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File: 223 KB, 763x508, Allegory-of-Platos-Cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13757979 No.13757979 [Reply] [Original]

How do I see the sun?

>> No.13757987

Maybe start by reading Plato?

>> No.13757990

But Plato says he can't see the sun

>> No.13757991

The radiation will damage your eye

>> No.13758008

you stop coming here

>> No.13758044

The point is to abandon naive realism, which is the belief that sensory impressions (the shadows on the wall) are the true representations of objects.

Instead, through philosophical reasoning, you arrive at the Eternal Forms, the abstract schemas which define every instance of every object, and of which every object is just a copy with slight deviations.

So to obtain the "sun light" you need to see the forest for the trees and see every object as an instance of a universal Form. Each object stands in a projective relation to these Forms in the same way that a hologram stands in relation to its image.

>> No.13758048


>> No.13758068

How do you even get caught up in a cave in the first place?

>> No.13758080

Only ultra Violet and infrared damage your eyes

>> No.13758086

>abandon naive realism
>see every object as an abstract instance of a universal form
But why?
The abstract idea of The Tree doesn't convey the shape, size and other qualities of the particular tree I'm seeing right now.

>> No.13758094


>> No.13758121

Well the only reason is to acquire greater metaphysical understanding of the nature universe. Presumably this scratches a particular itch for a certain type of person. For purposes of biological survival and practical agency, recognition of the Forms doesn't do much for you. As organisms our functions are keyed to our sensory impressions around which we can successfully navigate practical affairs. Recognizing the Forms just helps you to see that the universe is based on an object-oriented programming paradigm.

>> No.13758124

Read the start of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Don't read the whole thing, you won't get it yet. Then begin your journey into the desert or up the mountain or whatever metaphor you're going with.

>> No.13758149

if you don't understand the essence of a thing, if you have no coherent form of it's nature, then you will be deceived and tricked by mere appearances, for example a transexual pretending to be a woman might get you to think it' a real woman and gender is a social construct. Then the next day it might revert back to a man.
Or you might find an imperfect triangle in real life whose angles add to 182 degrees and so you submit your finding to your twitter followers, thinking you've found an exception to Euclid's laws, only to be mocked and ridiculed for misunderstanding the nature of triangles. Because you lack the understanding of "natures" and essences then you will be susceptible to deception by shifting appearances and language games.

>> No.13758160

What is the difference between a Form and a deifinition?

>> No.13758185

a form is something you intuitively grasp or come to know through pure intellect, for example the form of triangle or triangularity, is independent of any particular triangles you come across empirically.

definitions are linguistic/symbolic expressions that may or may not approximate a form correctly.

>> No.13758203

But in both the examples you gave, a simple definition will suffice:
>a woman: a human organism with no Y chromosome
>a triangle: a geometric shape bounded by 3 line segments
So aren't Forms kind of... redundant?

>> No.13758223

>a woman: a human organism with no Y chromosome
How many chromosomes have you directly inspected recently?

>> No.13758232

None. And what is the point here?

>> No.13758283

You have picked a particularly abstruse definition. It's not even scientism, it's pretty much "ifuckinglovescience" bullshit. You saw a program on TV when you were a kid (probably with a friendly ifuckinglovescienceman) and it told you that men have XY and women XX sex chromosomes, you felt really clever for remembering this fact and learning of this unseen mystery. It doesn't change that a "woman" in day to day experience is, at best in this vein of things, a phenotypically defined category with genetics being pretty much incidental to that. You're young pride has blinded you to the real world, you bazinga'd yourself.

>> No.13758369

The triangle is simply a polygon with three sides. It can have any side lengths given that the two smaller add to strictly greater than the larger, and its angles are computed from the side lengths.
There is no "form of triangularity", there are certain properties all triangles have.

>> No.13758386

fuck platofags

>> No.13758396

Live in the moment, thought is action, the sunlight radiating. Thought as a pause or pondering is the action projected on the wall.

>> No.13758400

>a "woman" in day to day experience is [...] a phenotypically defined category
Many dumb things happen in "day to day experience".

>> No.13758429


>> No.13758434
File: 18 KB, 331x271, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it summer already

>> No.13758447

How do I become a puppeteer?

>> No.13758451

Like we take cheek swabs of everyone we meet, wash them in foetal lamb blood to get them into metaphase, then match chromosomes under a microscope.

>> No.13758459

I'm not a fan of puppeteers

>> No.13758465

Watch Being John Malkovich over and over and over and over...

>> No.13758472

So I guess trannies are officially women now, because they kind of look like women I guess.

>> No.13758483

If you mistake them for a woman i.e. they do that thing they call "passing", then for all intents and purposes they are a woman. You're up against things like barn facades at that point.

>> No.13758510

>If you mistake them for a woman i.e. they do that thing they call "passing", then for all intents and purposes they are a woman.
No. Even if a guy manages to "pass" a woman, he's still a man.
Once a stick-bug succesfully masquerades as a stick, does it stop being an insect and become a plant instead?
Give me a fucking break.

>> No.13758517

>No. Even if a guy manages to "pass" a woman, he's still a man.
It is your justified true belief that they are a woman, again stuff like barn facades come into play.

>> No.13758535

Once a stick-bug succesfully masquerades, and the human observer has "justifiable true belief" it is just a stick - does the insect become a plant?

>> No.13758543

You may want to look into the concept of "justified true belief", but if they have it they have it.

>> No.13758578

You're right. I've looked it up.
The belief, that a man in makeup is a woman, fulfills only 2 criteria of Justifiable True Belief:
>the observer thinks it's a woman
>the observer has valid reasons to think so
But the third criterion (P is true) is not fulfilled.

>> No.13758612

>But the third criterion (P is true) is not fulfilled.
You need to read more if your source hasn't discussed the metaphysical nature of truth.

>> No.13758771



>> No.13759978

but this is the most comfy board

>> No.13760018
File: 280 KB, 1417x1417, zizek_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of using the cave analogy to discuss metaphysics, it speaks much more to the nature of social constructs and ideology in my opinion. We all know that this inherent truth in the relation between the perceived object and the perceiving object will never be found nor understood, so we might as well focus on what we can actually grasp and render tangible.

>> No.13760028
File: 332 KB, 750x746, hegel_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13760047 [DELETED] 

You need to find an activity you truly love, like gardening, raising a pet or child, or whatever. It has to be something that is a) not harmful, b) non-sexual, and c) involves deep empathy or a sense of absorption. Then you will see the sun, but the sun's rays of light exist to banish the Darkness.

>> No.13760218

I always thought the point of it was that you can never trully see the sun. As far as you can tell, what seems like the sun may just be another wall of shadow puppets.

What I took from it was just that there always could be an expansion to reality that you are unaware of. We are all slaves to the infinite, and the best thing is to just accept it and maintain aloofness to reality, knowing that it may not be what it seems.

>> No.13760282

I agree that you can take a Zizekian interpretation of it, and view the shadows as "ideological blinders" and the sun as the unvarnished social reality. But I think the greater message is that appearances can be deceiving, and that even if you can't "grasp the sun" --the noumenon, you can still become acquainted with its existence by exiting the cave.

I think the ideological interpretation is a subset of the metaphysical interpretation. The ideological view maps to the broader abstraction of the metaphor.

You could also read a Kantian view into it. The shadows are phenomenal percepts, while the sun is the Thing-in-Itself, the true foundation of reality unfiltered by the senses.

>> No.13760428

I sometimes wish I could be as comfy as Zizek.

>> No.13761825

I think it has some value in metaphysics if you know some quantum. The wavefunction is the platonic form of the particle- the most fundamental being, which cannot be directly perceived due to limitations of the senses. The particle as we perceive it is the shadow.

>> No.13761853

That you can see the sun, and it is blinding, wise anon. Mouthless eyes see it, eyeless mouths speak it to illuminate it in the mind

>> No.13761870

This analogy could be better summed up with
>If you remain in darkness long enough, you'll eventually shirk away from the light unless you make it point to expose yourself to it.

>> No.13762016

by being born in the realm of the material (demiurge´s kingdom)

>> No.13762050

Read P.D. Oupensky’s ‘A New Model of the Universe’ and try not to get a headache when he starts talking about the fourth dimension and how it relates to esotericism.

Also this, that book changed my fucking life. Oupensky even has a full chapter on that book and its interperetations so his book is a good companion piece for understanding Zarathustra’s ideas, not that they need to be fully understood conciously.

>> No.13762191


>> No.13762273

But can you be sure those blinding rays are direct? could they simply be distorted by a particularly reflective piece of flint on the wall?

>> No.13762277

I think you need someone who has seen the sun

>> No.13762284

>I saw the sun and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sun
What did the Ace of Base mean by this?