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1373379 No.1373379 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: you must post book you're currently reading & how it makes you feel about sex in general

>> No.1373388

I just finished reading Steppenwolf, and the bit where Pablo wants a threesome with Harry and Maria weirded me out, especially when Pablo kissed Harry's eyelids but the bit where Hermine talks about Maria's tongue kissing, from first hand experience, was pretty cool

>> No.1373391

itt: tybrax takes his first tentative steps toward a psychoanalytic theory of literature

all is lost

>> No.1373398

brave new world

i'm only about 50 pages in. so far it makes me wish i was brought up there so i could unzip me zipper and do some erotic play. then i'd actually get some.

>> No.1373395
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ugh i'm moving steppenwolf up a few places in my to-read

pic related made me feel that some people just want to have sex because their bored as shit & that its just a step up from Twilight teen fantasies.

Also I got an A in English fuck you D&E analysis is fucking below me, more pathetic than making art, I do neither.

>> No.1373400

bro, you don't want none of them freemartins.

>> No.1373406

The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Friedman. I feel nothing.

>> No.1373417
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>> No.1373423

Seriously, are you just trying to be a whore now? Before I was just joking, but now you are actually acting like a true whore.

>> No.1373424

op qhats sauce on pic?

>> No.1373428

Reading a collation of Schopenhauer's ideas. Emotional, physical and sexual ideals can never be fulfilled." Great.

>> No.1373429


he draws them himself

>> No.1373481
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sorry i'm not so good with belt buckles anon-san >.O

>> No.1373532
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>mfw when on Friday a girl said to me.. 'How do i undo this thing'
True story.
I lol'd in her face.

>> No.1373675

I just started Moby Dick yesterday. When Ishmael was afraid to get in bed with the mysterious harpooner (Queequeg), I couldn't get the Freudian associations out of my head. I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of being penetrated.

>> No.1373679

That's a liberating idea anon...

>> No.1373681

Oh, you're at cuddle time.

>> No.1373687
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>> No.1373693

A Game of Thrones. I like incest.

>> No.1373698


>Implying being a total bro is gay.

>> No.1373700

Heinrich Schenker's Harmony.

...I guess, though sex exists naturally unlike a series of tones, that ourselves as sexual beings do not exist until a level of repetition has occurred. Continuing this analogy, sex remains interesting so long as it is relevant; that is the situations it is introduced in show new facets of sex. Or that people having sex are interesting in so much as the sex reveals new facets of them. There are inherent contradictions that the artist must find compromise with? I'm not going to try to match up anymore concepts.

>> No.1373706


>I think I'm a cowboy so I wear impractical shit that went out of fashion about a hundred years ago. Also, I am hipster.

>> No.1373708
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I'd have to roll my dice first.

>> No.1373709

This is why you don't get laid.

>> No.1373720
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>> No.1373726


Go back to Texas and lynch a Mexican, faggot.

>> No.1373727

Dante's Inferno.
Like I shouldn't do it or think about it or think about thinking about it or even touch any part of my body below my waist.

>> No.1373739
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umm... not sure. Not sure about anything really.

>> No.1373742

The Invisible Man. I can't help but think of his genitals smacking people every time the gets wrestled to the ground and it creeps me out.

>> No.1373758

The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F. Hamilton

Sex means what you want it to mean, nothing more.

>> No.1373763
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Forgot picture.

>> No.1373776

it's making me feel oddly about adultery, in particular wondering if my current abhorrence against it is just young naive idealism and when i get older will i just take it as a given :s

>> No.1373782
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Well you can save yourself the trouble doctor, everything reminds me of sex.

>> No.1373940


makes me feel like Illuminati want my mind soul and my body.

>> No.1373949

Elective Affinities. Chemsitry is sexy.

>> No.1373959

V., Thomas Pynchon

Profane could care less whether he was having sex or jerking one out, his friends are more or less the same.

Makes me feel that the idea is perpetuated that sex is just another meaningless pursuit meant to numb the pain of everyday living, blah blah

>> No.1373969

The Star Begotten - H.G. Wells

It makes me not want to have sex for procreation because the martians will use cosmic rays to alter the chromosomes of my babby.

>> No.1373977

Godel, Escher, Bach
Not relevant

>> No.1373982
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Reading the Dharma Bums, and if anyone remembers the part involving yabyum and Kerouac's orgy, let's just leave it at that I'm much more open and liberal about it now.

>> No.1373984


>> No.1374008

The Plague by Camus.

Doesn't make me feel anything in regards to sex. I haven't even thought about sex whilst reading this book. Now that I'm correlating sex with the plot, however, I can only think about someone infected with the plague. So, now I'm just fearful of having intercourse with someone who has that. My general feeling about sex is pretty much ... the same.

>> No.1374017

Piracy by Adrian Johns.

If sex were as dry as this book was, we'd be extinct by now.

>> No.1374025

Jude the Obscure.

I want nothing more than to have sex with Kate Winslet.

>> No.1374031

Also reading a game of thrones

Twincest is hot.

>> No.1374054

Ilium by Dan Simmons

It has me desperately searching for ancient Greek goddess porn.

>> No.1374079

Less than Zero.


>> No.1374205

Altered Carbon

The main character has sex an unrealistic amount of times with no believable character chemistry leading up to it.

>> No.1374214
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>The Communist Manifesto

Redistribute the wealth; fuck bitches.

>> No.1374216


why you so fond of BEE's trash D&E?

>> No.1374219

I can safely say that if books were able to take virginities, Steppenwolf would've been my first.

Anyway, reading Great Gatsby now. It makes me think that sex should be romantic and passionate and between two people who really, truly love each other.

Also I keep thinking about gay sex between Gatsby and Nick.

>> No.1374223


No thanks.

>> No.1374230

Frankenstein girls are sexy

>> No.1374249

The general tone of his novels. I think he does diminishing of affect or whatever it's called very well, even if I feel he has been beating a dead horse somewhat with it.