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13732144 No.13732144 [Reply] [Original]

Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.13733227

woman decides to write down her life story, but realizes that she's a too similar to a character you'd find in a pleb novel, and then sighs and doesn't

>> No.13733244

A man debating with his contradictory mind, with different parts of it tooking antropomorphic forms inside a parlament and he act as the powerless president of it. All of this happening while he is driving to nowhere, simply to escape from his thoughts. Too bad they are always with him

>> No.13733260

A white male slowly coming to terms with his own mediocrity.
I'm sure it'll sell well among the liberal political drones

>> No.13733404

I can't even write flash fiction.

>> No.13733673

A 30 year old man's struggle with being a pathetic NEET and his dream to become a normal person, not a guy who wants to achieve greatness, but someone who wants just a happy life, he is satisfied by that. He barely passed college and doesn't have a job. He lives with his elderly parents. They want him to be in respectable person in life. The protagonist himself isn't a bad person at heart. He wants to a better person, live a normal life but he was forced to be an outcast and years of solitude has destroyed his social and intellectual abilities. He tries, but he fails. He can't seem to be able to function properly for more than a few hours. He finally leaves his home when his father passes away, which he blames it on himself. He gets a job as a janitor at a school, his relatives and friends are ashamed of him. He himself is anxious and paranoid as to what people around him think of him. There he meets a kid someone just like him, someone who is being pushed away from society just as he was. He doesn't want the kid to share the same fate. This strengthens his resolve, he is determined. He helps the kid. And similarly the other kids who have different problems, some which the teachers do not care about. Bit by bit his optimism grows. The kids also like him, a person who they can talk to freely, a person who is not an authoritative figure who imposes his will on them. But the Female teacher gets suspicious about the children spending time with the janitor. She calls the cops and gets him arrested. The Principal defends him, he knows that the protagonist is a good person and how the children have changed since they met him. The children also want to help him, but the parents are disgusted by the thought of a fat 30 year old man being near their children. The protagonist fights back, he is bot the same person as he was before After meeting the kids he himself has grown, matured. But the cops find Loli hentai on his hard drive, something he had forgotten about. He spends the rest of his life in prison.

>> No.13733990

That's good. Actually really like that. A biography where the person realizes how boring they are.
So it'd presenting a persons mind as a divided parliament or government with different branches and the like? I dig it.
The last few lines are the best. That's funny. Good work.

>> No.13734015

Greg Smith woke up one morning to find that everyone else had been turned into insects.

>> No.13734025

An older married couple get into the biggest argument they've ever had when the motor of their boat breaks in the middle of a lake

>> No.13735305

A man discovers his wife of twenty years was just three tapirs stacked on top of each other. He struggles on how to break the news to his children.

>> No.13735330

A story about a farm boy who lives out his dream of recreating the Mouse utopia experiments with Chimpanzees and ends up releasing something much darker.

>> No.13735455

the children are smaller tapirs in disguise

>> No.13735496

please tell me they have hate sex in the end.

>> No.13736237

Old man, a leader of the rebel army, is reminscing about 4 events that made him what he is today. It would be a loss of a loved one, a betrayal of a mentor, hard decision-making and I haven’t thought up the last part. He would be sitting on the rock, in front of him 4 graves, each significant to him, as the person inside each one made him mature in some part of his being and character. Whole story would be happening before the last battle with the system and epilogue would explain who won and how, but it would do so in a very dry fashion, something like a report.

>> No.13736244

>It's not like they're going anywhere.
Go fuck yourself, liar. I can see your edgelord and memelord little game. Why the fuck would I share any of my writings with random anonymous people?