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13763926 No.13763926 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13764299

Explain what you mean

>> No.13764829

Hitler and Savitri Devi were right.

>> No.13764846

Explain what you mean without being a phoneposter whose posts are all 5 words long because you have to get back to your wagie shift and you're not allowed to sit on the toilet browsing reddit anymore.

>> No.13764991

How can I summon Gretchen to be my gf, OP?

>> No.13765013

I'm marrying a German woman. Will she do magicks on me when I'm asleep?

>> No.13765017
File: 328 KB, 1240x826, antoine lavoisier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't magic doesn't exist. Hume and the rest of the enlightenment thinkers BTFO'd magic.

>> No.13765034

>the guy who literally thought there was no causal connections between one moment and another

>> No.13765091

Gretchen is proto-mangas. Proto-waifu.

>> No.13765146

Prove that there is twerp

>> No.13765151

Fairies are real too. So is everything the Church teaches.

>> No.13765153

>you dun hav da prooooof!!

>> No.13765161

This. God is a megalomaniacal evil
tyrant, just as Abrahamic religion teaches

>> No.13765166

That's not what I mean, Anon, I meant that miracles, healings, and apparitions are all real.

>> No.13765180

I agree about them being real.

>> No.13765199


>> No.13765254
File: 59 KB, 282x349, C0BA9D08-DCE0-45E8-9537-02B37185241A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry what were you saying

>> No.13765259

Parmenides is just as much autistic retardation as Hume. Both are self-refuting, for one.

>> No.13765268

yes. do not trust those german succubi, bröder

>> No.13765778

>comparing a fat wig wearing literalist to an ex-Pythagorean surgeon/sorcerer

Keep trying, harder

>> No.13765984

>>comparing a fat wig wearing literalist to an ex-Pythagorean surgeon/sorcerer
God, is that supposed to be an insult? I’d rather trust an intellectual wig wearing writer than a so called “sorcerer”

>> No.13766278
File: 2.55 MB, 2837x2269, 30B543E4-3453-4027-8E7B-F5CF7314E4DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain what Anglos mean when they say “Faustian-X”.
I am german and have never heard that term used for so many different usages as the Anglos do.

>> No.13766286

And he was right.

>> No.13766290

Relating to the mediaeval magician.

>> No.13766293

Nothing. The last anglo who actually read Faust was Carlyle.

>> No.13766339
File: 608 KB, 1548x2448, D31E38AD-DB47-4C17-B602-A257811DCCAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, how do I summon a succubus? My hermetic texts don’t tell me how to, and Crowley is too cryptic.

>> No.13766425

If your being serious just letting you know that she will come and wreck your shit. You will be overfilling with so much pleasure it’s going hurt really bad. Your life won’t be the same. You’ve been warned

>> No.13766572

Faustian is more related to right wing circles and the writings of spengler

>> No.13767767

Imagine thinking this way

>> No.13767773
File: 268 KB, 1024x1014, 1566867644139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a motherfucking Madoka reference?

>> No.13767932

You guys know there is a proper usage to it too though, right?
It is the deal Faust makes to trade in his soul after finding knowledge seeking limited to be shown actual enlightenment (of a different kind), which is refered to as being “Faustian”.
The Faustian trade

>> No.13768489

A sorcerer once cured my genital warts

>> No.13768498

1. You are not him.
2. Magic is abhorrent.

>> No.13768539
File: 29 KB, 452x570, Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung spoiled Faust for me, specifically what Gretchen does.

Thanks Carl.

>> No.13768544

Hume was right. The only thing that stitches together one moment from the next is the Will, which is subsequently synonymous with magic.

>> No.13768549

>he doesn't know that time is a will of its own
>he doesn't know that it is only the will of a life that defines eternity for its own very existence to survive