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13747256 No.13747256 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the essential Catholic core?

>> No.13747280

Confessions of St. Augustine of Hippo
The Holy Bible, King James Version
Discourse on Method
Brighton Rock
Brideshead Revisited
The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor

>> No.13747283

>image made by protestant
Augustine, Ignatius Loyola, Aquinas. They should show you why that is too hopeful. unless you want to marry an American Catholic who is basically an evangelical.

>> No.13747284

>The Holy Bible, King James Version
Thou shalt commit adultery.

>> No.13747289

Silence pisses me the fuck off because any Jesuit would walk on the cross.

>> No.13747359

everything by Fray Luis de Leon

If you can into spanish his poetry is awsome.

>> No.13747367

daily reminder that the Japanese were completely justified in quashing Christianity from their midst

>> No.13747369


>> No.13747438

Further proof tradcaths are larpers

>> No.13747575


>> No.13747581

>Ruth is my favorite book in the Bible

>> No.13747615


>> No.13747699

Daily reminder this site is founded on NGE worship

>> No.13747703

Catholic, not Anglican. You want the latin Bible

>> No.13747868

>Daily reminder this site is founded on NGE worship
is it really?

>> No.13747937

Nice cope, friend.

>> No.13748183

Maistre, Baudelaire, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Hello, Bloy, Huysmans

>> No.13748208

Are not all larpers for some defunct economist?

>> No.13748255

A lot of the ones on here aren't even good larpers. There are a few Catholic bros who ball them out from time to time for getting basic shit wrong, but most of the actual Catholic anons (or educated by Catholics anons) are bro enough to just talk about books on the books board.

>> No.13748526

is fun to see you in every catholic thread

>> No.13748649

Little mentioned Catholic English-language poets on /lit/

Robert Southwell
Richard Crashaw
William Habington
Alexander Pope
John Dryden
Francis Thompson
Alice Meynell
John Gray
Aubrey Beardsley
Gerard Manley Hopkins
David Jones

Chesterbelloc have some decent material if you're into them.

T.S. Eliot basically counts as Catholic.

Sadly most English-speaking Catholics don't read these poets much anymore. Very sad. It really is quite a counter-canon against the Miltonized Protestant poetic tradition.

>> No.13748655 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 268zj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Holy Bible, King James Version
Pic related.
Why do you comment on shit you know fuck all about?

>> No.13748661

She knows the Bible very well, brainlet :3

>> No.13748670


Obviously you should read the Greek and Hebrew for scholarship, the Vulgate for liturgy, and the Douay-Rheims for devotion.

>> No.13748687 [DELETED] 

She obviously knows jack shit about Catholicism if she thinks there aren't English Catholic Bibles.

>> No.13748699

Summa Theologica
On Cleaving to God
Imitation of Christ
Spiritual Exercises (Ignatious)
City of God
Confessions (Augustine)
1914 Catholic Encyclopedia
Douay Rheims Bible
Lasance prayer books/young man’s guide
Catechism Council of Trent

Also, no 2019 tradcat male should fall for the (((tradthot))) meme. KEEP YOUR LOINS IN THE CHECK AND RESIST YOUR DEGENERATE DESIRES. Become chaste and ascetic, lustful larpers!

>> No.13748709

Intro to the Devout Life
The Interior Castle
Imitation of Christ
Meditations on the Tarot
Homo Abyssus
Clementine Vulgata

>> No.13748735

>Traditional Catholic gf

>How many Twitter followers do you have?
>Still a virgin, only done anal!
>J. R. R. Tolkien could be beatified
>Omgggg modern society is like, so corrosive

>> No.13748749
File: 110 KB, 607x1080, zoomer gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tradcath gf meme
pro tip: they want nothing to do with you. makes me wonder if you really are all just a bunch of LARPers, because literally the worst part of catholicism is the catholics. i don't see why anyone would idolize them, i'd rather have a fucked up mentally ill gf who doesn't look down on everyone.

>> No.13748750

Just drop the Catholic tradition and accept me as a new and improved version of Jesus. Be sure to shower me with money too. I have far more wisdom and insight that desert Jew. I mean, let's be real, the only good Jew is a dead one, and no, this shouldn't make me banned for I am merely making a philosophical claim that the only good Jew is a dead one.

>> No.13748756

>that desert Jew.
than that desert Jew*

>> No.13748758 [DELETED] 

I was fishing through Catholic Twitter but I gave up after I came across a group of tradthots who go to mass in short skirts and heels but post photos of their mantillas for likes calling some guy a nonce for criticising teenage girls for carrying a statue of Mary at mass in low-cut sleeveless dresses.

>> No.13748769

>i can wear whatever i want, like, its not my problem if a guy looks at my butt, thats like, his issue!

>> No.13748779

>criticising teenage girls for carrying a statue of Mary at mass in low-cut sleeveless dresses

Watching the reaction to this develop was the weirdest thing, they started photoshopping the image so she had covered shoulders.

>> No.13748783 [DELETED] 

Also, I looked at the tweets of one of the tradthots and she was talking about her recent non-Catholic boyfriends.

>> No.13748800


Marriage is a fine and holy vocation; less noble than celibacy perhaps, but it is better to choose a lesser vocation you are called to than strive for one you do not have,

>> No.13748801

Americans ruin everything.

>> No.13748818


I know a lot of you guys might be larpers. I've been a tradcath since like age 10; went to a conservative and orthodox Catholic private school from second grade on.

Honestly don't know what y'all are banging on about. Most men and most women in the tradcath community are just sons and daughters of God trying to lead holy lives. Often they marry each other and it's very beautiful; when they date it's more of a courtship than modern dating is.

Honestly I think one of the greatest blessings of being Catholic is avoiding all the perverse gender dynamics and mis-formations that lead to the incel/thot/Chad worlds.

>> No.13748822

yes, they have no loyalty. i'm not super interested in women in general, but catholic women, i don't even look at. i'd rather have a secular women if i ever got married desu. it would be easy enough to convert her and really all that matters is that the man is religiuos enough to guide his children. and also, i do always get pissed off and defend them when people talk shit about how "catholic girls are all sluts," but really they're right. what also pisses me off is how /christian/ was pretty much 90% "muh trad gf."

>> No.13748823 [DELETED] 

Oh, and the same tradthot said, "If God didn't want me to show my armpits, why did he give me them?"

>> No.13748832

>I've been a tradcath since like age 10; went to a conservative and orthodox Catholic private school from second grade on.
How would that work? If you said six or twelve that might make sense, but ten makes no sense. Which order?

>> No.13748833

100% correct, though the intentions of those who desire tradcat gfs may not always be pure

>> No.13748840 [DELETED] 

You've clearly never been on Catholic Twitter, which is probably a good thing, but you seem to be pretending it doesn't exist. I never said there weren't genuine tradcaths, but the kind of people who made the OP image are incel larpers, and there are a lot of "trad" thots.

>> No.13748853

Marriage to a Catholic girl, trad or not, is the single hardest contract on earth to break, and i'm including legbreaking moneylenders and K-pop slave contracts in that. Marriage to a LARPer might be different.

>> No.13748866


Because I'm bad at math. What age are kids in third grade? No idea. Anyhow I didn't start taking my faith seriously till like fifth grade, which is around 10 in the US I think.


I tend to avoid it. I don't mean it doesn't exist; it obviously does on twitter. I just mean that if you're a guy in your 20s and start hanging around trad/orthodox Catholic communities you'll find that they don't really matter much in real life. Most people who are daily communicants aren't incel larpers or tradthots. That's all I mean.

>> No.13748874

your whole worldview is skewed because you were born into catholicism. all us "LARPers" are just converts or lukewarms who went to Mass once every couple of years and got back into it. which is why i didn't deny the existence of tradcath women in my post >>13748749, i just said they want nothing to do with poor converts who don't have a wealthy catholic family, which is true. you don't know what its like. no one likes converts, you're seen as an outsider and even a predator by some. shit sucks, but its the reality. people like the people you're talking about will always say "oh i love to see more people brought into the church," because in their minds, they're picturing someone just like themselves minus the catholicism part, then they see what a real convert looks like and they have nothing but contempt in their eyes when they look at you. you don't know how bad those looks sting
lol wut. again you're completely blinded by your sheltered upbringing. my mom grew up strictly catholic and she literally just got divorced.

>> No.13748880

>Anyhow I didn't start taking my faith seriously till like fifth grade, which is around 10
But what you start taking your faith seriously has no meaning to the Church. That's why I said six and twelve, because they're the ages of moral reason and confirmation.

>> No.13748886

also i should add that you're just displaying exactly the kind of i'm talking about, calling us "LARPers," implying that you're the only "real" catholic. is anyone who converts just a LARPer to you? you will always look down on us, and believe me, it hurts.

>> No.13748887

>. my mom grew up strictly catholic and she literally just got divorced
Then she's excommunicated and still married in the eyes of the Church. To break a marriage within Catholicism requires special dispensation from the Pope.

>> No.13748888


I don't doubt it is skewed. Many of my closest Catholic friends are recent or near recent converts. I'm sorry you feel contempt in the Church. I will pray for you. Perhaps you should pray to be purged of the contempt which (it seems to me) you also feel about others in the Church.

>> No.13748899 [DELETED] 

Based passive-aggressive Anon displaying exactly the holier-than-thou attitude he was talking about.

>> No.13748911


I said "might be," which is different from "are." As I've said, I don't look down on converts; quite the opposite.

All I mean is that it seems like these memes come from people who have little or only recent actual familiarity with the Catholic community and would (as might we all) benefit by getting off the internet and just talking to people in and around Mass.


Eh as you wish. Really 10 was not meant as a hard and fast number, although that was the age I had a deeper access to God's grace in the sacraments by means of a deepened prayer life (which does in fact "have meaning to the Church"). If you prefer to revise my post as saying 12 feel free.

>> No.13748914

It would be better if the Church were burned down and rebuilt with me as the focus. I am far wiser than any Jew will ever be.

>> No.13748923


I am prideful, of course. Please pray for me as well; I've already added everyone in this thread to the intentions for my daily rosary tomorrow.

>> No.13748939 [DELETED] 

>Better let everyone know I pray the rosary daily after I tell them I'm aware of my pride

>> No.13748940

>All I mean is that it seems like these memes come from people who have little or only recent actual familiarity with the Catholic community and would (as might we all) benefit by getting off the internet and just talking to people in and around Mass.
thats so easy for you to say because you've simply don't know what its like to go to Mass alone. i literally don't even care though, nor do i harbor any ill-will towards the people who shun me, i'm just trying to explain to you how things really are for us. i'm just dealing with the reality of the situation.

>> No.13748941

Friendly reminder that /lit/ is strictly a Catholic board.

>> No.13748945

>. If you prefer to revise my post as saying 12 feel free.
But that wouldn't work either- you would have to be confirmed in a trad ceremony. You don't seem to understand it's a top down thing. I'm not saying this to be mean or anything, but it shows a basic misunderstanding of how the Church works. What you're describing is a different phenomenon to what you're naming it as. It's like if someone described going to confession as receiving last rites, you know?

>> No.13748961


I go to Mass alone all the time.


By "tradcath" I meant attending the Tridentine Rite. And "tradcath" is in fact not a "top down thing"--unless you mean it schismatically, tradcaths are part of the same Church as other Catholics; we simply prefer to attend the Tridentine Mass more frequently than the NO. Hardly a sacramental distinction?

>> No.13748970

>what its like to go to Mass alone
You don't go to Mass alone, that's why we shake hands and call it Mass...

>> No.13748982 [DELETED] 

>that's why we shake hands
You're talking to tradcaths, there is no hand shaking in Latin mass (not in any of the parishes I've been to, anyway).

>> No.13748989

>radcaths are part of the same Church as other Catholics; we simply prefer to attend the Tridentine Mass more frequently than the NO. Hardly a sacramental distinction?
But even at a NO mass you receive communion differently if you're trad cath. You mean "attending the Tridentine Rite", which anyone from the new order can do too.

>> No.13749010

>I go to Mass alone all the time.
see, this is what i mean. you just don't understand what i'm saying. i don't mean literally going to Mass alone is hard, i mean being alone in your path towards God is hard. now yes, obviously God is with me, but i'm just trying to illustrate that its a completely different experience when you don't have strong family ties, a community, and lots of moral support from loved ones.

>> No.13749018

>the only aspect of traditional catholic faith /lit/ wants to discuss is finding a gf

This could have been an interesting thread. But it has to be the same shit over and over.

t. non-believer interested in catholic lit

>> No.13749024

did you even read the thread?

>> No.13749028 [DELETED] 

The new order is an order of mass, not an order to which people belong. Show me one church document referring to this old order of tradcaths. Please.

>> No.13749030

The sign of peace is older than the new order, which is why they had separate seating. Modern traditionalists removed it if they don't have separate seating or only do it at solemn masses between priests, because the trad way is you kiss not shake hands.

>> No.13749045


You receive it differently inasmuch as the liturgical practice surrounding it is different, but the sacramental grace received is the same.

>which anyone from the new order can do too.

Yes, of course. Tradcaths as I said are part of the same Church; if someone for whatever reason wants to start attending the Tridentine Rite and makes a habit of it I consider that person a tradcath. If someone wants to celebrate the NO reverently according to the actual directives of Vatican II and without modernist corrosions then I consider them a non-tradcath, but they are still my brother in the Church.

All I mean by tradcath is having a particular devotion towards the Tridentine Rite and its attendant liturgical practices, and pursuing this devotion in the context of the guidance provided by Summorum Pontificum

>> No.13749050


This anon gets it.

>> No.13749054

have sex, cumcel

>> No.13749056

I'm using it as shorthand for those who usually attend the NO mass, not people part of any order. Attending Tridentine rites does not make you trad Catholic all of a sudden, which is why people who don't object to V2 but missed the NO mass attend them too.

>> No.13749060


I'm sorry to misunderstand you my friend. Keep faith with God and try to find a good Catholic community--particularly of male friends around your age. I hope your circumstances in life allow you to put down good roots, but I understand that's not always possible.

Praying for you.

>> No.13749075

>devotion towards the Tridentine Rite and its attendant liturgical practices
But you can still receive communion at a NO mass with the trad practice, just as you can receive communion at T masses with NO practices.

>> No.13749083


Exactly. That's what I'm trying to say.

>> No.13749090

thanks bro.

>> No.13749092

But you're not saying that, you're basing it on the form of the mass, which doesn't change anyone's practice.

>> No.13749104


>>devotion towards the Tridentine Rite and its attendant liturgical practices

You are right that I was a little vague here. "Attendant liturgical practices" should be something like "attendant devotional practices," since tradcaths do more than just attend the Tridentine Mass (though the liturgical distinction tends to be the main distinction).

>> No.13749125

But you can spot a trad cath at a NO ceremony and a NO at a Tridentine mass much faster through practice than through the mass itself. Lots of TCs attend NO masses, especially the older generations.

>> No.13749136


What do you mean by "practice"? By attending mass I'm assuming a full participation in it through devotional practices.

>> No.13749139

I mean the obvious tell at communion.

>> No.13749152 [DELETED] 

Why are you two acting like there's a kind of checklist of additional practices for tradcaths? Do you think the church asked more of practicing Catholics 200 years ago than it does now?

>> No.13749163


I'm including reception of the eucharist as well, then. I receive in a Trad way at the NO, but, again, I don't look down on people who receive in the NO way as long as it's reverent. Of course on the hand should be avoided by all groups.

>> No.13749166

>Why is treatment of the Eucharist such a big thing for Catholics?
Because it's the body of Christ.

>> No.13749174 [DELETED] 

Why are you pretending it's a secret that tradcaths receive the Host on the tongue while kneeling? Traditional Catholicism isn't some esoteric rite, you pseud.

>> No.13749179


There's not, and they didn't. But there is a different liturgical Calendar which determines things like which feast days are celebrated, and Tradcaths tend to do things like abstain from meat on Fridays that most American Catholics don't. There's many other differences, but, again, I don't think tradcath practices are necessarily one hundred percent superior compared to reverent NO practices.

>> No.13749182

It's not about looking down on (though obviously TCs get more het about handling) it's that the mass doesn't make one trad, so much as adhering to practice (like I'm pretty sure NO don't fast before anymore)

>> No.13749186 [DELETED] 

The Church still requires you to fast for an hour before receiving Communion.

>> No.13749190


Sure, I agree. That's why by attending mass I mean all the circumambient devotional practices, which I've been following since a young age (6, 10, 12--I'm not writing a memoir here or anything).

>> No.13749193

not him, and not "trad" cath, but i receive on the tongue because one time i almost dropped it.
i only fast for at least two hours (usually more), but i go at 6PM tbf

>> No.13749203

Yeah but TCs tend to fast entirely from penance or sundown the night before, while just one hour is a pretty recent thing even for NO.

>> No.13749224


Did you know Trent recommended married Catholics abstain from sex for three days before receiving?

Something to keep in mind.

>> No.13749225

>receive on the tongue because one time i almost dropped it.
Kek'd tbph, good call though.
Yeah, it's just your focus on the rite is a bit odd because a lot of TCs are the older gen who didn't bother moving church to find a traditional rite
I also think NO ignore Wed and Fri (or maybe just Wed?) Apart from the big ones, of course. Anyone V2 who could fill me in would be handy.

>> No.13749248


The rite is most significant distinction, all things considered.

>> No.13749254

don't worry, i've got that one covered.

>> No.13749265

It's not though. Like I said, most of the trad Catholics are still in their same parish since before V2, they just kept the practice. It's why they still have to tell priests who will only ever do NO masses about trad practice within them.

>> No.13749274

That and getting b&ed from SA

>> No.13749280


I'm honestly confused what else you mean to say that I've been missing. I include trad practices in and around the rite, while still saying that the rite is the clearest and (because the mass is the center of Catholic devotional life) in a real sense most important distinction. How is that different from your position?

>> No.13749289

The important distinctions for me are the more general practices from before V2 and which persist within it. There simply aren't enough Tridentine masses being performed in enough locations for the population of TCs, and making the rite the main focus makes a lot of TCs suddenly not TCs due to geography rather than broader practice. The rite is the most obvious thing for larpers to latch on to (and mantillas as itt) but in day to day practice most TCs are forced to choose between NO mass or not meeting days of obligation.

>> No.13749292

Pope, rarely mentioned? But every one on that list I've read has been great, thank you for more to look into.
Yeah, the waifu-ish trend the OP image shows is weird. Romantic love has a proper place, but should be a response to someone worth loving, not some imagined ideal.

>> No.13749311


What practices do you mean though? I do live in mainly urban American areas, and most major American cities have robust and frequent Tridentine Mass options--so I might be ignoring what you point out.

>in day to day practice most TCs are forced to choose between NO mass or not meeting days of obligation.

This is an unreal choice. A legitimately faithful tradcath would attend NO rather than miss a day of obligation (of course if it were a day of obligation in the old but not the new calendar, which I think does occur but I'm not totally sure, they would still attend NO).

>> No.13749319


By Pope I meant rarely mentioned as a particularly Catholic poet. He's a weird exception I guess.

>> No.13749332

i think i keep missing days of obligation. like i see them in the readings book, but no one ever says anything about them so i'm not sure. i mean its my fault for not looking into it, but a head's up would be nice. i haven't been to a mass outside of sunday since good friday i think.

>> No.13749340

Yeah if you're in a major city it's different and some will cross a city for Tridentine masses, though not all, but for most people a NO mass is the only option, especially with the priest shortage where you might already have to travel on alternate weeks to a different church to get just a NO mass at all.
>legitimately faithful tradcath would attend NO rather than miss a day of obligation
You're forgetting the crazy apostate wings V2 spawned. Most TCs would prefer the NO mass to no mass, but there are nutters out there who figure the Church is apostate for not giving more Tridentine masses. For most it is Hobson's choice and they go to NO and practice trad, or try to make a day close to the old calendar, but in a lot of areas that focus on the rite and the calendar is impossible to maintain in the same way you can in a major city.

>> No.13749344



Just go to these and you'll be fine. If you can, daily mass is a beautiful and helpful devotion.

>> No.13749350

i tried once, but the doors were locked. then an old lady saw me trying to get in and kind of gave me a passive-aggressive comment so i just left.

>> No.13749355


I am very blessed to be on the East Coast.

>You're forgetting the crazy apostate wings V2 spawned.

I don't consider these people tradcaths because I sadly consider them schismatics. Of course most of them haven't made a formal break with the Church but I hardly think we should include them in the tradcath 'camp,' such as it is. Pray for an end to schism anons.

>> No.13749357

damn, i missed all those except christmas.

>> No.13749363


That's awful. There's apps you can download that show you mass times in your area; might be useful.

Again, I am blessed to be in a major city.

>> No.13749381

>I don't consider these people tradcaths because I sadly consider them schismatics.
The Church doesn't always (I couldn't tell you if SSPX is schismatic, separate, or excommunicated reliably in any given year for an obvious example), but they are kind of hard to ignore on the trad side. The larpers coming in at the moment don't help either but SSPX are better at the law than larpers so they're more dangerous.

>> No.13749382

i also have work most days, but there's one church near me that does a nightly Mass. the only obstacle is that its a mexican church. idk, i might try it.

>> No.13749403


You can attend SSPX masses without being in schism. Not sure about their priests.

But yes, the schismatics are a problem in the trad community.


Go to it even if it's in Spanish. The graces are the same.

>> No.13749414


>> No.13749420

>tfw too degenerate and jaded to be a real catholic

>> No.13749432

>You can attend SSPX masses without being in schism. Not sure about their priests
AFAIK after the excommunication was revoked because they had ordained so many without the Church, the Church kind of had to give grace to people who attend that they might not know the priest is falsely ordained, but I wouldn't rely on my word for that

>> No.13749440

>see this post
>David Jones
>google him
>it's David Bowie
I have so many questions.

>> No.13749451
File: 40 KB, 576x406, 1524429221054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its "bilingual" so i don't even know if the nightly mass is english or not. i'm definitley down to go to mass every night, because i have no friends and nothing better to do, but i already had to weasel my way into one parish and that was hard enough, idk if i have it in me to do it again. i'm very anxious and autistic. i'm in a better place psychologically now though, so it may be easier, but i'm also worried about the cultural divide.

>> No.13749460


Pope Francis gave them faculties for marriages and confessions as well, so that's good.

>> No.13749468


Don't worry so much about it man. Just go to mass and pray. Hope things work out for you.

>> No.13749481

the chronicles of narnia

>> No.13749489

I wouldn't say good so much as graceful. I doubt there's many that marry in an SSPX rite who aren't trying to distance themselves from the See and therefore are schismatic apostates anyway, but the confession thing probably catches more people unaware of the furore.

>> No.13749509

but i'm fucking scared, man. like do i talk to people or do i just show up and leave really quick? what do i even say if i do talk to them?

>> No.13749538

Anon it'll be okay. They just want to be in the presence of God and peaceful brotherhood like you, you can stay as long as you like and talk as much as you want or don't want to after. God loves even spergers.

>> No.13749556

should i like buy a suit or something?

>> No.13749674

Weird, I get the department store. I highly recommend him though, especially if you've read some of the Arthurian legends. Anathemata is my favorite book.
>It was fortunate for the innate boneddigion of Britain that when at the prayer Qui pridie she was bound as they to raise her face, she as they, faced the one way, or else when the lifted Signa shone they had mistaken the object of their Latria; to add to the taint of the Diocese of Britain an impulse more eccentric from the New Mandate than is the innate bias of the heresiarchs of Britain

>and, as the fashion now requires, from observed data: On this night, when I was a young man in France, in Gallia Belgica, the forward ballista-teams of the Island of Britain green-garlanded their silent three-o-threes for this I saw and heard their cockney song salute the happy morning; and later, on this same morning certain of the footmen of Britain, walking in daylight, upright, through the lanes of the war-net to outside and beyond the rusted trip-belt, some with gifts, none with ported weapons, embraced him between his fossa and ours, exchanging tokens.
> And this I know,
>if only from immediate hearsay, for we had come on this mild morning (it was a Green Christmas) back into the rear, two to three thousand paces behind where his front vallum was called by us, the Maiden's Bulge, and ours, the Pontiff's Neb, between which parallels, these things, according to oral report reaching us in this forward reserve area, were done,

>> No.13749724

If it makes you feel better? You don't have to, because people understand if you come straight to the church from construction work even. You might want to bring change for the collection, but don't feel obligated to contribute if you're already on a very tight budget. You don't have to contribute a lot anyways, but it's nice to feel you're giving something back.

>> No.13749818

Why would anybody larp as a Catholic? the Church is in a awful state teetering on collapse.

>> No.13749828

cause you get to call degenerates degenerates and pontificate online without having to actually do anything or commit yourself to any idea other than "god amirite"

>> No.13749839 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 889x1126, 7FF89F7D-B7C3-41C9-ADA1-66E0222DC3C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the pope

>> No.13749886

They don't know. The Church views it as a slightly culpable ignorance, and if they knew that, and could honestly look at their actions, they would think what the fuck am I doing opting for this level of responsibility with ever greater chances of damnation? Since they don't know, they might be spared time in purgatory, but sadly some will come to know and have to throw themselves upon Christ's mercy. I think because a lot of them are culturally protestant, they assume proselytism is a de facto good, but the Church purposefully avoids proselytism and seeks to attract people through grace because nobody ignorant should take the risk of judgement within the Church when they could rely on the moral sense God granted them anyways.

>> No.13749916

thomas merton
simone weil
charles taylor

>> No.13749955

this sounds like heresy...

>> No.13749973

enchridion symbolorum for any budding theologian

>> No.13749991

Actually I can think of one, the literary tradition of the Catholic Church is unparalleled, you can literally read 10 books of Catholic theology every day for a lifetime and barely have read 10% of the best.

>> No.13750321

You can look it up. Start with invincible ignorance or proselytism in a Catholic encyclopedia. Catholics have sworn to uphold the teachings of the Church and to reject the devil and all its works. It's a contract which nobody should enter into lightly or at the behest of others, because it is lifelong and reneging on it when you have been exposed to the Church is knowingly taking your own soul away from her. We are meant to be God's servants on earth and that is not an easy or achievable goal: we rely on the Grace of God to forgive us our trespasses and, unlike those in ignorance, we are obliged to know the boundaries of His law.

>> No.13750454

Did any saints go without sleep for extended periods of time as spiritual training?

>> No.13750584

Many. Here's an article https://catholicexchange.com/saints-sleep

>> No.13750874

stop practicing idolatry

>> No.13750917

>Iconography is idolatry
What have you got against St Luke?

>> No.13750924

Protesturds are so stupid. Every time a Protestard posts in a real Christian thread with his poorly-informed takes on Catholicism it's like an annoying handicapped child who's desperate for attention.

>> No.13750955
File: 46 KB, 960x764, 52D7FD1E-78C4-4373-BEEF-3E36F1E375C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Jesus last year. I’m almost done reading through the Bible for the first time. What is the Catholic justification of Apocryphal texts being about of required reading, you don’t believe Old and New Testament is enough correct? God has been continuously speaking through the Saints over the millennia? and how Holy War was inspired by Augustine in 400 ad, sounds counter to the life of Jesus and the disciples, he blesses the Roman centurion but does that mean Christ wants a physical army? Or that’s who he’s even willing to bless. He always spoke of a spiritual or heavenly army not of this earth, yet god wants us to physically form an army like the ancient Israelites? First 400 years was strictly catechumens during a culture of “Muscular Christianity” dedication towards being dead to sin, preparing for martyrdom, then bloodless martyrs, Desert Fathers, how did it go beyond that? Isn’t that the goal? To be willing to die for Christ, will not renounce your faith, but will die to sin to be alive in Christ, by losing our life for Christ’s sake we save it. To be lights in a dark world, is “killing for Christ” really being a light? Vanquished evil in our hands? Or lack of faith in God wanting us to bring peace to the joy of angels in heaven. Everything about vanquishing evil was the sin in your heart and soul? Right? We are told not to discern the wheat from the weeds in the parable, the Lord will judge in the end.

>> No.13751025

And that's a good thing that's also worthy of praise and respect

>> No.13751026

>What is the Catholic justification of Apocryphal texts being about of required reading, you don’t believe Old and New Testament is enough correct
Probably they don't believe that taking books out of the Bible in order to get a cheaper print run in the 1600s was divinely inspired.

>> No.13751066

My understanding of the history of Christianity was that if you had Gospels and say Romans or Corinthians it lays does all the foundation you need toward leading a sin free life. The early believers only had access to selected works, yet their faith shined brighter than any of us today. Is it really that important? I feel like whatever gets people closer towards being dead to sin, loving god with all your might, mind and soul, and loving your neighbor as yourself. Do unto others as you would have desired done to you.

>> No.13751101

>The early believers only had access to selected works, yet their faith shined brighter than any of us to
They had more works. It's why Nicaea was called to trim down the works. It's also when the awkward bit with the Syriacs coming back from Asia speaking Aramaic made us Catholic and not just Roman happened. The Church Fathers are not all included after Nicaea for instance, but still inform doctrine from then on, despite some of them predating the writing of the Gospels (Clement comes before John for instance). Nicaea is when most of the modern Catholic bible was set, but it is not a full list of Church doctrine or history, because it was designed to be a much smaller corpus than was circulating at the time so something like the Syriacs didn't happen again.

>> No.13751124
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Pope Leo III
>Haec Leo posui amore et cautela orthodoxae fidei

>> No.13751134

You’re giving me more rabbit holes to delve into so I appreciate the thoughtful response.

I was speaking about the original disciples discussed in Acts and Revelation but I see how by the time Nicea was a thing there was a lot of division.

>> No.13751156

Np, anon, I'd give you more but I'm working on 4 yourself sleep in the past 100 hours and it's not the best time for making sense. The Syriacs followed St James according to tradition, so they would fall under the Apostolic Fathers. By the time of Nicaea though, everyone figured the extra apostles they haven't heard of in the past few centuries didn't really go off to spread the Word: the Syriacs sending bishops back to the council made for an awkward get together. It's really interesting stuff, google the keywords from my previous post

>> No.13751159

>4 yourself
4 hours >.<

>> No.13751172

Daily Reminder that had japan converted it would be first world power now

>> No.13751176

That's not how you spell Get in the robot Shinji

>> No.13751178

Like 500 other times in the last 2000 years. They Shall not Prevail anon. you should have learnt This basic history lesson.

>> No.13751221

first world? like the west, which is in a socio-political-ethnic nightmare?
yeah i don't think the japanese want to emulate that

>> No.13751227

>anyone an entitled leftist "intellectual" on /lit/ doesn't like is a larper.
People actually think and believe things you don't and believe in things you'd disagree with. They don't secretly know They are wrong and You're right, your opinions actually differ. Is This so hard to fucking accept you pathetic bugmen?

>> No.13751230

That's exactly How you translate it.>>13751221
>socio-political-ethnic nightmare?
For losers like You perhaps.

>> No.13751248

why are you cucks still larping as catholics

>> No.13751590

>For losers like You perhaps.
>I-it's good if you are in the 1%
1%er here. Life is good but most western countries are going towards a societal ethnic scenario that isn't very enviable.

>> No.13752620

Where in the city can I get a traditional catholic gf?

>> No.13752647

many cute girls go to my church.

>> No.13752753

Meditations on The Tarot

>> No.13752756


>> No.13752788

Barely any young people go to church in dc

>> No.13752886

what bible do eastern catholic rite use?
at least what english translated bible do the branches in america use?

>> No.13753095
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Asuka worship specifically

>> No.13753129

Damn bro, you are making me sad — these women are so few and far between.

>> No.13753150

Here it’s mostly old people and the occasional liberal churchstrangers who come to get their child baptized and otherwise never attend mass. They’ll even laugh at the liturgy, shit you not.

>> No.13753173

anyone have that chart with Christian literature divided by genre and accessability?

specifically interested in the part with novels

>> No.13753283

No they weren't and would have been better off convertíng.

>> No.13753307
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This could be the one you're thinking of.

>> No.13753546

One of the most important things I eventually came to terms with after a couple years post conversion is that the talk in the Bible about how the world will hate you is 100% true. People will absolutely despise you if you're secure in your belief in something, just the simple demonstration of an "other" that contradicts their worldview where no one who is religious is happy or devout is enough for them to want to destroy you and see you and your belief burned to the ground. It's especially true if you're a convert because it demonstrates someone who wasn't simply brought up in a belief but one who actually approached it on their own terms and found it to be true.

Not just non religious either, members of all political parties will as well, because the Church believes in some elements of conservatism but also in some elements of radical equality and charity for mankind. Members of other religions will hate you and have their own pre-baked phrases to toss at you, and the lukewarms within your own religion will even hate you, maybe even more than anyone else.

The Church has survived this treatment for 2,000 years, don't be discouraged, there have been hundreds of tragedies and schisms, we will never leave. We are the longest lasting institution on the face of the Earth for a reason.

>> No.13753565

That applies to anyone with a strong belief in anything except maybe strict adherence to the status quo. You're not a victim. You're not special.

>> No.13753586
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God bless you anon. I fell in love with Jesus last year, life changing past few seasons. Never looking back, I’ve found my tribe. I see what Jesus represents and know that’s where I want to be. Almost done with cover to cover Bible reading, delving into the Greek and Hebrew, cultural shifts, history of schisms, catechumens, there is so much, I could be reading and researching a lifetime to merely scratch the surface.

>> No.13753697

Indeed, thank you anon!

>> No.13754902


>> No.13755318
File: 71 KB, 912x1024, D0J1RveWsAAoQP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Holy Bible, King James Version

You mean douay rheims?

>> No.13755413
File: 19 KB, 333x499, 41cryclS8eL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do christcucks deal with their religion being btfo in the first five minutes of this lecture? oh that's right, they ignore it

pic related is a must read

>> No.13755453

>watch first five minutes
>doesn't even address Jesus is recorded contemporaneously by authors outside the sect
He's provided more support for Diogenes of Sinope never existing than for Jesus not existing so far and I'm 7 minutes in...

>> No.13755684 [DELETED] 

Reminder that the Catholic Church is the longest-standing institution in the history of humanity.

>> No.13756111

Such as?

>> No.13756136

No one agrees with you.

>> No.13756233

Has anybody read anything by Malachi Martin? I'm a zoomer and don't know shit.

>> No.13756288

>christ myth
LOL. What a load of BS. Most atheists I know don't even buy the christ myth bullshit.

>> No.13756745

Such as Diogenes being the focus of euhemerism and only one anecdote being contemporaneous to his lifetime. You can use the Bible to justify his existence too, as Jude directly quotes him without attribution.

>> No.13756907

blessed post.

>> No.13757986

I meant about Jesus