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13728491 No.13728491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I make my fursona reflect my Guenonian Traditionalist beliefs?

>> No.13728576

My fursona is a loud-mouthed communist ideologue who is not as smart as he thinks he is and reacts to the hypersexuality he is immersed in (he lives in a fetish universe, obviously, where everyone is fucking everyone all the time with 12 inch cocks and cumming buckets) with shame and disgust, because he aspires to higher things but is surrounded by plebes. This is partly motivated by genuine disgust, and to a lesser extent by genuine shame over his lack of impulse control (he rejects the defence of being "only human" and believes that the rational brain should be in control at all times, and even if he acknowledges this may not actually be possible he cannot help but scold himself for not living up to that ideal), but it's mostly motivated by envy that (as he perceives it) his big brain and hangups prevent him from living in the moment and enjoying the hedonism. So he is closed off from mindless prole sex fun times but too self-doubting and intellectually and socially isolated to find intellectual fun to replace it with. He's also just straight up lonely, despite not lacking for prole friends.

His coping mechanism is arrogance and put-downs. His friends respond to that by bullying him into sex and dragging him along on escapades. And he does have friends - prole friends who treat him like a weird and unknowable curiosity at times, but who see his value and intelligence and don't just keep him around as a punchline.

I guess it addresses my twin but contrary impulses to both "be special" and "be one of the gang" - not the academic gang, but the "real" gang who live authentic and unexamined lives. I want to have my cake and eat it.

I think that the development of a fursona for myself really helped me understand myself better. But this took place over the course of several years and many failed writing projects. The more he evolved into a character I felt was separate from being my self insert, the more I guess he became one. I felt like he was becoming more "real" and less like wish fulfilment because he was, in fact, becoming excruciatingly real.

My advice to you is to just write. Write yourself into stories and see how you feel about being in them. Write wish fulfilment, but fulfil wishes beyond just getting cummies. Don't put yourself in the middle of an orgy; put an orgy in the middle of the life you want to have.

>> No.13728586

ok this is epic

>> No.13728596

>Don't put yourself in the middle of an orgy; put an orgy in the middle of the life you want to have.

>> No.13728609


>> No.13728616


>> No.13728628

Why am I crying

>> No.13728665

because it describes most posters on /lit/

>> No.13728798

God shut up bro I feel attacked

>> No.13728967

gonna steal this fresh pasta thanks

>> No.13729205

unbelievably based

>> No.13729240

...this was smart, wow

>> No.13729261

toasting in an epic bread

>> No.13729299
File: 154 KB, 893x1280, cd7cdc3a-502d-4713-a793-57137457b5af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13729572

I did not want it to be good, sadly it is.

>> No.13729590
File: 263 KB, 1415x507, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your screencap, I'm not sure you actually expect an answer to the question in the op.

>> No.13729594
File: 11 KB, 447x378, 158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13729599

Wait till it gets more replies. the screencap looks more ebin that way

>> No.13729612
File: 46 KB, 227x297, ECwSrPVXkAA5zFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13729617
File: 67 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13729624

Stfu, degenerate subhuman with labyrinthine psychological complexes. I don't give a shit about your depraved cognitive style. Even with all the faggots lauding you, I am here to say you are pathetic and disgusting. Go to hell.

>> No.13729633


>> No.13729734

christlarper kys

>> No.13729792

I'd rather kill you instead.