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13744452 No.13744452[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You people keep saying there's no such thing as a nihilist but I found a bunch of them on reddit. Explain yourselves.

>> No.13744474

Is it idiotic to think like this? I want to read nihilist lit so bad because I feel itll be liberating but Im hesistant because Im afraid that my mind will rot into something like a generic insufferable edgy defeatist negative high schooler mindset

>> No.13744488

>philosophy where there is no reason not to kill yourself
>is it idiotic

>> No.13744501

reddit users are fucking insufferable

>> No.13744516

You don’t find their claims to be nihilists to be suspect on a site where they need an account and obsessively track their own posts for upvotes or flaming?

Edit: thanks for the gold guys! Life is meaningless.

>> No.13744556

There's no reason to kill yourself either, so you just do what you feel like.

>> No.13744568
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>> No.13744574

>You people keep saying there's no such thing as a nihilist
I don't know who "You people" refers to, but they are dead wrong. You'd better believe nihilists exist, and you'd better believe they are the one and only true enemy in this life.

>> No.13744588
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>Nihilism is freedom to me. If nothing really matters and there is no point to existance [sic] then there is possible way to mess it up [sic]. No purpose mean [sic] no chance of failure, hell, there isn't even a definition of failure. Life suddenly has no pressure, so what if i never get a job above entry level, so what if i never buy a house or car? these things are meaningless.
What a pathetic sentiment

>> No.13744594
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>> No.13744609

Nihilism is the start not the end of meaningful existence

>> No.13744612

oh i see

nihilism is philosophical anti-anxiety medication

>> No.13744622

It's an argument commonly seen here that nihilism is incoherent and so true nihilists don't actually exist. These people have clearly never read Fight Club (the novel, not the movie).

>> No.13744629

The most common argument against nihilism is
>Edgy cringe hurr durr grow up!

>> No.13744651
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Self-destruction aside, I feel that nihilism is also a circular argument, even as materialist stance. Is there a book for this feel?

The whole notion of meaning and objective is human-made, or intrinsic to life - you must first be non-nihilist and accept that your own life seeks meaning (on base level, to survive) in order to even start making arguments about meaning.

Something emerges out of chaos by chance, and self-perpetuates. It's no different than black holes. The meaning of blackhole is to swallow stuff, and make it even more blackhole-ish. You can argue there's no meaning to black hole regardless, yet there it is, swallowing stuff, self-defining its own meaning by sheer brute force whether you like it or not.

Same goes for life - self replication, survival, and anything above stemming from that. When you spuriously start claiming the above is meaningless, and act on it, you just erased the carrier for self-defined meaning spuriously, evaporated the black hole.

This is not a reasoned argument against purpose life, as the whole point of life was just being alive to begin with. Arguing that self-definition is meaningless, despite overwhelming intrinsic evidence to contrary, is a Chewbacca prosecution. Sure, when there is nothing, there really is nothing. When there's no life, there really is no meaning as there's nothing left to define it.

But you can't use synthesis to argue that thesis is correct, "therefore" anti-thesis is not. Both are necessary for synthesis to even work in the first place.

>> No.13744695

Most nihilists are actually unknowing existentialists.

>> No.13744706

Which is absolutely true. Good luck getting anything worthwhile done when you think nothing is worthwhile.

>> No.13744732

I can value things, but it's nothing more than my personal feelings.

>> No.13744764

Congratulations you are not a nihilist

>> No.13744773

You don't know what nihilism means.