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/lit/ - Literature

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13735716 No.13735716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Eugenics would literally solve all of the worlds problems, but people don't want to do it for fear of "violating people's rights".
Imagine if everyone under 120 IQ was sterilised. In one generation they die off. Greenhouse gas emissions plummet drastically, art is revitalised, overpopulation is no longer a problem, common parlance is enhanced, resources reappropriated, race struggles eliminated since all races will be equal in intelligence, crime would fall, etc.

Are the reproductive rights of retards really worth more than this utopia?

>> No.13735744

We also wouldn’t have these kinds of threads :)

>> No.13735748

But most high iq people are ugly, weak, physically and or mentally ill.

>> No.13735751

Not an argument, sonny jim

>> No.13735752

you realize the standards would be decided by hollywood celebrities, democrat superdelegates, and other kikes, right? the "elite" of our society at present would genocide everybody who isn't a onions-eating coastal faggot satanic pedophile

>> No.13735758

I told you it's based on IQ and nothing else

>> No.13735763

You're right
But this, so it would never work.
We'll just have to wait patiently for gene editing and general AI to have super people.

>> No.13735764

Why stop at IQ? Everyone with a net worth below $20 million USD should be sterilized

>> No.13735767

then the 120 IQ people become the bottom rungs of society and assume the responsibilities of what you just mentioned
what difference does it make

>> No.13735775

Money != Good genetics despite there perhaps being a correlation.

>> No.13735782

IQ is not a particularly reliable measurement of a person's intellectual capacity.
IQ tests only measure pattern-recognition abilities. They don't measure a person's creativity, morals, linguistic skills, work ethic and countless other things.
Another thing is that you can literally train yourself to score better at IQ tests by solving lots of IQ tests.

>> No.13735783
File: 79 KB, 620x400, therouxauthored_2196593b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autistics should be stralised frist. if vaccines didn't cause autism we should stop the procreating till we know what does cause autism.

>> No.13735786

quis custodiet ipsos custodes, retard?

stop phoneposting, it's melting your brain

>> No.13735787

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc.

>> No.13735790

Smart people don't commit crime as often.

>> No.13735797

I wrote a book about this tho

>> No.13735803

The fuck is going on with her leg? Does that poor little girl realize she's hugging a poorly assembled sex doll? Don't forget to check the user's manual, kids. Or, your build-a-mom will look poorly put together.

>> No.13735804
File: 38 KB, 696x513, Kanye-West-Thinks-Trump-is-the-Best-Choice-696x513[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the best IQ's

>> No.13735811

the mods stopped enforcing this a few years back

>> No.13735815

Smart people with power makes other people kill for them

>> No.13735816

Because in our society they are less likely to end up poor.

>> No.13735819
File: 8 KB, 213x237, 1540322018275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregarding all the other blatant problems with this concept, we could simply dismiss this idea as retarded because the elite need the laborious masses to support their endeavors. kill off all the slave-brains and no one will be willing to do the basic manual labors that keep society running; farming, building roads, supplying water and electricity, etc. the fact that you didn't even consider this obvious consequence, leads me to believe that you wouldn't even be one of the ones allowed to reproduce, which, by your own logic, makes your opinions invalid. you fucking retard.

>> No.13735823

Isn't this almost what china does with their child-limits? Look at how [not] well it's working out for them.

>> No.13735827

You're the one who just said such a serious matter would be decided by Hollywood celebs like they have any political power at all.

>> No.13735845

>no one will be willing to do the basic manual labors that keep society running; farming, building roads, supplying water and electricity, etc.
The solution to this is obvious enough that it doesn't need to be said. Kill everyone except the farmers and construction workers, or wait until farming and constructuon can become fully automated.

>> No.13735846

People will need to make money, so they'll apply to those jobs, lmao. Wages would be high anyway since the majority of the population would be wiped out and their wealth would be seized by the state. Plus, it could be an incremental thing, starting with genuine retards and then expanding more and more.

>> No.13735860

>no one will be willing to do the basic manual labors that keep society running
People do the jobs that are available to them to survive, it's not like the average person wouldn't prefer having a higher social position instead of being a plumber, it's just that they know that they don't have the talent to do so.
If the bottom of that society would be made out of people with an Iq somewhere in between 120 and 130 then the requirements for higher positions would be even higher and they would simply adapt to such reality.

>> No.13735867
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>High IQ people can't be stupid

>> No.13735872

we should just kill everyone south of the equator
and all of china

>> No.13735881

society is built on the backs of slaves and superior beings cannot function as slaves, no matter how self-interested they are.

>> No.13735887

No need to kill, just sterilise. Have patience. Anyway, there are high IQ blacks so i wouldn't want to kill them.

>> No.13735899

Please don't reply to my posts unless you actually have an Iq of at least 120.

>> No.13735907


>> No.13735914

But then who would post on 4channel.org?

>> No.13735927

Could it be possible to just create a virus that kills or sterilizes people based on their Iq? We know that there are specific genes related to high Iq.

>> No.13735932

Only poltards

>> No.13735937

I don't think we have comprehensive knowledge yet

>> No.13735938

high IQ people """literally""" need low IQ people to feel good. what good is 130 IQ if everyone else has 150?
it's better to choose for mental fecundity and resilience

>> No.13735940

rent free lmao

>> No.13735945

In that context people with less than 140 iq would be the subhuman slaves that build the society.

>> No.13735946

Isn't IQ distribution based? If you killed all brainlets, wouldn't average IQ drop because the remaining people would be more competent at taking the tests and then what used to be high would become normalized?

>> No.13735951

reproduction should be a state business, but IQ isn't reliable though, you can be a dick waste of biomass and still have high IQ

>> No.13735961
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>trying to diss poltards but actually complimenting them on their high IQ's

>> No.13735967

I don't think you got what i implied

>> No.13735978

>what used to be high would become normalized?
Sure but the number in itself doesn't matter, it's what it indicates about your ability to process information.

>> No.13735994

Yes but it is relative to others. If you kept selecting for IQ for a long time, then eventually what used to be 140 would then become an 80 and so on. And people that are sub 120 are killed, wouldn't that mean we would be killing wholesale what we would regard as geniuses today?