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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 597 KB, 835x1280, TheClearQuran_GoldFoil_front__45005.1527014317.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13735761 No.13735761 [Reply] [Original]

If you read it, what did you think of this book?

>> No.13735778

it felt samey, too repetive.
mythology was okay I guess.
writing was decent.

>> No.13735788

in what way?

>> No.13735800

not too bad, not too good either

>> No.13736208

Bad fan fiction of the Holy Bible

>> No.13736222

It was shit. I hope Mecca is nuked too. I wish I were the rightful king of my country, so I could begin culling Muslims & Jews and help usher a new and better age for the Middle East.

>> No.13736257

>t. stealth religious missionary

>> No.13736279

It has magnificent poetry

Qul huwa Allahu ahad
Allah hu samad
Lam yalid wa lam yulad
Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad

Read it aloud


Say: He is Allah, the One!
Allah, the eternally Besought of all!
He begetteth not nor was begotten.
And there is none comparable unto Him.

>> No.13736280

Wow some repetition and rhyming. I'm blown away.

>> No.13736282

hibabi habab jikka
durka durka goat pi pi
la lala la habibi poo
wa wa wa wa la goat


Say: He is Allah in my Butt!
Allah, eternally sodomizing my anus!
He squeezes my butt cheeks like a goat!
And there is none comparable unto Goat.

>> No.13736284

Muhammad’s understandings of Jews, Jesus and the Torah was strange indeed.

>> No.13736289

lol I actually have a theory that that's a manipulation tactic because of sunk costs. Basically, whenever we invest a lot of time and money into something, we feel the need to justify it. The simple example is how you're likely to sit through a movie you pay for, even if you don't like the movie.

Arabic is a really hard language to learn. So if someone is exploring Islam and decides to learn Arabic, that's gonna take so much time and effort that after a while you'll feel like Islam better be fucking true, because otherwise you just wasted a couple years learning the language of a bunch of oppressive, violent, inbred desert nomads and their incoherent religion.

>> No.13736295

The assonance and consonance and grammar are extremely elegant

>> No.13736318

>Arabic is a really hard language to learn.
Not really, you can learn enough to read the Qur'an in four or five months if you really practice. You won't be fluent or capable of rapid parsing, you will still have difficulty with prounounciation, but you will be able to read and even memorize the whole Qur'an

>> No.13736321

The Koran and Bedouins were obviously violent savages, true.
Anyways, there is something more special about Old Avestan and the Gathas. The sense I get from the Gathas is there is a sense of right vs. wrong. Even if we may not always know what is right from wrong, we should do our best to cultivate states of mind that value integrity and truth.
Also, Zarathustra was most likely half-White.

>> No.13736326

>The Koran and Bedouins
The Bedouins*

>> No.13736333

>Much Nordic Indo-Aryans
Why you gotta ruin an otherwise reasonable post like that?

>> No.13736343

Sintashta were Nordic, but they mixed with BMAC complex people who were brown.

>> No.13736344

There's an anon in another thread here on /lit/ arguing that you can't acknowledge flaws in Christianity unless you've read the entire body of Christian theology since Augustine and have converted to Eastern Orthodoxy/Methodism.

>> No.13736347

Many works can only be appreciated in it's native language though and this is discussed extensively on here, it's not something specific to the muslim's book.

>> No.13736358

>The simple example is how you're likely to sit through a movie you pay for, even if you don't like the movie.
That's a pretty bad example, I'd sit through a movie because I wouldn't have a complete opinion on it otherwise. I could just leave but at most I could just say that I disliked the part of the movie that I did see.

>> No.13736363

I think it's pretty weird when we judge the literary quality of works like the Bible, Quran, what have you, as though they were completed, self contained, literary in the way we talk about Faulkner or something. It's totally different. Talk about individual passages or sections sure, but the whole "book"? It makes me skeptical. Not even religious scholars talk about these works as complete, why should we?

>> No.13736384

"In the name of Allah the amazing the incredible the compassionate...
Do not do (thing), it is reprehensible.
If you do (thing) you will suffer immensely.
Here is an example of a man who did (thing)...
He suffered immensely from Allah's unavoidable punishment.
Luckily you can escape the punishment if you are a believer and never do (thing)
Truly, Allah is amazing and compassionate."

Repeat that again and again replacing (Thing) with every problematic action in ancient middle eastern agricultural society. There, you have read the Quran.

Boring, repetitive, fear-based, unoriginal, low IQ, pretty cover. 2/10, maybe 3/10 if it rhymes in original language.

>> No.13736393

Every major religion except Islam and Judaism emerged from an act of compassion:
>Zoroastrianism -- emerged from a man of the steppes who was tired of war and "over-sacrifice" and instead promoted peace
>Christianity -- originated from a pacifistic Jew
>Buddhism -- originated from a philosophical Indian who promoted "non-attachment"
>Hinduism -- I don't know, but Vedanta has nice figures like Adi Shankara
>Taoism -- I don't know, and it is actually debatable to a large extent

>> No.13736399

>Every major religion
Almost every major religion*
There are some stupid primitive religions.

>> No.13736404

Muhammad basically being 6th century middle eastern Evola makes him significantly more interesting to me as a figure honestly.

>> No.13736409

I disagree, most of the book isn't made up of clear instructions at all even

>> No.13736410

Because you are an edgelord faggot who does not care for peace, that's why. I wish Mecca would be nuked, in all honesty. It's pretty crazy to me people would be circling an infernal black stone of death while saying peace upon a Bedouin warlord savage.

>> No.13736414

>Because you are an edgelord faggot who does not care for peace, that's why.
Not true.

>I wish Mecca would be nuked
To my understanding it's been destroyed before, evidently that didn't change anything.

>> No.13736420

Islam is a reprehensible religion. Most criticisms European intellectuals gave to Islam were on target in the past. Religions have a tendency to reconnect to their roots, especially during trying times, and since Islam emerged due to an act of violence, it makes sense the Middle East is in a big shitstorm, which makes even Protestant vs. Catholic wars pale in comparison. Muhammad was not a compassionate man and even condoned beheading. I am sick and tired of this shit.

>> No.13736457

The DEATH PENALTY?? Surely not?? Next you'll tell me he was homophobic and not even a vegan!

>> No.13736488

Ramblings of a madman who lived near jews and heard about Christianity.
Its completely all over the place, rehashes stuff, changes topic mid sentence. There is nothing of value in it for a non-muslim.

>> No.13736500

You must have a truly medieval brain to not understand why it's a bad idea for prophets to behead others.

>> No.13736518
File: 68 KB, 333x500, aztec philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm inclined to agree with you, but then pic related also exists. This isn't some whiny scribbler in academia picking apart a culture to find bits that agree with his beliefs, this is a thorough examination of a multitude of philosophical texts.

I really want to find one of these for Africa and Oceania. Not so much because I give a shit about them, but rather because they're so fucking weird it'd be bound to be interesting.

>> No.13736528

Does anyone have the screenshots of an anon going beastmode writing several long posts about how retarded and deceptive Islam actually is?

I can't remember if it emanated on this board or pol but either way it was a hilarious read

>> No.13736532

>state leaders shouldn't have the death penalty, and why didn't he support gay rights???

>> No.13736534

Yes, I know some stuff about Aztecs and the idea of Teotl. Some ideas are interesting in it, but they were still savages when we get down to it.
I'm glad South Americans were invaded and impregnated by Conquistadors.

>> No.13736536

It's not like he was beheading a bunch of pedophiles or depraved people. It's more like he just beheaded people who disagreed with his views.

>> No.13736537

Beheading was like the most humane form of execution available back then

>> No.13736539

>it makes sense the Middle East is in a big shitstorm, which makes even
when 25-50% of Arabs die from the consequences of war, then get back to me

>> No.13736543

>but they were still savages when we get down to it.
Like I said, I don't care a whiff about the people themselves as a whole, I'm interested in what their brightest minds come up with. Until it is demonstrated to me that a religion has no brightest minds, I refuse to believe it to be a "stupid" religion (if we judge a religion, like anything, by its worst then everything is garbage).

>> No.13736546

The greatest book ever produced.

>> No.13736567

If they convert to a different religion from Islam, then they would be fine.

>> No.13736580

It would be the same. It's not a problem with Islam. Arabs just still take their religion seriously. If the West did, we would be in a crusade right now.

>> No.13736585

>tfw living in a Muslim majority country and have to deal with bullshit everyday

>> No.13736590

It is a problem with Islam. If they were Buddhists, it is unlikely they would have wars, for example. There is nothing wrong with being a fanatic when the religion promotes peace and discourages stuff like "eye for an eye" ethics.

>> No.13736608

What are you talking about, he only beheaded criminals and treaty breakers

>> No.13736615

He beheaded people who refused to accept Allah's word or whatever. Rashidun were just carrying out his actions of aggressive and violent proselytization. Islam is a dumb religion. Pick something else like Buddhism.

>> No.13736645

>He beheaded people who refused to accept Allah's word or whatever
Actually he judged Jews by their own laws

>> No.13736653 [DELETED] 

The whole debacle is barbaric and devoid of anything truly spiritual. One is better off picking a different religion altogether. All it requires is a degree of humility.

>> No.13736659

The whole history is barbaric and devoid of anything truly spiritual. One is better off picking up a different religion altogether. All it requires is a degree of humility

>> No.13736708

>the trinity in Islam is apparently Jesus, Mary and Allah
top jej

>> No.13736720

Why is it always nu-male nu-Buddhists who are the ones saying stuff like this on /lit/? It's not specific to Islam threads either

>> No.13736726

How am I nu-male nu-Buddhist when I say nuking Mecca is justified? Moreover, I am just giving Buddhism as one example of a superior religion to Islam. Regardless, there are many religions better than Islam.

>> No.13736864

Which is true