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13760922 No.13760922 [Reply] [Original]

This is our generation's God Delusion and On the Origin of the Species rolled into one.

I'm in awe.

>> No.13760943
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>> No.13760959

So basically it's shit?

I read the God Delusion when I was a teen, it was hard for me to pick it up again after.

>> No.13760960
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>This is our generation's God Delusion
nice work anon, short, sweet, and gets you from the first 6 words. 9.5/10; very well done

>> No.13760980

is consciousness explained worth reading? it's pretty long and I don't really subscribe to "naturalist" explanations for consciousness
doesn't have to convince me or anything just wondering if it's a good a read

>> No.13760994

sounds like you already know the answer to that question

>> No.13761049

I'd rec all of Dennett's stuff if only because it is the most scientifically informed and gives you a good idea of what the general consensus of most scientists is on the subject of consciousness.

obviously consciousness explained will be a little dated, and since his newer books recapitulate a lot of what he said in that work but with the benefit of more up-to-date data, and being somewhat shorter, you could always go with one of those.

>> No.13761059

I have a strong suspicion that it's more midwit CS majors trying to force Plato to work alongside their meme computing machines like GEB

>> No.13761071


I really did not care for that book. All I remember if it is that he sneaks inside some crevices of science and pretends he's found insights

>> No.13761075 [DELETED] 
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His worship of Darwin is very cringeworthy. He also says that Darwinism will radically change your worldview. What a zealot.

>> No.13762240

Essentially this. Mediocre minds conceiting to reach for heights of thought they can never reach, in their blindness believing they've easily conquered them. Generally speaking, CS majors are the modern lower caste, low of intelligence, low of strength, low of beauty, low of charisma.

>> No.13762438

only people who have never had any serious contact with academia say such things.

and if you knew the first thing about Dennett you'd realize attacking his pedigree is a pretty retarded move since the guy has been one of the most acclaimed living philosophers for decades now and accrued more than enough credibility in the cognitive sciences.

>> No.13762449

Every other philosopher of mind dunks on him. He has a pop-sci approach to lectures and got a lot of credit with midwits through his atheist shtick, but for the most part he isn't taken all that seriously. Chalmers, Searle, Nagel, Parfait; there are more respected people in the field

>> No.13762466

thanks, you've convinced me not to read it

>> No.13763520

>pure appeal to authority
you're an animal

>> No.13763628

>isn't taken all that seriously
You could say that his h-index is high cuz midwits cite him, but almost every other major philosopher of mind has cited his work favorably at some point.
>Chalmers, Searle, Nagel, Parfait
Chalmers and Nagel both have clearly stated that they hold deep respect for Dennet, you fucking garbageman.

>> No.13763635

It's pretty low effort.

>> No.13763653

"The truth can only be told in puns." - Adolf Hitler, 1945