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File: 209 KB, 650x433, photo_11762_landscape_650x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13731003 No.13731003 [Reply] [Original]

We're only a few years away from the destruction of the western canon.

>> No.13731014

>We're only a few years away from the destruction of the western civilization.

>> No.13731030
File: 243 KB, 449x471, 1543369638946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... *cough*... r-remember the canon after i-i'm *cough*... gone...

>> No.13731032

Don't worry, there won't be any white people left to have read it anyway.

>> No.13731157

Eastern canon here I come!
Eastern civilization here I come!

>> No.13731248

Wrong. The neo-liberal capitalist hell of cultural erosion we're living in will just keep going and adapting itself to avoid total collapse, and you'll be long dead before it really "collapses", then it will just take a new form and keep going. Men are too weak and feminised to take a stand because that requires a violent war, and we've somehow come to think that war = bad, even though it's entirely necessary sometimes. You will live your entire life seeing the gradual and painful death of the west, and by the end of your life they will probably be taking people's kids away at birth and raising them in state run "equality" centres, where all children recieve an education crafted by the board of LGBTQPAZX+++ directors.

>> No.13731328

you got some weird delusions man, it'll probably be all the same except there's going to be some COOL NEW PRODUCTS and CONTENT by the COMPANIES YOU LOVE. You're gonna see a whole lot more memes on their twitters ;).

I also think most of the dudes who talk about men being too weak to do violence are just projecting, even to the point of inversion in some strange, suicidal murder spree.

>> No.13731560

>I also think most of the dudes who talk about men being too weak to do violence are just projecting, even to the point of inversion in some strange, suicidal murder spree.

This is exactly it. There are certain men who feel emasculated and useless with themselves because of their lack of purpose, alienated social life, lack of sex, etc but rather than than look to their own flaws and try to work on themselves / try to progress to becoming a tolerable human being, they blame all their shortcomings on the world around them, and fantasize about one in which they'd be super alpha and fight for some cause, even though in such an era they'd be just as impotent as they are now. No well-adjusted man feels this way, in fact any man with any sense of self at all either doesn't care enough to pay attention or flat out disagrees; it takes a special recipe, a cocktail of self-consciousness and paranoid delusion, to arrive at the conclusion that one's life is shitty because of progressivism.

>> No.13731575

>We're only a few years away from the destruction of the western canon.
>We're only a few years away from the destruction of the western civilization.

bigots BTFO

>> No.13731577

why does a jew(oriental) get to decide the western canon?

>> No.13731580
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>This is exactly it. There are certain men who feel emasculated and useless with themselves because of their lack of purpose, alienated social life, lack of sex, etc but rather than than look to their own flaws and try to work on themselves / try to progress to becoming a tolerable human being, they blame all their shortcomings on the world around them, and fantasize about one in which they'd be super alpha and fight for some cause, even though in such an era they'd be just as impotent as they are now. No well-adjusted man feels this way, in fact any man with any sense of self at all either doesn't care enough to pay attention or flat out disagrees; it takes a special recipe, a cocktail of self-consciousness and paranoid delusion, to arrive at the conclusion that one's life is shitty because of progressivism.

>> No.13731587

why shouldn't they? Jews are the ruling caste.

>> No.13731588

>real men dont have qualms with society
This post was written by a woman or a "man" who cant bench his body weight

>> No.13731613

>it's sluggish schizophrenia to question the regime
You know millions of normal people have a gripe with the current wave of progressivism.

>> No.13731700
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t. School of Resentment

>> No.13731702
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I tried to warn you, but you didn't listen.
Don't call it a grave, this is the FUTURE you have chosen.

>> No.13731715

Intellectual Jews are beyond racial nonsense. Think Kafka or Kubrick.

>> No.13731741

>No well-adjusted man feels this way, in fact any man with any sense of self at all either doesn't care enough to pay attention or flat out disagrees; it takes a special recipe, a cocktail of self-consciousness and paranoid delusion, to arrive at the conclusion that one's life is shitty because of progressivism.

I'm not arguing that I'm well adjusted, anon, but I think that there's a difficult situation for many at this point due to the shifting role of labor in form of contract work. I like to wager myself a professional in my field, and yet I cannot maintain a position in an office for more than 6 months/I got what they wanted out of it.

I can understand, on a myopic level, why someone would think "progressivism" causes this. The added expectation of females in the workplace has changed the way labor is valued and the price of things. I would imagine that housing costs didn't rise if not for the fact that the earning power of couples is far higher than in the 70's.

500% reddit response, all you just did now was give him a downvote. Contribute next time, amigo? Would you like to discuss why this isn't the gayest thing ever or do you have another based/redpilled image to hit him or me with?

I don't think you understand where this all fucked up, my dude. Your qualms, while well placed, have been used in a strange game of reactionary dweebs who get uncomfortable when they see *brown people*.

>> No.13731748

>500% reddit response, all you just did now was give him a downvote. Contribute next time, amigo? Would you like to discuss why this isn't the gayest thing ever or do you have another based/redpilled image to hit him or me with?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I matched him shitpost for shitpost.

>> No.13731788

>I don't think you understand where this all fucked up, my dude. Your qualms, while well placed, have been used in a strange game of reactionary dweebs who get uncomfortable when they see *brown people*.

So...? What are you trying to argue for, beyond that it offends your sensibilities?

>I can understand, on a myopic level, why someone would think "progressivism" causes this.

As if you didn't know that technology, Capital, and "progressivism" walk hand in hand.

>> No.13731825

This isn't about offending my sensibility. It's just fruitless. I've just found that not fucking talking about half of this bullshit prevents it from even being spoken about. Most of it is just completely manufactured bullshit to get whitey all upset that he's going to die because the werejew is going to get him or something, when on a good day, you know for a goddamn fact that you, or anyone you're involved with would be concerned about a bunch of queers acting like fags on a yearly march. People want to sit and care about this, yet are consistently unaware about their own local governance and what they can even fucking do about anything.

I do know that technology, capital and "progressivism" all walk in hand. All of this bullshit is to serve capital. It doesn't matter where it goes. As long as the invisible hand is going up your ass, like always.

>> No.13731852

This is the definition of cringe but redpilled or based but bluepilled. All you're saying is that incels should join /SIG/ (self-improvement general) threads on /fit/ and /pol/, which is true. You shouldn't blame women or society for being an ugly subhuman (unless you want to get in with the body positivity crowd), you should work hard to break free from social retardation and from being physically repulsive.

Where you go wrong here is in your hilarious claim that you can't be well-adjusted if you don't support the status quo, an ironic sentiment for someone who I assume is on the left. What is the inherent problem with political extremism, in "turning against society"? This is your recognition that POZ and soi represent the new status quo in the West, because every true form of total critique or extremism will lead people to the right, that is, the camp of your enemies. This emergent trend of pearl-clutching coupled with odd appeals to uniformity and social stability coming from the left is interesting indeed, you've basically imbibed the temperament of a "Save the children" Christian mom or a "fuck those hippie faggots, get a job" boomer Dad but kept the liberal political positions.
Good psychoanalysis befuddled by partisan garbage, funny nonetheless

>> No.13731880

>I don't think you understand where this all fucked up, my dude. Your qualms, while well placed, have been used in a strange game of reactionary dweebs who get uncomfortable when they see *brown people*.
His psychotyping of dissent as "paranoid delusion" is a common tactic of repressive regimes, and yet you're clueless as to why some might see progressivism as having a totalitarian tendency.

>> No.13731895
File: 102 KB, 1024x860, 2i8ld7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For it standeth in evil contrast with a true man's dauntless
As one seeth the anon's pill-carrier, which at one's [contents] while is red and blue.

Parzival, man. With some edits as I can't really parse a response to your, ironically, partisan garbage. Also, your opening sentence somehow is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read in my life. We're here to discuss things and yet we proceed to just delve straight into literal fagtalk that's taken over this place. Why does everyone gotta fucking talk like a faggot now? Based, redpilled, bluepilled, cringe. All garbage. Throw it to the wind.

>> No.13731899

Dude, for some fucking reason we carry around devices that constantly barrage us with needless and inostensible information, that spy on us, that constantly try and sell shit to us, that make a silhouette of us (if not outright copying us entirely. Think about what you could learn about someone if you picked up their phone? You'd have them)-- do you not think such an outcome is possible?

>> No.13731932

>psychologizing an issue
Based retard with no arguments. This is how women act by the way, whereas men address the point directly.

>> No.13731965

of course I'm a partisan, the problem isn't your partisanship or mine but that earlier claim:
>they blame all their shortcomings on the world around them, and fantasize about one in which they'd be super alpha and fight for some cause, even though in such an era they'd be just as impotent as they are now. No well-adjusted man feels this way
this is the logic of veiled domination. Anyone who makes this kind of claim is in fact a partisan for the status quo; it is to say that criticism of the current regime indicates psychopathology. It was people like me doing this to you when you were out of power. Now that power dynamics have changed it is the right that uses the language of rebellion and the left that uses the language of stability. There is an element of hypocrisy and irony here which I think is funny, but I don't fault you because I recognize that the le edgy freeze-peachers would do the same to you if power dynamics were inverted.
As for the memespeak, I was trolling. There is no such thing as "based but" or "cringe but" (this is a troll too)

>> No.13731995

I wouldn't call myself particularly left, though if you clocked me in that manner, that's fine enough. I'm done trying to put punches in and I appreciate your otherwise level response to my bullshit. It's interesting you bring up the language of rebellion, and I would like to explore that further in a related register. I think that the right territorializes words in a strange manner that just screams, "These are actual retards," to me. Repetition is a strange theme in the right, and I can't really think back to the early 2000's with anti-Patriot Act and Middle East conflicts being so filled with buzzwords, the mental and rhetorical equivalent of big pencils for the special kids. I would love you to, if you could be so kind, provide me any examples?

As for the criticism of the current regime containing a claim of psycopathy leveled of the recipient of the response, I honestly think their agreement was put a little in the wrong place considering that I don't think that there's a, "Well-adjusted" to be had, just "the ability to consistently consume."

>> No.13732002

Based. Islam is the only way.

>> No.13732031

This, capitalism is only going to grow more and more and liberalism will deteriorate society for decades to come. Political polarization and backlash to globalization was not a means to an end, it's just the beginning of societal confusion at how utterly paradoxical our miserable lifestyles in our capitalist hellhole actually is. Most people have not figured it out yet. The West will not collapse with a boom, it will decline slowly over a long period of widespread depression, misery, nihilism, political violence, dependence on technology, etc.
Indeed Islam has all the answers to our sad state

>> No.13732046

What? I'm saying it is a possibility.

>> No.13732055

That this weird, cyberpunk, hyper-consumerist hellhole might actually drive a nigga crazy when he's barraged with bullshit that is deliberately dissonant? That reactionary dweebs take advantage of digital dissemination and the power that is has over us now?

>> No.13732057
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sorry I don't speak with such "people"

>> No.13732064
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>> No.13732088

Oh I thought you meant wokeness might be backdoor totalitarian given wokeoids are married to their phones and blog their whole lives on social media.

Yeah, look, this type of person clearly exists and this site may be lousy with them, but of course misfits and nerds who are constantly smeared as human garbage by the yellow press and the likes of you are going to be attracted to antagonistic narratives and even take perverse delight in becoming your worst nightmare. It's a truism that those who demand radical change are more likely to be the malcontents, the losers. But it's also true that societal decay has produced these creatures. Where else did they come from?

>> No.13732107

>I matched him shitpost for shitpost.
And he really believes it, too!

>> No.13732112
File: 69 KB, 640x640, Le+man+who+cleans++_4cb6e5af8e594f6eedb8556e8f4a1249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, I wouldn't say I'm one to smear the misfits and nerds here, except for the ones who feel electrically compelled to just para-down/upvote in form of the usual single-word responses. I will go out of my way to call them literally retarded, it's just so exhausting at this point. Aside, I can't say I took on too fast to the idea of such a movement as it's wholly against the crux of what I liked about 4chan. It's meant to be a perpetual group of outcasts. That's why I'm here. I don't want to be "accepted" or a "part" of the rest of the lot. I like not being noticed. I don't want faggots playing gay fag dress-up and waving green, faggoty German Battle flags. I like being around people who used to actually talk about the things they liked instead of constantly having some fucking dweebo from Reddit or Stormfront decide to shit my thread up with some fucking bullshit infographic that has been designed and tailored to work in the half-life of internet image dispersal. It's so tiring. I don't even get it. What the fuck did black people and cuckolds have to do with posting on an internet forum at one point? I get the romanticist spirit that is in many of us, that's what makes conservatism and, to a great degree, the philosophy behind the aesthetics of, Fascism, appreciable.

Look, man, say what you will, but I think the real misfits and nerds are here because they wanna be, and they wanna stay that way.

>> No.13732114
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that's the year western civilisation will die off according to this bald headed prophet

>> No.13732117

This guy looks like philosopher Stephen Molyneux

>> No.13732136

I would further extend my point about the fact that we're all so happy to conform to a bunch of faggots who just wanna play Roman LARP and try and pull a cheeky genocide or two-- fuck all of us. You don't want to be outcasts. You want a daddy. I'd rather see this place burn instead of being a chattel-market for finding followers to any dumb fucking ideology.

>> No.13732169

I wouldn't say that the "rebellion content" of language is inherently attached to any political faction. To me it seems to be more about the
relative degree of coercive force that adherents of a political doctrine can exercise at a given time, and this is where I believe your point about repetition comes in. Repetition is an extremely efficient form of propaganda. If you have control of key institutions in society and your goal is to dominate public thinking on a subject, corralling thought into repeated phrases just works
>We don't negotiate with terrorists
>Support the troops
>Racism is prejudice plus power
>Diversity is our strength
>Insert whatever early 2000s pro-war slogan you were thinking of
These are ideologically diverse examples of that same tactic: direct public thinking on a subject by drowning out countervailing voices. In 2019, the right, or more specifically the cultural conservative right, does not have the institutional power to impose itself on discourse by force. This is why cultural conservatives are "rebellious". We sneer about "society". We call our opponents dogmatic, totalitarian, closed-minded, all things you would expect to hear from a hippie rather than a reactionary. We appeal to free speech, which is always an argument made from a position of weakness.

>> No.13732175

It's partially ex-leftists with the zeal of the converted, just like how the most annoying internet atheists were raised Christian. Plus it's a nearly hopeless battle, most of the youth despises them, so they are on the warpath all the time desperately trying to recruit, and this place is really the only outlet they have. You can lament it but they're here to stay and it is what it is until they close this place down.

>> No.13732369

Who takes over after Bloom?

>> No.13732376

The ramblings of a delusional retard

>> No.13732480

Why do you give a shit? The books will still be there for you to read, they'll just be grouped into the world canon, rather than some arbitrary "western" canon, which is a ridiculous category anyway, since grouping literature from Ancient Rome and modern day Norway is just as arbitrary as grouping them with African literature. The only sensible groupings of literature are language, historical relation to other literature, and the types of philosophical themes present in the books; everything else is just arbitrary. The only way the western canon makes sense as a distinction is if you assume that "the west" was some homogenous bloc throughout history, which it wasn't.

So stop crying about it. Instead of the western canon there will be a world canon, and all of the books will remain. If you care only about the merit of literature, you won't care where it's from.

>> No.13732497
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>> No.13732500

They did this to us.

>> No.13732638
File: 59 KB, 320x383, 40C90B7F-1EA9-49D8-8191-12D9AF245EF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have another based/redpilled image to hit him or me with?
not him but I do

>> No.13732644

Bro! You just posted cringe!

>> No.13732740
File: 96 KB, 851x315, 1355331225001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf you doin Gilgamesh, praise Anu And Aruru, not that fake moon dude.

>> No.13732743
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The Far East will conserve it.

>> No.13732871

>any man with any sense of self at all either doesn't care enough to pay attention or flat out disagrees
This is so intellectually dishonest...
Sometimes I wonder how the left, which was supposed to be about improving the world and caring about the ones doing relatively worse came to become about defending the status quo and calling whoever questions the views of our elites "a bunch of losers".

How come the left is dominated by people with an ugly soul like you, nowadays?

>> No.13733076

>The neo-liberal capitalist hell of cultural erosion we're living in will just keep going
Except We don't live in capitalism, and nothing is liberal about our modern society.
Look at the commie cringe.

>> No.13733082

>As if you didn't know that technology, Capital, and "progressivism" walk hand in hand.
Marxists invented progressivism. You really DO accuse anyone else of What you are doing.

>> No.13733090

It always has been nothing but a naked attempt to devolve society to a prechristian level. The final objective has always been the Caste society of the hindus with the inner party in the role of the Brahmins.

>> No.13733102

Worth recalling that 1/6 people were snitches to the Stasi.

>> No.13733239

what a fag

>> No.13733370

>The Far East will conserve it.
The second Japan acquires even a minute amount of maritime power they will forcefully purge all western influence from their country and go imperialist again. They don't give a shit about you.

>> No.13733390

>The second Japan acquires even a minute amount of maritime power
Japan's navy is unironically one of the best in the world. China only has a reputation as a naval 'power' in Asia because of numbers, but ship for ship the Japanese navy completely outstrips them in terms of quality.
The land army/airforce idk that much about but the navy really is top notch.

>> No.13733756

Progressivism evolved out of Protestantism and has an intellectual history stretching back long before Marx was alive, as well as a development in America that was totally independent of Marx
The liberal left is nothing but the party of an immanentized and secularized New Testament. They are basically people that needed Jesus but who cannot let go of scientific materialism and thus try to bring Jesus' ahistorical notion of the union of heaven and earth about by way of social policy. They are not cynical scumbags attempting to create a shadow Brahminate...people like that exist but have never been a serious force outside of the USSR.

>> No.13733786

>I think that the right territorializes words in a strange manner that just screams, "These are actual retards," to me.
This is a feature of every single mass political movement. To single out the mainstream right as the worst offender is peak retardation.

>> No.13734330

It’s already over. It ended before we were even born.

>> No.13734641
File: 155 KB, 1241x1155, D18E0B23-B7C0-43DA-A598-9D7FC66696D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>> No.13734764


>> No.13734780

>they will forcefully purge all western influence from their country and go imperialist again.
And I support them, so long as they don't touch the anime.

>> No.13735858

Wow what a smart response

>> No.13735982
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we passed the point of no return long ago

>> No.13737065
