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13734872 No.13734872 [Reply] [Original]

who hasn't been retroactively BTFO by parmenides and guenon?

>> No.13734878

schizo zoroastrian anon

>> No.13734881

legitimately based

>> No.13734944
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>Saying NOT X is ilegitimate, because Being just IS
>Therefore you canNOT say NOT X

Father of metaphysics, ladies and gentleman!

>Religious taxonomy
>There's totally an unity behind all this, guys HEHEHE

Perennialism is bullshit

>> No.13734953

Guenon's physiognomy is the refutation of his entire corpus

>> No.13735116

His brain is in his entire body

>> No.13735225

Deleuze btfo Parmenides, Plato, Sankara, and Guenon.

>> No.13735230

what about heraclitus

>> No.13735255

Please, no bully. What is the connection between Guenon's work and the Theosophists? Was he attempting to correct them in their interpretations, oppose them, or is there no relation.
Btw, I still have a lot to read before I can rightfully contribute to these conversations.

>> No.13735273

He basically attempted to make a more refined version of theosophy. Theosophy posited a universality of religion on the basis of some sort of vaguely secret cosmological-psychic doctrine, whereas Guenon wanted to base this universality on a more abstract-metaphysical basis. To do this he chose in particular the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta and basically claimed that all the traditions are based on it and to the extent they deviate is the result of negative influences or hiding the Advaita core esoterically in symbolism.

>> No.13735286

I learned French by reading Guénon—I grew up in a Romanian peasant family, and couldn't even read or write my own language. My grandfather, whom I had never met before, returned to us, having disappeared for 40 years. He gave me a copy of Guénon's "Aperçus sur l'ésotérisme chrétien" and died 3 days later, having not said a single word to us.—but I actually think Guénon's kind of bullshit

>> No.13735652

>kills himself

>> No.13735663

he sounds based

>> No.13736353

Heraclitus beat him to it.

>> No.13736359

That's why

>> No.13736407

no he didn't, none of his writing refutes them at all

>> No.13736997

If that is correct than whitehead BTFOing Parmenides and Guenon is correct

>> No.13737004

If all it took to dispel Plato was Deleuze, then Foucault would have been right ("Deleuzian century").

>> No.13737081

Deleuzean century = clown world

>> No.13737156

Baudrillard thought so, but I have even less hope.