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13739448 No.13739448 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13739507


>> No.13739600

Bump for interest

>> No.13739688

What aspect of asceticism are you interested in? Religious or philosophical? A list of commandments or a biography of an ascetic?

>> No.13739966


>> No.13739980

Essays in Idleness and Hojoki

>> No.13740961

Bump it

>> No.13740964

just read daoism texts, or better yet, don't read any books and look for meaning only in the natural world

>> No.13740977

Atheist here. I'm interested in works pertaining to materialist asceticism. I do not want to be slave to my body and view asceticism as a way of overcoming many of our evolutionary shortcomings.

>> No.13741014

Can recc this, great book
Hojoki is better though

>> No.13741020
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The unironic answer is the world as will and representation. If you want to learn why that asceticism is a pointless cope read Nietzsche.

>> No.13741166

my diary desu.

i've taken to eating one healthy meal a day (a sandwich) and trying to drink mostly water. small steps, but i used to be a hedonist brainlet so i think it's pretty good.

>> No.13741175

>>13739448 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/zp2ppnxjwj28c//Cynicism

>> No.13741181

Just write your thoughts in the sand, read them, and meditate until they blow away.

>> No.13741262
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>t. rust cohle before he becomes a born again Christian

>> No.13741432

Ruste Cohle only made the jump from atheistic nihilism to Christian nihilism. Easy to trade a pessimistic life denial for an optimistic life denial.

Nietzsche is about the embrace of life, the engagement with life.

>> No.13741626

isn't 'ascetism' technically a trap? think about it.... the goal of it is to abstain from pleasure. however, the entire point of pursuing asceticism, or achieving any life goal really... is to achieve self-gratification.

>> No.13741641

you need to rewatch the ending.

he realized his nihilism was a childish reaction to his grief, that he exists for a reason, and seemed set upon re-engaging with the world in a way that was not self-destructive

>> No.13741644


>> No.13741656

Asceticism usually is about not letting physical pleasure dominate you. In large parts because you want to be happier. It is not about becoming miserable.

>> No.13741677

Over indulging in pleasure makes you unhappier.

>> No.13741746

you need to transvaluate all values.

>> No.13741771

>If you want to learn why that asceticism is a pointless cope read Nietzsche.
why is it a pointelss cope ?

>> No.13741794

sounds like some marxist postmodernist bullshit that actually means "everything means nothing to me i do what i want"

>> No.13741800


>> No.13741817

based human cattle

>> No.13741828

>t. cattle in denial
i mean, unless you're out raping and looting and doing meth in public then i guess you're actually holding true to your convictions and not just posing for your own gratification

>> No.13741844

>y-you're probably just as bad as me, so no need to take action in my own life

>> No.13741871

>implying he knows what i do or don't do in my life

go pretend to punch some nazis kiddo

>> No.13741907

>Hedonist calling someone else cattle

>> No.13742344

>life denying cucks literally can't conceive of a positive/creative way of living and on coming into contact with it assume positions of ressentiment and straw man voodoo violence

very, VERY enlightened

>> No.13742459

'you must change your life' by Sloterdijk

>> No.13742820
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Do you have a particular translation you'd recommend?

>> No.13742863

why did you spell it incorrectly op?>>13739448

>> No.13742882


>> No.13742901

lmao nietzsche offers no justification for anything he believes

>> No.13742954
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>> No.13744096

>life accepting cuck cannot use logic

>> No.13745048
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Hojoki is based, yes.
Mao's Red Book unironically. Theres shit that will obviously be irrelevant, just skip it. Epictetus maybe.
Neetzschay only works up to the gay science. He couldn't handle The Greatest Weight and went of the deep end after TSZ. The post Z works are good for a laugh though- if you like laughing at schizos that is. I prefer Pessoa for that though.
Ancient not modern.
Nice. Check out Omar Khayyam, just ditch the wine.
Socrates dissatisfied or a pig satisfied?
He was gonna write 4 books under that title. That is essentially the ubermensch accept he affirms all values and isn't a sulky cunt who bitches from the hills of Sils Maria because hes bitter.
You can be an ascetic and not be a cunt fuck face.
Take what you can get lit. Stop fucking worrying about translations its just a pseud's excuse for not reading.
>Life denying asshat is probably used BY logic.
Not everyone needs to think for themselves I guess.
Don't make me piss on you anon.