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13750139 No.13750139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Women’s nature is presented as kind, compassionate, and empathetic even to their own detriment at times. Yet some of the gentlemen I’ve discussed this topic with over on /tv/ insist women’s true nature is concealed by Hollywood, they believe all women are whores. They say women are hypergamous sluts who will get rid of a man the second a taller, better looking, wealthier guy shows any interest in them.

So what am I to believe? Are women evil whores or compassionate, empathetic caregivers?

>> No.13750151

They're both dude. And basically nobody is going to tell you this, the discourse is very black and white. They want a loving husband to care for and raise his children, they also want to be a whore for some gangbanger or whatever. It's a tension in their minds.

Men have a similar tension about impregnating random women whose children they wont care for. This should be common knowledge but applying evolutionary ideas to humans is apparently verboten.

If you're wondering if your girlfriend loves you, yes she does. She just has other impulses. Just like you do.

>> No.13750161

The only good advice anyone here can give you is to stop listening to people on the internet who know almost nothing about human nature, women, society, or life itself.

>> No.13750177

Why do you think internet people don’t know this stuff?

>> No.13750180
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>> No.13750196

This woman will find exactly what she is looking for. Seriously. That’s just the way the world works.

>> No.13750201

Because I've been here on /lit/ and other boards every day for several years.

>> No.13750213

>Single mom
Why would she voluntarily burden herself with children at such a young impressionable age, what a stupid cunt.
>Save me
Fuck you and go find the father of your child so he/she can grow up normal instead of a self help reading mouth breather, enough of these irresponsible cunts

>> No.13750214

I'm sure this photo's been posted in other threads you reference but holy shit what a hole. At least the girls on Tinder I see who mention height 'requirements' are worth their weight.

On another note, the height shit is some insanity. I'm 6'0, but I sometimes see 5'2 girls saying this shit, ugly ass girls saying this shit, fat girls saying this shit. It makes sense I suppose if the girl is like 5'11 or 6'0 or something, but you can certainly write her off as a dumb cunt if the case is otherwise.

Also OP you're an idiot to dichotomize this.

>> No.13750218

>Men have a similar tension about impregnating random women whose children they wont care for.
This is definitely not a porn trope

>> No.13750220

For every shithead here who whines about how women are sluts and only like bad boys, there's a twitter-twat who whines about how all men are useless barely-sentient dudebros who only care about what's between her legs and waste all their money on booze and video games and also beat her.

Truth is, most humans are mediocre and trashy in many ways and the most you can hope for is finding a girl you can tolerate.

>> No.13750225

Are you saying that you don't occasionally fantasize about cumming inside random women and thinking about how they'll get some chump to raise your child for you?

>> No.13750230

I fantasize about that too

>> No.13750231

No and it’s not a porn trope. In general your post reeks of equality brainlet.

>> No.13750235
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>> No.13750238

>breaking news: lefty has no argument

>> No.13750248

They have less than no argument. See how they’ve adapted to using faggot and retard even though a few years ago they were trying to stop everyone from using those words? The lefty has no actual principles, they are lying slime who believe they’re justified to say whatever it takes to win.

>> No.13750249
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>> No.13750252


>> No.13750259
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>> No.13750269

Few years ago in an /adv/ ask the other gender thread women agreed they would kill their kids if a more attractive man asked

>> No.13750273

kill yourself

>> No.13750274

I wasn't talking about fucking porn, are you braindead? People will jerk off to literally anything, i was talking about what men and women naturally go towards because of evolutionary pressures, which is daily confirmed if you interact with people at all. Probably shouldn't have bothered since this board is allergic to both Darwin and interpersonal relations.

Have fun with your feminism or redpill or whatever the fuck you people are swallowing these days.

>> No.13750283

>what what
In the butt

>> No.13750285

It not being a porn trope is a fairly good argument for it not being regularly jerked to I think. Certainly is an argument, at least. Speaking of allergic to Darwin, there’s a difference in IQ between the races.

>> No.13750290

>Truth is, most humans are mediocre and trashy in many ways and the most you can hope for is finding a girl you can tolerate.

Exactly. That's pretty much humanity in a nutshell.


And most men would too if an attractive woman asked them to - what's your fucking point? Like the first anon I responded to said, most people are mediocre at best. All this X gender is better than Y shit is just fucking lame.

>> No.13750298

>And most men would too if an attractive woman asked them to
Lol no. Holy shit how are we ever going to undo the damage of feminism.

>> No.13750303
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An unknown unknown. Just don't even try and understand it. Just accept it and role with it. Their superficiality is there superiority over men. Profundity is a bottomless pit.

>> No.13750306

>there’s a difference in IQ between the races.
you can't possibly think this is going to scare me, we're on 4chan for fucks sakes, do i have to call you a nigger to gain initiation or something

men with multiple women is absolutely a fetish, both for men and women in porn habits, and you are still entirely missing the point, it has nothing to do with porn except in so far as porn reflects human tendencies

>> No.13750310

Equality is what’s lame lmao. It doesn’t even make sense and the only point is to protect egos. Look at you trying to compromise, “hate is okay as long as you hate equally!!!”. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.13750312

yeah but that's just logical, they have to weigh the potential mate and resources against the kids they've already invested in.

Are you all literally braindead ideologues, how is this not obvious to you?

>> No.13750316

>lol no

Too much effort to put forward any sort of argument, huh? I mean, all those cases out there of men doing all sorts of shit becasue they put a certain piece of pussy on a pedestal didn't happen, right?

>Holy shit how are we ever going to undo the damage of feminism.

Because you are totally the paragon of masculinity, right? Please.

>> No.13750318

And porn doesn’t reflect this tendency...

Proofs women are antithetical to society

>> No.13750324

creampie and fucking random women are both common in porn.
Are you expecting the man to say "Haha, I bet Chuck will pay for the child I impregnated you with" after sex?

>> No.13750326

Are you guys autistic or something. The vast majority of either men or women would NOT kill their children if someone attractive asked them to, regardless of what you read on a thread on 4chan almost definitely entirely composed of larpers. For your own sake you need to get off this site and find a hobby, seriously.

>> No.13750328

That’s kind of a stretch though, as opposed to women cheating which is very clearly expressed in porn. Stop trying so hard fag.

>> No.13750335

you are the only person in the thread who is vaguely aware that men do the exact same shit. Some really hot feminine girl gets into a guy's life and he loses his fucking mind and will act like an utter retard for her, throwing his entire life and all his friends under the bus, we've all seen this happen.

>> No.13750336


I ain't compromising, I'm pointing out facts. If you want to ignore centuries of human history because it triggers your pseudo-intellectual self-hating normie mind, go for it. You can't deconstruct the argument - you can only lash out because that's all you faggots here do. Pretending you actually know a damn thing. Now that's hilarious. Now what's next? Calling me a kike? A nigger? Some sort of projection-bias propelled ad hominem?

>> No.13750355

Recently, 4chan has become almost fucking unusable with these incel shit threads like OPs. On every board you have anti women shit. You have this "nature of woman" bullshit here, trying to imply that all females BY NATURE are money greedy, whores who will leave you the second they find a guy with more money / better cock, You have /tv/ threads about "why have women never made good movies?" you have /v/ just completely lose their shit when any woman comes even near a game, let alone is in one.
We need an incel containment board and just straight up ban all these anti women shitposts.
>inb4 hurr durr muh free speech
Fuck it. We did it before. When everything was ponies they got MLP and were told to fuck off, when everything was about trans and gay, they got /lgbt/ fucking even "video game generals" got their own board. Now it's time to make an incel board and get rid of the fucks shitting up every discussion on every board and let them hate women somewhere fucking else. It's getting annoying.

>holy shit what a hole.
My man it's a fake picture. Just look at it. It hits literally all the MGTOW talking points. Some seething faggot made that just to stirr some more women-hate.

>> No.13750373

Different women are different. As an average, women tend to be both compassionate and promiscuous, but I see nothing wrong with the latter. I like being around women. They're usually fun, don't judge you much, are usually not violent, are fun-loving.

>> No.13750386
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>> No.13750397


>> No.13750405

the most based post in this thread

>> No.13750414

this thread is gay and stupid, but this is a good post

>> No.13750426

Not gonna participate in this thread because I like to have intelligent conversations with literate people :)

>> No.13750431
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No you don't, you're a woman and women are stupid as fuck.

>> No.13750433

>Recently, 4chan has become almost fucking unusable with these incel shit threads like OPs. On every board you have anti women shit.

Why is this? Is it really because incels and the line can hide behind anonymity? Are they to afraid to voice their opinions IRL? Do they actually believe what they say? Are they just looking for frens? Is JBP the most influential thinker this decade?

Genuinely curious

>> No.13750448

They are people and people are different from each other.

I bet you know a guy that would at any chance drop his gf/whatever for a "better looking" or whatever one.
I bet you also know one that "truly loves" his partner and wouldn't.
And I bet you know many many variations of that.

The thing is that you try to make sense of a group of people as if they were all one and that doesn't work. And also your frustration towards the other sex makes you cherry pick behaviors like pic related.

And I don't mean frustration as in "lmao virgin", but the mere fact that you want to meet someone that you like and that likes you back is frustrating. And that's the situation most people are in, men and women.

If you wanna do an exercise, read any literature where there's a cheating woman and one where there's a cheating guy (where both have "no excuse" for it).
I bet you will feel way more angst towards the woman character than the guy (and I believe women would feel the opposite).
That difference in how you feel is the some reason why you get into thinking that "women are like this and women are like that" whenever you see shitty behavior and get your confirmation bias fix.

It's all the same though, some good people, some bad people, all with shortcomings, all lonely and damaged. Doesn't really matter the sex.

>> No.13750489

I have no idea what caused it. I think it probably got worse with the big eight going down but I can't actually confirm that. All I know is that everywhere I look there are these incel type threads. I was talking to a friend about this and opened /lit/ as an example and this one was literally #1 (under the sticky) on the front page.
I have no idea what motivates them, or why they hate women so much. On the one hand the decry that modern women are sluts, on the other they watch porn all day (I do too, but I don't hate women). They complain about women being shallow, submissive whores, yet they still want a devout wifey.

It's like anti-gay preachers that secretly jerk off to boys.

>> No.13750511

>I have no idea what motivates them
If you wanna legit have an idea, watch this:

kinda related and also good:

>inb4 getting bashed here because "muh leftie channel"
but honestly, this channel is pretty good
it's one of the only things I know of that does a good job in explaining this kind of "controversial" topics (everywhere else seems to be either a hatehole full of incels or a bunch of people being like "haha virgins wtf").

>> No.13750520
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>why are there more incelposts than there used to be
Because there's more incels than there used to be, retards, and this is one of the few places where they can voice their frustrations. It's only going to get worse as the number of incels increases coupled with the tightening of internet censorship on alternative websites.

>> No.13750521

Men have always joked about women. Women are often annoying. Right now for some reason the favorite shibboleth of the herd is that women can't be criticized, and men are responsible for all social issues, including women's shitty behavior.

In normal or ideal circumstances, men and women would get blamed for the things that are actually their fault respectively, and both men and women would have spaces where they could banter about how the other half sucks ass. These days, the former is skewed badly, and the latter is stifled near completely. It's normal for every single social space to be invaded by status quo-enforcers, constantly on the hunt for anyone neglecting to say their daily shibboleth or, god forbid, contradicting the shibboleths.

4chan is one big gay incipient Männerbund of bored young men, tired of being forced to repeat shibboleths at their feminized and sanitized workplaces, tired of totalitarian college atmospheres where you can be crucified for making a joke, and so on. They are aware they can say whatever is on their mind here, so they say what men have always thought for thousands of years, namely that women are frivolous, fickle, stupid, selfish, and entitled. This is nothing new. The only novelty lately is that they are now aware that this is the only place like this, so they dial it up for comedic effect, and it seems amplified by the fact that people are able to share and discuss verboten ideas, often for the first time in their lives, so they do so enthusiastically.

It's even further amplified by the fact that normies and women come here and attempt to enforce their shibboleths here, too. The usual social shaming tactics don't really work here, so they stand out in particularly starkness for how pathetic and effeminately manipulative they are. The natural reaction to someone fecklessly, pathetically, and ineffectually trying to exert power over you is to tell them to fuck off and do the thing they're trying to get you to stop doing.

Calling women a bunch of frivolous obnoxious hens is perennial. Subverting a feminized fag culture that isn't allowed to make perennial jokes is more specific to this cultural moment.

>> No.13750524

wow, kys.

>> No.13750525
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>> No.13750537

>come be lectured about "men" by a man who doesn't even know he's a man

>> No.13750555

> The only novelty lately is that they are now aware that this is the only place like this, so they dial it up for comedic effect, and it seems amplified by the fact that people are able to share and discuss verboten ideas, often for the first time in their lives, so they do so enthusiastically.
I think another angle to this though is that a lot of guys don't even realize they're allowed to say stuff like that until they come here. I grew up in a very liberal state and I was always afraid of talking to girls and how I acted around them because of feminism but I didn't really realize it until I was exposed to new ideas in places like this. I completely bought into the "we're all the same" bullshit because why wouldn't I, that's what every authority figure had pushed on me my entire life. But it turns out that talking to women and expecting them to react like men isn't a recipe for success.

>> No.13750602

Already love contrapoints, thanks

All the more reason to make them a containment board and have them stop shitting up other boards with mindless "women are scum" threads like these.

but this is not "it's all jokes haha" this is way, waaaay edgier. This is "we tell any women we don't like to kill herself" It isn't about women who deserve to be criticized being criticized, it's just mindless women-hate as if womendom is just one big clump that's all the fucking same. It's just as dumb as saying "all guys are loser wife beater rapist video game nerds"
>4chan is one big gay incipient Männerbund of bored young men, tired of being forced to repeat shibboleths at their feminized and sanitized workplaces, tired of totalitarian college atmospheres where you can be crucified for making a joke, and so on.
Oh fuck off. 4chan is a place to discuss anime and japanese culture that has gotten a bit big and branched out. It was never a male safespace.

Fuck, 4chan used to love women. Cute women, sexy women, weird women like creepy-chan. Any girl that stuck some sharpies in her pooper was idolized and got her own honorary -chan name. Boxxy was queen of /b/ for making a fucking rambling weirdo video. 2010 4chan and before would have loved belle delphine unironically.

Now it's just blind misogyny directed at literally any women for literally anything. Look at that gamer gate shit. Some girl allegedly slept with a games journo for a review. Instead of being reasonable and discussing the conflict of interest and such, it became a huge anti-women bullshit shitstorm with thousands of idiots sending her death threats. Fuck it. make a containment board. I don't want incel-newfags on my boards. Make 'em fuck off.

>> No.13750611

You write like Reddit which is a pretty good indication that you're either a newfag or a woman (always newfags). This may be the source of your problem with 4chan. Are you one of those broads who claims she "loved 4chan back in the day!" but weirdly claims to have browsed /b/, and everyone goes "what the fuck, who has browsed /b/ since 2007?"

Go back to posting your Skype on /soc/ or whatever it is you do when you periodically slum on this site and pretend you belong.

>> No.13750620

Judging by the content of your posts this isn't "your board" as a newfag of all things cannot claim to own a board. Lurk another 2 years before making another post and wasting peoples time. This isn't reddit.

>> No.13750622

>Fuck, 4chan used to love women. Cute women, sexy women, weird women like creepy-chan. Any girl that stuck some sharpies in her pooper was idolized and got her own honorary -chan name. Boxxy was queen of /b/ for making a fucking rambling weirdo video. 2010 4chan and before would have loved belle delphine unironically.


>> No.13750626

Holy fuck called out by 2 anons both suspecting reddit and newfag within minutes of one another. Its time to go back

>> No.13750631

>Fuck, 4chan used to love women. Cute women, sexy women, weird women like creepy-chan. Any girl that stuck some sharpies in her pooper was idolized and got her own honorary -chan name. Boxxy was queen of /b/ for making a fucking rambling weirdo video. 2010 4chan and before would have loved belle delphine unironically.

this is so wrong I wonder if you're butterfly

>> No.13750632

>4chan used to love women
yes cuz "tits or gtfo" was obviously about respecting women

>> No.13750652

she also mistook desperate orbiting as respect when now those same desperate fucks have simply realized they are never getting the qt3.14 so they naturally turn bitter. It is totally natural especially when they are belittled and blamed when they are already harmless and weak for all the worlds issues. What did you expect? For them to continue to worship the same holes that turned on them?

>> No.13750668

single people /thread

>> No.13750673
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>> No.13750677

they have no inherent concept of objective reality because they are analog computers for processing emotions

this is literally their sole purpose for living besides bearing children:
listening to what the men went out and did, labeling at a very surface level, evaluating the men's emotions, and imposing those emotions on their community in the context of those shallow labels through a scheme of shaming/nurturing.

they maintain the subconscious bias of the community.

they are literally intellectually disabled and programmed to be absolute cunts for no reason other than authority tells them to be

>> No.13750682
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Women believe anything they hear.

They are instinctually programmed to assign truth to anything anyone says in their trusted social sphere with no thought or judgement at all.

Because they had to watch over others constantly since the beginning of humanity, they became selfless. Because they were so close to all the needs and wants of their people, they developed the instinct to trust them absolutely and a true understanding of their people was taken for granted.
Their bodies and minds became dedicated to nourishing their communities. They would listen to the men speaking of what they've done in the wide world and translate the substance to emotional terms that can be understood by other women, and so used to guide the behavior of the children.
When they were relieved of many responsibilities to their people by the 'modernization' of society the trait of selflessness became hollow and so turned to nothing but self-unawareness, leaving the instinct to implicitly trust their social sphere intact to be turned to purposes other than what made it to begin with.

With the addition of 'the media' to modern society, with all of its inherent falsehoods, women are turned completely against their own nature.
Their nurturing instincts are used to nurture the interests of the upper classes as handed down from the media rather than those of the people they see and interact with every day, even their own children.
Instead of being warm with compassion they are cold with judgement calculated from the information they are brainwashed with; willing to go to any length to make their friends and families conform to the dictates of the elite.

So it is that women are the primary tool of the elite to control us all, because men will do anything for their women.
So it is that love is turned against us and the very foundation of our existence is betrayed.

>> No.13750686

The only solution is to overpower women completely; to overcome and/or capture the elite's front-line soldiers at any cost.
Life begins with women, without dealing with them you can't do anything at all and all planning is worthless.
This is not a matter of personal responsibility. This is an aberration of society and it requires an organized collective solution.
Men everywhere have to band together in confederated groups, decide on what the law should be, and enforce it autonomously.
By setting our minds on this goal and accomplishing it we will gain the strength to contend with the next battle - 'politics'.

You will never accomplish anything other than the total loss of your humanity by continuing to work under this system.

>> No.13750690

I dislike reddit. I'm fundamentally against the idea of non-anon posting and I'm super against the idea of up and downvoting. Creates even circlier circlejerks.

And yes I've been on 4chan for ages. Started on /b/ and went to other boards from there. and fuck 2007, I have seen the rise of people saying "epic win" unironically and the fall of it too. But even back then people would accuse each other as being new.

search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Nigga what? Go search the archive. Someone gets accused of being from reddit about every 12 seconds on average on 4chan. If it was true every time, you'd have more reddit than 4chan on 4chan.

I never said "respect" I said loved. Because they were. Yes, you were generally not allowed to fem-post, or you were told to tits or gtfo, but that had more to do with the nature of the discussions, you were expected to post from a neutral standpoint, not from a personal one, as a woman. So if you did feel the need to reveal that you were a woman, you were told to show tits.
But all the girls who did show their tits were admired, beloved and, well yeah, maybe even respected. The prize for being a woman on 4chan was to show your tits and stick sharpies in your pooper, but if you did, you were absolutely tolerated. People wouldn't come into a zunechan thread and go REEEEEEE GIRLS GET OUT like they do now. Same for the other girls. All this blind women hate is absolutely a new thing.

>> No.13750694

>applying evolution is verbotten
Not really forbidden, just overplayed and politicized. Hell it's not even a scientific theory, only a historical one with no benefits except for explaining shitty behavior in people. As if people never heard the phrase "they act like animals" and instead said "we are animals"

>> No.13750766

>almost no incels in 2008
>crash time means crush time
The whole talk about an incoming recession makes it seem like it is Trumps service to the less lucky guys

>> No.13750770

>Men have a similar tension about impregnating random women whose children they wont care for.
I've never wanted to do this even once in my entire life.

>> No.13750783

First sane person in the thread.
It's almost scary to think that people could be so stupid to believe people would kill their own kids just to get a hotter chick.
Seek some help

>> No.13750790

Most white people wouldn’t, but such animalistic behavior is not unknown among ethnics/darkies

>> No.13750793

It's both. Generally speaking, they are kind, etc. to their blood relations and to men they deem to be of a high level. Other than that they are whores. Sometimes the kindness can suppress the whoreness, e.g. not sleeping around so that they can focus on raising their children, but it usually doesn't.

>> No.13750797
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Holy shit that bill burr bit is too true. All women really do is look for male spaces and fuck them up. Leave 4chan and learn to bake something you birth control addicted, misbegotten burdens on mankind

>> No.13750802

is that shooped or is her facial asymmetry really that fucked

>> No.13750803

And of course the whoreness can also be suppressed by strong social pressure, but I guess that goes without saying, though it doesn't apply to our current situation.

>> No.13750822
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>She is ot a virgin
>Still feels entlitled to make demands
Why are women like that? She don't deserve anything at this point, she is just a second hand product

>> No.13750870

Women/Men who have a very low self esteem and are desperate will attach themselves to someone they see as benefitting them. It’s called a parasitic relationship. These people give away all they have in form of whatever they can offer in the hopes that they can attain this X that they see in this person. X will save them from the misery that has become their life.

This should NOT be confused with a mutual relationship. A mutual relationship is when two people benefit from the other in a very complimenting way.

But, neither parasitic nor mutual relationships should be confused with loving relationships. A loving relationship is when two people get so close that the line between themselves and the other disappears. The parasitic relationship wishes the other to be the lover because they see themselves as incapable/unworthy. The mutual relationship can never be truly living because each party inherently cannot love another more than they love themselves, so it’s more of a partnership. These people are also the type to feel really insecure around real lovers. Real lovers are, by society’s standards, insane. They are stupid, illogical, etc. their behavior doesn’t make any sense. From the outside, their not benefiting, neither are they helping. And yet, as unbelieveable and unimaginable as it is to everyone around them, these people are the happiest and luckiest people. Regardless of their situation or their status in live, they are truly living it up. They are at the very edge, without a safety net. They are the people in novels we like reading about, the personages in history we like learning about. They are beyond the animal, tribe, society, ideology, etc. they exist solely to give themselves completely and without return. Alone they are miserable and they only wish they have in life is to find another who is like them, because there really isn’t anyone like them. They are more alone than you can imagine. It’s a great curse and an even greater blessing. It’s as terrifying as it is sublime. Normies will never understand, though the music they listen to and the media they consume all helps them imagine that they are somehow part of it, but safe behind and from a distance. Real lovers are but a handful in the world

>> No.13750877


What impulse do you suppose you're satiating when you jack off to ten different tabs of porn at once? Who do you think you're fooling Jack

>> No.13750885

>most men would too if an attractive woman asked them to
christ no. what the absolute fuck. anyone who would ever even consider this should not EVER procreate. the second my children exist, they become the most important thing in my life.

>> No.13750895
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We had /r9k/ but you tranny cucks had to start spamming and flooding it with your racebait and faggotry. Incels are here to stay, deal with it bitch

>> No.13750900
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Very nice

>> No.13750905

>asking /tv/ about the true nature of women

>> No.13750907

True nature depends on the type of father she has.

>> No.13750908
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Ah yes, a based reply amidst such drivel

>> No.13750912

Thank almighty Allah sharia is coming to the West within my lifetime

>> No.13750923

It boggles me how people can be so stupid. Especially on a board about books. Why do you insist on wanting to cathegorize half of the human population in just one way? Do you think every person is the same save for sex? There's only two people in the world, male and female? Have you never met a human that you can't see the incredible difference there is even between two people of the same sex and age brought up by the same parents in the same family at times? And yet you want to label half the human population as exactly the same way? And yet you refuse to label your half?

Don't get me wrong, many women are the same way in the opposite direction, they think "men are all the same" and blah blah blah, 4chan just happens to be predominantly male and thus shows more of the other side, but both are fucking stupid.

Wake the fuck up, go outside, talk to people and since we are in this place, read a fucking book.

>> No.13750932

>Why do you insist on wanting to cathegorize half of the human population in just one way?

Because groups of people with different characteristics often have different behaviors that are observable and generalizable at the group level, you dumb fuck.

>> No.13750936

I won't read a book and you can't make me.

>> No.13750941

>But all the girls who did show their tits were admired, beloved and, well yeah, maybe even respected
They had thirsty orbiters obsessed with them, i guess that is what you view as respect.

>> No.13750954

Leave, cunt.

>> No.13750958

People back then didn't just orbit them. They genuinely liked them, They were welcomed into the community. It wasn't just a case of "oh god I want to bang her I better be nice to her" there was more than that. they were actually tolerated. today it's just unironic REEEEEE GET OUT REEEEEEE.

>> No.13750960
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>They genuinely liked them, They were welcomed into the community.

Do women really think this? They can't possibly think men like and respect them for being whores?

>> No.13750963

The first reply was all I needed. I guess I do want to impregnate random sluts.

>> No.13750967

Why are you posting a book? Where do you think you are?

>> No.13750975

basedest post on the board right now

>> No.13750985

I took over r9k to turn you guys into trannies but you tried to dox me so I stopped. I guess the trannies never left though

>> No.13750993


>> No.13750998

this post is way too pure for this disgusting thread

>> No.13751000

Imagine actually being with a woman who has had another man's penis inside her. Disgusting.

>> No.13751002
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Not gonna be lectured about what it means to be a man by someone who gave up on being a man

>> No.13751054


>> No.13751056

>Men have a similar tension about impregnating random women whose children they wont care for. This should be common knowledge but applying evolutionary ideas to humans is apparently verboten.
IT's not at all similar, the men who don't want to cut and run are the ones who become the providers who don't have sex, while the studs fuck whoever they wants and bail.

Most successful men will tell you women are whores because they a re, that maternal love is only reserved for their kids and ther "FRIENDS" for everybody else they're fucking terrible creatures, there's a reason all throughout humanity women were known as corruptors and kept on a very short leash.

>> No.13751062

>And most men would too if an attractive woman asked them to - what's your fucking point?
They wouldn't, men have concepts such as honor and commitment, we evolved that capacity to better care for a flock of men, or a tribe, women don't and won't. That being said most women couldn't kill their own kid, biologicallly the reaction would be too strong, their MO is to trick the man into caring for another's spawn.

>> No.13751063

I'm a successful man and say you are just an angry incel. What now?

>> No.13751077

I can think of no greater cuck than a father. It is the ultimate and final cuck

>> No.13751081

The fact people here are stupid enough to believe the average woman would just kill her children because Chad told her to because they read it in a thread on 4chan is honestly scary.

>> No.13751084

>On every board you have anti women shit. You have this "nature of woman" bullshit here, trying to imply that all females BY NATURE are money greedy, whores who will leave you the second they find a guy with more money / better cock,
it's 100% true, even women married to celebrities will try and leave for better while taking their money if they can.
>You have /tv/ threads about "why have women never made good movies?" you have /v/ just completely lose their shit when any woman comes even near a game, let alone is in one.
Because women barely ever make anything good. They biologically never had to, and while they might be good in any given profession, they will not have the work ethic of a man. As for games, the lengths beta men will bend over backwards to accommodate empowered women often ruins the game.
>make an incel board
that'd be akin to making a containment board for political opinions you personally don't like. Get fucked. Scratch that, you can't, you'd be sharing a baord with those incels because you are one.
Men have always shit tallked women, women are dangerous to a man's worth and it's always been the case. As for hiding behind anonimity there's no other choice. Freedom of speech no longer exists when you can get fired from any job or workplace by hr for having unsafe opinions or out of the box way of thinking. Used to be you could call a guy a nigger at work and he could call you a kike and you'd move on with your lives, now you just lose everything. It's compounded with women since you're not allowed to say anything bad about them ever, being labeled an incel is just a byproduct of this. On top of that more men are having no sex with the current world climate, and the advent of a wider sexual market.

>> No.13751089
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That love is always associated with a divine or spiritual aspect throughout history for a reason. It infatuates us and the pursuit therein. Hoping Jesus will get me there some day.

>> No.13751090

The people who would rather worship their own children for free for 20 years are the biggest cucks ever

>> No.13751096

Post face with timestamp virgin

>> No.13751107

Adaption and joyous submission to the dominant social group.

>> No.13751108

There is no bigger cuck than a man Who depends on a woman for his dopamine. It’s the ultimate and final cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.13751115

>And I don't mean frustration as in "lmao virgin", but the mere fact that you want to meet someone that you like and that likes you back is frustrating. And that's the situation most people are in, men and women.
It's not the same at all, women have unlimited options while men have nothing unless they're incredibly good at talking to women. That's 20% of the male population versus near 100% of the female. Women only chase the top, they're biologically designed to be that way, men go for whatever is attractive, but will settle for mediocrity to ensure their line.
>The thing is that you try to make sense of a group of people as if they were all one and that doesn't work. And also your frustration towards the other sex makes you cherry pick behaviors like pic related.
it's not cherry picking, that's just the way it is. Any "loyal" girl will leave you at the drop of the hat if they think they can get something better, it's not the same for a man.
>If you wanna do an exercise, read any literature where there's a cheating woman and one where there's a cheating guy (where both have "no excuse" for it).
>I bet you will feel way more angst towards the woman character than the guy (and I believe women would feel the opposite).
Most wouldn't because men are biologically inclined to help the woman as a left over from our cavemen brains when women were commodities. Where as women will side with the woman because they're inherently solipsistic in order to facilitate survival for them and their spawn. In fact in the modern age, you're simply not allowed to side with the man period, most modern laws where it's man v woman the man is always thrown under the bus, workplace disputes, divorce, custody of children, violence in teh home, etc. It doesn't matter the context, the primal brain takes over and women are preferred.

>> No.13751130

Based german

>> No.13751131

kill yourself you pathetic betamale fuck, even if this is shitposting you deserve to neck yourself for even bothering to be such a piece of shit.

>> No.13751132

That’s wrong. Women do like mediocre men as well.
But they also like chad and Tyrone. So they’ll marry you happily, but behind your back they’ll do chad and tyrone.
There is no contradiction in their minds, they can love both you and chad and tyrone

>> No.13751154

"true lovers" don't exist, you're literally buying into hollywood lies.

>> No.13751161

you're not or you wouldn't be saying that.

>> No.13751173

>That’s wrong. Women do like mediocre men as well.
They don't LIKE mediocre men, the settle for them because they feel they're entitled to your time and affection but will resent you for it. They'll continue to make hoops for you to jump through and every success is a failure in their eyes since you can't bargain for attraction.

>> No.13751177

No, they can only "love" the attractive guy, the provider is seen as useful but at the same time as a disgusting creature to be hated.

>> No.13751207

Wrong. Women don’t cheat because they hate you, they just cheat to reach fulfilment that you couldn’t give them. They divorce when the love ends, it’s the same for men.

>> No.13751219

They cheat because they need better genes for the production of the offspring or more resources, but when they notice or at least think that you are not the best option the resent you for it.