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/lit/ - Literature

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13734032 No.13734032 [Reply] [Original]

Is most of /lit/ European? We had a thread the other day where posters told where they came from and I was surprised to find out that, at least in that thread, the main demographic was European.

t. Southron American

>> No.13734040


>> No.13734043


>> No.13734049

Also Norwegian here.

>> No.13734054


>> No.13734056

As a Buddha and Saoshyant, I am beyond such conventional labels. I am posthuman. In other words, I am the closest thing to the Second Coming of Christ.

>> No.13734057

Lucky bastard

>> No.13734078

I want to be Norwegian
Or might I just wanna die
but mostly I want to be Norwegian

>> No.13734092
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Brazilian intellectual here.

>> No.13734097

>What do you have to do in this life to be born in Norway in the next life?

>Also what kinda of terrible thing did you do in your past life to be born in South America?

It's all karma bros

>> No.13734104


>> No.13734105

Americhad here with dual citizenship in Finland

>> No.13734113

Doesn't surprise me considering how much continental philosophers are discussed here.

>> No.13734122

I live in the UK. Currently in Oslo for sabbatical. It's ugly as fuck here. Terrible weather. Ghastly women with hiker phenotypes, clad in innocuous red raincoats and backpacks; so innocuous are their clothes, in fact, that they aren't innocuous at all but actually jarring. I was in Vilnius the other day to see family. Wish I stayed there. All there is to do here is sit in bars and get inebriated while browsing lit. Everyone's too nice here, and they all have hiker phenotypes. Square jaws, small squinting eyes, faces that are too small for their heads, red raincoats and grey travelers backpacks. I was in the Viking ship museum and this Chinese tourist, perhaps sensing my loneliness, kept pestering me about the Viking shoes on display, lifting his own foot up to the glass to emphasise the small size of the shoes on display. God, I wish I brought someone with me. Why do people like the fjords anyway? It's just water with islands scattered about. Fucking electric cars too. People who don't suffer have no souls.

>> No.13734133

heimatlos here

>> No.13734136

I like your prose
Do you have a book?

>> No.13734139

Depends what time of day you ask the question stupid fuck.

>> No.13734140

finnish here

>> No.13734143

>People who don't suffer have no souls.
Stfu. Maybe you should get a genetic test to see how much of a Jew you are?

>> No.13734151

At least their women are beautiful, unlike your British goblins.

>> No.13734156

He's just complaining for no reason. Is this the way modern British people behave? I thought they were supposed to be well-mannered and polite? Maybe Jewish Rock & Roll fucked with their brains?

>> No.13734164

Irish here but in Finnish army

>> No.13734200

I wish. Jews have good genetics, except for the neurological disorders. Maybe I have good genetics though. When I went to visit my family they showed me the family albums and told me about the history. Apparently my great grandfather was a polish nobleman who was the first in his neighbourhood to buy a television. It's a shame he didn't marry a noblewoman. I've become more sympathetic to those upper class families who refuse to let their children breed with the canaille. In love stories they're portrayed as the bad guys, but I think their reasoning is sound.
It's true that British women are goblins, but Nordic women are not beautiful. The women in Vilnius and France were. I wish my penis wasn't disfigured.

>> No.13734260

>Jews have good genetics
>except for the neurological disorders
You are an idiot. I stopped reading there.

>> No.13734269

As someone who has been to Helsinki I can confirm that you’re full of shit.

>> No.13734278

Maybe we have different tastes. They all look bland to me, like hikers.

>> No.13734280


>> No.13734282

Spaniard here.

What I like about this board is that it stays mostly apolitical.

>> No.13734324

Weirdly specific

>> No.13734338

Italianon here.

>> No.13734355

confederate here

>> No.13734364
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Does all Brazilian girl looks like this

>> No.13734419
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My country is being assfucked by weak leadership and a critical lack of national identity and there's not much I can do about it. Books for this feel?

>> No.13734421

tfw no cute gf to smoke weed together

>> No.13734448


>> No.13734545

Spain, but it's lunchtime in burgerland so you'll get different responses at different times

>> No.13734558

americans unite!!

>> No.13734571
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>So you’re an American?
>No sir, I’m from Kentucky

>> No.13734572

Indian here

>> No.13734590

Iranian here, I'm not the fag who makes those Islamic threads though

>> No.13734604

Irish here.
Tráthnóna maith a cara!

>> No.13734633

When will the great Appalachian Kingdom secede from the union?

>> No.13734667

Wtf is this. I would love to visit Norway. Lighten up, my man

>> No.13734678
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Austrian-American, born in Brooklyn, raised in Vienna. Currently studying in Paris.

>> No.13734684

it really depends on the time of day

>> No.13734687

algerian/american here

>> No.13734716

Real talk. That's a meme.

>> No.13734718

Americans make the most brainlet posts on every board

>> No.13734724

Blame Krautchan and normalfaggotry. Also,
>implying /lit/ reads
In which case, this fits the European perfectly. He considers himself high and mighty, but in reality, it is merely an illusion. He only puts on the face of intellectualism, because he has read nothing, thinks nothing of his own.
So, what a strange coincidence, that nu/lit/ is full of illiterates, and Europeans!

>> No.13734733

So surely, you must be American, then?

>> No.13734737

sick burn

>> No.13735011

What does krautchan have to do with anything, retard?

t. vafika

>> No.13735049

Spaniard here (Galicia)
I will not rest until /lit/ reads A Esmorga

>> No.13735055
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Swiss, also fuck ameritards

>> No.13735062

Fuck off, Pajeet.

>> No.13735087
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I'm in a small town 1 hour north of San Francisco
honestly wish I can live in western or southern Europe
I don't like America aside from it's wilderness

>> No.13735165

As an American who lived in Zürich, your attitude is exactly what I remember about the Swiss.

>> No.13735194

am i the only arab here?

>> No.13735231

Bulgarian here.

>> No.13735247

I bet /lit/ is mostly American.
American here.

>> No.13735253

German here.

>> No.13735279

Colombia's only virgin here

>> No.13735306

Write a book yourself you fucking mong. The problem with Canada’s “lack of identity” is that nobody wants to put the work in capturing the metaphysical essence of this country, which is too fundamentally different from that of any other Western country to simply transplant a literary tradition.

>> No.13735395

I'm an arab too but I'm in the US

>> No.13735406

We haven't taught them how to spell "cecede" yet.

>> No.13735415

Estonia reporting

>> No.13735452

I'm ecuadorian, but i am european at heart. I feel superior to everyone around me.

>> No.13735479

Belgian, and kind of fed up with no one here being able to name even a single book from my nation's excellent literary tradition.

>> No.13735517

>I'm ecuadorian
>but i am european at heart
It's ok, Mapuchebro, no need to be so bitter about being latam.

>> No.13735518

Russian here

>> No.13735520

a Türk.

>> No.13735533

>implying anyone knows where the fuck is Galicia outside Spain
Based paleto gallego


>> No.13735544

stop being Irish

>> No.13735547

Did you use to post stories about feeding ducks on cripplechan?

>> No.13735558

Qual estado, amigo?

>> No.13735587

Heres my book. Colonialism and residential schools in Canada was one of the few good things done in or by this country, only mistake was that it wasn't fully carried through and they allowed a visibly subhuman race to become the most pandered to to demographic, a pseudo ruling class who has the final say over any domestic matter. These subhumans have almost no quanitifable intelligence. Many are functionally little more than houseplants in an IQ sense, all they can see is the next mickey they'll drink and the cousin they just impregnated.

>> No.13735603


>> No.13735608

Assimilation is for cucks, we should have just deported them back to Siberia where they came from.

>> No.13735629


No estás solo negro

>> No.13735659

Can you give some Belgian book recommendations please?

>> No.13735688

Fortunately I have the humility to acknowledge that I am not a talented thinker or writer but thank you for your suggestion.

>> No.13735732

Argie anon here

Very funny

>> No.13735773

El goblino aqui

>> No.13735792

Mexican here

>> No.13735802

Puertorican burger vendepatria judío

>> No.13735806


>> No.13735830

Do you need to know Finnish to join?
Also, how hard is it to learn Finnish?

>> No.13735838

You are none of these things and claiming to be on here makes you just another anonymous pathetic loser, only more so

Norwegians are cunts. You wouldn't even be a nation if you weren't so useless that neither Dane nor Swede wanted the bother of tallying your fjord asses. Oil is temporary. Failure eternal.

And your women look like trolls and smell like fish

>> No.13735839

English but my parents are pakis

>> No.13735844

Anglo-Frank Euromutt from New England here
Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson are the best American poets

>> No.13735850

>English but my parents are pakis

That doesn't make you English pakinigger

>> No.13735852

I guess it IS true that success breeds contempt.

>> No.13735857

You mean the Belgian-born participants of the Dutch and French literary traditions, surely?

>> No.13735874


>> No.13735891

Brazilian here

HAHAHAHAHAHA haja autoestima

>> No.13735902
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São Paulo.
A Bíblia.

>> No.13735904

Arab here.

>> No.13735919

It literally depends on the time of day.
I'm Polish.

>> No.13735921

Lithuanian stallion here. If you guys only knew what amazing literature my people have written.

>> No.13735926

Believe whatever you want, but I am pretty much the closest thing to a prophet you'll ever find.

>> No.13735977


>> No.13735995

You can't be a brown Englishman, it's genetically impossible.

>> No.13736017

>Board dedicated to literature
>No blacks

>> No.13736036
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This man is English and makes the best Butter Chicken Masala.

>> No.13736067
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Finn here

>> No.13736091

Europeans read real philosophy, Americans read Ayn Rand and success gospel bs

>> No.13736099

I'm a niggerino from Senegal, live in America/Canada

>> No.13736328

Slovenian here. Bet I am the only one

>> No.13736368
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>> No.13736412


>> No.13736426


>> No.13736428

England reporting in.

>> No.13736436


The farmers catering to our city would say Austrian

>> No.13736443

Seeing all these Europeans in this thread helps explain to me why this board is so shit.

>> No.13736448

Italian here

>> No.13736451

>dissing on Europeans
Go suck Shlomo's dick.

>> No.13736464
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Black isn’t a nationality ya dingus

>> No.13736469

Is that all you have, is to insult me? No defense, no admittance to faults? We all have faults, even us, your refusal to understand this is why Europeans are so intolerable and why this board is Reddit on 4chan. Really, if you want to know how Americans view you think of how we view Reddit, that’s how.

>> No.13736490

>Southron American
get out. Statistically speaking you are most likely to be dumb and angry about it.

oh, it's another fucken /pol/ thread, thanks, Cletus.

>> No.13736502

This has somehow gotten worse from when people needed reminding that Africa is not a country.

>> No.13736517

No one gives a shit what most Americans think. Even many great Americans tend to dislike their respective culture.

>> No.13736524

Wojak in party

>> No.13736613

This is the first reply I’ve made all thread, I’m just interested in the diversity of the board compared to many others that are heavily saturated with American posters. Why are you being so bigoted against Southern people while taking the moral high ground over bigotry? In my observations most Yankees are more racist than most Southerners when you get down to it. They either give black people special treatment so that they can feel good about not being one of “those” white people which is a kind of negative-racism, but is still racism because they see black people as objects of reflection of their moral superiority rather than real people. Or, they are just outright racist against them and refuse to admit it.

>> No.13736620
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Greetings from Perú

>> No.13736642

No-one cares what almost all Europeans think or do, your countries have been reduced to irrelevancy in the last one hundred years, and I say that with no elation in my voice. I am not beating up on Europe, I am just disappointed in you. We overcame you, all we needed to do on that was focus on ourselves while you tear each other down, it is quite sad actually. You view us as the rejects of Europe, I know, but how do you reconcile that with the fact that we overcame you so easily. What took you nearly 2500 years we did in 400 to more success than you, what is more is that we did that as your rejects, that must hurt. Whenever I see a European railing against America, I just smile and move on, I understand, you worked so hard to become number one, but you are stuck as number two. You lost due to your tall poppy syndrome, you cut each other down while we steamed on, so you desperately search for any signs that we are a weaker society, which we are in some aspects, and desperately latch onto that, I mean, Breezewood, PA has to be the most posted photo on this site. But, in all, you are the weaker society while we are the stronger, in general.

You are the Greece and we the Rome. Rome was founded by Greece’s rejects, Greece was divided amongst itself and fought with each other while Rome was united, Rome found most of its cultural and philosophical inspiration and content from Greece, and Rome easily overtook Greece, which was weak from constant infighting and other things. Just know, everything we do, you too are doing it as well as we are, in a certain aspect, you.

As for the greats that can be seen everywhere and we are no exception. Just look at how much Nietzsche hated Germany.

>> No.13736662

>The Yankees are the REAL racists!
Something tells me you are a Californian, or a son thereof, larping as a D*xoid

>> No.13736798

>You should be thankful there are Mexicans ready to mow your lawn and flip your burgers for less money than you would take!
All Americans™ (one hundred per cent) are racist as fuck and he is right. It's hard to wrap one's head around how racist all Americans™ are. They can't stop thinking about it, they can't think of themselves or others removed from race or other socioethnic divisions, it's the very core of their personalities.
t. Frenchie who lived among burgers of all colors and parts of the country for over a year.

>> No.13736812

Diversity reminds you of these things, the same will happen to you, this is why diversity is such a poison.

>> No.13736816

Go back to sucking Shlomo's dick, burger, for it suits you more over pseudointellectual long-winded bullshit.

>> No.13736824

Also the term “Yankee” in America just means someone from the Northeast or Midwest. Calling Americans “Yankees” is like calling Germans Prussians.

>> No.13736840

Can baby not read something longer than a cereal box ingredient list? I lived in Paris for school, and I went there as a Hemingway or a Pound contemptuous of my own country, and returned its biggest patriot, your lot is the most superficial, spiteful pseuds I’ve dealt with, and that is saying something.

>> No.13736858

Be sure you don't let Salman sodomize you too much or Shlomo choke you with his dick. You can wash down the cum with some more burgers, cokes, or some more over-prescribed drugs from Big Pharma.

>> No.13736867

spaniard here

>> No.13736873

bueno si tu lo dices

>> No.13736878

It's not that bad.

>> No.13736894

I'm very aware of that, I was saying that he was right, Yankees and left-leaning people have a more insidious form of racism than southerners, and adding that ALL Americans are racist regardless of origin.

I'm aware of my nationality and my skin color but they're not schizophrenically dissociated or dictating my behavior.

>your experience as an exchange student in Paris is representative of real French people as you were able to navigate circles beyond your foreign-student parties and spoke French fluently with people who didn't have a capital city superiority complex
not him but America is not destined to be anything to Europe like Rome to Greece. Its history and its influence are incomparable. Delenda est America, too big too quick to succeed.

>> No.13736903

Hahahaha, you’re just as superficial as us, it is almost comical. America, Germany, France, or any other country is not an institution. It is its people, you, my neighbor, my gf, and all other Americans are America. An American is just a small piece of America. Our government is not us. Patriotism is just fighting for your own people. Why do you think the colonists fighting in the streets of Boston years before the Continental Congress were called patriots? Because they were fighting for their people. Thinking the government is the country is a superficiality that actually began in Europe it seems, France to be specific, during the French Revolution and spread like the plague across the globe. Most superficialities seem to begin in the European pseudo-intelligentsia, America just unmasks them to the globe via display and full belief, but I am glad we are fighting against some of your worst superficialities in spirit.

>> No.13736906

Chechen here

>> No.13736931

You truly have an issue with narcissism and over-confidence. Do you really like hearing your voice that much? Anyways, America is effectively a colony of Israel and KSA at this point.

>> No.13736945

I realize we are all racist sweetie, I never denied it. I am just saying constantly being reminded of it everyday when you go to the store or out to your house or online causes this schizophrenia, and it will happen to you as well, in a lot of ways it already has, sad, you could have avoided this.

I lived in France for six years. Four in Paris, two in Strasbourg. I know how you people are and I can judge you, I travelled as much as I could across the continent and I feel apt to judge you. My comparison is not perfect, but I think it is good enough to show you the dynamic. Remember, the Romans larped as Greeks and their cultural output was dismal, especially compared to the Greeks, that really does show the dynamic well.

“Delanda est America” really reveals a lot about you, can you explain why you want America destroyed so bad, I think I already know but I love it when I hear Europeans explain to avoid the uncomfortable truth

>> No.13736962

Sounds like you have nothing left to counter me with, I try to have an intelligent conversation with you, but your tall poppy syndrome overtakes you. Keep chanting “you will get cut! You will get cut.” Because you are between the scissor blades as well

>> No.13736967

Not all of your posts have to be walls of texts. You are not talking about complex metaphysics, literary themes, or anything of that ilk. You don't need to write walls of texts for this subject matter. It is quite annoying, in fact.

>> No.13736968


> Brazilian
> Intellectual

Oh no no no no no

>> No.13736973

America is also to blame for the Migrant Crisis affecting Europe. You should have supported Assad instead of backing ISIS and Al-Nusra. Now I feel bad about migrating to Europe because they are dealing with many problems. America is truly the shithole of this world.

>> No.13736990

I just know how you think and how you are, I’ve had so much practice in Europe. You are all the same person, it is scary really. I mean, you all have different levels of intelligence, that I see, like you are far more intelligent than your friend here, but your ideas, emotions, and rationalities are the same, you can just express them more intelligently. I’ve argued with 1,000 of yous on all subjects and forms, I know your next move and the rest suceeding, do Americans appear that way to you? Genuinely curious, Europeans are the only ones I’ve had enough experience to judge, I am not sure if it comes off the same to you. Anyway, since brevity is a virtue, a virtue I unfortunately lack, I’ll try and keep it short.

You want us gone because we expose your weaknesses, and instead of trying to get rid of those weaknesses through self improvement, you desire to destroy those who expose them, which is us?

Is that shot enough?

>> No.13736999

Hmm? If Europe was strong they could easily repel the migrant crisis and other such crises, but they don’t because they are weak. I’m not saying we are behind it, because it does not serve us to do so, but why shouldn’t we look out for our own interests, if that interest is to destroy Europe via mass migration. Why are you trying to shame the strong to give everything to the weak? That sounds a lot like the charges you ledge against the Jews. It is not our responsibility to make sure Europe is safe from said strifes, we are not your nanny.

>> No.13737007

I was born in USA, and I do not genuinely like most of you people. Of course, there is the occasional intelligent American, but my issue with this country is that industrial progress is valued more than communal stability and ethos. Ludwig Klages and Evola wrote many good criticisms of USA. Moreover, I think I would have gotten along better in Germany or a few other European countries before Migrant Crisis, which was largely the fault of USA anyways. They tend to value literacy and education more, and college is also more affordable. In USA, everything has become about the market and its demands.

>> No.13737014

>because it does not serve us to do so
So truth becomes merely a matter of what serves your interests? Do you see why I don't like you?
>why shouldn’t we look out for our own interests, if that interest is to destroy Europe via mass migration.

>> No.13737018

>What is landscape painting
We value our landscape. Hence why we value Indigenous culture.

>> No.13737027

I don't know if you realize your lack of self-awareness. The systematic destruction of regional languages to justify territorial expansion, or Muttification™, if you will, was patented by Rome, and France, long before the US did it. There is no "French people", no "American people" (or any [insert most modern republics] people). Patriotism, the love for the Patria, the soil of your fathers, only exists for natural peoples, who have been getting more and more scarce with the rise of modern states. Would you die for a Kowalski? For an O'Donell? for a Mueller? For a Freeman? For a Lee? For a Greenberg? For a Vitelli? For a Gomez? America may have been a patria for a short while but nowadays English is the first language for only a relatively small majority of people. Had you said "I want my state to be independant", it could have made a bit of sense to talk about "patriotism". But it seems you're deluded into thinking imperialism is super cool and Rome roxx and there is such a thing as an American people just like there definitely used to be a Roman race unified from Hadrian's wall to Jerusalem... Well, it's been a fun conversation, retard, good night!

>> No.13737030

Ah, I see myself 5 years ago, you are not American, you have become just like a European, good job in that.

>migrant crisis
Ah yes, we’re entering that portion of the conversation, see my post above yours, you’re too predictable, my little emigre.

>Evola, Klages
Coping, as you will soon find out.

>value literacy and education
Ah, yes, the army of educated fools, who resemble drones more than thinking men. We need to have those!

>> No.13737033

I already responded to you here:
I think you are despicable neocon scum. I have nothing further to say to you. I feel bad for what Europe is experiencing, but I will take glee when America finally collapses and you jackasses start devouring one another.

>> No.13737075
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reporting in

>> No.13737094

Truth? Yes, we inadvertently caused the migrant crisis, but that was not our aim, not that it matters really.

The truth hurts as well, we owe you nothing, you have afforded us nothing and we shall act the same. If you were in our shoes and us in yours, you’d act the same as us.

There’s an American people, my friend, but they are hard to find. You put too much stock into the idea of family history and race. Race is an important thing, but it is so in the building process of a culture. Racial barriers make it hard for culture to transcend across the races. Mr. Kowalski, Mr. O’Donnell, Mr. Mueller and Mr. Freeman probably share a lot more in common with each other than the people in their respective “homelands.” Every country, England with the Angles, Saxons, Normans, Danes, and native Celts; France with its Fraciens, Occuitans, Alsatians, Burgundians, Provençals, Corsicans, Normans, and Britons; Spain with its Catalans, Castilian, Leonians, Valencia’s, Galicians, and others; et cetera. Every country has its founding stock, but because they look enough like each other due to their race they can assimilate and than “muttify” into a greater country. Blacks and others are not afforded this luxury because they can never assimilate due to the fact that they look so different. In that sense, America is a coherent country, in that there is a black America, a white America, et cetera.

>> No.13737102

Lmfao, I was against all those wars, but I am crying no tears for the migrant crisis. Europe could have easily stopped it, but they did not, weak. See it as a favor, we’re waking you up, imagine if this happened later how cucked by then you would be? Weak

>> No.13737140

>assimilation is the solution but some people can't assimilate
>out of the 13 regions of France and Spain you mentioned 1 is fictional and only 3 do not have legitimate independentist movements
You sure know how to get a point across.

>> No.13737170

Do I do not, but you still do not understand. I am not proposing a plan, I am simply stating how nature works. Which one is fictional, I am curious. Anyways, the point is not to have independents movements, the point is complete assimilation. Germany and Poland did this excellently with their tribes, perhaps giving Spain and France as an example was the worst thing to do considering they did their assimilation the worst.

I do not see your point in the first green text, I never said it was the solution, I am just explaining what happens when tribes of the same race are forced to live in the same country versus what happens when tribes of different races. No plan, just explaining human nature.

>> No.13737297

A friend of mine was told "finde es selbt schweine Preuße" when asking for directions in Munich with a northern accent, and you have obviously never seen any map of Europe before and after any war since the modern era given what you're saying about Poland.
>I-i was only being objective about human nature to justify "Go civic nationalism! (niggers need not apply)"
lmao, nice

>> No.13737331

I am not saying the ideal assimilation is the abolition of the former tribe, but instead a near-total assimilation where pre-existing tribes retain some unique qualities, but not enough to leave the tribe or put the tribe’s existence in doubt.

As for civic nationalism, how am I wrong in saying that civic nationalism when it comes assimilation within racial boundaries generally works with a few exceptions. What modern European nation is it’s original tribe? None. Germany, France, England, Britain, Spain, Poland, Russia, Sweden are all civic nationalist constructs, and with that will begin to homogenize into a proper ethnicity. Some are closer than others to this end.

>> No.13737499

Forced, coherced, assimilation is a sign of tyranny. Every tyrant levels differences, and distances between people. By preserving the legal framework for autonomous rule,
Canada preserves the legal framework for a genuine aristocracy— a multitude of aristocracies in fact. Creating a legally recognized difference of quality between peoples (rather than simply measuring quantities of land, money, education) is a slap in the face of Faustian modernity.
Inuit autonomous land encompasses the majority of the Northwest Passage— a region set to become the shipping lane of 30% of the worlds economy in less than fifty years. That’s billions of dollars which will be flowing into the hands of historical actors independent from centralized federal government. If you’re so stupid you can’t see the forest through the trees, I don’t know what to tell you. You should probably move south where you can enjoy a rich tradition of minstrel shows and self congragulatory “comedy”.

Landscape is a brief manifestation in Faustian western civilization, and a step towards nationalism.. What Canada needs is to look towards what is uniquely manifested in its culture. To build a unique civilization capable of withstanding the fall of the west

>> No.13737541

The very premise of civic nationalism is "you can become one of us the day you want to", merely implying "it would be nice if you assimilated" but either not trying to enforce assimilation (all of modern-day Europe and North America) or actively destroying regional languages for the sake of expanding/keeping the territory and increasing the grip on the population (ex-colonies, and formerly: France, Spain. the UK (James Joyce was obsessed with how cucked the Irish people was, enslaved in language to the English and in religion to the Romans, we are on /lit/ after all...). True nation-states are very rare, there's what - Japan, Thailand, Czechia, Slovenia, Ethiopia, then irrelevant places like Tonga Kosovo or Abkhazia..? Mongolia is split up, so is Korea, and you cannot seriously contend Oceania North and South America or the rest of Africa. The majority of modern borders are absolutely illegitimate, if you consider states to be legitimate. Look at how fucked every post-colonial country is, in terms of ethnic tensions even between peoples that Americans would take for the same "race": Congo, Sudan, Burma, Indonesia, the whole Caucasus region or Central Asia thanks to the USSR, the Levant.... It is in fact an imperative of civic nationalism to generate violence and coercion of the non-compliant.
Fuck y'all war-mongering freedom-hating statistniggers. Sincerely,

>> No.13737834

This but unironically.
Round puffy cheek chubby girls is what the skandinavian majority actually is like

>> No.13737845

>brazilian reading novalis

>> No.13737879

Why are you surprised everyone is European?

>> No.13737885


Parts of South America are great. Just not Brazil, Columbia or Venezuela.

>> No.13737909

Floridian here

>> No.13737959
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You're not doing any better. And let's not forget that the average American is being exploited and lives a shitty life. Divorce rates, cheating rates, rampant homosexuality, thought control, fucking Jews in your country, illegal immigrants, free speech being stepped upon, etc.
Women's rights were a mistake as well and that's biting you the most. At least it's not as severe here.

>> No.13738040

In USA, White also includes people of Middle Eastern descent, so the White statistic would be much lower if Middle Easterners were removed.

>> No.13738079

fuck swisstards, the fuckers who control the palm oil industry and are responsible for destroying my homeland of Sumatra

>> No.13738086

Is that you Žižek?

>> No.13738090

Phil you should be working not browsing here

>> No.13738098
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>> No.13738103
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Reporting in.

>> No.13738110

>Rome was founded by Greece rejects

>> No.13738115

Bullshit, Rome was founded by a Mediterranean Tarzan demigod

>> No.13738117

I'm from murika

>> No.13738121

this is cringe, why don't you go to a library and read some books instead?

>> No.13738128

When you ask about nationality on 4chan, you have to keep time zones into account.

>> No.13738136


>> No.13738164

Fellow belgian.

>God schiep de dag en wij sleepten ons erdoorheen

>> No.13738422

I'm Moroccan so Berber, but gosh I'm so pale everyone thinks I'm white.

>> No.13738429

do your arab friends just call you "blond" or do they use your actual name?

>> No.13738434

Hungarian here.

>> No.13738447

I don't know enough Finnish to understand anything and I'm surviving.
Finnish is literally the hardest language to learn. If you don't already speak a bit of it then give up.

>> No.13738455
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>> No.13738472

French here

>> No.13738573

Also Norwegian

>> No.13738582

pleasantly surprised*

>> No.13738636

I'm from Rakis.

>> No.13738801

I'm French
Feels good knowing my native tongue already gives me access to one of the best literary traditions on earth.

>> No.13738803


>> No.13738821

I am from apocalyptic postsoviet east eu land that is too poor to afford books.

>> No.13738960

No Greek in /lit/ I guess all of them are more concerned in fucking than studying. And I cannot blame them

>> No.13738964

Have sex.

>> No.13738968

Russian here

>> No.13738973

Give birth

>> No.13739000

W.F. Hermans - Nooit meer slapen (translated as Beyond Sleep, I think)
Anything by Willem Elsschot

As if a country can not have its own literary tradition because it shares a language with other countries. Also read Streuvels and tell me Flemish = Dutch, read Remouchamps and tell me Liègois = French.

>> No.13739016
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>> No.13739024

any recs?

>> No.13739059

>Civic nationalism means immigrants do not really have to assimilate!
>Civic nationalism means the complete, quick, and total destruction of regional cultures!
This is something I always found so manipulative amongst you Europeans. When criticizing something, you will say one thing, than say its opposite in the next sentence, both as criticism. It is like someone criticized a meal as having too much salt, and then soon after claimed it did not have enough salt. Which one is it? It cannot be both. This “technique,” if you will, is extremely common amongst pseuds. Since practically every (Western) European is a pseud, (thanks to their rigorous public education which has ignored logic and philosophy, but has filled their small heads with various facts and theories, but that is like giving someone a pile of ammunition without a gun) these “tactics” are commonly seen gracelessly falling out of the mouth of whatever European drone you are arguing with. What this tactic essentially is is just the classic throw a bunch of shit on the wall and see what sticks. He has heard both as criticisms of civic nationalism, but he is either not sure which one I am better suited against, or is just is pitifully dumb he cannot understand that these two things are fundamentally opposed to each other.

There are varying degrees of civic nationalism, the lighter ones tend to be “you can become one of us the day you want to,” but I am not speaking of that one. I am speaking of the one in which one says “you must completely blend in with us,” i.e. speaks the language intimately, no accent, dresses like a local, practices local religions, et cetera. This, when the race is the same, is successful. Race blocks this from happening, as does will, take the Jews for example.

And what is the tragedy in the assimilation, and therefore destruction, of local cultures? These cultures tend to produce so little works of art, be it literary, painting, sculpting, music, et cetera. Tell me one Breton work of art of the top of your head, you can’t.

As for your true and untrue nation states, so what? Are you saying Germany lacked the nationalism and trust that nation states have prior to 1950? Are you saying that England lacked the unity prior to 1950? The most successful states and peoples in history tend not to be the states you are describing, Japan being a notable exception, but even they had some mixing, chiefly in the North. Are we really going to go around splitting up nations that share a culture, language, and customs because one thousand years ago they were different tribes, you’d probably be sad to find out there has been a lot of mixing going on and they are probably mutts by now. Even then I am willing to be that the tribes which have founded those nations were in fact not solid nations as you describe them as well.

>> No.13739062

what's en vogue right now? I mean in regards of names, and styles, and literary trends...

>> No.13739067

I speak German fluently, nigger.

>> No.13739072

Vote JPB for CPM

>> No.13739083

What's it like being the Anti-Arnie?

>> No.13739086

All of that is happening in your country and more, your countries are generally their testing grounds. Take homosexual for an example, when America decriminalized homosexuality (2003), homosexual marriage was already implemented in quite a few European countries, what a joke.

>> No.13739132

I'm sad that Belgians still believe their less-than-200yo buffer zone agreed upon between the big guys is an actual country

The principle of civic nationalism expects assimilation, but it is not enforced anymore. It can indeed be both at the same time: the fictitious state destroys its own culture to make assimilation easier, and later decides that it can destroy cultures from overseas by letting dumb people leave the soil of their ancestors (to be met with racism). The civic nationalist state only believes in itself, not its people. You're mentioning England and Germany like the German unification process was smooth and widely accepted, and didn't involve massive deportations, and as if "Speak white" wasn't the big thing in Canada or if Welsh was not systematically destroyed by the English. You're a filthy statist who believes that the gained collective power justifies the painful process of assimilation. People like you think smallpox or the Boer concentration camps were signs of manifest destiny. I can't name one Breton work of art on top of my head because Brittany has been colonized for too long, just for the same reason you couldn't be arsed to name a non-Anglo Irish author. The efficiency of the imperialist process is not proof of its legitimacy or natural origin, however you might twist that around to fit in your flag-loving brain.

>> No.13739185

How come you got conscripted?

>> No.13739208


>> No.13739213

Where in NE

>> No.13739215

>Europeans are the retarded datamine threaders

>> No.13739228

My mother is Finnish so it was a choice for me to go.

>> No.13739467

Enjoy your mornings then, we had an Italian and a Belgian in a similar situation few years ago.

>> No.13739513

The autofellatio in these threads almost certainly invites a sampling bias.

>> No.13739541

Floridian in the military, here. Currently stationed in the South and desu it kinda sucks.

>> No.13739547
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Any other Romanians here?

>> No.13739567


>> No.13739651

Netherlands here

>> No.13739828

Haha. No. Most of /lit/ (and this shithole in general) is comprised of burgoids. It's depressing. Americans never add anything of value.

>> No.13739861

No one cares about your burger states, Ricky Bobbert. You're all unironically racist and fascist retards living in a shithole.

>> No.13739872


Niederlandisch also.

Frankly kind of disheartened by the amount of Baudetfags amongst us.

>> No.13739896

CIA honeypot

>> No.13739908
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Based Swissbro.
Fuck America.

>> No.13739913

englishman (actually irish-russian-jewish with a little bit of anglo) reporting

>> No.13739948

It's actually worse than that. They want to make a alliance between /x/ and /lit/ or something, so it's filled with insipid Buddhism, conspiracy theories and dream journals.

>> No.13739997

>less-than-200yo buffer zone
It's actually one of the oldest countries in Europe when ranked by date of conception of the current form of government. How narrow-sighted you must be to not look at the current state of affairs instead of blindly following lazy and counterfactual /pol/ memes.

>> No.13740098

Denk je niet, het een onafhankelijk Vlanders en Wallonia zou beter zijn dan de grap die België is?
Ne penses-tu pas qu'une Flandres et une Wallonie indépendantes ne seraient pas mieux que la blague qu'est la Belgique?

I respect the culture of that region of Europe very much and was joking when I said it couldn't have a literature of its own, I just do not respect the Kingdom of Belgium, in the same manner I can very much respect Alsace and its culture but Alsace has no meaning at all when it's dissolved into the French Republic.

>> No.13740104
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>> No.13740162
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As far as I can see, 2019 Canada is too busy embracing the fall of the west and lauding it as progressive.

>> No.13740316

Canada is riding the tiger

>> No.13740554

Separatisme is nooit een oplossing, uiteindelijk kunt ge opdelingen blijven maken. Mais la devise nationale, c'est "L'Union fait la force", et moi je crois que c'est correcte.

To me, Belgium is not a joke, whenever I go to Brussels I see Belgian culture emerging from the mixture of French/Wallon and Flemish influences. The problem is the deliberate attempt politicians on both side of the language barrier are making to portray the regions as incompatible, instead of working on integration.

>> No.13740582


>> No.13740589

We never should have allowed you hues yo have internet

>> No.13740642

Having a king rule over two different peoples is being exactly what this guy says >>13740582 by a ruling elite, in my opinion.
>uiteindelijk kunt ge opdelingen blijven maken
and this is bad because...?