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13782639 No.13782639 [Reply] [Original]

>So in the end I guess there really is something that lurks inside us all... some sort of... Inherent Vice.
Bravo, Pynchon, bravo.

>> No.13782648
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>and the voices of the children are our real Amulet
bravo Bolaño.

>> No.13782676

>tfw it's real

>> No.13782698

>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49
can't make this shit up. Damn pinecon

>> No.13783703

>And that's what happens when you pit yourself Against the Day.
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.13784078

>Perhaps in the final reckoning, the man who was Thursday was all the friends we made along the way
This is supposed to be an argument FOR Catholicism?!?

>> No.13784119

>”and we found ourselves...in the crying of lot 49.”
Literary genius my ass.

>> No.13784820

And don't even get me STARTED on Hamlet

>> No.13784959

Christmas Ev-

Stopped reading right there

>> No.13784990
File: 142 KB, 720x480, difficult-scriptures-who-is-jezebel-in-revelation-2-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo John

>> No.13785001

>Truly this whole ordeal beginning, with that pompous police officer was only a short twist of fortuna‘s wheel. With my rescue i’ll never suffer A Confederacy Of Dunces (gladly, at least) again!
No wonder this shit wasn’t published.

>> No.13785043
File: 25 KB, 600x337, Quran-122018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>وفي النهاية كان القرآن الحقيقي الأصدقاء صنعنا على الطريق
Wow, nice job, Muhammad

>> No.13785050

>At long last I finally saw the world as what it truly was: will and representation.
Explain to me why this is in the philosophical canon.

>> No.13785075

>And Milo began to toss the chocolate covered cotton into Yossarian‘s cupped hands. He had estimated with the help of a Maltese farmer who had a similar bodily composition to Yossarian that exactly twenty pieces would fit into Yossarian‘s mitts before the twenty-first would cause them all to bounce out.

>”But I can‘t catch 21!“ Said Yossarian.
>“You can catch 20, why not 21?“
>“I can’t catch 20, there‘s not enough room.“
>”could you stack 21 up?”
>”Milo, I can’t stack anything or I’ll move my hand and then they’ll all fall out!”
>”Try stacking 21 Yossarian, do it for the war effort!”
>”I can catch 20 just fine, but I can’t stack 21!”
>”I think the next improvement is for you to catch 21, and then try to stack them.”
>“If I can’t stack 21, then how can I catch 21?”
>“I think i’ve just diagnosed you Yossarian, I can help you unlike Doc Daneeka. You see, your issue is that you can’t commit emotionally to anything, not even a million dollar business idea! How about a little shock therapy, or at least some therapy that will shock you. Let’s go at a faster pace, here’s two at a time, Yossarian! Here it comes! Catch 22!”

Pretty based desu.

>> No.13785077

>"Yes. Luxurious cruise tour is one of the supposedly fun thing I'll never do again."
Mind. Blown.

>> No.13785079

>"William Stoner w-"
fucking dropped

>> No.13785081


>> No.13785084

>Atlas was tired of holding the world up, after reading The Fountainhead, he had finally realised that the task had nothing in common with his own rational self interest, Atlas Shrugged, and that was that.

>> No.13785088

>Maybe Roger Federer is made of both flesh and.... not.