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/lit/ - Literature

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13781362 No.13781362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>rots his brain with hentai all day
>lives off his parents money
>barely knows how to read
>hasn't been embraced by any university or academic institution
>still the greatest living philosopher
What's your excuse?

>> No.13781430

literally whom

>> No.13781453

He's gonna kill himself when his girlfriend leaves him and the Pateon money dries up
Digibro, anime Youtuber

>> No.13781454

guy looks like he sniffs glue on the beach

>> No.13781456

>What's your excuse?
Stepped on a lego when I was 5.

>> No.13781457

who this

>> No.13781612

And thus he will ensure his status as legendary thinker.

>> No.13781626

Ya know, I take offense to those who sully the sleaze aesthetic. I basically look exactly like this man minus the gut, and I'm doing pretty alright.

>> No.13781654

He's doing better than you hahahaha

>> No.13781685

worked for socrates

>> No.13781711

Isnt this guy a pedo

>> No.13781753

The real question is: is he literature?

>> No.13781761

He's a philosopher who has written genre fiction so he's as /lit/ friendly as Nick Land.

>> No.13781840

Listen, you little fuck. I'll use your skull as a fleshlight if you ever talk to me like that, again. Am I jealous? A little. Will I become canonized purely out of spite? Yes.
I don't know if I'd say it 'worked' for Socrates; considering his demise. But, definitely cemented his legacy. I just need a little manservant to follow me around and record my teachings to The West.

>> No.13781846

You'll never get anywhere if your insults are that cliche hahahahaha
Hack loser!

>> No.13781875

Why do they act so shocked, it isn't pedophilia lol

>> No.13781895
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, callum adams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually here's the greatest living philosopher

>> No.13781896

Haaaaaaa no bitch

>> No.13781911
File: 22 KB, 1103x111, octo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see...

>> No.13781953

He is the ocean master bitch! Bow down! Go to the beach and kneel.

>> No.13781960


>> No.13781998

But he is though
Plus >>13781711 Callum's also staunchly anti pedo
So he beats Digibro soundly

>> No.13782033

>still the greatest living philosopher
Whaaaat? he only is an opinionated idiot who thinks he is a genius because he likes K-ON because he thinks like a girl

>> No.13782051

>He's gonna kill himself when his girlfriend leaves him and the Pateon money dries up

That is not gonna happen, he actually does very little for the money that the mindless idiots give him that its baffling to know how many patreons he has. Also his GF is in for the patreon money.

>> No.13782072

>this is the guy telling you to have sex

>> No.13782074

Whaaaaaat? Whaaaaat? Whaaaaat? See how dumb you sound? Whaaaaaat? Hahaha

>> No.13782080

holy shit he got fat

>> No.13782113

remember to report & sage

>> No.13782120

his main channel is trash, i think he got tired talking about anime

>> No.13782139
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1565308672675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animeshitters are mentally ill.

>> No.13782147

imagine paying this guy to give you advices on life. thats sad

>> No.13782184

Says the frogposter! Hahahahaha I look at your life and laugh! Hahahahahahaha

>> No.13782236

All his opinions and analysis come from /a/ he is like vatividya who used all the lore from fucking /v/ and /vg/ both have very successful patreons, i don't envy them, i rather be demolition d since he is actually talented.

>> No.13782242

What about those backwards anime books do those count?

>> No.13782252

What is a vatividya

>> No.13782262

A youtuber, for souls games, both used to use this site a lot

>> No.13782271


>> No.13782396

>Hawaiin shirts make me sleazecore :)
Fucking pathetic.

>> No.13782454

>*evil anime laughter*
see they are all passive aggressive psychos who erp as girls with each other

>> No.13782462

why are so many anglos unable to use 'whom' correctly?

>> No.13782473


More /lit/ than you

>> No.13782539

Projecting this hard! Hahahahahaha

>> No.13782552

Worked by based Digi
He makes like 4,500 a month on Patreon and some money from YouTube

>> No.13782559


>> No.13783303

I do not wear Hawaiian shirts except for when I'm drinking margaritas on my porch

>> No.13783305

>not wearing a Hawaiian shirt to your grandma's funeral

>> No.13783756

what do his bad takes have to do with any sort of philosophy whatsoever?