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/lit/ - Literature

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13754883 No.13754883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Every time I pass by a woman on the street I think "I could rape you and strangle you to death right here on this spot and it wouldn't even be difficult". 50,000 years ago if I saw you stray too far from your camp I could do whatever I felt like to you with no repercussions. I could rape as many women as I had the strength to and kill as many men as I could before they killed me.

And in 2019 I can do none of that, but they know the capacity for it is still inside you. So when you pass she stares at the ground to show submission for what she instinctually recognises as a threat so great she's entirely powerless to defend against it. Women are pathetic creatures, without the threat of rape, violence and control their attractive traits spiral into ugly abominations. A woman in 2019 isn't even worthy of being raped.

>> No.13755199

have sex

>> No.13755205


>> No.13755216

I already do.

I regularly fuck a fat girl who works in the petrol station I go to. She's given up on life so she's very easy to talk to.

>> No.13755228

>And in 2019 I can do none of that
Yes you can faggot. The camp is just a lot bigger.

>> No.13755231

are you me?

>> No.13755235


>> No.13755246


>> No.13755279

Wow I had never thought of it like this. You are based, anon!

>> No.13755288

Please see a psychiatrist and read Plato

>> No.13755293

wrong board robovirgin

>> No.13755342

>Please see a psychiatrist
Never ever schlomo, I'm not falling for your mind numbing pills. Brain chemistry makes you depressed? No retard, your brain chemistry is fucked because the outside world is horrific and soul destroying.

>> No.13755378

lol, salty Janny bumplocked the thread

>> No.13755394
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>The current state of /lit/

this is why I come here everyday

>> No.13755404

you newfag is showing

>> No.13755410


>> No.13755430
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>> No.13755544

You truly are the hazmat cataract prophesized by the fremen, the rape extends life, the rape expands consciousness, the rape is crustal to space travel, THE RAPE MUST FLOW.

>> No.13755555

if it was like the olden days, I would be the best at raping because im a premature ejaculator . just grab her plant your seed and run. grab her plant your seed and run.

>> No.13755565

>>13755555 (reluctantly checked)
good post, but not good enough to deserve such godly digits.

>> No.13755572

Quints confirm anon as the best rapist in the village

>> No.13755600

This is not a reflection of /lit/

>> No.13755607


>> No.13755617
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>just grab her plant your seed and run. grab her plant your seed and run.

>> No.13755619

Poetry is gay, raping is cool

>> No.13755623

>retards ITT don't realize you can just report this shit

>> No.13755626

Seek professional help

>> No.13755657

Everytime I pass by you on the street I feel like bullying you. I think “I could fuck up this ugly piece of shit with one fucking sock in face. Light out”. 50,000 years ago if I saw you stray too far from your camp I could do whatever I felt like to you with no repercussions. I could beat the shit out of as many you and your friends as I had the strength to and smack as many of as I could before they told me to go easy on you

>> No.13755664
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>with one fucking sock in face. Light out”

>> No.13755670

Why would you report a /lit/ thread? Why are you doing the Jannies job for him? Do you want to get raped?

>> No.13755674

No such thing, just liars trying to make you confirm to society

>> No.13755677
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1461298013218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threatening other posters with rape

Is this the beginning of a renaissance in /lit/ post quality?

>> No.13755687

Kale male talking like he wants to get raped lads

>> No.13755696
File: 7 KB, 707x80, MEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13755697

I love this board
We are truly living in the Renaissance

>> No.13755702

Women believe anything they hear.

They are instinctually programmed to assign truth to anything anyone says in their trusted social sphere with no thought or judgement at all.

Because they had to watch over others constantly since the beginning of humanity, they became selfless. Because they were so close to all the needs and wants of their people, they developed the instinct to trust them absolutely and a true understanding of their people was taken for granted.
Their bodies and minds became dedicated to nourishing their communities. They would listen to the men speaking of what they've done in the wide world and translate the substance to emotional terms that can be understood by other women, and so used to guide the behavior of the children.
When they were relieved of many responsibilities to their people by the 'modernization' of society the trait of selflessness became hollow and so turned to nothing but self-unawareness, leaving the instinct to implicitly trust their social sphere intact to be turned to purposes other than what made it to begin with.

With the addition of 'the media' to modern society, with all of its inherent falsehoods, women are turned completely against their own nature.
Their nurturing instincts are used to nurture the interests of the upper classes as handed down from the media rather than those of the people they see and interact with every day, even their own children.
Instead of being warm with compassion they are cold with judgement calculated from the information they are brainwashed with; willing to go to any length to make their friends and families conform to the dictates of the elite.

So it is that women are the primary tool of the elite to control us all, because men will do anything for their women.
So it is that love is turned against us and the very foundation of our existence is betrayed.

>> No.13755705

The only solution is to overpower women completely; to overcome and/or capture the elite's front-line soldiers at any cost.
Life begins with women, without dealing with them you can't do anything at all and all planning is worthless.
This is not a matter of personal responsibility. This is an aberration of society and it requires an organized collective solution.
Men everywhere have to band together in confederated groups, decide on what the law should be, and enforce it autonomously.
By setting our minds on this goal and accomplishing it we will gain the strength to contend with the next battle - 'politics'.

You will never accomplish anything other than the total loss of your humanity by continuing to work under this system.

>> No.13755719


>> No.13755727

ok wow this is actually a fucked up thread and I think most women (and men) are worthless

>> No.13756081

teach me, sensei.

>> No.13756130


I get this too, but you suffer from the same inhibition.

>> No.13756223

>Every time I pass by a man on the street I think "I could seduce you and financially strangle you to death right here on this spot and it wouldn't even be difficult". 50,000 years ago if I strayed too far from my camp you could do whatever you felt like to me with no repercussions. I could seduce as many men as I had the strength to and ruin as many men as I could before they stopped me.

>And in 2019 I can do all of that, and they know the capacity for it is always inside me. So when I pass he stares at the ground to show submission for what he instinctually recognises as a threat so great he entirely powerless to defend against it. Men are pathetic creatures, with the threat of seduction and control their attractive traits spiral into ugly abominations. A man in 2019 isn't even worthy of being seduced.

Cmon man if one of these women so much as brushed against you you'd fall over in a sweat.

>> No.13756228

ok beavis

>> No.13756242

Stay mad, cuck.