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/lit/ - Literature

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13738265 No.13738265 [Reply] [Original]

Whose oeuvre should I read to construct my entire personality out of for the next three (3) years?

>> No.13738369

Out of those three Nick would be the coolest on. Also do MDMA.

>> No.13739509
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I would recommend going with Shankara, he is a true joy to read. Start with either his Gita commentary or his commentaries on 8 Upanishads translated by Gambhirananda. If you are going to read through his whole oeuvre it's best to prepare first by reading a book on Hindu philosophy so you understand all the terminology used and the context of his writings

"Shahkaracharya is undoubtedly one of the greatest philosophers of the world and a realised saint. He is gifted with extra-ordinary intelligence, a deeply penetrating mind, critical insight, logical reasoning, philosophical analysis, religious purity, sublimity of renunciation and profound spirituality. His literary excellence makes him shine as a writer of exemplary Sanskrit prose and soul inspiring philosophico-religious verses." - Sharma

"His philosophy, stands forth complete, needing neither a before nor an after... whether we agree or differ, the penetrating light of his mind never leaves us where we were.” -. Radhakrishnan

"In Shankaracharya we saw tremendous intellectual power, throwing the scorching light of reason upon everything." - Vivekananda

>> No.13739564
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>> No.13739570

definitely not rand

>> No.13739639


>> No.13739876

Dont construct your personality from Land unless you want to end up a tranny lmao

>> No.13739887
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>not being a Randian Buddhist

>> No.13739893
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>> No.13739918

Rand so you get something done

>> No.13740077

>yes goy, go forth and be a productive worker drone!

>> No.13740092

Rand was a libertarian, so she would have been fine with people creating businesses of their own.

>> No.13740618


>> No.13740634

sri sankaracharya

>> No.13740873

You'll be a pretentious dick and cut ties with all your friends after they question the supreme Goddess Rand. But you'll probably get in good shape and be better off financially. It'll make the transition period at the end of the 3 years easier.

>> No.13740909
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>> No.13740983

what a sick fucking moustache
what books should i read in order to experience such fiercely intellectual eyebrow growth?

>> No.13740984

Nietzsche is cringe

>> No.13741102
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>and be better off financially.