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13736983 No.13736983 [Reply] [Original]

Does he have anything worth reading?

>> No.13736989

The Dead Zone
Eyes of the Dragon

>> No.13737005

Fuck, are you me? Came here to post EXACTLY that.

>> No.13737008

His short stories and novellas are better than his novels.

>> No.13737020

the dark tower up to wolves of calla.

>> No.13737024

The Stand is pretty great.

>> No.13737025

Thinner and eyes of the dragon

>> No.13737035

I like Song of Susannah more than Wolves personally

>> No.13737045
File: 212 KB, 757x665, One for the road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the novel that that story is a brief sequel to, Salem's Lot, is about as good as any horror novel gets, a small handful of arguably superior books (e.g., The Haunting of Hill House) excepted.

>> No.13737067

hah, guess they left a similar mark.
Definitely at least read the first Dark Tower, it works fine as a standalone.

>> No.13737362

What he said, first dark tower. Don't read the rest.
Also The Stand, and Misery.
Honestly Carrie is a decent horror book. It's not going to be considered a seminal piece of western canon, but an alright read.

>> No.13737406

his eventual obituary

>> No.13737412

His short stories
The Stand
Pet Semetary
probably some other stuff that I haven't read, too

>> No.13737687

2-4 are literally the best books in the series.

>> No.13737696
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They say his book on writing is good if you want to gain insight into the mind of a man who pumps-out mediocre books with unceasing vigour.

>> No.13737698
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>> No.13737871


>> No.13738020


>> No.13738032

The Long Walk is fucking amazing. Not horror though

>> No.13738152

I enjoyed The Tommyknockers and his short story called Rage, which I read as a kid and inspired me to to bad things. Recently bought Carrie, Salem's Lot, and The Shining but I can't force myself to finish Carrie. I like the setting and era that it takes place but the frequent breaks where he inserts some interview or article about the ending's events are mind-numbing. Also, psychic shit is so boring but that's because I have been spoiled by years of exposure to media about ESP stuff.

>> No.13738367

>"Bat Day for a Holiday"
>by Steven King

>"Why yes, okey dokey, I am indeed a Boomer and Maine is the place I mainly call home." Trevor Wainspray spat between his teeth as he finished his latest manuscript. "I'm no monster, no siree, just a working class writer who votes straight Democrat." He put on a vinyl album of a classic seventies rock band.
>Suddenly, a religious woman burst in. "That's the devil's music!" she said.
>"I'd say that's a load of horse shit, but no horse has an asshole that big, lady." He spat between his teeth.
>Gordon Goodbrother could take no more, and spoke up, standing unsteadily from his rocking chair. "This honorary brother just wants to listen to a little rock and roll, honey. There ain't no sin in that."
>"No sin!?" She clutched her pearls. "Don't you know the dystopian government we have for some reason is using that music to brainwash people?"
>"Now when did I say I was people?" Trevor Wainspray flashed her a positively vampiric grin. He was indeed from another dimension and was there to battle dark forces.
>"You aren't listening! It's in the mp3s!"
>"Lady, we only play classic vinyl hereabouts. mp3s are for goddamn cocksuckers."
>She lifted up the power cord of the record player, and it was already unplugged. The music continued. Everyone present exchanged a pregnant look of about nine months.
>"Oh shi--" Gordon Goodbrother would never finish another sentence. A discount Lovecraft monster slashed his belly like a water balloon filled with blood, like some kind of blood balloon, where the rubber was skin. The little autistic kid who had been sitting under the desk had transformed into a monster thanks to Napster.
>Trevor Wainspray sprang into action and pumped the creature full of lead from his handy handgun which the Constitution says he should not possess.
>The friendly goodnatured yokels stood around the corpses and examined the monster's tentacles and ichor. [Paragraph long description of the scene to come.]
>"That's the damnedest thing I ever done saw," said Lady Church before gasping and covering her mouth for her blasphemy. Trevor shot her a wink.
>Suddenly a robot came down the chimney. "It was the future all along!" he said in his robot voice. "You're all just animatronics in a theme park. Thank you for your service." He hosed them with his flamethrower as Trevor Wainspray bared his fangs and turned into a bat creature and leapt out the window to mysteriously disappear into the shadows.