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13765512 No.13765512 [Reply] [Original]

Looking to understand the female experience

>> No.13765533

Women don't experience qualia, your request is misguided.

>> No.13765541

Men don’t experience qualia, either. In fact, nobody does. There’s nothing to experience the qualia of. You’re in a dream, wake up.

>> No.13765576
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But why would non-humans even experience qualia to begin with?

>> No.13765592

why would you want to read a book about female angst? They never shut the fuck up about their drivel anyway.

>> No.13765596

Liking Muslims more and more with each passing day, not going to lie.

>> No.13765902
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All of her works fit your request.

>> No.13765959

Dark Spring (Unica Zurn)
The Lover and The Ravishing of Lol Stein (Marguerite Duras)
Wide Sargasso Sea (Jean Rhys)
Thus Were Their Faces (Silvina Ocampo)

also check out anything by Anna Kavan, Patricia Highsmith, or Clarice Lispector

and honestly Jane Eyre is so fucking good and so angsty, like the total opposite of Austen's boring ass

>> No.13766036

my diary desu

>> No.13766198

For the only organism that actively want to shut down qualia, why in the wide world would you think women don’t experience it? Stupid troll.

Further rifts in the political right
If the land is no good for allah heads, gtfo

>> No.13766295

Kys vapid cunt

>> No.13766401

All tripfags shall burn at the stake.

>> No.13766581

>try to teach LGBT stuff to the children of conservative working class Muslims
>didn't expect exactly what she got

Sounds like an idiot honestly.

>> No.13766617

Ten years ago people were nervously joking about this type of scenario
The West is fucking finished

>> No.13766629

Madame Bovary

>> No.13766686
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>allah heads

>> No.13768289

Islam is the West's last and only hope. A continental Al-Andalus is what we should be striving for

>> No.13768320

I don't think they don't know what to do with it

>> No.13769148

Inshallah, brother. Islam will win.

>> No.13769181

Can you understand a language without ever speaking it?

There is no "female experience" you virgin. There is the human experience and you've been tricked into believing petty differences put people into a different universe.

They're half the human population. I suggest you make peace with them or else your 30s and 40s will be brutal.

>> No.13769195


Stating that women don't have unique experiences or viewpoints is extremely problematic and sexist.

>> No.13769205


Haven't been here in a while. You're very good at what you do, and I feel sorry for all the young people you're manipulating.

>> No.13769469

Rosalía de castro