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13767349 No.13767349 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13767455

Agreed. He's a shit poet. It's clear he meant the atrocious poem in Pale Fire to be good but put in the BS meta commentary to hedge his bets. Good thing he did.

>> No.13767457

So who do you like? Let’s discuss your interests

(wait for it guys)

>> No.13767470

Literally every other novelist writer that started out as a poet is better. Houellebecq is a much better poet than Nabokov.

>> No.13767486

Yeah, it was kind of clever to hide his mediocrity as a plot device.

>> No.13767494


>> No.13767507

That's correct, Houellebecq is superior to Nabokov as a poet. I'm not even joking.

>> No.13767511

I know your not. This thread is officially over

>> No.13767514

You sure put him in his place with those epic arrows

>> No.13767518

kek you've never read either guy's poetry I'm sure about that

>> No.13767536
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>> No.13767548


>> No.13767550

coping with your illiteracy and bad taste with helpful suggestions, yes

>> No.13767556

I've only read a few of Houellebecq's poem but if you're right holy shit that doesn't bode well for Nabokov.

>> No.13767565

Giga cope and offtopic. His narrative is not the subject here but rather his poetry. Go suck his dick in some other thread.

>> No.13767575

It's that bad. Nabokov belongs in that category of wannabe poets who better became novelists, like Bolaño.

>> No.13767579


>> No.13767608 [DELETED] 


yea I would choose spic trash over one of the greatest writers of ALL TIME too anon, what’s with the rest of the WORLD

>> No.13767615

>one of the greatest writers of ALL TIME
He's a good writer anon, but not THAT great. You should really read more.

>> No.13767617

Bolano has way better novels than Nabokov. 2666 slaps Nabby's ass back to pederast hell.

>> No.13767623

We're talking about shit poets, though. Fuck, you're a retard LMAO

>> No.13767639

Doesn’t matter, and do you have to your gaping capacity everytime you laugh? Cover your mouth please

>> No.13769072
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>mfw Nabokov seriously thought he was superior to Dostoyevsky

>> No.13769143

Anybody here care to post an excerpt to demonstrate how bad it is? Haven't read his poetry, just some novels

I liked Pale Fire the poem, but I still think about it as lyrical prose

>> No.13769333

youre right

seething nabokovfags cant accept reality

>> No.13770376

>O hark! a lark!
>The wide-water wanderer wonders
>Against the backdrop of an ethereal, blue sky.

>Might I wonder what he thinks,
>I'd never cease to blunder.

>> No.13770394
