is wasted energy, you do not create anything from having sex, unless you have a child, which is why infertile sex is considered a sin. You are losing you energy and gaining nothing from it, which is why you often feel tired after ejaculation and people report feeling more motivated after doing nofap. All homosexual sex is sterile.
For a heterosexual, their identity can be based on sex, but since being heterosexual is the default, you don't have to base your identity on sex if you would like to lift yourself above your animalistic urges. That is what the teaching is really about - sex itself, not necessarily gay sex. Christians don't care if you are gay as long as you don't act on your desires, because that leads you down the path of darkness regardless of whether you are straight or gay. The whole issue could be solved if people JUST STOPPED HAVING CASUAL SEX, then the gay issue wouldn't even exist.
The entire concept of homosexuality only exists because of sex, so if you get rid of sex you get rid of homosexuality itself as an issue to even discuss. There wouldn't be any couples because they only exist as a result of sexual attraction.

>> No.13790353

does committing a sin make you not Christian? sure it outright says not to do it, but the bible states to not do a multitude of things that people and Christians do. why is that one held to a different standard that the others? i feel as if someone's sexuality is a small aspect of one's life.
>inb4 fag
im not, but for example i slept with girls without having married them and that's a sin. why isn't that considered as bad as homosexuality?

>> No.13790363

Christians that do those things will be damned just the same as you, anon.

>> No.13790371

>they like to take it up the arse
I hear most of them prefer oral
>Sex itself is actually bad
No, you’re just a degenerate

>> No.13790381

>i feel as if someone's sexuality is a small aspect of one's life.
vapid neolib.
For any consolation there is a distinction for those who burn with lust for their fellow man (can never be saved/can't repent) and homosexuals that were just molested as kids or something (which at least have the theoretical capability to fix their shit)

>> No.13790386

Proof? That would probably reignite a Renaissance in human culture if true

>> No.13790404

Unless they confess to their sins before the lord and are genuinely sorry for having committed them
Did you have a point?

>> No.13790428

God has infinite ability to forgive, man has limited ability to repent. Gays can't repent, they have been given over to a reprobate state of mind.

>> No.13790437

The sites owner said it will be back up soon. I can’t find the video of him saying it since Google is only showing me shill talking points.

>> No.13790440

it is very bad though, the difference is homosexuals try to normalize the behavior and are often wholly convinced they do no wrong. heteros who do the same are just as bad but generally dont form their whole life and identity around it (though some do and are as shameful)

>> No.13790497
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Anytime I see a butterfly post my blood pressure rises

>> No.13790501

Don't start confusing politics in the media for reality. Many homos have lived closeted lives.

>> No.13790793

I thought I made myself clear. Your sexual hang ups make you a degenerate


>> No.13791074


>Can homosexual couples still be Christians without having sex?

sure. all of us have unrighteous desires. hopefully we develop out of our worldy state. but sin comes from acting on those desires.

>> No.13791096

This. It can also be extended to the "why is it a sin if it's genetic???"--all of us have, to some extent, some sort of genetic predisposition to sin (alcoholism, homosexuality, laziness, overconsumption, etc). But its not bad unless you actually act on it. Self control is the key

>> No.13791126

Its not s sin to take it in the ass. As the submissive partner God assumes its not your fault. The penetrating individual is committing the sin.

>> No.13791130

comment to add here. Jesus says if you looketh on a women you have already committed adultery in your heart. this may appear to suggest that desires are just as bad as sins. however the context is a bit different. commiting adultery in your heart means you would do it if you could get away with it. not that you are resisting a temptation that your carnal self wants to participate in.

>> No.13791435

Homosexual inclinations aren't necessarily bad since you can't really control them, but acts of sodomy are mortally sinful, no matter the genders of those involved

>> No.13791440
File: 6 KB, 191x293, gayandcatholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this book for answers anons. Written by a chaste lesbian Catholic.

>> No.13791830

>why isn't that considered as bad as homosexuality?
That's a cultural thing, not a biblical thing. Biblically speaking, all sins, even lying, are weighed the same, and yet there isn't a day that goes by that we don't lie in some capacity. The point is to ask God's forgiveness for your sins and not to wallow in them. Gay or straight, leading a hedonistic lifestyle without repentance will only lead to one's ruin.

>> No.13791870
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English is a retarded language; the "love" the Bible always talks about is agape (ἀγάπη), not eros (ἔρως).
Agape not only is "allowed", it's commanded. It's eros that needs to be kept under control.

>> No.13791887

yeah, you really must be interesting about this subject and not just asking stupid questions just to have an excuse to post a tranny. get fucked faggot.

>> No.13791916

You are allowed to love everyone and you should, so yes. But the problems is sodomy and acting on in that fashion.
Fags think their love leads to sodomy, so its natural to be a sodomite, and that is wrong.