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13784140 No.13784140 [Reply] [Original]

I am very concerned that the Plotinian visions of the One or the Vedic Soma are simply DMT, either taken as ayahuasca or self-induced.

The chance that the greatest mystic revelation can be marked or reduced as some psych that a nerd can take if he so wishes at any time is soul-deadening. Is this likely?

The descriptions of both are very indicative of boundary-dissolving, spirit and matter merging oneness.

>> No.13784156

That is the final redpill. Post-atheist atheism.

>> No.13784162

Yes, and fuck mysticism.

>> No.13784199

people with NDEs also talk about this stuff

>> No.13784211

doesnt the fact that certain drug experiences are somewhat unified with sober, meditational experiences point to at least some degree of misunderstanding in our current worldview?

>> No.13784221

Why not the other way around? "Bracketing the natural attitude," i.e., starting with no assumptions about the nature of the world, of what the "default" metaphysical world-picture must be, why is it not incredible prima facie that consciousness exists and that it is capable of ecstatic visions of oneness? Why is it not amazing that people across all cultures and times have reported having those same experiences through religious and ascetic contemplation, with no drugs involved? Maybe drugs are just an easy but brief, juvenile, and poorly formed glimpse into something that's really there.