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/lit/ - Literature

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13751644 No.13751644 [Reply] [Original]

What's with all the feminist drivel in this book? It feels strangely out of place.

>> No.13751661

neck yourself /pol/ard

>> No.13751668

Have dilation.

>> No.13751690

Wasnt most sci fi of this era really egalitarian and optimistic? This was the era when all groups were unironically considered just as capable as others of standing on their own merits. Forced diversity and dismissing persistent gaps as products of prejudice is a newer phenomenon

>> No.13751695


>> No.13751815

Leto knew women were more obedient than men.

>> No.13751828

It was written by an acidhead ecologist libertarian type and published in 81

>> No.13751939

Most media in general was egalitarian in that era. The kind of cynicism towards those ideas that we see today is a very recent thing. Whether said cynicism will translate into media that calls for anti-egalitarianism or if it's just a passing phase has yet to be seen.

>> No.13751964

Why do you take it at face value?
You have a literal God-Cock being an Absolute Tyrant over every man for the last two thousand years, which includes having the Fish Speakers herd the cucks with sex while worshipping the Cock Tyrant and imagining themselves his wives. Because men bad, men rape, the Cock Tyrant good. The Cock Tyrant said it himself. Yeah, right.
Leto himself specifically stated how he was doing everyone and their dog constricted under utter tyranny of an all knowing MegaDick on purpose, to stifle humanity so much it would have no choice but to erupt so hard not even the prescient sperglords would find them the moment the Dick Emperor of Dune goes to take a bath.

Read the fucking book, poltard. Again. Then think again about what you have just read.

>> No.13751973

This book was written ages ago what are you smoking retard. Pink haired feminazis weren’t taking over your video games back then

>> No.13751984
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>Herbert creates a savior character.
>Savior is the chosen one from a centuries old all female organization
>Leads an army of leatherboys with just his sultry voice

Why so feminist?

>Savior gets a young girl sidekick

OP: Where are my leatherboys drinking their own piss?

>> No.13752031

Libertarian? Okay I’ll read it then

>> No.13752047

I'm so fucking sick of Americans and their fucking politics. Babby's first fucking culture war

>> No.13752130

>Wasnt most sci fi of this era really egalitarian and optimistic?
No, that's hilariously revisionist, Niven, Pournelle, Vance, etc were anything but egalitarian.

>> No.13752639
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Are you sure you aren't just seeing shit where it's not? Maybe you're just trying to project your identity politics on a piece of literature?