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13757755 No.13757755 [Reply] [Original]

>My depression was always tied up with the conviction that I was literally good for nothing. I spent most of my life up to the age of thirty believing that I would never work. I felt that I didn’t really belong – in postgraduate study, because I was a dilettante who had somehow faked his way through, not a proper scholar; in unemployment, because I wasn’t really unemployed, like those who were honestly seeking work, but a shirker; and in temporary jobs, because I felt I was performing incompetently, and in any case I didn’t really belong in these office or factory jobs, not because I was ‘too good’ for them, but – very much to the contrary – because I was over-educated and useless, taking the job of someone who needed and deserved it more than I did.

>Even when I was on a psychiatric ward, I felt I was not really depressed – I was only simulating the condition in order to avoid work, or in the infernally paradoxical logic of depression, I was simulating it in order to conceal the fact that I was not capable of working, and that there was no place at all for me in society.

>> No.13758247


>> No.13758265
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lmao mark fisher was literally pic related

>> No.13758326

he had personality disorder, not a depression and he was perfectly aware of it, unlike majority of "depressed" individuals here

based fisher

>> No.13758476

Which one? Schizoid?

>> No.13758489


>> No.13758500

What a fag.

>> No.13758505

I don't really like boxes but would say that narcisstic and schizoid with some emotional unstability
And high IQ

>> No.13758548

he was depressed and wrote a lot about it

>> No.13758587
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If anything we need more idpol and more political correctness

>> No.13758594

Doesnt that contradict OP’s statement?

>> No.13758609
File: 30 KB, 321x499, 51ckO88t1QL._SX319_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's statement is Fisher talking about his depression, did you read it?

>> No.13758615

>, actually
Holy shit this is the worst

>> No.13758639

Hahaha long term strategy means nothing to these people

>> No.13758659

I tried to like Fisher but he's just blandly rehashing older thinkers and applying it to his limited anglo media

>> No.13758685

> I was only simulating the condition in order to avoid work, or in the infernally paradoxical logic of depression, I was simulating it in order to conceal the fact that I was not capable of working

>> No.13758692

These people are so fucking retarded, goddamn

>> No.13758696

>Even when I was on a psychiatric ward, I FELT I was not really depressed – I was only simulating the condition in order to avoid work, or in the infernally paradoxical logic of depression, I was simulating it in order to conceal the fact that I was not capable of working, and that there was no place at all for me in society.
emphasis mine, this is a common symptom of depression, read DFW (unironically)

>> No.13758710

He's right though, he was good for nothing

>> No.13758740

heh, just like you little man, but at least he has written something, while you, despite your self professed intellect, have done absolutely nothing of note

>> No.13758751

>Hahaha long term strategy means nothing to these people

what is a demographic shift lol

>> No.13758761

>this is a common symptom of depression, read DFW (unironically)
I disagree here

Its perceived like that for the individual but that doesnt mean its actual DSM5 depression

>> No.13758769


I have a job and I make a lot of money, that's something he was never able to do

Instead a combination of imbalanced serotonin and a professional-failure-cope-manifesting-as-anti-capitalism ended his life

>> No.13758770

Certain parts of Notes from the Underground, but then dosto inserts that the guy actually has acquaintances, a period when some switch flips and he gets invited over to some places, and even invites a woman over, so I stopped reading - too optimistic.

>> No.13758782


The woman is a whore

>> No.13758785

He was in a psychiatric ward for depression, he was clinically diagnosed anon (so was DFW)

>> No.13758788


for any of you interested, I've been reading a book recently that I think really influenced this blog post of Fisher's - David Smail's The Origins of Unhappiness, in which he argues that material social structures (capitalism) are the causes of depression and anxiety. I'm about a third of the way into it and he comes across as a very intelligent, thoughtful man.

>> No.13758797

I know about that but he talking like in the op post makes me suspicious about it, i agree that I have not ever meat him and only read capitalist realism so its farfetched to acutally undiagnose or diagnose him but coming solely from the Statement above I would not call it depression.

>> No.13758801

No book comes even close.

>> No.13758804

He is great but I suspect him to be really just dysphoric with the way the world is

>> No.13758818


A valid take desu given it's so difficult to prove his thesis in any way. Have you read any of his other works?

>> No.13758820

based retard

>> No.13758824

Look up depression in dsm5

>> No.13758836

Why do you think a layman's reading of the DSM-5 is more valid than the diagnosis of professionals?

>> No.13758848

I dont

Once again, I was only making an assumption based on statement in the OP's, which made me think that he was not depressed (this is irrelevant to his actual condition). You stated that feelings of non-belonging are common for depression, which they are not.

>> No.13758855

From the DSM-5, one of the major depressive symptoms:
>Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day.

>> No.13758858

Worthlessness is something else than feeling that he does not belong anywhere (muh special snowflake comes to mind). And to fit the criteria of depression: The individual must be experiencing five or more symptoms during the same 2-week

>> No.13758859

Imagine being the type of person who would come to this conclusion. Legitimately horrifying

>> No.13758873

is there anything more tedious and annoying than depressed people talking about their depression?

>> No.13758881

psychotic people writing schizo ramblings

>> No.13758887
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>> No.13758907

>Worthlessness is something else than feeling that he does not belong anywhere
His feelings of not belonging are obviously tied to his hopelessness/guilt (feeling like a fraud, a shirker); read the Depressed Person by DFW, it's a great phenomenological take on how the hopelessness and guilt of depression alienates you from the people around you

>> No.13758921

>I have a job and I make a lot of money

lmfao, imagine being this guy

>> No.13758925


>> No.13758937


>> No.13758965

>His feelings of not belonging are obviously tied to his hopelessness/guilt (feeling like a fraud, a shirker)
I see the connection here but can also sense a distinction as well.
Havent read Depressed Person, actaully am interested now but reading Good Old Neon by DFW I suspect his depression too to be very much a decompenztation of fragile narcisstic ego so in this account DFW and fisher really struck me with similarities /and I mean no negative connotation in regards to them saying this

>> No.13758984

Maybe you don't understand depression very well?

>> No.13759014

It is my field of study anon and literary exanimation is the fun part of it since I secretly suspect majority of "depressed" public personas to not be actually depressed

>> No.13759023

not going to lie to you anon that sounds really fucking cringe. have you ever suffered from depression?

>> No.13759042

I have not, I only feel depressed from time to time, for example after taking too much MDMA and I had parasuicidal thoughts for some years

Nothing cringe about it, depression is severly overdiagnosed which makes me angry since the real thing is devastating

>> No.13759050

Marginalised people are under no obligation to coddle you or accommodate you in any way. If beimg told to adhere to basic norms of human decency is enough to make you into a nazi, gee maybe you were a shitty person to begin with and we shouldn't risk having you around, specially consider the recent white supremacist/incel terror attacks. Muslims get all branded as terror suspects, but white males get sympathy and crocodile tears despite being much more of an actual threat.

>> No.13759053

>leftist idiots are TPTB
>quantitative shift is leftist
Why do I leave /his/

>> No.13759058

stay on /his

>> No.13759059

No, those can be fun.
Depros are universally boring, though.

>> No.13759071
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Just stay the fuck away from me and my family. I mean that sincerely

>> No.13759073

As someone who has suffered from rather severe depression, their alienation stemming from guilt and feelings of worthlessness is 100% accurate to my experience

>> No.13759082

>the real thing is devastating
Fisher and Wallace fucking killed themselves, what more do you want from their suffering?

>> No.13759089

How did u go from guilt to feelings of not belonging anywhare if u dont mind me asking? And where have u felt was that u did not belong?

>> No.13759103

you got me there, I was being idiot for not judging things in context

>> No.13759668

I mean the most straightforward answer is that whenever someone, for instance, invited me out somewhere, I would feel guilty because I not only felt like I wasn't worth inviting anywhere, but that I was only going to serve to make their time worse. I tricked them into thinking I was worth spending time with, which means I felt like I either had to disappoint them right away by saying no, or drag their disappointment through hours of spending time with me.

>> No.13759890

jesus, that's how I feel. It generally goes like this:

>Why are they treating me well, trying to make me integrate with the rest of the group?
>Isn't it obvious that I'm extremely boring?
>Perhaps they got tricked by the facade I've put up
>They will soon notice it was all fake.
>The appearance of confidence doesn't correspond to the reality. All the funny remarks were memorized. None of the things I said are thoughts of my own or even things that i truly believe
>They will notice that I'm not half as interesting the second time they see me
>And that most of what I say is not true
>I'm just trying to impress them
>A boring virgin retard with no personality
>Perhaps it was clear from the get-go
>But someone felt sorry cause I was trying so hard

>> No.13760524

Why? It is obvious white guys have it too easy, and I am saying this as a white guy. Too often we use mental illness as an excuse to avoid taking real moral responsibility for our privilege. I believe people are right to see me as a potential terror threat, it is only fair

>> No.13760562

I'll admit you had me in the first half

>> No.13761261

read William Styron's Darkness Visible.
really relatable memoir addressing his years of depression.
it usually deals with physical symptoms, not with thought circles, one thing I find DFW was so good at describing. Styron's book is good though.
I've posted elsewhere - read R.D. Laing's Knots.
It's an anatomy of depressive/impostor logic.

>> No.13762508
