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/lit/ - Literature

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13786034 No.13786034 [Reply] [Original]

>never read the classics because people tell me they are boring bricks only read to look smart or because they're deep despite being unenjoyable
>pick one up as
>it's genuinely interesting and keeps me wanting to read more

Why is this sentiment so diffused around the general public?

>> No.13786045

Brainlets, just brainlets.

>> No.13786046

Not sure, but I'll offer a few hypotheses:

1. General American disdain of intellectual snobbery, elitism and pretentiousness, which degenerates into a defiance towards theory, sophisticated language and ultimately all high-minded endeavors in general (see Poe's comment about how "theorician" is almost a slur in the US, while it should be a compliment, see also Asimov's "my ignorance is as good as your knowledge" comment)

2. Unfortunate association of classical literary masterpiece with school (and all the ensuing gobbledigook of tests, marks, gradings, admonitions, rankings, essays, completions and competition, analysis, detention and all manners of fun-killing institutions)

3. Most saddening collusion of great novelistic achievements with the ruling classes (and all the implied vexing collection of privilege, power contempt, exploitation, secrecy, show-offiness and lack of humility, of grounding in reality, of compassion for one's fellow man)

4. The belief that reading classics requires thinking coupled with the very simple fact that thinking is often boring as fuck.

5. Man let's be real, those long-ass books take fucking forever. War and Peace is like what, 800 pages? I can do 100-150 pages, I can do the "Wa", but that's about it.

>> No.13786052

>so diffused around the general public?

bruh the general public's average IQ is like 100

>> No.13786065

basically this.

>> No.13786077


>> No.13786136

I think it is 1 and 2.