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/lit/ - Literature

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13758373 No.13758373 [Reply] [Original]

Books about women?

>> No.13758377

Lady Chatterley's Lover and Wuthering Heights.

>> No.13758378

Don't waste your time.

>> No.13758381
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Their Eyes Were Watching God

>> No.13758419

my diary desu

>> No.13758430

The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing.

>> No.13758461

Just read Madame Bovary bro (it’s always about Flaubert anyway).

>> No.13758998


>> No.13759009

They're hardly worth talking to, I don't know why you'd waste your time reading about them too.

>> No.13759011

Henry James is the best at writing women

>> No.13759016

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.13759029
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>Books about women?

The best books about women are written by women.

>> No.13759044

Unironically, read Valley of the Dolls and Rebecca. These trashier pop novels are more compelling and honest about being a woman precisely because they're so warped by fantasy.

>> No.13759069
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>Je suis pas comme les autres filles

>> No.13759077
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here ya go
now ask me about books about men

>> No.13759078

>books about men

>> No.13759086

This, and writing men who act like women.

>> No.13759088

The Second Sex by Michelle Obama

>> No.13759108

The Lover

>> No.13759155


>> No.13759162
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this is easy anon
now ask me about "life"

>> No.13759164
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>> No.13759166
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Why, Weininger's "Geschlecht und Karakter" of course

>> No.13759172
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>> No.13759178

Venus in Furs

>> No.13759192

The House of Mirth is about a roastie.

>> No.13759360


>> No.13759789

Where can I find a copy?

>> No.13759800

The Three Perils of Woman by James Hogg

>> No.13759818
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Have you read it? What’s your assessment of it?

Quite often, yes.

>> No.13759934
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>> No.13760365
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Read that book because of this supposed picture of a missing girl. Eery victorian girl angst if I'd have to describe it in a single sentence. I like weird horror stories so I enjoyed the read, although some passages were a bit.. simple I guess?

>> No.13760493
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Pic related depicts women as demons attempting to lead you down the path of darkness and lust

>> No.13760510

So nothing to do with this thread

>> No.13760523

It is related, as it informs on the true nature of women and therefore qualifies as "about women"

>> No.13760546

go back to your containment board, woman >>>/fa/
there you can talk about all your new clothes and stuff. this board is men only

>> No.13761200
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>Believing in demons
>12019 HE

>> No.13761344

Tess of the D'urbervilles

>> No.13761358

the dud avocado and the bell jar

>> No.13761366

Madame Bovary. All women (except mommy) are manipulative snakes

>> No.13761392

Babyfucker, some of the babies that get fucked are probably girls

>> No.13761402

>tfw you are studying french and can actually understand something without a dictionary.

>> No.13761446

I think everyone can understand that phrase

>> No.13761503
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You might be laughing, but I have a picture of a demon right here, you could recognize it from somewhere. It's truly a hideous and unlovable creature.

>> No.13761510

cool post very brain

>> No.13761833

Anyone know about a genuine book on female behaviour, thought process and attitude? I want to write female characters but I fear falling into cliches or just buying into the skewed characterization of some sore incel author.

>> No.13761989

What's the name of the book bro

>> No.13762019

how's ((("her "))) feet game though

>> No.13762023
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non-gendered my ass

>> No.13762037

Only thing that could make me reply to that poster, otherwise they're invisible.

>> No.13762041

I think it's the [filename]

>> No.13762047

>butterfly existing

>> No.13762112


I read (a version) of this, recently. (The French original appears to be a somewhat different/permuted version). Like all Intervention Series titles, the purpose of the text is clearly to get its reader to hate capitalism. This is the two-word summary of the entire book series: "capitalism sucks". Each volume is a variation on the theme.

However, what actually occurs when a right-thinking person reads (this version of) this text, is simply that the reader begins to hate women even more than he already had. This time, the notion is young woman as commodity-subject (object and subject, all at once). But what really disgusts is not the working of capitalism itself, but female banality at all, as it happens, incidentally, to be expressed in a particular (capitalist) culture, or "form-of-life" as the idiots would say.

Apart from this, the comment given here (especially as if addressed to the OP) is a bit cryptic. I take your comment to mean that the philosophical Young-girl concept is most properly referred to women themselves, and not some catch-all concept which also includes certain men (as the introduction makes explicit). While it's true that women are annoying in a /very specific way/, which the text captures in spite of itself, it's also true that /effeminite men are annoying in an analogous way/. Although the text instead suggests the vanity of a Berlusconi or an old male retiree doing a bit of shopping on vacation (or similar) as other Young-girls (free-wheeling, fully participating in capitalism), it shrewdly sticks with the old-man counterexamples in order to avoid the warranted misogyny which /also applies to annoying, effeminite gay men/.

>> No.13762124
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>> No.13762133
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>> No.13762560


Womyn like to go swimmin'.


>> No.13762774


>> No.13762897

Tristana by Benito Pérez Galdós is on my stack.

"Nada" by Carmen Laforet was an interesting book for me. I read it a year ago and it dealt with the ins and outs of a girl going to college in the 40s and the isolation, solitude and detachment she felt. It had nothing to do with her being a woman, just related to her fucked up family life and inability to connect with people. While the book's perspective was very female oriented, as you could tell by some of the decisions taken by the author (like how there's only one man in the story that isn't an antagonist and even then he's the boy toy of one of the female characters), the core ideas of loneliness stuck with me. After the time that followed me finishing the book most of the details have peeled away from my memory, leaving only the core ideas that I believe are much more universally applicable whether you are a man or a woman. Either way, I would recommend it.

>> No.13762901

Sounds interesting. Would you recommend it?

>> No.13763371
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>> No.13763449

I hope not!

>> No.13763598
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ta daaa