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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 401 KB, 1200x803, normal_1471547813-Strip_Mall_Troy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13787529 No.13787529 [Reply] [Original]

Literature with this aesthetic?

>> No.13787795

>this is all that's around me for an hour in every direction
Suburbs are a special kind of hell that would absolutely terrify anybody who wasn't born into one, I want out

>> No.13787834

They have made a wasteland out og America desu. I need to

>> No.13787841

I buy all my books at a store in a strip mall named BOOKS

>> No.13787849

Straight up burger punk. Dave wallace

>> No.13788588

Burger punk

>> No.13788908

lol I live near there

>> No.13788912
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>"dude just go outside bro no wonder you're depressed you're inside all day"
>go outside
>pic related

>> No.13789043

David Foster Wallace. He describes the horror of it in perfection.

>> No.13789069

As a burger that thinks Europoors are just jelly of our incredible choice in mediocre stores, that particular one almost makes me empathetic. The totally plain name, the too-tiny logo on a much larger background, those scrawny cinderblock support beams, I'm actually a bit disturbed

>> No.13789095

You think that's bad? There's a Chinese restaurant in the town over that's literally called "Chinese Restaurant".

>> No.13789104

You think that’s bad?

I have AIDS. And hepatitis C.

>> No.13789108

Depending on how it looks that doesn't sound as bad. I've known a handful of Chinese restaurants owned by fobs with names like that. They don't exactly exude soul, but at least they're modest, appropriately-sized, and joint-staffed by the obligatory church lady Chinese grandmother and the embarrassed teenage granddaughter.

>> No.13789113

Someone post the image

>> No.13789124
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>> No.13789129

Keep your needles away from me you ruffian!

>> No.13789144

What can I say? I like to sew.

I also like to sue >:3

I will knit myself a lawyer’s jacket now with my contaminated sewing needles! MuahahahhahahhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.13789156
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>> No.13789157
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I was looking for other strip malls in my area and I found this. (I don't think it exists anymore)

>> No.13789163


>> No.13789167

>born in suburb
>escape suburb and move to urban area
>have to go back to suburb
I hate it so much. I just want to get out. Everything it the same and everyone looks the same.

>> No.13789176

Unfettered capitalism
Judeo-Bolshevik zoning laws

>> No.13789189

>escape suburb and move to urban area
You swapped one prison for another.

>> No.13789324
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>first statement is right
>second statement is wrong to the point of retardation
Both of these are fucking unfettered capitalism, hell, even the second is Judeo-capitalist if you must, buddy.

Anyways, to answer your question: whatever books you can get at a grocery store or drug store or Walmart, unironically.

>> No.13789350
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>> No.13789380
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>> No.13789387

I can't agree with that. I lived in a "big" (by Israeli standards, it's tiny actually) city called Ashdod and I also lived in an upper-middle class Canadian suburb and I have to say that I prefer the suburb. It looks like shit but at the air seems cleaner and you can find some corners that feel like you're in nature.

>> No.13789399

>laws which explicitly and arbitrarily ban entire forms of economic activity according to the whims of local bureaucrats
>not fundamentally Bolshevik

>> No.13790192

Franzen. Delillo's White Noise.

>> No.13790329


as others have said: Wallace, Delillo (Wallace was a big fan of Delillo)

will add:

Raymond Carver: achieves this aesthetic mostly through describing social lives

Richard Brautigan: one of his stories is about a mattress salesman;
another involves purchasing something from a dollar store during a blizzard.

Nelson Algren: probably more urban, but still gritty.

Peter Handke: one novel is about an Austrian traveling in America; he stays at like Holiday Inns and various hotels and is sort of obsessed with suburban Americana.

James Wright: wrote: "Far off, the shopping centers empty and darken."



J.B. Jackson: wrote about the American landscape and urban and suburban sprawl. Not fiction, but not strictly non-fiction; some Romantic-y essays on American grit.

>> No.13790378
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>> No.13790421

>born in suburb
>moved to city
>would sooner shoot myself or become a meme teacher in asia than ever go back

>> No.13790436
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>> No.13790443

>Unfettered capitalism
It clearly is fettered, though. Look how clean the street is.

>> No.13790453
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>> No.13791753

White people, which includes Japanese, generally clean up after themselves.

>> No.13791770

Teaching English in Asian cities is p comfy desu

>> No.13791852

MARVEL and DC publications.

>> No.13791872

> those scrawny cinderblock support beams
ha, you think that's real cinderblock?

>> No.13791930

The Pale King

>> No.13791943
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>> No.13792123


>> No.13792145
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This whole country was just a social experiment by a bunch of Freemasons.

>> No.13792231
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>> No.13792430

Peak boomer meme

>> No.13792471
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>> No.13792473

Your sense of nostalgia has corrupted your ability to accurately assess the iterations of a single culture across time.

>> No.13792480
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>> No.13792482

You could find some clean air in Auschwitz if you're up to it, dude.

>> No.13792506

This is retarded boomer mentality but it does have a point. Millennials were too eager to jump into college for a degree on an useless subject never once considering the repercussions of getting a loan. Not saying there's something fucky in the way colleges work but millenials are 100% contributing to the problem by being dumb.

>> No.13792511

What kind of retard do you have to be to think people take out loans willingly

>> No.13792533

They were raised in a culture and class that considers a college degree as the first ticket of entry into both general respectability and the job market. It was a foregone conclusion.

>> No.13792546

Why would I take a loan to pay for my course without AT LEAST finding if there's an actual market for this profession that would enable the payment of said loans? Is my generation really this shortsighted? Jesus Christ.

>> No.13792564

Because everybody around them talked them into it. It's not like there is abundance of jobs even in non-meme fields
>Why are 18 years old so easily influenced by what they parents and teacher tell them?
You tell me M. Lasch.

Threadly reminder that at the same age our great-great-grandparents (for those of us who are Europeans) got into useless wars without checking whether it would benefit their countries. Guess every generation has its fucks up, eh.

>> No.13792585

I'm imagining Johns and Franks all around step outside their front porch to pick up their papers and scream "howdy neighbor!" all at once.

>> No.13792593
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>> No.13792598

Older generations at least have the excuse of not having access to information so they couldn't know better. Our generation not only have access to limitless information, but it's also easily accessible, and yet we constanly fuck up. There's only so much I'm willing to blame on "other people" for our generation's stupidness.

>> No.13792648

WWI happened because of serial fuck-ups by diplomat. When the head of German Foreign Affairs was asked why they had entered a state of war, he raised his arms and said "If only I knew!".

People have always be retarded even at the highest level, or rather reality has always be complex enough to make a collective fool of most of us. There is not point in blaming this particular "generation" for the environment where they were raised in.

What, if mommy and daddy tell you for 10 years straight that college is essential for success but that you should follow your dream no matter what,and that they'll support you, and the media is telling you the same, and everyone in the neighborhood does the same, do you expect more than 10% of 18 years old to say "No, I'd rather study accounting or whatever boring shit because I think all of your are wrong".

Remember, "education at all costs", "college is essential for education" and "follow your dreams no matter what" were not invented by this generation, they're our parents' meme. And we grew up with them.

And again, it's not like the student debt problem only concerns English or gender studies major.
By viewing this collective problem through a personal lens you're falling prey to intellectual myopia just like the "millenials" you decry.
You could just as well argue it was the elders' responsibility to make sure college wouldn't at the same time 1. become viewed as an indispensable step in a middle-class life 2. become increasingly devoid of educational content 3. becomes increasingly overpriced. This is also a problem of regulation and subvention and it has been growing for more than two decades. The old folks fucked up just as their kids. But you could argue they should have been better equipped not to.

This is not about blaming a generation over another, rather this is about looking at causes and consequences. The current situation really is not surprising in the least, it's the very logical consequences of the past 30 years.

>Our generation not only have access to limitless information
An aside, but that's a meme. You only have access to the information you kow to search for. People shill that sentence way too much on /lit/ and elsewhere.
I give you however that this case there was access to enough information. But remember, information is not only the internet, it's first and foremost what your direct environment feeds you (parents, classmates, teachers, larger family, other adults you might know...). Those not only provide information but create mindsets, and you don't change a mindset with a handful of google searches.

>> No.13792663


>> No.13792677

Fair enough. I guess I'm just annoyed because I didn't fall for the "college is a must" meme despite literally growing in an environment of academics that fed me nothing but this idea. I guess I shouldn't expect most people to have the same propensity for critical thinking that I had, especially at an age where peer pressure is the most impactful.

>> No.13792687

Tbqh colleges should be for traditional sciences, arts and philosophy. Rest of the things could be learned by adding 2 years to highschool, or by introducing courses concerning "marketable
skills" in 10th grade.

>> No.13792688

The student debt meme is retarded anyways. If you graduated from an in-state public college, you should graduate with roughly $10k in debt. If you can't pay off $10k in debt over a couple decades, you're too stupid/lazy to deserve anything. Those with $70k+ debts are entirely retards that get shitty liberal arts degrees at overpriced private scam colleges.

>> No.13792695

So you think prestigious colleges should be reserved for the rich only?

>> No.13792705
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>> No.13792709

What creature is that?

>> No.13792726

>I guess I'm just annoyed because I didn't fall for the "college is a must"
That's understandible, I personally get a sense of dumb pride merely for living in a country where that issue doesn't exist, even though that's no merit of mine. Being outraged at the errors of others that we avoided is natural and can even be a great support on a personal level, but keeping a mind on greater perspective is also important imo. Contempt is itself often a trap.

>despite literally growing in an environment of academics that fed me nothing but this idea
You're probably out of the ordinary, though maybe someone closer to actual academic faculty is better equipped to avoid the scam than the son of a clerk for whom college still sound like a intellectual wonderland.

>especially at an age where peer pressure is the most impactful
Yes I'd wager (without evidence, that's my armchair sociologist speaking) that peer pressure and lack of opposing opinions (nobody calling college a scam) is the most important factor. But it's changing, more and more people are questioning not only the situation, but its fondational premises.

>> No.13792730

I'm gonna jerk you off.

>> No.13792743

Not him, but imo the question is rather why do prestigious colleges cost 70k a year when the actual knowledge they deliver is often so flimsy?

That plus the insane race to the top, where highscool gradutation is the new aptitude certificate, a bachelor the new highschool graduation, gradschool the new bachelor, and soon enough an average bachelor doesn't mean anything and you need to have graduated an elite college to even pretend you're educated, and gradschool being increasingly overcroweded, increasingly underfunded and increasingly pointless, all this conspire to make super-expensive college seem like a requirement that doesn't positively grant you anything, but only sasfeguard you against being considered critically inadequate.
So now the "level zero" of education has been raised, the costs have skyrocketed, but the social and intellectual benefit have stagnated or dwindled since 30 years ago. People are still getting caught in this but I'm not sure how long. The whole thing is about to break honestly.

>> No.13792750

>well at least they're slow and not too bright. their pincers are sharp though

>> No.13792793
File: 2.45 MB, 2405x1603, florida-project-sunshine-state-brooklynn-prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since noone is gonna talk about books anyway, is there a more burguerpunk movie than The Florida Project?

>> No.13792838

Name a prestigious private diploma mill. Those types of colleges exist to fleece middle and upper-middle midwits.

>> No.13792850

>question is rather why do prestigious colleges cost 70k a year when the actual knowledge they deliver is often so flimsy
Have no idea, but it may be due to commercialization of education in America. College are run like a business, they focus on having various luxurious than education. In UK on the other hand even Oxford is relatively cheap.

>> No.13792859

Good Old Neon

>> No.13792868

Colleges are run like a business because they can extract indefinite loan money backed by the government. The state colleges and other public universities are relatively OK tuition-wise, but there are private arts colleges that exist for no reason other than to sell ridiculous arts degrees for $100s of ks

>> No.13792873

in the city i lived in there´s a chinese restaurant that has a spaniard name, i don´t think that was weird until now

>> No.13792885

>No, I'd rather study accounting or whatever boring shit because I think all of your are wrong".

lmao, i´m actually doing that but for the benefit of achieving my goals in life

>> No.13792893

John Dies at the End

>> No.13792910

That's exactly right though.

>> No.13793247

What do you expect a 17 year old high school senior to do when he's been told since birth by every authority figure and media narrative in his life that
1. College is necessary to be respectable and get a good job
2. His job is who he is and determines his worth as a person
3. He should follow his dreams at all costs
other than take out the increasingly-predatory loans?
>But I'm not dumb enough to listen to anybody!
That's great, but when every teenager in the country is put under that same pressure and fed that same bullshit, your individual choice matters less than the fact that now we have a society-wide debt crisis and the average young person is too in the hole to buy a house or start a family.
On a societal level 17 year olds will always make retarded decisions, but somehow it's alright to blame them for shooting themselves in the foot and not the generation of parents who handed them the gun and said it would be worth it.

>> No.13793273

>live in urban area
>get shot

>> No.13793286

When did this “teenagers are incapable of making decisions” mentality come from? The concept of a teenager didn’t even exist in the 1800s, as they were seen as adults capable of adult things.

>> No.13793294

To each his own, I once spent an entire highschool party talking with a guy about his plans to become an accountant. He was so passionate about it he made it sound fascinating. He also managed to tie the subject into law, politics and economics, it was really cool.
So more power to you.

>> No.13793322

Yes but they were still stupid as fuck for the most part. At that age they would already be involved in a career chosen for them by other people in their childhood or decided on the whim of circumstances, or they would be cultivating papa's land/learning to manage papa's shop.

Doing conscious decisions against the zeitgeist at that age would be exceedingly rare. The smartest ones would join the Church in hopes of advancement, which was in line with was what expected of bright young men. Nowadays we expect bright young men to go to college, even though that won't be beneficial for most of them.

>> No.13793335

Of course for eras closer to our times replace the Church by the Army of whatever institution was fashionable at the time.
Actually I wonder if most institutions having lost their prestige isn't one of the root of the problem. When the Army is seen as too dangerous or too hard or too irrelevant for success, when trades as looked down upon, when entrepreneurship is considered unreliable unless you're qualified in tech, when churches are niche that appeal only to their own communities, it stands to reason that college would be the last bastion of young hopefulness.

Even more so if you consider that we now ask for degrees in all service-related areas. In the 60s you could be hired in a communication and sales related firms as a 18 years old highschool graduate, sometimes without highschool education. Now without a bachelor in a communication-relevant field, will any firm even look at your application?

>> No.13793350

>The smartest ones would join the Church
opinion disregarded

>> No.13793394

That was true though. It was legit one of the best career paths, do you have any idea how much better the standards of life of a prelate were compared to a peasant?

A smart guy with no noble title but able to learn to read and teach theology was as good as gold. It was safer than being a soldier, justice was more lenient in case of trouble, if you were unconspicuous enough you could still enjoy earthly pleasues (at high level you didn't even have to be unconspicuous), and it was guaranteed job for life if you didn't fuck up. The only issue was no marriage (but plenty fucked) and no children (but children are not for everyone, and there was a time when priest could marry anyway).
Truly there were times when it was an very cushy option for the brainy ones.

Even in later times this would somtimes apply. A good part of Stendhal's novel The Red and the Black is about how after the fall of Napoleon and the Restauration of monarchy, the best career for ambitious young poorfags was no more the military (the Red) but the cergy (the Black).

There's a very well-done chapter where the MC spends some time in the seminary, and also all the blokes there are there expecting a regular intake of quality food and a secure job that they couldn't get in their poorfag peasant hometowns.

>> No.13793406

i don´t like accounting tho, you´re right, most people who study accounting are boring fucks

>> No.13793487
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in-state public college being cheaper is a fucking boomer meme. you think 30k a year for 4 years is cheap?

>> No.13793496
File: 54 KB, 1083x874, c8454d372dbb0f42726ed49cc44bee10 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

public schools also rarely ever give scholarships or financial aid- yet I'm going to a 70k a year top ten private school and they cover my entire tuition

>> No.13793584

That's not that expensive. You should be able to get a work-study or a summer job which should knock off at least half of that by the time you graduate. If you can't pay off a $15k debt over a couple decades, you deserve to die broke.

>> No.13793587


is that jon bois

>> No.13793596


Literally every Ivy League university

>> No.13793603


>Live off-campus
>still pay 8K/yr for room and board

What the fuck

>> No.13793620

don delillo white noise

>> No.13793626

Basically every Ivy League gives free-ride scholarships to children of parents making less than 6 figures a year. And in any case, their degrees are actually worth something.

>> No.13793643

say you work a $10/hr job as many hours a week in addition to school as you can manage and knock off half- that's still 60k of debt to pay off after graduation. why defend college tuition being this high?

landlords jack up the prices in college areas

>> No.13793667

The point everyone is trying to drill into your fucking boomer skull is that the older generations have made it standard in this country to begin your adult life with five or six figures of debt looming over your head
This means young people can't buy homes, can't start families, and are forced to work longer hours for comparatively lower pay
The result is that from millennials on down every western generation is spending their youth miserable, deracinated, divorced from any sense of family and community, and completely hopeless that their future will be any better
>B-but I'm smart and I didn't fall for it
That's great, but this is the country you live in, and these are the societal problems newly endemic to it that you will whine about

>> No.13793689

>say you work a $10/hr job as many hours a week in addition to school as you can manage and knock off half- that's still 60k of debt to pay off after graduation. why defend college tuition being this high?
Shit, I thought that was $30k for four years (which is roughly what my in-state tuition was). Apparently University of Illinois (a far better school) is only $12k/yr on average, so I don't know why one would attend ISU. Illinois is a scam state so maybe they're a particularly expensive example.

>> No.13793713

take a look at literally the next image posted >>13793496 U of I is exactly the same price. and someone would attend ISU because not everyone can get into U of I

>> No.13793714

Five figures of debt is not insurmountable. Blame zoning laws and immigrants for housing prices; property is fixed. I don't see how having $20k in college debt stops anyone from starting a family. Lower pay/longer hours has nothing to do with debt directly, it's largely a product of wage suppression by immigrants and by government-endorsed monopoly of various industries.

>> No.13793721

Fair, I acknowledge that Illinois is an expensive and bankrupt state. Doesn't change the fact that the median post-graduation debt is $17k.

>> No.13793734

I don't think anyone is saying that 15-20k is an insurmountable debt, it's nearly the best scenario you can come out of college facing. I'm graduating next year with about 20k of debt from a 70k/year school (due entirely to financial aid) and I'm incredibly thankful that my debt is so low. The fact is however, that this is not the case for an overwhelming majority of college graduates.

>> No.13793753

>Well none of these would be problems anymore if everyone finally listened to me and made my ancap ethnostate utopia!
Immigration contributes to the deracination and suppresses wages, I'll give you that, but naming another problem doesn't negate this one. Vaguely blaming "zoning laws" for the abysmal rates of home ownership is bullshit, as is blaming the fucking government for faceless megacorporations screwing their employees.
Is it insurmountable debt? No. Is it debt that is going to significantly delay the milestones of their lives, intentionally trap them in cycles extending and deepening the debt on purpose, and trick them into hoping for a happy retirement that, with the current trends in social security and savings, is never going to come? Yes.

>> No.13793757

Far from a best-case scenario, it's the median. Half of graduates have even less debt than 17k.

>> No.13793760

Is it really possible to love and hate my country at the same time?

>> No.13793770

Foreign immigrants from lower-standard-of-living countries compete for jobs in the West, yet we have no ability to compete for goods and land outside of the West. Immigration laws, as they currently operate, absolutely hurt born-Westerners. Zoning laws are not vague at all; the only reason shopping malls like those of the OP exist are because of them. They create massive inefficiencies for the purpose of a work-around segregation.

>> No.13793772
File: 91 KB, 960x648, https___blogs-images.forbes.com_zackfriedman_files_2019_02_Student-Loan-Borrowers-2019-e1550185908230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, I pulled "overwhelming majority" out of my ass because I wasn't thinking. still, your argument works the opposite way. Half of graduates have more debt than 17k- this seems to be the breakdown.
Still, I can't see why you're even defending this

>> No.13793788

And what the fuck does any of that have to do with blaming the debt crisis on teenagers?

>> No.13793797

So only 10% of debtors have more than $75k in debt. I defend their debt slavery because they're obviously retards to get into that much debt (assuming your graph excludes people with medical school debt, which is generally easier to pay off).
It's not so much about "blaming it on teenagers", it's just recognizing that a small portion of them got a completely bullshit degree. I blame the government and the predatory universities first, though.

>> No.13793808

>because they're obviously retards
please refer back to >>13792648

>> No.13793821

On an individual level I don't have a problem with telling a 22 year old that he was a dumbass to take $80k out for gender studies, but when starting your adult life in a pile of debt with pretty much nothing to show for it becomes the norm, the society producing those young adults has shit the bed and we need to figure out why so we can fix it

>> No.13793833

The vast majority of students get into only a little debt, or none at all. Yes, society pushing the university meme harder than it needs to, but that doesn't force people to go to unholy private arts colleges in some quaint forested town to study cinema for $200k.
True, but college debt is far from the worst of it. Our entire system is built on the backs of the young to support boomers. Social security for boomers, medicare for boomers, cheap home/lawn workers for boomers, etc.

>> No.13793843


>take out loan for Geology degree
>complete program and seek jobs
>work as security guard to pay debt because nobody is hiring in the field

Your argument would be great if half of all STEM programs weren't, by your standards, "meme-fields". Not everybody wants to be a civil engineer or business administrator, is that simply a poor reflection of character?

>> No.13793865

>True, but college debt is far from the worst of it. Our entire system is built on the backs of the young to support boomers. Social security for boomers, medicare for boomers, cheap home/lawn workers for boomers, etc.
Yeah I'd still agree with this completely, boomers demanding the cheapest shittiest labor created the immigration problem and boomers demanding the cheapest shittiest consumer goods destroyed American manufacturing and indebted us to other countries. Social security is essentially over when they die

>> No.13793872

I'm a Zoomer who decided against college in favor of the autodidact meme and I get near-constant condescension by people around me for it, it's died down now but was especially incessant after I graduated. I can easily imagine someone slightly less self-determined being bullied into taking out a massive loan, and later being forced to regret it. So many people have this autistic malfunction at the idea of someone studying their passion at home, and go into stuttering convulsions of "Go to college... get a good job... go to college... good job" at the prospect.

>> No.13793926


Are you me? Literally also family from Israel but living in Canada. Israel is fucking dirty and cramped and there's graffiti and shit everywhere. I don't know why people are obsessed with this whole European density bullshit when suburbs feel a lot more free

>> No.13793939

Depends very heavily on what you study and what you intend to do with it, though.
Is taking $50k out to get a degree worth it? In most cases, no. Is reading books at home going to give you a comparable education, comparable experience, and comparable opportunities to enter a field? In most cases, no.

>> No.13793950

Which Handke book are you talking about? Not Slow Homecoming right?

>> No.13793956


Was mentioned already but White Noise by Don DeLillo

>> No.13794015

>Is reading books at home going to give you a comparable education, comparable experience, and comparable opportunities to enter a field? In most cases, no.
I wouldn't discourage an aspiring doctor or STEM type from going to college but I'm completely certain that you can get a comparable education in humanities/english/poetry/etc on your own. Though I'm not sure there's any 'field' to enter with those things anymore.

>> No.13794061

I wonder who told them to go to college for 18 years straight and said they could do anything they want.

>> No.13794082

you are so full of yourself lmao

>> No.13794151

Shut the fuck up boomer. You literally advocate destroying your own society for your own faggot pride. Kill yourself.

>> No.13794211

>I defend their debt slavery because they're obviously retards to get into that much debt
Don't you think, if they are retards, they should have been given some extra advice or guidance? How can you defend abuse and exploitation? Would you blame a beaten animal for not rising up?

>> No.13795006


>> No.13795029

I have like 80k debt by now and I have a near 6 figure job and will probably start a family soon. People act as if college is a right. It's not. College isn't even needed. Most people who go to college don't work in their field they work in a company. The over saturation of degrees has created a run on universities so now people think they need one to make good money which is asinine and has made it worse for everyone. Essentially, instead of treating college as what it is now idiots are going en masse to get a ton of debt and then blaming evryone else for their debt expecting the government to bail them out.

>> No.13795050

Again, boomers are a strawman for politicians. Politicians chose it not boomers. Boomers go to the polls once every four years and that's it. They have no control. Blaming boomers has become a meme to push the blame off of someone else. And when technology has destroyed the social foundations of our society and the next generation goes damn millenials. What then? Will it be your fault? No its the government's fault for not regulating shit out of the country they are assigned to protect. Anyone who says hur dur boomers is always unironically either stupid or indoctrinated. The housing crisis was always going to happen by virtue of housing being a bad market to get into. Immigration was always going to increase in successful countries. Those aren't caused by boomers they are just products of reality like entropy. High cost markets are undesirable and high quality of life countries see desirable to third world shit skins. The issue is that politicians saw evrything happening and did nothing despite having the power to do so.

>> No.13795200

Daily reminder this started during, not after, the 1950s. Read The America I have Seen by Qutb for an outsider's perspective.

>> No.13795225
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>movie gallery
i remember when the one in my towns strip mall went out of business so they sold everything and my mom bought me bunch of the gamecube games that i would always rent. there was this one that was a sonic he hedgehog racing game with hoverboards, i would always rent, and i ended up with it after the going out of business sale and i was super stoked. it was always such a treat going there and renting some vidya. shit man, even if it was just mindless consumerism, there was still at least a little bit of charm to it. now even our consumerism is fucking boring and all the vidya is shit anyway. i can't even remember the last time i actually went to a store and bought something that wasn't groceries or cigarettes, and now i'm literally reminiscing about going to a store and buying shit, thats how fucked we are.

>> No.13795261
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You might be interested in Richard Houck's essay "7-11 Nationalism"


>> No.13795334

>If you can’t walk into a convenience store at 2:30 AM to get a snack on a Friday night while leaving your car running and unlocked with your girlfriend waiting in it, you don’t live in a free country. People used to do that kind of thing. I’ve heard the stories.
right in the feels

>> No.13795403


You get high end suburbs, middlebrow, low end. There IS diversity. This looks lower middlclass.

>> No.13795422

This is why I love England. When I step outside I'm a few minutes walk away from an historic market town with cool architecture where I can sit and read while drinking a coffee. I'd imagine it's probably the same for mainland European countries, too.

>> No.13795451

imagine having that and still letting america cuck you in every conceivable way. i hate fucking anglos so much.

>> No.13795454

I think you're looking for "k-mart realism" the genre pioneered by Tao Lin.

>> No.13795505

How is America cucking us, and why do you have negative feelings about all Anglos based on this alleged cucking?

>> No.13795511


Even 20 grand is a LOT of money. People don’t realize that after taxes and expenses, you aren’t going to have 10s of thousands of dollars to throw around... even if you are fortunate enough to get a reasonably good job. (Which is not guaranteed at all)

These debt numbers 70-100k... these are going to cripple people. Their lives will be hobbled. The only way to build real wealth is buying a home or some other asset that appreciates over time. These debts reduce your ability to buy assets and they cut the amount of time you will own them even if you are able to actually get out of debt.

This is a colossal problem.

>> No.13795715

because you dirty anglos destroyed europe.

>> No.13795724

How did that happen? Please be specific

>> No.13795754


>> No.13795765

Not him, and he is a retard, but its pretty clear america has a large amount of control over britain (and possibly the whole EU). Although how one nation could sleep with anothers partner is beyond me. Also real americans are anglos and French/Germans/Soviets/villain of the week destroyed Europe.

>> No.13795766

>This looks lower middlclass.
It is but the area it's in isn't really a suburb. I mean it's technically "suburban" in the sense of its level of urbanization, but it doesn't look like >>13788912

t. >>13788908

>> No.13795833


>> No.13795892

I'm pretty sure it was the Germans who dropped the ball there

>> No.13795983
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>people fought and died in wars for this

>> No.13796005
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the futility of war

>> No.13796016

Suburbs are comfy, safe, and you don't have to deal with minorities. I don't understand the hate.

>> No.13796180
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>> No.13796339

See Kmart realism/minimalism

>> No.13796381
File: 8 KB, 125x186, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought of mentioning this, then ... nah.

Great (or near-great) movie. A little miracle (or near-miracle) of a movie.

>> No.13796425
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>> No.13796495

me on the right

>> No.13796528

Anglos are the protagonists of history, we alone have stood against Prussian barbarism, French liberalism and communist inhumanity.

>> No.13796532

anglos are liberal as fuck. if anything the italians are the protags

>> No.13796542
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>> No.13796684

Yeah this started when America became subservient to the capitalists

>> No.13796687

They're preparing to buy your nhs

>> No.13796702

Going to sound like a centrist but we need a combination of both capitalistic competition and socialistic intervention to keep monopolies and corporations at bay and to preserve the integrity of local autonomy. Not to mention a curbing of selfish consumerism but that's a problem of the soul that the government can't fix.

>> No.13796709

Fun fact: this town is incorporated into the highway. If you want to continue down I-70, you have to go through this town and then through a 2 mile loop to continue underneath the bridge leading into town, 1 mile out.

>> No.13796755

Competative market > free or "fair" market

>> No.13796761

This ain't the 60's anymore, gramps.

>> No.13796769

It's amazing what reliable and effective bait using /pol/ is. Works every time. Maximum amount of triggering for minimal effort.

>> No.13796801

>get a scholarship
>get good grades
>dont pay anything

>> No.13796906
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Arguably the existing "socialistic intervention" has made the "capitalist" system worse. Example, bailing out the banks with taxpayer money instead of letting them go under.

>> No.13797344

It seems comfy to me. But then again I live in the middle of nowhere where literally everything is at least a 20 minute drive away.

>> No.13797370

that pic is my culture
that is me
that is my childhood, my earliest interactions with the world, my locale
I don't say this spitefully; just as a matter of fact
it's comfortably familiar to look at that pic

>> No.13797372

this is volkisch to me

>> No.13797408

>The concept of a teenager didn’t even exist in the 1800s, as they were seen as adults capable of adult things
13 year olds were joining the army in the 1800s
people in their mid 20s today still aren't considered full biological "adults"

the meaning has changed so much since then

>> No.13797434

White Noise

>> No.13797731

doug really nails the middle-class retail hellhole aesthetic. generation X was pretty good

>> No.13797843

do they not need the guardian consent that they can secure the money?
if there's no safety precaution for when the student fails, it should be up to the guarantor to cover it up.

>> No.13798033
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I'm trying to explore this aesthetic in my paintings. As for books, maybe White Noise by Don Delillo?

>> No.13798062

Thee is literally little wrong with suburbs, especially compared to cities. The only single downside is that you can't do much on foot alone.
>less polluted
>no crime
>no niggers
>better schools
>no excess noise
>country clubs not far away
>random strangers are friendlier (within reason)
>still much closer to the wild than when in cities
The internet and home delivery of anything you want have put the final nail in the coffin for me. The higher information density, which was the only remaining argument for cities, is now uniform across any country where Amazon and alibaba and equivalent operate.

>> No.13798166

>t. took an 80K loan for their philosophy degree

>> No.13798211

I've lived super rural, urban and in the suburbs.

Suburbs really aren't that bad besides having no organic culture and no outdoors recreation. It's safe and you have access to institutions like universities or white collar jobs.

Sure rural areas are awesome to hang out with locals and do outdoors stuff but the jobs are SHIT (harsh physical labor with no regulations) and no universities to move up in the world.

>> No.13798237

Uni degree is a requirement for access to many institutions and white collar fields.

People jerking themselves off over going into trades or "starting their own business" are just coping. My own father declined to get a bachelor's degree and instead went into trades where he made more money than his University educated siblings. Despite this, he is extremely bitter that he has never received the respect or status that his siblings receive for having an education.

The division is completely obvious when they are together. He lives in a world of trashy smelly alcoholic trades people who make a lot of money and they live in a world of refined posh effeminate educated snobs. The inferiority complex that my father projects is sickening

>> No.13798245
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>The only single downside is that you can't do much on foot alone.
This is the criticism, dummy. Designing cities for automobiles instead of people is anti-human.

>> No.13798273

>Uni degree is a requirement for access to many institutions and white collar fields.
My post was specifically about courses that are not mandatory for a job, like gender studies, philosophy, liberal arts, things like that. Regardless, people should really start pondering whether it's worth to actually go that deep into debt at that point in their lives, even if they're aiming for a job where a degree is necessary. My dream was (and still is) getting a psychology degree, but I decided against it at the time to focus on a career to at least reach a point where I can comfortably pay for my education.

>> No.13798294

There usually aren't any classes in the university program that are worth taking. You can learn more about most of your fields from reading books and studying on your own.

The courses are to show the world that you went through the indoctrination program, similar to someone in the middle ages going through the initiation program to become a priest. It's more of a religious ritual than an academic one at this point.

>Pay for an education
Nobody will ever be able to pay $50,000 cash for a degree. Debt is required for university. You can cut it down by going to junior college for free for the first two years though.

The debt is sort of a meme, I have about $20,000 and I haven't paid a cent back yet. You have to be making a certain amount before they start billing you for it, and even then they don't require much of your income. I'm sort of considering getting like 3 PhD's and making minimal payments and then dying without even paying 1/16th of it back

>> No.13798570

I heard the common meme now i the whole family goes into debt to pay off the college tuition of the 2-3 kids.

>> No.13798579

>I'm sort of considering getting like 3 PhD's and making minimal payments and then dying without even paying 1/16th of it back
Kek, that's be a genuine nice flex