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13739198 No.13739198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck, I hate the corporate office environment so much. I honestly shitposted about it for years before I went in, and all my theorising was true.

Firstly, there is very little work to do. If you had your own office this wouldn't be so bad. But open plan offices mean that you are always watched, which means you can't browse the internet or waste time productively. The open plan office is dehumanising because there is non-stop noise, seemingly just the right amount to not be easily ignorable, because co-workers who are relevant to you have conversations. It feels like losing 20 IQ points while being assimilated in to a hivemind.

After the freedom of university, I feel like a prisoner for having to be at a desk from 9 to 5.30. Literally a prisoner chained to his desk. 8.5 hours of anything is insane. If I had the autism necessary to do that without distress, I may as well have learnt programming. University was freedom and work is prison. I will never respect people who denigrate university because they would rather work. They are ignorant. I hated my degree but intellectual work never left me with that tired hangover feeling that work leaves me with. On the plus side, NOT having that feeling would probably signify something much worse.

My work is braindead but I know this isn't the same for everyone, like programmers etc. As soon as I went in to the office environment, I suddenly regretted not specialising in something like programming, law, engineering, design etc. I am an interchangeable cog without the social skills to move jobs easily. In terms of non-technical office monkeying, being a lawyer is the pinnacle, really. The law is swallowing up everything.

The worst part is, obviously, the people. If you are not a normie who affects normieness, you are doomed in the workplace. This is hugely aggravated by the presence of women in the workplace. Despite browsing /pol/ for years and seeing them complain about this, I didn't believe them, despite being redpilled. I considered myself a rational person who agreed with /pol/ when they used reason, and surely women were pretty much equal in behaviour when in everyday environments?

>> No.13739200

Wrong. It is doubly excruciating working with women. They get extremely offended by anyone who isn't an out and out normie. I previously had a female manager in a job that had braindead work. She said my performance was awful because I wasn't an extrovert i.e., "I didn't engage with the team" blabla. Part of the normie charade that women focus on to an extreme degree is the work social events, pointless meetings, pointless "working groups" etc. They get literally offended by the idea that information can be conveyed through writing.

To be fair, almost all the women younger than me, including a previous manager, were great. But many are awful. I'm in my 20s and relatively junior in my career, so if a woman 15+ years older than me works directly with me, she is probably either stupid or merely uses the workplace as a social outlet.

Women also dress sluttily, which is depressing as a blackpilled and ugly male. They also swallow and use corporatespeak, which I simply disrespect. It is literally a law of corporate nature that any non-high working hours, non meritocratic, detached from the ground and immediate results corporate environment will be majority filled with women and tend towards that state.

Of course, the corporate world wouldn't be complete without non-stop LGBTQ+, anti-sexism etc propaganda. From the outside I thought this stuff was 99 % bullshit. From the inside, I see that it's 100 % bullshit. I worked in the public sector one summer and was really aggravated by the naked political activism that is inextricably linked with this shit. That shouldn't be allowed.

8.5 hours is also just enough to steal an entire day but not enough for worthwhile free time. How am I supposed to work from 9 to 5.30, commute to and from work, exercise every day, eat and prepare food, do routine and unexpected chores, and read, do edifying stuff, go outside to get daylight, and socialise (4chan) each week? If I was a doctor or policeman, I would simply choose to work overtime right now. The biggest waste of time in your 20s isn't working 80 hours a week, because that implies you have a high status job. The biggest waste is working a 40 hour per week job. The London rent means that my increased savings per year is not high.

>> No.13739218

You guys are good at typing on this board. I should have browsed here more, and maybe I wouldn't have lost my writing skills. I didn't score top marks on the written part of the toefl

>> No.13739253

I don't know OP.
What I do know is that I work in a factory.
Until recently I worked in production on the floor and work pressure was really high and all levels of management demanded impossible things from us and got angry when we failed, even though it was told to them it was impossible beforehand.

Recently I got promoted to an office work and it's exactly as you describe it in the above text.
It's fucking surreal how modern corporations work.

Our society has become so productive most people barely have to do any work, but instead of taking the work load of those actually producing the stuff or rewarding them we are hiring more poeple for more and more irrelevant positions and letting them stay at work doing 30 minutes of work per day and spending the rest looking busy and attending the same meeting they went to yesterday, the day before that and the day before that.

>> No.13739392

I'm in the exactly the same situation, in the uk. Thinking about quitting my braindead office job (also female dominated) and moving to live somewhere warmer for 6-12 months. Am literally updating my CV atm. Was also thinking about starting a blog or at least submitting more short stories in magazines, which can be done from anywhere in the world. No way i'll be able to tolerate another 6 months of the demotivating, petty, fearful environment in my office.

Well put about endless meetings, committees, 'focus groups'. Women absolutely LOVE this stuff. In the past few months i tried to be more engaged in work - for my own benefit more than anything, I was dying from boredom before - but what that meant was attending one focus group after another, giving feedback, completing various 'implicit bias' seminars, sharing opinions about what 'makes us strong' and good team workers. Honestly, from a detached perspective this shit can be quite hilarious, except that my managers really believe in these slogans.

>> No.13739415

Not exactly factory but when i spent 2 years both working/studying mechanics, shit was great
Sure you are treated like shit by the hierarchy but so is everyone and you all laugh about it, and the hierarchy itself was more like army sergeant types than woman RH types which feels much more acceptable
No women, like fucking 0 of them, so there is no animosity linked to sexual competition, ok sometimes you fight but it stays all light hearted and with a good spirit of comradery, at the end of the day you all go take a beer together watch the football match and make stupid jokes
No political bullshit, everyone is openly homophobic and sexist and no one gives you shit for it since they don't expect better from the working class anyways
You could be rude, eat what you want, burp, say what you want, be insulting, say stupid shit, talk loud, get drunk, be white trash, listen to trash music, talk about how the bitch down the street has a fat ass and catcall her and so on, it was just great
Only downside was there was too many brown people but even brown people aren't anywhere near as aggravating as women or homosexuals

I changed ways since then for money but i look back to these days with fondness

>> No.13739450
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When did completely mundane and talentless people start thinking that office jobs were too good for them, or a "waste of talent"? Is this a late millenial thing?

Boo hoo, you have to sit in an office for eight hours a day pressing buttons with next to no responsibility for a paycheck that most minimum wage workers will never see, what a horrible fate. You get free coffee all day and don't have to wear a fucking shirt and tie to work, the horror!

Back with Gen Xers you at least had truly alienating working conditions, depressing office spaces, boomer yuppie bosses who couldn't relate to you one iota. Corporations don't give a fuck about you but at least now they pretend to care enough to let you sit in a beanbag and give you a four thousand dollar coffee machine to amuse yourself with and a boss who plays d&d and is a fan of marvel movies, so you pretend he's a nice guy and is in theory friends with people your age.

Gen Xers rebelled against that environment, threw away their office jobs and became stoners, slackers, worked shit jobs for the sake of some degree of freedom. These young millenial and zoomer shitheads today hate their conditions but for ridiculously narcissistic reasons: they think they're not living "meaningful" lives or that they're bloggers or musicians who are wasting their time putting their shoulder to the wheel like every other untalented person in the world.

Well guess not, you don't have a talent, your blog is not going to get more than ten views. The people who are doing what you already do don't have the issues you do, they are already pulling 200 subscribers on patreon and making the equivalent of your paycheck because there was never a doubt in their mind as to whether they wanted to be "creatives", they just did it.

>> No.13739470

>Boo hoo, you have to sit in an office for eight hours a day pressing buttons with next to no responsibility for a paycheck that most minimum wage workers will never see, what a horrible fate. You get free coffee all day and don't have to wear a fucking shirt and tie to work, the horror!
The problem I have with it is that it's a very inefficient use of societies resources.

>> No.13739512

>Firstly, there is very little work to do. If you had your own office this wouldn't be so bad. But open plan offices mean that you are always watched, which means you can't browse the internet or waste time productively

I can give you more advice, but the only piece I should need to give you is to learn to meditate.

It will allow you to be productive in a way that nobody can criticize. You can stare at a piece of paper while learning to breathe properly and find peace.

While I can share more, that should be the only thing you need to know.

>> No.13739569
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Senpai how do I get the office from the floor, I'm 100% serious. If I have to do another sixer of back to back 12 hours I will fucking kill myself.

>> No.13739575

>socialise (4chan)
4chan is socialising?

>> No.13739592

The surest way if there is a new department opening and you can somehow get onto the project, they always want a few guys from production when that happens.

I missed that train but I showed a lot of interest in automation and after a while (a couple of years) I got a job as a automation engineer.

Recently an incompetent colleague got a job as some retarded compliance job by what I can see being worthless at his job, but not worthless enough to be fired, and demanding a promotion for several years.

>> No.13739599

No one has a future as a blogger. It’s a hobby, not a job.

>> No.13739602
File: 196 KB, 354x368, apreciamossucontribcion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic but unironically. Thanks.

>> No.13739625


While I agree with your sentiment, I can still emphasize with what people say. I think it's not that work is worse now, like you said it's much better and more chill than it used to be.
Yet the corporate machine is still as deadening as it used to. Only because the cage is now nicer and you got a few more toy things, it doesn't mean you aren't still in a cage.

One thing you've said that's true is that a lot of young people think they are 'wasting' their time working. This search for 'meaningful work' and the believe that you're destined for more is a shared believe of many today. Maybe it's due to pampering and telling people they can be anything they want or the internet that shows them what others did. Either way, it can fuck with your mind, especially when you believe you can one day make it, but got nothing going for yourself.

I've been there too at a open space office. Granted it was only due to an internship, but shit sucked. It's the sort of nervous and annoying environment where you can either take part in forced social interactions or become an outcast. I chose the latter, especially since it was just an internship. In general though, once you integrate into a community, hell even if it's normies, work becomes much more bearable.

>> No.13739638

Also make sure to take credit for every single thing you do, even if minor. If you don't explicitly do that someone else will, sometimes without your knowledge and sometimes brazenly and openly.
Middle management often have a hard time seeing what really happens so the people taking credit for other peoples work are seen as hard working as long as they aren't discredited, which I've never seen happen.

>> No.13739683

I'm a gen z web dev it's pretty good out here

>> No.13740328
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>socialise (4chan)
Lmaoing at ur life

>> No.13740349


>> No.13740362

I am not reading all of this shit. I have problems too. I don't have time to be burdened with yours, especially since I don't know you and your overall goals. Maybe if I got to know you, I would take glee in your suffering? Who knows? Regardless, you can't even succinctly tell me your goals, so why should I have any empathy? I am not going to wade through all of this long-winded bullshit. Make another thread some other time and seek concision.

>> No.13740523
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i work as an apprentice electrician. i work around 25-30 hours a week, usually like 5 or 6 hours a day, at 16 dollars an hour. my boss is an old, decrepit boomer, so he doesn't have the stamina to be putting in 12 hour days, and he's always going to doctor's appointments which means i get a lot of random days off. shit is fucking cash as far as workload goes. the downside is that he's a terrible boss and makes me do all the work and freaks the fuck out if i make even a little mistake, even if i offer a perfectly good solution. lately he's been just staying home and sending me out alone to do everything (which is illegal) and when i can't do the work of two men alone in the same amount of time, he gets pissed that i took so long. he stresses me out to no end and is the worst influence in my life but the hours are good, and i care more about that than having more money. i think the key is to just live as cheap as you can so you can work as little as possible, or to suck it up and grind towards something better. i'm constantly thinking of ways to circumvent this paradigm, and i still haven't thought of a single possible scenario (that isn't a total long-shot) where you could potentially reconcile financial security with happiness. and if you want a wife and kids and a house for them, then fucking strap on the cuck plow, because you're fucked.

tldr; just be poor and pray for an early death.
(there are "other" options, obviously, but i won't post about them)

>> No.13740806

It is absolutely disgusting that anyone should ever have/feel the need to subordinate, and sacrifice, artistic work, and stylistic freedom, for basic requirements of sustenance, and for material profit. Better to retreat into hermitism, with Soul in tact, than to ever bow down to this hideous worldorder.

>> No.13741258

I'm going to work hard af for about five years while I live with my mom and save every penny I make. Then I'm going to by an large rental property in cash and semi retire. And profit made goes straight into a fund to eventually buy another and expand. My needs are very minimal so this is within reach

>> No.13741296

Leeching off your mum and then using the money you've gained by her support solely for your own benefit. Truly the /lit/ lifestyle.

>> No.13741361

a lot can happen in 5 years, bro. that plan puts a lot of faith in a lot of people who do not care about you or your wellbeing. not to mention the moral conundrum of perpetuating the system that has made you have to live like this in the first place.

>> No.13741894

Lmao whiteboy cope. I'm an arab, my family would want me to live with them until I'm 40 if they got what they wanted. I take no resources besides a bedroom and eating the food my mom likes to cook. If I leave my mom's house I literally have 5-10 different homes I can live in because we are family and that's how this culture works. Always found it sad seeing kids kicked out right out of high school setting them back financially for no reason at all. Americans(I'm American) love treating everything like a transaction

You are right A lot can happen, but the people around me already know about this plan. the building I'm buying will take advantage of rich kids trying to live the city life, I don't give a fuck. I want a small passive income to sustain me while I work on my own projects

>> No.13741966


>> No.13741978

This is absolutely Londonfrog. His style is recognizable, and the few details he added sealed the deal. He actually decided to effortpost for once.

>> No.13742080
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I got my first real job after college about 10 months ago and let me tell you, I am genuinely surprised by how fuckin catty my supervisor (woman) can be, how catty the women in admin seem to be, and how catty the women in the storefront can be. What the actual fuck is wrong with non-autistic women? Non-autistic men seem to do okay, but they're the ones that work either in admin or in the back, it's pretty much all women in the storefront, and the admin section is I'd say at about a 50:50 ratio of men and women. The women of my previous job were also fucking catty as shit college thots for the most part, it was awful desu but the job paid, for what amounted to doing very little, and was on campus so I stuck with it.

t. autist femanon

>> No.13742115

Good writing but there is no future in blogging as it is ostensibly a dead medium. You're gonna have to become a youtuber.

>> No.13742157

I worked ten months in a good like this.

Then I got a scholarship to get a master's in english lit at a top program.

Feels good boys.

>> No.13742165


*in a job, that is

>> No.13742188

Worked in an office almost two years but was fired due to disinterest with work and personality clash. Gaslighting wedged me into anxiety/depression worse than in college. Pretty sure my boss just watched my screen from his office all day and decided I was lazy because I had nothing to do and so read online most of the day, most days. They didn't give me more work, but they made deadlines confusing and didn't communicate with me to make it look like I was lazy. Managers and co-workers were gossipy, aggressive, constantly gas-lighting, and acted like I was crazy, and set me up to fail - intentionally miscommunicated to watch me fail. Garbage situation.

Don't let your situation escalate until it leaves a stain on your record. Maybe there's a better job option. Consider therapy. Think about what you want. Maybe blogging isn’t full time: make time for it when you can? Take some acid? Don't let it get you down: look for something else.

If you've worked retail you know it's shit. I hate retail but not as much as my past office. Retail is mentally liberating in some ways, but physically taxing and can be just as suffocating in terms of social/group pressure and company culture. Plus obviously if you don't smoke/drink it's even more boring and you end up questioning your sanity regardless. Like, it’s hellish, but it’s still better than that hell-rectum of a snooty urban office. I resent both, but joblessness is awful unless you’re rich. There are only so many options, truthfully.

>> No.13742200

how do you live?
Like, work wise? Faculty?

>> No.13742214

Do you find that when you "block things out" you are in turn, blocked out from all the things that you're not supposed to be blocking out? I absolutely hate this feeling and get little relief. Literally I can't say I've enjoyed any job I've had for more than a few months tops.

>> No.13742241
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>Work in an open plan call centre
>Almost the negatives of office work but still constantly working

>> No.13742242
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It wasn't office work, but I had the same experience with women and a job (more of a factory job) but still had the same. Intentional miscommunication, outright lies, set up to fail...and the while my boomer parents convinced me that I can turn things around and my bosses were telling the truth. It ended incredibly badly, it only bought my bosses time to build a case against me.

>> No.13742248

I'm 29 with a Ph.D in mathematics. I lecture two undergrad classes per semester and spend the rest of my time doing my own research in differential topology/geometry and reviewing new publications. Its super comfy.
Just get a Ph.D anons, it's 100% worth it.

>> No.13742286

I hate when people say "you can do whatever you want," or actually believe this is possible in the first place. No. You can do whatever you believe you can do within a limited set of circumstances. What you end up doing may not be what you hoped for, and whatever is done may not be what you planned. This is not "anything." This is "a number of things." Enormous difference.

>> No.13742305

Well, and the whole "no responsibility" thing is a lie. The horror of office work responsibilities is that, while you know you have little responsibility, you can never show that you know this. You have to deceive to prevent others from thinking that you are deceptive. It's a sad paradox.

>> No.13742332

Jesus. I hear you. I mean, I don't know you, but this sounds so familiar. I told my parents nothing out of fear while the last six months worsened. They're like closet boomers. Frequently stern and authoritarian, and would (and still) basically blame it on me for the most part. Like, cannot see that it was not just me, and think that they could have helped if I told them what was up. Frustrating.

>> No.13742368

I don't blame my parents (for the most part, though I remember bringing up a instance where my boss treated me markedly different, which was dismissed), after all, I wanted to make the job work myself as I wanted to use it to get to a higher position where a manager seemed to like me. The real problem was I trusted my bosses when they said they wanted to keep me and them dismissing hard-hitting questions in paperwork (which indicated possible termination) meant that they didn't want to me to worry about them. It was a huge mess. The actual factory floor had huge turnover, the Jewish-owned (surprise surprise) management pretended like nothing was wrong, and there's enough compelling evidence that my immediate supervisor was being a complete bitch to hide the fact she was absolutely incompetent and got the job through illegitimate means.

>> No.13742388

>illegitimate means
Vagene possession is not illegal.

>> No.13742404


My scholarship gives me a stipend for living expenses and waives all tuition. Even if I get nothing out of it, I'm at least putting off work-life for a bit longer.

>> No.13742424

My gf wants to marry, a house and children later in life, but I don’t want to get trapped and enslaved to the cycle of wagecuckery just so my children will have to repeat the wageslave cycle again and my gf can live out the fantasies that have been indoctrinated into her her whole life (the normie woman family life of a house, children, a pool, a cat, a dog and two vacations a year(tm))
I love her, she’s extremely caring and I really enjoy spending time with her, but I don’t know if all these wishes of her are worth it. I would be satisfied with a shitty cheap apartment, meditating for hours, my guitar, my delusions of finally „really“ getting into philosophy and not worrying about excessive debt for the rest of my life
Fuck this, I’m going to regret my choices either way

>> No.13742966

Don't sweat it bud, as long as you aren't feebleminded and autistic you should be able to grind your way up the corporate ladder and get yourself a proper office.

>> No.13742994

I too have these worries. Do I want the house with a white picket fence and 2.3 kids or do I want both the joys and evils of unchained freedom? Very tough question.

>> No.13743348

Her sister worked in the same office, and her work history was very bare-bones. That or her sister got in because of her. I don't know.

>> No.13743381

her dream is incompatible with reality. don't enslave yourself for her greedy and selfish desires. not saying kids are bad, i'm just saying her modernist idea of "family life" is.

>> No.13743427

I'm starting mine in a year in Canada. Exactly the reason: I hate wagie life. Hopefully I get some decent scholarships, but the basic stipend is enough that I can survive.

>> No.13744447

That does suck. I know at this point I can't worry about other people. I also trusted my two bosses and I think they clearly didn't give a fuck and preferred to see me flail around for a few months.

The office where I worked was really receptive and open when I started, and at some point things just changed. Open plan. It became tedious, and frankly, I think I just got distracted and stopped caring because it wasn't challenging. I could blame it on "depression" or "burnout," but I think I was affected by the management style. Like, either you're their friend or you aren't. Plus, my boss seemed like a closet gay man. He may have been Jewish, but even so, he was just inappropriate and unprofessional, like plenty of other non-Jewish co-workers. Although, another Latina-Jewish girl I swear was super incompetent but well-liked, therefore, never faced being ostracized or written-up for poor performance. With mostly WASP people, the place was really just like a club I didn't know I didn't want to be a part of. I was an associate, but I couldn't envision myself moving up to partner at that firm. Just small, banal, close-knit, boring, and negative, at least towards me. I think that it was a blow to the ego. The world is small-ish and boring, especially within the world of my profession. That said, from a psychological viewpoint, I think my bosses were just really neurotic and paradoxically couldn't tolerate the boredom inherent to office-based work. My high-turnover position was their little game where they got to hire a new person every year to have new gossip for the guy next year.

>> No.13744451

Kierkegaard over here.

>> No.13744585

You can only do that with a STEM degree. And even then, only with certain STEM degrees. Jobs for a professor with a humanities Ph.D is like finding an oasis in a dessert.

>> No.13744642

>You can only do that with a STEM degree. And even then, only with certain STEM degrees
And even then, you need to get lucky. For instance, in Europe, ~96% of STEM Ph.Ds leave academia after earning their degree, another ~3.5% are stuck in perpetual postdoc research hell, and less than 0.5% actually get to be professors. It's absolutely shit any way you slice it.

>> No.13744644

>Do I have a future as a blogger?
>asking this question in 2019
you had better have some INCREDIBLE insights, op, and a way to monetize them. tbreqhwydesu however blogging has been subsumed by vloggers on youtube with guaranteed ad revenue.

>> No.13744662

>work at home freelance writing for a shitty SEO firm
>it means I can earn £18,000 a year before taxes while I live in a shitty quiet apartment close to a northern city
>i only have to work at most three to four hours each day
>it has saved me from my horrific career as a chef, where I was expected to pull off 14 hour days on the regular
>I have become accustomed to comfort but I'm still terrified of losing the job and having to once again submit to normiedom
>I'm also not making use of my free time as much as I could, but that's going to be my next goal.

I'm 25 now and often feel ashamed I'm not earning more, especially with some of the debts I have. But fucking hell, I do not miss working full days, even with a tiny paycheck.

>> No.13744675

i hope youre fucking saving some money and using your spare time to improve yourself. that's a very good income, considering the hours you work.

fuckin ukfags constantly upset about the state of their personal lives not knowing how bad it is across the pond.

>> No.13744679

Yeah, thankfully I am. I understand how lucky I am. I still have impostor syndrome with it though. I live in a one-bedroom studio flat and can pay my expenses, so it could be much worse. We'll see if Brexit changes that, but I doubt it.