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/lit/ - Literature

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13737308 No.13737308 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /lit/ profession? Academic? Librarian? Some handicraft?

>> No.13737347

the guys who clean up roadkill off desolate stretches of highway

>> No.13737351

Professional Goodreads Reviewer

>> No.13737354


>> No.13737358
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weird guy you meet at a gas station

>> No.13737373

Sanatorium patient

>> No.13737378
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Pringles canner

>> No.13737382

How is it not tailor or woodcraftsman

>> No.13737475


>> No.13737481

Probably something that involves working from home in your private study with a huge library.

>> No.13737487


fucking morons

>> No.13737620

Cam whore

>> No.13737993

This is the only wrong answer

>> No.13738485
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try fitness model instead

>> No.13738499

Professor of Oratory, duh.


>> No.13738579


>> No.13738739

postal worker

>> No.13738812
File: 49 KB, 669x893, Mishima with a gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more Mishimas

>> No.13738983

They no longer exist.

>> No.13739114

Clerk at some sleepy government institution.

>> No.13739312
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take this rare Mishima (and the boys)

>> No.13740335


>> No.13740413
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>> No.13740521

This sounds like a dream. I'd love to make some money and not have to leave the house without having to sell drugs or my body.

>> No.13740529

Academic (at least associate professor level)
Or working in STEM

>> No.13740536

Law is full of dudebros who can't take the competitiveness of business and economics but still crave for wealth.

>> No.13740550

What is the best Mishima novel and where should I start? Spring Snow?

>> No.13741298

You're right. But what else would I do with a philosophy bachelor's other than go to law school?

>> No.13741341


>> No.13741355

In Moneyba, there was a minor league baseball player that said whenever girls ask him about what he does, he tells them he cleans up roadkill. HA! More like basedball, am I right?

>> No.13741374

Not at all. That's like saying an accountant is a /lit/ profession. Most of the job is data analysis. There are stories there, but it's got to be one of the most brutally romanticized professions in history, up there with fucking knights.

>> No.13741384


>> No.13741472
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>> No.13741498

Military, preferably officership

Look deep. You know it to be true.

>> No.13741611

Suicide hotline operator

>> No.13741657


>> No.13741662

I started with Confessions of a Mask and then “started” this flowchart when I read The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea. good chart

>> No.13742599

Maybe 100 years ago but nowadays military is a deeply unaesthetic business.

>> No.13742669

Was Japan laxer with its gun control laws back in the day?

>> No.13743115

Mishima was a model and actor so the gun was likely for a film or photo shoot

>> No.13743137

I don't know, sending men to die on some god forsaken rock would seem to get the noggin joggin.

>> No.13743192

Bookstore owner dying of emphysema.

>> No.13743194

Glassworker. Author.

>> No.13743285


>> No.13744100

Let's all talking about getting into academics

>> No.13744193

buzz feed writer

>> No.13744227

>so anon, what do you do for a living?
>I am in handicrafts
>Oh? what exactly do you do?
>I decorate my books with stickers and bend paper clips into little animals
>paperclip tapir.jpg
>I would not have thought one could make a living from that.
>you can't. I also doodle.
>and that makes ends meet?

yup, sounds /lit/

>> No.13744275

serving old people at a nursing home

>> No.13744294

>tfw I can't hold a job for more than a month and I can't afford to go to college

I should probably just kill myself.

>> No.13744491

You can probably make college work. Don't do it yet anon!

>> No.13744560

this also sounds /lit/

>> No.13744620


>> No.13745753

The most /lit/ profession is not holding a job at all. Very subversive.

>> No.13745796

The poor creative writing teacher who has to watch your spiritually bankrupt, cynical creative nonfiction film piece featuring a looped gif of roadkill you stole from /b and somehow doesn't laugh in your face. That teacher lives lit. You are the roadkill she isn't even allowed to clean up.

>> No.13745842



>> No.13746645

I'm a librarian at a medium size private college. We formerly had a liberal arts emphasis but this has now shifted to where the money is - business, policy, and international relations. There are ten full librarians here. I am the only one - aside from the literal 'diversity in librarianship' temporary appointment - under 60. They think I do all this amazing tech stuff but have no way of checking it other than my word. I teach 4 hours of research courses each week, provide another 5 hours of reference desk assistance, and then buy books or read in my office the other ~25hours. It is a faculty position with tenure, travel funds for conferences, and sabbaticals every few years but no expectation of publication. It is a modern sinecure.

>> No.13746680

What's your degree in? What level of education?
What did you need for qualifications?

>> No.13746685

>tfw had a job filling in as a concierge at a luxurious apartment complex during summer break 2015
I had a fucked up sleeping pattern during this period and barely saw the sun, but I just stayed up all night reading in a comfy air-conditioned room.

>> No.13746697

Free man

>> No.13746736

I have an MA in classical studies and another in art history and an MLS - masters in library science. Classes for the latter were a sad joke.

You need the MLS. Another masters in your subject area or nearby helps a great deal. Not being autistic is the main thing past that since most young librarians are both idiots and autistic.

>> No.13747065

Was it worth it?

>> No.13747233

Wallace Stevens worked as an insurance agent or something like that.
Gaddis worked for different advertising agencies, I think.
William Carlos Williams was a doctor.
I think some authors worked for radio/tv broadcasting and communications type stuff, writing or directing programs.
Algren was a journalist, I think.
Foster-Wallace wrote for plenty of big magazines.
Arno Schmidt was a hermit.
Plenty were lawyers or politicians or professors.

>> No.13747605
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>> No.13747966

Sound like you lucked out pretty good

>> No.13747977

Camus and Sartre were journalists

>> No.13748055

comfiest job i've ever heard of

>> No.13749111
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>> No.13750436

old money autodidact

>> No.13750497

look at those tiny fucking hands they look like they belong to a baby
mishima is really handsome and i love his work but by god is he a manlet

>> No.13750528

Unemployment. But if you want an actual career, something solitary, monotonous and lower-class, and slightly demeaning. An example would be binding books or something similar; a fairly simple task that could probably be done automatically but for whatever reason you got that job when you applied at a bookstore or publishing house. It frustrates you because you see the amount of utter tripe that gets published when everything you ever see gets rejected.
I worked at my university library part time for a few years. I'd say about 20% were students like me, 40% elderly who didn't interact well with clients and 40% were middle aged people (usually in more senior positions). One of my relatives is in charge of a university library and she's talked to me in the past about how the elderly are annoying because they can't fire them as they're close to retirement, but they're by far the worst at their jobs as they're often crabby and terrible with technology. The staff were probably about 85% female. It was pretty comfortable and very well paid.

>> No.13750600


>> No.13750614

Police detective

>> No.13750655

Me too frens. What Do?

>> No.13751576


>> No.13751610

NEET, as it has been since the start

>> No.13751761


>> No.13752244

We all know that being a NEET is the most /lit/

>> No.13752247


>> No.13752273

Professional wrestling or stone cutting.
Can't go wrong with the Greeks.

>> No.13752652
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>> No.13753518

Random jobs, typically manual labor or other blue-collar type work. You work all day to pay the bills then go home and write. Never at the same job for more than a few months.

>> No.13753610

Academic but not in the the west, in Eastern Europe or a good one in east Asia where you can be a sexpat at the same time

>> No.13753704

This, if being a fiction writer is your goal. For a nonfiction writer, having a job related to the field you write about is ideal.

>> No.13754085


>> No.13754142

Decay of the Angel
Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.13754194

I´m an artist, am i lit enough?

I'm going to barcelona to study next year, hope to fill up my journal with some good cultural insights of dying european societies.

>> No.13754230

Economics could be pretty /lit/ as long as it's less business data stuff and more government level

>> No.13754915

>Manual labor