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/lit/ - Literature

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13777903 No.13777903 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you actually write?

>> No.13777904

no I only reas

>> No.13777915

I translate, mostly.
My writing is ~90% haikus I write at night, the rest are mediocre poems about glorius sunshine on the windows of a commieblock, and about hating old people if I remember correctly.

>> No.13777922

14k words into a fist draft and have an outline.
Also write in a journal daily, make stupid cheesy poems for women I sleep with, and have several painfully long schizo ramblings sitting around somewhere.
But no, the majority of this board does not write.

>> No.13778119

Define what "actually writing" is. I've written 3 pages of an unfinished novel and wrote a crappy poem. Some of the people on here are severe brainlets who need things spelled out for them, so I'm going to point out that I don't expect anything from writing, and write solely for myself.

>> No.13778127

I've probably written more words in 4chan posts than I have in any other medium.

>> No.13778135

I just did earlier this afternoon as a matter of fact.

>> No.13778137

I like to write historical fiction containing boatloads of entropy, paranoia, and penises.

>> No.13778154

this just made me realize my style is completely derivative of pinecone's, minus the penises
fuck, i dont know if that makes me feel bad or not

>> No.13778163

im pretty well known in the transformers fanfic community

>> No.13778170

Yes, not that it's any good.

>> No.13778220

Yeah, I still think I'm trying to find my stride. I've been making music and writing since I was a young lad. Getting a little older, and those are still the only things that genuinely make me happy; not that it's anything special. Still trying to figure out my place in the world as an artist. Figure, as long as I write at least a full page a day, I'll be fine. Been beating myself up a lot lately for not being more 'successful' by now, but I don't even know exactly what that means to me. I'm thinking of going to some kind of vocational school to learn a trade in order to support myself and my work......I just don't know what I'd pursue.

>> No.13778234

If it's good who cares. Tommy hasn't written anything great lately so you can pick up the slack.

>> No.13778281

This is oddly one of the most inspirational things I've read today. Thank you.

>> No.13778340
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Guys how many books should I read before trying to become a writer?

>> No.13778403

Never stop reading.
Never stop writing.
You want to write? Start now.

>> No.13778560

What if 30 is around the corner and you're still honing your craft, but your life around you seems to have began to crumble as well, so you're unsure what to do with yourself anymore besides pursuing your love for reading and writing?

>> No.13778632

Don't leave me hanging, boys.

>> No.13778637

i wrote in you're mom's pussy's last nite... with my dick.

>> No.13778651

It's not uncommon at all for even highly ambitious writers to publish their first book in their '30s or '40s.

But if you need 4chan anons reassuring you in order to do it, that's probably more the issue to worry about.

>> No.13778666

>4chan anons reassuring you
I suppose this is the root of my issue. I don't have a very good group of people to confide in. And, I can be very self-critical. I think I get wrapped up in other people's successes, and should just focus on my work.

>> No.13778673
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I'm terrified of writing and having it just be me revisiting my past traumas

>> No.13778694

So what? Write about that. There are many, many, many people that feel that way. Put their feelings on paper. That's what a writer is.
And never come here for validation. You are your own validation. You are who you are.
Never forget that.

>> No.13778699
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I exclusively write absurdist post-modern novellas.

>> No.13778738

Anon... thank you. You ironically validated me.

>> No.13778749

Yes, it’s my career. One of my books is on one of the /lit/ top 100 lists

>> No.13778779

Nah, I realized my IQ is too low for that and I decided to just live a simple life instead. I appreciate the artform and it's one of my favorite hobbies, but my prose and vocabulary is just too shit. I know my place in the world - as a peasant. I have some pretty cool themes though.

>> No.13778790

me too.

>> No.13778864

I don't know what you mean by starting to crumble, but I suggest getting some stability in your life. It's easier to pursue your passion when you're not worrying about things falling apart.

1. Get a job that feeds into writing. This can be an overnight hotel receptionist or security (I am about to do this)

2. Join a writing group to have others read your work and to have a network of people you can relate to. If you can't do local then go for online

3. Don't give up. This is your passion, and just because times are hard have faith in yourself that you'll make it through

>> No.13778907

Thanks for laying down some practical and doable advice for me to follow. This is a good outline to get me into a more stable mindset which will aid me in getting back to where I want to be.
And, I'm sure my 'crumbling' isn't anything unique; it all just came down on me at once. Getting a new job and finding some like minded people is exactly what I need to do.

>> No.13779748

good post, thanks

>> No.13779782

As a hobby. I'm a grad student but I write for fun, would love to publish something one day but realistically it probably won't happen.

I'm approaching 30K words for a novel that I'd like to finish at around 60-70k words. I recently had another novel-length idea but I'd like to try short stories in between, it has been somewhat exhausting actually.

>> No.13779953

Song lyrics mostly

>> No.13779985

No. Writing is the worst creative medium.

Anyone trying to write instead of learning how to make music or draw is an absolute retard.

>> No.13781468

>instead of learning how to make music
but I already know how to do that. That's why I got into literature. Still plan on learning how to paint.


>> No.13781721

>2. Join a writing group to have others read your work and to have a network of people you can relate to.
How does one actually do this? Every such group I've found myself in has consisted entirely of people who want to write, but don't. At all.

>> No.13781810


>> No.13781857
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really shit poetry yeah

>> No.13781878

Yeah. Some of my short stories have even been published in literary magazines. If you keep writing and never stop submitting stories you'll eventually get published. It's much easier than I had thought it would be, probably because there are so few talented writers left.

>> No.13781908

What's your race and gender?

>> No.13781915

White and male, but I use a female pseudonym.

>> No.13781923

Based fighting the power

>> No.13781939

What literary magazines? I've been considering using a female pen name.