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/lit/ - Literature

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13778572 No.13778572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is /lit/'s consensus on this board?

>> No.13778576

Something I've noticed is that this board is majority catholic, and /his/ is majority atheist. I tend to like talking about religion at /his/ more for that reason.

>> No.13778581

It's mostly like that kid in high school who was obsessed with Roman battle tactics. Even more disappointing than /sci/.

>> No.13778595
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that got me into thinking: how do people from other boards see lit? im certain this is the best open webspace for the thinking elite

>> No.13778606

The goals of the two boards mostly overlap, but it seems like that quality is lower over there

>> No.13778608

This board is /fa/ with books.

>> No.13778612

/sci/ is actually more intelligent
/mu/ likes us
/tv/ hates us for some reason. i remember talking to a fellow there who said he never read a book because there was too much kino to consume in his lifetime

>> No.13778620

lol, was he serious ? /tv/ spent WEEKS obsessing over that hero series... that is also a comic... and it wasn't even a good show... /tv/ is retarded af

>> No.13778622

/lit/ should become gnostic

>> No.13778635

/x/ please. lit is based as it is (christian board)

>> No.13778641

/tv/ has generals for cheap entertainment and capeshit movies. they also have threads for celebrities. there was one lit thread about movies that was better than the entire tv

>> No.13778653

I can't stand /his/, and I hate the fact that it prevents history discussion on /lit/. The only good threads are the book threads, and even those are hit and miss. It doesn't even work as a containment board for low-effort philosophy threads.

>> No.13778657

Gookm00t should not have lumped History and the humanities into one board
Of course it turned into /pol/tards larping as their favorite defunct empires, what the fuck did he expect

>> No.13778660

/his/ - pregnant anne frank and haologroups

>> No.13778672


>> No.13778675

They never want to talk about books
But /lit/ never wants to talk about books either

>> No.13778683

Ah, only supreme arrogance can lead to men concluding there is no God.

>> No.13778695

>how do people from other boards see lit?
Mostly they see you as fart sniffing idiot savants.
Sure you can read well but you're as sharp as a bag of wet, dead rats.

Or something along those lines. I've never been to /fa/ or the craft boards.

>> No.13778711

Wow, /v/tards are easily impressed: >>477081082

>> No.13778717

* >>>/v/477081082 ?

>> No.13778728

more like logic and reasoning

>> No.13778743

>this board is majority catholic

>> No.13778746


>> No.13778750

never been there lole

>> No.13778757

/g/ respects this board, but still has the idea that one who goes to uni must get a stem degree.

>> No.13778789

Too many people without any decent knowledge of history or philosophy.

>> No.13778797
File: 205 KB, 1139x898, a00489_5090442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know how /pol/ jerks itself off for bringing 'truth' to the unwashed masses (example in pic related)? /his/ does the same thing and it's just as cringe

>> No.13778876

Your pic-related probably wasn't the best to use as an example. Replace /pol/ with just 4chan in general and it actually rings quite true.

Turns out the role 4chan plays is surprisingly Nietzschean. Mainly in terms of aesthetics however, the Absolute isn't something to be found on the internet

>> No.13778889

Other boards literally don't know about /lit/, which is why it manages to maintain such a high quality.

>> No.13778898
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>maintain such a high quality

>> No.13778911

/his/ is the autistic step child of /lit/ and /pol/ who likes Rome a little too much
but why stop there
lets critique other boards
/sci/ is full of logical positivists whose opinions do not matter
/g/ is full of autistic NEET's who are otherwise ok
/v/ is for retarded children
/tv/ is for retarded adults
/b/ is /v/ but with more discussions about video games
/pol/ is /pol/
/mu/ is a lot like /lit/ except they have consumed the media they pretend to like
/a/, /jp/ etc. is for an people who have completely abandoned life and I envy them for it
/fit/ is for people who aren't interesting enough for a hobby but are too autistic to have friends
I'm not sure /ck/ actually exists, and I don't care enough to check
[s4s] is the only nice board

>> No.13778915

High tier bait

>> No.13778916
File: 28 KB, 800x450, e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ is actually more intelligent

>> No.13778917

>much kino to consume in his lifetime
Wish I felt this way.

>> No.13778926

I'm a devout Catholic myself, and when I come to Lit I don't come for religious debate and discussion which is typically what alot of threads turn into. I think both boards suffer to talk about their claimed topics and veer more into philosophical circle jerking and atheists calling Catholics larpers and larpers calling atheists fedora tippers.

>> No.13778941

>coming to 4chan for religious debates

>> No.13778946

>I don't come for religious debate
I think you misread my post friend

>> No.13778955

Tried to browse it a bit but the board culture felt like /int/ or something

>> No.13778962

It's interesting that you see things that way
I barely notice religious people at all on this board
I mostly see three types of people: /pol/ types, modernist left types, and post-left types
makes u think

>> No.13779009


>> No.13779037

I think it devolves way to much into schreaching "BTFO X group of people, Y is better here is my meme reason andsuedocritical thinking why X is totaly unworthy of any praise or recognition whatsoever". I mean, that happens here to, but I think there is a larger proportion of people who actualy explain themselves semi-rationally.

I use to go to /his/ semi-regularly, but it devolved into /pol/ level unproductive shitflinging, and not in an endering lighthearted way, but a vitriolic and not feel so good bant way. although there are some good threads every now and then.

>> No.13779094

/p/ee really like /lit/ for some reason >>>/p/3530601

>> No.13779106

>/sci/ is full of logical positivists whose opinions do not matter
Are we browsing the same board? Sci is full of schizos and soft platonists.

>> No.13779107

Yeah that's definitely bullshit
95% of /sci/ is composed of either retards trying to debunk evolution/climate change/vaccines/round earth/dealer's choice, IQ masturbation, or "What does science have to say about [political shit]"

>> No.13779110

I haven't been on there in years
Is that really the current state of the board?

>> No.13779121

jesus fucking christ you're right
i guess when logical positivism became the 'reddit' position they stopped maybe?
This is worse, I didn't think it could get worse
this is as dumb as /pol/
what the fuck happened?

>> No.13779167

>Sci is full of schizos
Have you looked trough this board?
Between you and sci you got more deluded slapchesters talking about how a book made them FEEL that things aren't right and other inane schizo shit.

>> No.13779197

/pol/ is not dumb. Being extremely edgy is not the same thing as being dumb, they will make actual arguments at length, and that is actually the more typical format for a thread there than any other board, they really love arguing.

if you want to know what a dumb board looks like go to /x/. zero intelligent discussion ever there

>> No.13779206

That's fair
In fact I had a great discussion with someone on /pol/ just yesterday
but the majority of posts are absolute fucking garbage
it is difficult to separate the edgy shitposters from actual retards

>> No.13779268

>but the majority of posts are absolute fucking garbage
yeah it is 4chan lol. And /pol/ are under 24/7 spam raids by multiple outside groups

I don't browse the board anymore because I just don't really give a shit, but when people say they're dumb over there I question if they ever actually interacted with the board. There's a reason they're such a massive bogeyman on the internet.

And a lot of /pol/ is no longer remotely ironic edge, it is dead serious, and it's not teenagers it's often established men in their late 20s and 30s and even boomers. It's not 2014 with Zimmerman memes anymore, things have gotten kind of insane. Theyre not as extreme as the 8ch /pol/ was but they're all reactionary as shit and it's not to be edgy, these views are now entrenched in a very large number of men, and there is pretty much nobody in all of mainstream culture coherently arguing against them because everywhere else you just get banned for posting that stuff.

I sometimes dont think people realize how radicalized stuff is getting. Im starting to see it in random young guys i meet irl who are perfectly normal but have views like this, usually working class guys but also some middle class ones. And the left just gets ever lefter in the opposite direction.

kind of rambling but ive been thinking about this lately.

>> No.13779277

>and there is pretty much nobody in all of mainstream culture coherently arguing against them because everywhere else you just get banned for posting that stuff.
>I sometimes dont think people realize how radicalized stuff is getting. Im starting to see it in random young guys i meet irl who are perfectly normal but have views like this, usually working class guys but also some middle class ones. And the left just gets ever lefter in the opposite direction.

>> No.13779302

I can’t help but feel like it’d be a nice place if there were no niggers but I guess I feel that a lot

>> No.13779303
File: 16 KB, 326x326, 15405181406621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'd agree that's spot on
and it's more general than you think
we're headed toward weird times, where the average person has been radicalized to some nonsensical ideology as a result of the continuous feedback of the internet. There is no reference point in history for something like this.
I don't think I can make any absolute claims about what will happen
But I don't know if I truly care anymore

>> No.13779327

/mu/tant here. Can confirm I like you guys.

>> No.13779330

/ck/ is /tv/ but with food, it's great.

>> No.13779341

agreed on all points. the left-right thing is the most prominent but it's happening along all sorts of bizarre axes and isolated subcultures. There really is no precedent. Ive also reached the stage of 'basically fuck all this i dont care'. Call me apathetic or cowardly or whatever, Ive stopped caring about that too, nobody has any real solutions to any of this. I'd rather focus on whatever i can in my life, the people around me, i can't do shit about these abstract worldhistorical patterns anyway, and ive lost my trust in any particular authority or group.

If people want to engage in it im not going to fault them, but i dont care anymore. Doesnt seem like humans are even in charge anymore, just large scale emergent social processes intertwined with technology and we have no idea where the fuck they're going.

>> No.13779396

at least we're not alone in this
I've tried to model it cybernetically, I've read so much social theory, but it's no use.
I have no idea which abyss we're headed to, but I know it's a form of being that seems deathly cold and vacant.
I'd like to say I could just ignore it and focus on the people I genuinely care about, but it's so interwoven, it's so ubiquitous, I'm not sure there's any way out besides attempting to avoid it, to go deep out of the realm where it can touch me, to live completely disconnected.
And even there I think it's already infected me, become part of me, whatever the fuck it is. It's so powerful, it's so cold. Is this how all life is meant to end?
If there's a god, please take me.

>> No.13779404

stemfag, just defended a phd in information theory successfully. /sci/ is not more intelligent than /lit/, the opposite is true. /g/ is smarter than /sci/.

theres a few jerkoffs on /sci/ who know a few things. but mostly it's tedious calculuscope high schooler idiots who want to be part of a scientific elite but dont have the drive to get there, only the desire for grandeur.

stemfags are assholes, laws should be instated to allow killing them on sight.

>> No.13779442

I feel rather like you, but I'm not so sure about it being historically unprecedented. The prevalence of extreme contradictory beliefs in the same society has been of fact of Western European societies since perhaps the Reformation if not earlier. Only now people are radicalized through the internet, so there's a niche/subculture/counterculture character to the whole phenomenon (and it's funny to think the majority of young people right now might consider themselves against the grain of larger young culture).

>> No.13779450

Smarter than us.

>> No.13779455

>I'd like to say I could just ignore it and focus on the people I genuinely care about
You can. Even if they dont get it because theyre wrapped up in this stuff and you are too in ways, theyll still appreciate it and the connection.

>> No.13779456

>/g/ is smarter than /sci/.
lol this is true

/sci/ is "115 IQ what should I major in?" and "Math = 300K starting" and nothing else

>> No.13779472

It would have been fine if mods had listened to us about making it all in Ancient Greek and making Koine autosage.

>> No.13779491

/n/ here, you should all ride a bike, it's more fun than reading

>> No.13779499

How do I into riding bikes if I'm a pussy afraid of speed? I genuinely want to enjoy the thill of bikeriding but it seems my instincts go against it.

>> No.13779549

I mean, if you don't want to live a miserable life you probably should

>> No.13779569


at least /g/ sometimes actually does things instead of just trying to find petty ways of being better than other people

>> No.13779574

That's what happens when you don't allow complete freedom of speech on major platforms. We would not have this issue if they were allowed to be btfo out on popular social media platforms.

>> No.13779583

yep, good post.

pleb take but i mean that as bad on society not to u, even a pleb could see this shift happening

>> No.13779590

The thrill of riding a bike comes from enjoying the speed, so I'm not sure you can

>> No.13779596

Why must have God cursed me so?
That said I do somewhat enjoy the speed, but I'm also scared by it. How to I beat the pussyspeed part of me into submission?

>> No.13779598

>this board is majority catholic
No real way to show that. There are some loud mouth catholics here for sure but to say the board itself is majority catholic is very myopic.

>> No.13779614

Have you been to trash. It is very gay, but very down to earth, but very cringe at the same time.

>> No.13779618

/his/ is just /pol/ vs /leftypol/ shitposting and /int/ country shitflinging without flags (not that it makes a difference).

Terrible board.

>> No.13779623
File: 150 KB, 495x280, disgusting-。-anime-irl-3842810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/tv/ hates us for some reason. i remember talking to a fellow there who said he never read a book because there was too much kino to consume in his lifetime

/tv/ users are usually plebbit refugees. You notice this with their shitty choice of memes, like "sneed" or "dilate". Also, this >>13778641.

>> No.13779625

>when people say they're dumb over there I question if they ever actually interacted with the board. There's a reason they're such a massive bogeyman on the internet.
This describes 99% of people who post shit like "go back to /pol/". They have never even visited /pol/ to realize how retarded and gay it has become.

>> No.13779626

unironicaly this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwCEAdeFXEM

Echo chambers, plus being continuously estranged from ANYTHING mainstream makes what use to be absurdist light hearted jests into something more and more real.

>> No.13779631

God, if there is a post that describes me now, this is it. At least I have the comfort of other people thinking the same thing.

>> No.13779632

Based as fuck, anon.

>> No.13779635

/tv/ is by far the worst board on the site, bar none. If one could somehow permaban their entire regular userbase and not have evade their bans, post quality across all boards would relatively skyrocket.

>> No.13779672
File: 67 KB, 750x732, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moderation doesn't help neither. I just went there to check if it was as crappy as i remember and i already found gore and porn. We are talking of /b/ tier retardation by this point.

>> No.13779687

Visit /mg/ sometime. /sci/ is definitely superior to /lit/, if you ignore the shitposters.

>> No.13779705

Is that from Metal Gear Solid? I should really get around to playing it sometimes.
There statement in that vid are pretty fascinating if you take them as legitimate question rather than villainous gloat or necessary authoritarianism. Particularly the question of how we select information by censoring.

>> No.13779771

>"Not to control content, but to create context"
MGS2 actualy. I think its the first game to give me actual existential thoughts about society and kinda understand the antagonists point of view. I dont 100% agree what they say, but they do bring about a good point of what is continuously becoming more and more real in the digital age.

>> No.13779790

Going on this, its pretty crazy to think this was made in 2001 before a lot of this shit even started.

DESU I think if it is possible one day, we should probably use AI in governnace to increase objectionality. Of course not in full, but as advisers and so on. Half truths that suit people comfortably are inescapable.

>> No.13779812

This post is 100% accurate and can be easily verified by anyone who browses all three boards. 90% of /sci/ is either basic calculus questions or completely uncritical theory of mind. Sad!

>> No.13779817

Second rate. Ephemeral, puffed up. A nonentity. Means nothing to me.

>> No.13779847

/ck/ is great and comfy.

>> No.13779853

i dont know how you stomach wading through sci

>> No.13779855

>/sci/ is actually more intelligent

I'm sure the vast majority of them hasn't even taken a formal calculus course.

>> No.13779867

The only two boards I browse are /a/ and /lit/

>> No.13779868

Yes this is really annoying, there should be some kind of filtering for homework threads, IQ threads and generally all threads focused on undergrad and below.

>> No.13779869

Bluepilled on the holohoax so opinions discarded

>> No.13779948

I don't really know why I keep going back either; maybe because I'm a STEMtard by training and have always had a mathematical bent. But I think it's more likely I keep going back to watch the slow-motion trainwreck and think to myself: there but for the grace of God go I.

>> No.13780005

fuckhat exclusivity and elitism just makes it worse, cf quora, the bad parts of mathoverflow, web1.0 forum culture, academia

>> No.13780062

Mostly go on /jp/ and /lit/ now. One foot in the grave, the other on the shores of hell.
As far as /sci/ is concerned, they definitely have a few smart folks there but for the most part it's just a shitshow. The sheer amount of asshurt caused by free will threads, the mere mention of metaphysics and certain other topics causes people to throw all sense out the window. Any of you fags seen that guy who casually claims his IQ is 160 or so but the only things he likes are math, physics and posting pictures of cute younger women (to which he probably masturbates regularly)? And then the boy has the guts to say that any topics other than math and physics are for dumb retards. The guys in /mg/ are mostly alright though and make me feel heavily insecure.

>> No.13780070

>dude what if the nazis WON?
>dude roman empire
>dude rome
>what if the confederates won?

>> No.13780073

At least they talk about maths on mathoverflow.

>> No.13780161

when I was regular on /his/(like a year ago) it was pretty catholic desu

>> No.13780164

>how do people from other boards see lit?
As a Marxist dungeon

>> No.13780165

I wish all the bible and quaran fags would instead go there...

>> No.13780182

yes, supreme arrogance to believe that such limited creatures can reason their way out of the existence of God.

>> No.13780186

/tv/ hates /lit/ cause we make them feel insecure

all their best movies are adaptations of trashy novels that we sneer at

>> No.13780192

Supreme arrogance to believe you can infer the existence of a supreme being from your mere existence.

>> No.13780196

ah, but God has gifted us the knowledge of Him.

>> No.13780224

Supreme arrogance, again, to believe a supreme Being would care so much about you. Especially when he has granted us no solid knowledge of anythi

>> No.13780225

we should merge with it desu, then it will become better

>> No.13780227

*of anything else fundamental

>> No.13780228

desu (test)