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/lit/ - Literature

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13782778 No.13782778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>atlas shrugged is bad! Ann Rynd just hates poor people

>> No.13782780

t. boomer

>> No.13782784

shes a meme. like ben shapiro

>> No.13782788

Rand is just Nietzsche for burgers. Instead of the Ubermensche being a great artist or philosopher, he is a money grubbing entrepreneur.

>> No.13782791

You didnt have to sell her to me, Anon.

>> No.13782893

Literally what is wrong with Silk? I have a big glass of it every mourning before work. It's good.

>> No.13783230

Almond Milk is better

>> No.13783330

The true redpill: she's right about everything, but her prose is trash

>> No.13783552


>> No.13783558


>> No.13783567

It is bad and she did hate poor people but that's not why it's bad. It's bad because women can't write good literature, especially when they're ugly and venting their frustration of not having rich chads to leech off of

>> No.13783596

lmao this is true

>> No.13783603

Ayn Rand ended up what she hated the most: a hypocritical parasite.

>> No.13783613

>every mourning
if only you knew how bad things really were

>> No.13783658

I also forgot to mention that I have been on HRT since 2011.

>> No.13783666

For a second I thought that was just the Brit spelling of morning.

>> No.13783713

Pretty much this. In the mid-19th century an Italian village got swallowed by an earthquake and the Vatican, when asked why God would do such a thing, responded by saying the people in that village were sinners.

This was about when telegraph and newspapers allowed events to be heard of worldwide quicker than ever before. People all over the world looked at each other, quietly whispered "Bullshit" and since then westerners have been looking for something to fill the void left by God.

When you read about the lives of writers and artists from that time, it becomes clear that this was a big deal. There's a thread of authors from that time on who are held up as giving people a scientific or rational reason to forget ethics and morality. None of them stand up. Not one. We're still looking for something to serve as the social glue and life map that poor old religion used to work as. No -isms have done us much good.

Ayn Rand died broke on welfare.

>> No.13783720

lets be honest here: if you're poor its your own fault. "i don't wanna work" is not an excuse.

>> No.13783819

>Ayn Rand died broke on welfare.
Yeah, she was a state puppet. She didn't actually believe anything she wrote, else she wouldn't have done half the things we know about her. Her status as ex-soviet and a female writer gave validity to her work as anti-socialist because she (a.) suffered through communism, and (b.) demonstrated that progressive politics about women were bologna. This painted a "by your bootstraps" picture of her, and allowed those around her to use her as an icon. Of course she could write about rugged individualism: from her vantage point she couldn't fail. She was a mouthpiece for obscurantist-totalitarian government; she sold her soul to the exact same totalitarians she fled from in the USSR.
>USA is a freedum and your a fascist
There is no meaningful distinction to be drawn between capitalist totalitarians and socialist totalitarians. They just use different isms to obscure their intent. They don't actually care about capitalism or socialism, they care about control.

>> No.13783841

>taking back what the government stole from you through taxation makes you a state puppet

>> No.13783875

Nobody is completely self reliant, we're all born into this world weak and defenseless and when we get old we'll need to be taken care of as well. It's ok to admit that you're weak and need help, we all need help sometimes, and some more than others.

>> No.13784978
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>people are still talking about female stefan molyneux years later

for their sake I hope 2080-oomers aren't also harangued by a cohort of brainlet faggots who took the molyneux style bait. reminder that this is the typical ayn rand fan:


>> No.13784994
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>Atlas Fugged

>> No.13785103

Why are all 4chan memes now so derivative? wojak+basedboys->soýjak->super-open-mouth soýjak, wow hahaha so funny. Come up with some OC or fuck off.

>> No.13785149

Mentioning Rand has always been a sign that someone is not a /lit/izen. OP is not representative of /lit/‘s current meme culture in any way. Even if OP had ironic intent behind his post, either making fun of Rand fanatics and comparing them to the drone-like, masculinity-obsessed propagators of the soiboi memes, or making fun of the repetitiveness and meaninglessness of our online interactions by bringing together two beaten-to-death topics in a nihilistic malaise, he still would not be representative of /lit/ because no self-respecting /lit/izen could muster up the mental energy required to press those few keys to type something about Rand even in an ironic context. She is not worth discussing.

>> No.13785167

true but also false because you just typed that fucking novel about her lmao

>> No.13785194
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Capitalism and Communism are contrary to the teachings of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ

>> No.13785352 [DELETED] 

Atlas Shrugged is pretentious crap but the Fountainhead is unironically


>> No.13785486

Anarchy goes against those teachings as well.

>> No.13785744

>Pretty much this. In the mid-19th century an Italian village got swallowed by an earthquake and the Vatican, when asked why God would do such a thing, responded by saying the people in that village were sinners.
Things that never happened. It's Even in direct contrastato with the book of Job.
We expect a certain level of conversation in this board, son, are you sure you are up to par?

>> No.13785763

You'll know when your atrophied cock and balls drop off in the tub.
Switch to almond milk + onion juice supplements before it's too late.

>> No.13785766

yes. you got it right. move on from there.

>> No.13785767

This is why theocratic organic nationalist distributism is the answer.

>> No.13785827

Butthurt commie detected

>> No.13785841
File: 31 KB, 551x557, images - 2019-09-09T160013.953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that wasnt true capitalism.
Capitalism has never been tried.