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File: 481 KB, 1500x2000, F878017D-9807-4425-A263-9C280BA4D861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13760235 No.13760235[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Boooks boooks and more books

And show me your panties

A bugmans bedroom.

>> No.13760242

>Bluetooth Speaker, fidget spinner, blue water bottle


>> No.13760246

Was about to defend him and say just let him read if he enjoys it. Then i saw that fucking fidget spinner.

What a loser, I bet he only reads those books to better conform to his social group. Not like us though - Moby dick anyone?

>> No.13760259
File: 573 KB, 1125x848, FB421C5D-8E62-4D6A-9501-B9893430346A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his Twiddur, hmm also when are faggots going to stop making fun of Infinite Jest

>> No.13760296

So this nigga really just going to stand on his bed to grab the higher up middle shit?

>> No.13760353

>earthquake happens
>guy dies

>> No.13760363

What do you expect from someone who plays with a fidget spinner, his brain can’t comprehend simple logic

>> No.13760379 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13760412

>all that Stephen King


>> No.13760468

Is Thomas Merton a good introduction to the faith?

>> No.13761060

>James martin
Cringe and lavenderpilled

>> No.13761108

Based, if you want to learn latin pick up wheelocks and lingua Latina and a couple work books.

>> No.13761244

>all that koontz

>> No.13761326

are those little figures on the right based on giacometti?

we're not all stupid enough to live in the places where the planet is telling us not to, anon

>> No.13761398
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>> No.13762248

Must be a painful experience to be asleep on that bed during a earthquake hits.

>> No.13762415

God, just imagine all those books falling on his head when he sleeps.

>> No.13762471
File: 2.31 MB, 4032x3024, 0EB79DA8-EE89-4CAD-9A25-07380B057B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom shelf is Thomas hardy, popsci and fantasy

>> No.13762475

REEEEEEEEEEEE why the fuck is it upside down whatever.

>> No.13762493
File: 3.42 MB, 4032x3024, 4C282B86-307A-4C33-B836-C514141D5270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange book is a self printing of collected Italian Futurist writings, properly bounded like a book by my ex; beige one is the Doctrine of Fascism.

>> No.13762503
File: 754 KB, 750x981, 0CE17FA2-76BF-4CD5-B535-9A9D90D2B12B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s my books. A few hundred at the moment.

>> No.13762518

>I am a robot. Here is my programming.

>> No.13762521

properly boundededed

>> No.13762525

I’m a retarded wop mutt fuck apparently

>> No.13762529

>that reefer smoking contraption
why do you do this to yourself? what advantage do you get from drugs?

>> No.13762533

I just recently stopped smoking and started lifting weights two weeks ago.

Weed also is great for getting girls to come over and fuck them

>> No.13762550

that's an incense stick holder, retard

>> No.13762553
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>> No.13762585

incredibly phallic

>> No.13762589

Freud was right

>> No.13762629
File: 3.10 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20190905_082304262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently read in chronological order

>> No.13762634
File: 2.80 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20190905_082330205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

previously read in alphabetical order

>> No.13762636

that's his buttplug dumbass.

>> No.13762642
File: 2.60 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20190905_082706635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poetry and essays and plays and shit in no real sort of order

>> No.13762647
File: 2.33 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20190905_082926052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

book i have bought and not read/finished with a small stack of holy books at the top and some textbooks at the bottom

>> No.13762648
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20190905_083202762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more unread shit jammed next to my cello that I never play and use to hang shirts on these days except wait a second, I did read the first two Hyperion books

>> No.13762650
File: 2.08 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20190905_083413063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet more books that I need to get around to reading

ok I'm done for real now

>> No.13762701

what translation of Mein Kampf?

>> No.13762747

nice library

>> No.13762760

How is Lem's 'A perfect vacuum'?

>> No.13762765

The Manheim translation. It’s used but belonged to a high school in the 70’s.

>> No.13762836

>my books are better if they take up a ton of space

It’s the same “programming”

>> No.13762906
File: 47 KB, 700x605, 1567431502989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a girl into bed
>Make the bed shake and the girl moist and noisy
>Books fall on her head
>Knocked unconscious
>Still moist, but silent

I respect your keikaku.

>> No.13763469

>having to stand on your bed to get a book

>> No.13763739

Enjoy your myopia

>> No.13763901

nice to see an AS Byatt book make an appearance on here. possession is a classic
i met her once, she's quite nice if a bit stuck up

>> No.13763929

What's the white and blue on the bottom shelf?

>> No.13763954

>Dying inside
Really enjoyed it myself. What did you think of it?

>> No.13764032

What is the appeal of those botnet speakers? Is speaking that much easier than typing to you? I feel weird talking to anything that isn't a human being or dog.

>> No.13764086

What disgusts me about this is that he must stand where his face goes on his bed whenever he wants to get books from the upper shelves.

>> No.13764096

not the guy you responded to, but i thought it was great. Be picky about your translator if you can-- I read it in italian, but in any case Lem is best enjoyed in original Polish.

>> No.13764548

you can turn the backlight off you mong, the black on the screen is literally ink

>> No.13764595

My lights change color and are controlled by my voice, along with asking it to play specific songs/albums on Spotify, and I can make calls through my phone via voice with it and set timers while cooking. There’s a mini speaker in my bedroom too, so it’s all connected.

Yes I know they’re listening and collecting data, but so is my phone and at this point there’s no running from it so why not just use the utility present in the device?

>> No.13764676

b + r (based, rapepilled)

>> No.13764743
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>> No.13764811

i honestly don't remember it well because it's been years and years, but I remember really liking it
unfortunately I haven't read it yet though
I really loved it. the bit inside the angry black guy's head was a bit unfortunate though lol

>> No.13765067
File: 1.22 MB, 6000x3368, table-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I installed Linux on my calculator and wrote poems on it, does that count as having written poetry on a calculator? Anyone know if this feat has already been done? I'm about three hours into getting Arch on my CX CAS.

>> No.13765083

this setup is patrician to point that it makes me feel insecure. please delet

>> No.13765097

Based retard

>> No.13765160

If you kept it clean this would be very aesthetic

>> No.13765164

>Content of programming is identical. Programming is therefore identical. Tree-derived medium is inefficient. Answer: digital = superior.

>> No.13765197

How is your handwriting like that? Teach me I want to learn.

>> No.13765390

what's that huge ass book on top?

>> No.13765403

Woman and Their Nature Vol 1

>> No.13765406

that selection literally looks like they just bought every book at the nearest thrift shop to decorate their home.

>> No.13765421
File: 49 KB, 613x771, 3D06C082-D616-4EA3-89AF-D514ABA22823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The religious items are cringe, but otherwise, that’s a very aesthetic table.

>> No.13765436

There's a lot that's commendable in it but if you look closer a lot of things seem out of place. For one there's a lot of cheap plastic knick knacks that really ruin the look. It's also extremely cramped and cluttered I really dont understand how anyone could realistically use it. It really almost looks kinda staged for out benefit. Also what is the point of the type writer besides aesthetics?

>> No.13765446

Religion is cring but religious items are aesthetic. If you are an atheist then isn't that kind of humorously the best way to repudiate god? Simply use him for sensual aesthetic pleasure.

>> No.13765457
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1509708347217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religion is cring but religious items are aesthetic.

>> No.13765460

Now this is a Pseud response.
Kill yourself dumb cunt

>> No.13765469

>alphabetical order


>> No.13765496
File: 16 KB, 270x355, 0D7C0F03-7DF9-491C-BF81-E7499053A281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe, christcucks, seethe.

>> No.13765611


i really like this but i feel like i wouldn't be able to handle it irl

i guess ill never be patrician

>> No.13765619

what do you do? are you some sort of priest?

>> No.13765625

OP here: tell me what the knickknacks are, I'll remove them, and then I'll retake the pic. Also, my autism flares up if my desk is too proper

>what is the point of the type writer
I'm working on a typewriter art piece right now. They're fun to write on too, and my pen pals like it when I type out my letters

>> No.13765661

Remove the cat, Statue of Liberty, saints and other religious paraphernalia from the picture.

>> No.13765751
File: 96 KB, 1000x750, PantiesforRansom01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panties as ordered.

>> No.13765765

Tits or GTFO

>> No.13765772

That's a dude

>> No.13765785
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, PantiesforRansom02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not.
This is a blue board.

>> No.13765789

Go be a whore somewhere else

>> No.13765803
File: 73 KB, 1000x750, PantiesforRansom03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP asked to see panties, anon. Blame him, not me.

>> No.13765806

Can I be your footlicking slave? also show feet please

>> No.13765809
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yet another thread ruined (but it was a bookshelf thread so it evens out)

>> No.13765816

Do you really not see the irony of spouting NPC memes like a retard over something thats entirely a matter of personal taste?

>> No.13765820


>> No.13765841
File: 172 KB, 1079x799, 61CE6C41-0F01-4B35-BC60-87E9DDBBE489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I don’t date white women

>> No.13765857

Spread your ass, slut

>> No.13765889
File: 1.29 MB, 6000x3368, blessed-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit and suffer eternal perdition, pagan.

Ave Maria

>> No.13765896
File: 95 KB, 869x590, PantiesforRansom04e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've caused enough trouble, so I'll go back to lurking (and I don't like feet much).
Is that supposed to be me? That's hilarious. My hips are twice the size of my waist, anon. I can never find jeans that fit.
Again, blue board.

>> No.13765898

Looks comfy

>> No.13765906

>Blue board
Then make a thread outside and link it.
Be a useful hole.

>> No.13765918

You are really hot, gonna fap to you tonight.

>> No.13765943

You look okay from the front, but from the back you look gross.

>> No.13765969


>> No.13765998



>> No.13766010

Says the tripfag

>> No.13766012

post your jawline right now

>> No.13766027

I am prot, so I don’t support the idols, but I commend your zealous furor.

>> No.13766037

u can use imgur to post naught pics, thats not against the rules.

>> No.13766042

Thank you, but feels slightly irrelevant. I appreciate it nonetheless.

>> No.13766062

Stop giving thots attention

>> No.13766065

please use imgur to post full nudes you look like u might have red hair and i love red heads.

>> No.13766069

Hello yes please I luv u pls send nudes ok yes i kiss you all bitch lasagna

>> No.13766084
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>> No.13766092

look you just have to be nice to thots and they will give you what you want.

>> No.13766093

>Name searching infinite jest on twitter

Why do that to yourself

>> No.13766110

Wrong. This bitch came here to flaunt her holes and wants to be used, she isn't looking for a friend.

>> No.13766119


says the virgin

>> No.13766120

yes and i would like to use her. is that so wrong?

>> No.13766121

I'm the one that made the original comment but yeah the statue of liberty and the cat really destroys the pic for me. I really like the religious stuff though I'm not religious.

>> No.13766135

Your approach is

>> No.13766143
File: 118 KB, 733x1100, 109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, just brown hair.

>> No.13766144

Have sex

>> No.13766151


>> No.13766165


>> No.13766168

Clean your room

>> No.13766184

I don’t think that’s the same woman.

>> No.13766195

Post a sex tape. You seem like you'd be good at sex.

>> No.13766201
File: 514 KB, 1280x1026, FireLanceAndGrenade10thCenturyDunhuang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the double stack of dictionaries is a bit much. Everything is cluttered but comfortable except that stack which brakes the feelings of stability. I think my favorite thing about this is the light fixture and lamp that are very good.

Can you tell me a bit about those art and frames?

>> No.13766208
File: 3.38 MB, 370x370, anigif_enhanced-12829-1452181178-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the rest of you fellas do the right thing and report for underage/nudity as well

>> No.13766434

The white paper that's framed is a visual poetry piece that I had gotten published in a mag. The top right frame in the first pic is some handpainted botanical illustration of some flower whose name I can't translate. The language on it is some sort of construced language.

There's a ceramic clock next to the shelves that has the same mosaic pattern you'd see painted inside the domes of important mosques. Most of the stuff I have is from thrift stores or estate sales, so I'm not entirely sure what they are sometimes.

>> No.13767163

You a Jesuit or something?

>> No.13767389

>afraid of empty space
Checks out.

>> No.13767643

The statue and the cat are key elements here, absolutely keep them. A little slice of American kitsch emphasizes the old world charm of everything else.

>> No.13767722
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Tried to make the titles as readable as possible (even though most stuff here is in Italian)

>> No.13767891
File: 115 KB, 1080x628, I am a concerned fitizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically believe thay this is how literature will be gradually censored and the books of old will be forever changed.

1 update=1 change=1completely different book.

Welcome to 2084

And how many people would actually notice?

>> No.13768575

What's the stuff in the reliquary things on the crucifix?

>> No.13768609

Can't the same happen with books in print?

>> No.13768658

Yeah, insofar that a new edition can be printed with changes. I think he’s talking about that the idea that your device could be updated remotely and therefore your books files could be altered . This is actually a salient point since if you “buy” a book on a kindle through amazon, you’re not actually buying the book itself but licensing the book to read. Which if you look at the fine print that license can be revoked at any time. So if you “buy” ebooks through Amazon you don’t actually own them. My kindle isn’t hooked up to WiFi though and I load all the books from files on my computer.

>> No.13768768
File: 548 KB, 800x1091, lem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but it's a fantastically inventive collection of 'essays'/recensions. I read it in a very decent german translation (as far as I can tell), that makes an effort to preserve Lem's philosophical musings; which are the proper bones of the essay, in most cases. Here is someone who is severely underrated as an author first, and even more so as a philosopher.