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/lit/ - Literature

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13727007 No.13727007 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books or essays that celebrate or champion literary fiction (especially over narrative cinema)? I enjoy reading novels while traveling but I'll almost always choose a movie over a book if I'm spending the night at home. I'd like to read a good argument for why I should pick up a book for pleasure when the entire world of cinema's at my fingertips.

>> No.13727236

Unless the movie is really good, I have a hard time watching a movie without someone else or an audience. If a movie is bad I will bail, whether someone is there or not. I can’t watch bad movies I feel way to much when things are cringey. Cinema is a communal art, it’s meant to be played in a theater to an audience. It’s a very holy space for me. Sometimes when I go to see a movie at a theater and the trailer to a really shitty movie comes on I shut my eyes and close my ears because I’m shivering from cringe. Cinema is such an immersive experience and I get overwhelmed easily being a sensitive person. A book is very private. I don’t believe in audiobooks. I believe in reading a book, letter by letter. If I am reading with others I like to be the one reading, if I’m not I read it myself as they read. I normally don’t do this because while I’m reading I’ll suddenly start thinking about things and I let myself go off in thought. I used to force myself to focus but I don’t anymore. As I read for myself I’m not in a rush to finish it, and if a page or paragraph or sentence gets me going for a long time, I think that’s good. A good book will do that, it’ll get your juices flowing. A bad book will make you bored. With Cinema there’s no pausing, you are consumed, immersed in a 90-120 minute experience. I’m in ny directing class right now actually. Hi /lit/

>> No.13727239

Based positive anon with a hint of autism. I bet your films are going to be very interesting.

>> No.13727415

Literature has more opportunities to expand on its subject matter, and continues to go over topics in ways film cannot.
I don't know of any writings on the topic, but a simple comparison between literary fiction and the film adaptation shows just how much more a book can comb over details that a film may miss out on in favor for time or pacing.

>> No.13727433

i hope you survive the next 5 years

>> No.13728931
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Maybe these?