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/lit/ - Literature

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1374442 No.1374442 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, was writing college essays hard for you? Did you bullshit your way through them? Can an awful essay outweigh your good-ish grades in most run-of-the-mill state schools?

>> No.1374446

i own at essays.

i suck at writing fiction :(((

>> No.1374472

I have written at least 20 different college essays in the past 2 weeks.

I can write about anything, really. Politics, sports, music, whatever.
The one thing I can not write about to save my life is myself.

>> No.1374485

Yeah, that's the problem I'm having.

>Come on! Show the college who you are! Show them how interesting, motivated and goal-oriented you are! Go soul-searching and find something worth telling them!

And then I discover that I have no soul and that I can't tell the colleges anything they'd want to hear nor am I a good enough of a writer to embellish something that would impress them.

>> No.1374504


except in this post, you lying faggot

>> No.1374510

was directed at

>> No.1374514

How do you guys write so much? I have a problem writing a lot of content.
I find if I find a documentary about the subject I can write a lot more.

>> No.1374532


Tell them about how you wake up screaming every night only to realize that the Koreans who were invading your country were only part of a dream.

I just made shit up when asked stupid questions like that, but I never really got any in college.

>> No.1374557

I'll be sure to take your advice.

>> No.1374660

I owned at high school English essays.
University essays was a different matter.

I had a GPA of 4.10 before my Lit marks came in. I got a D on the final essay so my overall mark in the class was a C+ and that fucked the hell out of my GPA. Bumped it down to 3.85 or some shit.

Moral of the story, don't take a literature class from a feminazi. I'm not saying she was to blame directly, I'm saying I despised every single fucking book she picked for us to read and hated writing every essay in that class.

>> No.1374686

Did this feminazi's surname begin with an L?

>> No.1374710

no. Mohtaram Shojania. All she would do when I actually decided to attend lectures was talk about the sexual content in whatever we were reading. And I'm sorry but hearing an obese 50+ year old woman with a mole on her face discuss sex was just fucking disturbing.

>> No.1374741

I'm great with essays, but I've been bullshitting them all my life. Only time when I took them seriously was my 7th grade English class. That teacher taught me how to really write. Only good teacher I have ever had, one of the few that I actually deeply respected.

>> No.1375396


I am exactly like this.