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/lit/ - Literature

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13769159 No.13769159 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13769164

Konstantin Levin

>> No.13770355

Really? Why?

The incredibly based князь Mышкин (Prince Myshkin)

>> No.13770370

Guy Crouchback

>> No.13770404

humbert humbert

>> No.13770410
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>tfw no blissful, beautiful Levin-Kitty marriage

>> No.13770415

Probably Pierre Bezukhov or Edmond Dantés

>> No.13770434
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>Edmond Dantes
Same for me

>> No.13770580

Your mom

>> No.13770589

Michael Owen

>> No.13770591

jon snow

>> No.13770672

Great Gatsby

>> No.13770721


>> No.13770888

Dantès here as well

>> No.13770901
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Unironically the underground man

>> No.13770965


>> No.13771303


>> No.13771308

Cornelius Suttree

>> No.13771355
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>his literary hero was a massive cuck

>> No.13771364


>> No.13771561

Stop be mean. I just like his relentless drive to grasp the ephemeral goal and his capacity for life.

>> No.13771688

Should i continue reading if Levin is the only character I like? The marriage stuff bores me to tears.

>> No.13771693


>> No.13771700

Zooey Glass

>> No.13771704

Richard Hammond

>> No.13771739

I thought /lit/ was a Christian board? This thread suggests otherwise.

>> No.13771783

Bardamu from journey to the end of the night

>> No.13771876

Based. Was just about to say the same.

>> No.13771899

Wyatt Gwyon

>> No.13771903


>> No.13771914

Lucifer, not for the edgy reasons, but because he's the only one willing to do such a thankless job.

>> No.13771944

Odysseus is the kind of man I wish I could be. Intelligent, strong and beloved for his deeds and his virtues. Even though he suffers horribly he still pushes on, and in the face of temptation he will still choose his home and family, which is inherently tied to responsibility, work, suffering and ultimately death. He could have been an immortal getting divine unaging pussy forever, but he chose to live as a man with the glory and misery that follows it rather than as a god in an island of pleasure.

Don Quixote is a good pick too, because I envy his passion, his wisdom and the romantic spirit that he possesses.

>> No.13771947

Which interpretation of Lucifer? There's a ton of them.

>> No.13771977

Hoke Moseley

>> No.13771981

Odysseus desu

>> No.13771987


>> No.13771993

Tom joad

>> No.13772827

Are you referring to Sancho or Don?

>> No.13772963

>Levin is the only character I like

I think you should. Levin's story is really nice as far as I remember. I approached the book thinking it was about Anna since the title is Anna Karenina, but I found that Levin is a more interesting character.

>> No.13772971


>> No.13772974
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>> No.13772985

Lord Henry

>> No.13772991

Anna is a disgusting evil whore

>> No.13773046

Sir Terry Pratchett who upon being knighted for services to literature said he was only awarded it because his service was not actually writing any literature. Also once he was knighted he went about finding a meteorite and smelting it into some ore and forged his own sword because what is a knight without a sword?

>> No.13773219

Agreed. Women who read this book take her as some sort of feminist hero. In reality she was seduced by a Chad who she then decided to run away with-- thus ruining the lives of many people and even her own child. She's worthy of both pity and reproach.

>> No.13773220


>> No.13773234


>> No.13773284
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>> No.13773350

How many hot dogs do you eat per day?

>> No.13773553

Bulkington in Moby Dick

>> No.13773601

i'm really drunk and this got me in tears

>> No.13773610

Danny Renahan from Ayn Rand's Little Street

>> No.13773836


>> No.13773857

Only answer

>> No.13773869
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Gaston Bonaparte.

>> No.13773874

Horselover Fat

>> No.13775233
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>Women who read this book take her as some sort of feminist hero
It’s amazing that someone could read the same book as me and come away with such a radically different interpretation. I assume their moral compass is fucked though

>> No.13775462

The prince is based such as your are, Anon. For me he's on pair with Alyosha, tho.

>> No.13776006

he was an idiot though

>> No.13776203

Sydney Carton

>> No.13776345

Yeah it's crazy. They think Anna is some hero because she slept with more than one guy and wasn't willing to be "tied down" through marriage. They call what subsequently follows (the ruined lives of pretty much everyone) "the destructive power of love". I cannot imagine a more brainlet idea.

Yeah I like Alyosha as well. But I don't think I could ever be so pure. (Same applies to Myshkin I guess)