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13750460 No.13750460[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How has Hitler's writings impacted you?

>> No.13750467

Fuck off

>> No.13750469

freaking hitler... epic XD

>> No.13750478

OP is an edgy teen.

>> No.13750479
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>> No.13750487

Mein Kampf really sticks with you, especially the opening parts recounting his "awakening" in Vienna. Table Talk is good too.

Also Kubizek's The Young Hitler I Knew. Had to google, but here's an archived post with some quotations from it:

>> No.13750518
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>> No.13750522
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>Also Kubizek's The Young Hitler I Knew. Had to google, but here's an archived post with some quotations from it:
Hitler was a very intelligent man. What translation did you read mein kampf in?

>> No.13750549
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Yeah I'm a big fan of Hitler but not such a big fan of how Nazism turned out. I think the party attracted a lot of thugs and they ultimately poisoned what was great about it.

>What translation did you read mein kampf in?
I can never remember and I always have to google which one is generally recommended. I think the Mannheim? There's a new version with a foreword by Abraham Foxman if you can believe that.


>> No.13750562

>I think the party attracted a lot of thugs and they ultimately poisoned what was great about it.
The thugs are in the last analysis blameless. It was the petit-bourgeois technicians and the incorrigible romantics that directed the thugs to commit murders.

>> No.13750581

"Wow those uniforms are badass"

>> No.13750582
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>Yeah I'm a big fan of Hitler but not such a big fan of how Nazism turned out. I think the party attracted a lot of thugs and they ultimately poisoned what was great about it.
Thugs? Mate a lot of the NS were working class guys and some with a good academic background. The SA were there to combat thuggish Marxists who were very violent. Also I just ordered the Mannheim edition. Was told German speakers thought it was the best so I thought I'd give it a shot

>> No.13750587
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You're not wrong

>> No.13750594
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Hitler nearly got blown up. They took out some NSDAP members near the beginning. It took hitler 14 years you get one shot at revolution. No games to be played. He was nearly shot and killed in 23 and nearly blown up in 44.

>> No.13750630

The irony is that Hitler was directly responsible for the post-war destruction of western civilization. Everything Hitler fan-boys hate about modern society is a reaction to the west's post-war shock about what the Nazis did.

>> No.13750640

I'm reading his table talks nowadays and he seems like a comfy guy to have a chat with, but he's a bit harsh on the slavs/russians in my opinion.

>> No.13750642

yeah it went beyond talk if i recall correctly

>> No.13750656
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There is not one anti slave speech or poster. He was critical of them in Mein kampf but the rest is lies he had Slavic divisions in the war

>> No.13750658

He called them what they are, sub-humans.

>> No.13750662
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>The irony is that Hitler was directly responsible for the post-war destruction of western civilization. Everything Hitler fan-boys hate about modern society is a reaction to the west's post-war shock about what the Nazis did.
Except he didn't declare war. All his peace offers were ignored from the puppet leading Poland and the fat slob druggie Churchill. His invasion of Poland was wholly justified considering they wee butchering Germans. Danzig was 95% German and formerly German terrority.

>> No.13750664

He used slavs when it suited him, that didn't mean he considered them equal.

>> No.13750665

That's not even remotely true. If anything the battling generation was more 'based' than their inter-war parents had been.
A much bigger cultural shift happened in the 60s than in the 40s, long after the war, and largely from young people that had barely been Co fronted by it or not at all. The oh so big bad nazis were a convenient scarecrow because war propaganda was still somewhat fresh.

>> No.13750667
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Russians today are a kiked run shithole with high incarnation, drug problems, SD problems etc. Their economy is smaller than Canadas.

>> No.13750672
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Yes. He thought they were inferior people who couldn't run a nation like Germans. But the rest is overblown lies. The only group the NS had a serious problem with was obviously the Jews.

>> No.13750680

Haven't read that yet. How is it?

>> No.13750687
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Your Communist nation sided with an empire and hyper capitalist nation to take down littler Germany. Pathetic.

>> No.13750692

That's irrelevant, his aim was for the Aryan race to prevail and he failed. His failure led to the decline of western civilization.

>> No.13750698
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>Hitler was directly responsible for the post-war destruction of western civilization

>> No.13750700

hey, don't spoil it buddy

he probably did, but he mentions repeatedly their lack of work ethic and more

why so harsh

I haven't finished, but I like it so far. The book consists of short segments of his thoughts/discussions on various topics with the date they're written. I found the pdf on libgen and moved the pdf over to my kindle, so it was free.

>> No.13750703
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Joseph Goebbels The Jewish problem https://www.bitchute.com/video/ONAasAMGFKMn/

>> No.13750712
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https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb1.htm Goebbels Jews started this war. Therefore, we must say again and yet again:

1. The Jews are our destruction. They started this war and direct it. They want to destroy the German Reich and our people. This plan must be blocked.

2. There are no distinctions between Jews. Each Jew is a sworn enemy of the German people. If he does not make his hostility plain, it is only from cowardice and slyness, not because he loves us.

>> No.13750722

Has anybody noticed how hitlers speeches have all been replaced on YouTube by botched ones? Specifically the one where he’s talking to to the workers union. Now all that’s left is 30 second colorized clip with really corny music in the background

>> No.13750723
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I believe the reason I didn't purchase it before was because the price was obnoxiously high. Will see if I can snag a PDF. Also Russia

>> No.13750731
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Hitler speaks to Amercians https://www.bitchute.com/video/DfQZXx71J6MV/

>> No.13750733

Yeah Youtube very aggressively deletes them and hides them. Even ones that are still up will be hidden in search results unless you use quotes in the search and such.

I was trying to search for Alexancer Jacob's videos the other day and no matter how many different keywords I used it wouldn't give me them until I used exact quotes.

>> No.13750736
File: 161 KB, 500x269, trannlated-by-memri-tv-the-jews-are-behind-each-and-2938582-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YouTube's algo is so advanced now that every Hitler video uploaded gets nearly auto nuked.

>> No.13750739

What's your point?
Hitler tried to save us from the Jews?
Well he didn't that very well, in fact he failed so badly we're still living with the aftermath today.

>> No.13750743
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Blame the ADL

>> No.13750749

I fucking hate the music man, I can’t listen to that shit. You’d swear there would be, for pure scholastic reasons, footage to see, as a historical document of the facts. We just get these commercials with lots of the rings soundtracks. The mockery is obvious, but the obviousness hides the intentional mockery.

>> No.13750750
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Fighting a war against 3 other super powers and they still gave it a good fight. He tried everything to avoid conflict. That is well documented, there are many speeches where he says so.

>> No.13750757

Oh boy, that pic is actually real. Why don't the Jews keep their noses out of affairs that obviously do not concern them?


>> No.13750758
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The purpose of those videos is to help unravel the lies quickly while packing a visual punch. To each it's own. Those videos used to have millions of views in total before they got nuked on YouTube.

>> No.13750762

>He tried everything to avoid conflict

>> No.13750767

>We butchered the wrong pig
Wise words from the head-butcherer, the slave who profitted more than anyone else.
Churchill is in hell.

>> No.13750768

What does that,say not popping up

>> No.13750778

What do you mean? The link works just fine for me.

>> No.13750784
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Stalin invaded many eastern nations and was planning an attack. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v08/v08p389_Hitler.html.. A truly impressive amount of authentic material is now available which confirms that a Soviet Russian attack was intended. We are also sure about when this attack was to take place. In view of this danger, the extent of which we are perhaps only now truly aware, I can only thank the Lord God that He enlightened me in time, and has given me the strength to do what must be done. Millions of German soldiers may thank Him for their lives, and all of Europe for its existence.

I may say this today: If this wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost.

Several nations have been destined to prevent or parry this blow through the sacrifice of their blood. If Finland [for one] had not immediately decided, for the second time, to take up weapons, then the comfortable bourgeois life of the other Nordic countries would quickly have been extinguished.

>> No.13750787
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Not sure

>> No.13750792
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Churchill was a drunk retard who was a broke puppet. He though he could assimilate the Jews. How wrong he was. and all his colonies hated that cunt.

>> No.13750824

What did it say

>> No.13750825

If he'd been a more competent leader he wouldn't have allowed himself to be drawn into an unwinnable war against three superpowers.

>> No.13750830
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Retarded take. They were going to take him out no matter what.

>> No.13750834

And we won faggot. Nothing you say or do will change that. Your team LOST 80 years ago. 40 more years and the complete defeat of fascism and anti-cultural egalitarism will be a reality

>> No.13750852
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>> No.13750863
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What did you win exactly?

>> No.13750875
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>> No.13750879
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>And we won faggot. Nothing you say or do will change that. Your team LOST 80 years ago. 40 more years and the complete defeat of fascism and anti-cultural egalitarism will be a reality

>> No.13750921

>it was hitler that caused it guise not us
>we won and you lost we wiped all traces of his ideology from the world
make up your tiny mind, commie

>> No.13750926

>no way are the jews to blame for it dude, it was hitler he's to blame because he fought against them and failed
>it's not because of the virus that you have fever it's because your body is trying but failing to fight it
top pilpul

>> No.13750938
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The only victors were Jewry and capitalists

>> No.13750940
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These retards don't understand that Hitler was trying to save the world from Jewish tranny and their plan for world domination

>> No.13750945
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Tyranny* autism