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File: 11 KB, 220x329, 220px-Ayn_Rand_by_Talbot_1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13725393 No.13725393 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche would have admired her for articulating the Übermensch in fiction as well as she did. John Galt and Howard Roark are the Übermenschen Nietzsche would have wanted us to aspire towards to.

>> No.13725403

You're probably being ironic, but the answer to the question that you didn't ask is no, he would not have admired the money-grubbing kikes in her novel.

>> No.13725409

I don't come into your living room and shit on the floor so why do you do it to us

>> No.13725433

Nietzsche hated anti-semitism, it's one of the reasons why he parted with Wagner. You're wrong and no, I'm not being ironic I meant what I posted.

>> No.13725451

jewess that tried to divide gentiles by promoting extreme individualism

>> No.13725456

I wasn't talking about literal jews retard

>> No.13725466

Zarathustra was revered for his entrepreneurship after all.

>> No.13725479

There's nothing wrong with the kind of invidualism Rand is espousing. In fact; it's the whole point of Also sprach Zarathustra

>> No.13725484
File: 1.56 MB, 2342x6196, 1567028145560_NietzscheChart (wecompress.com).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche would have hated Ayn Rand. If you think otherwise then you have not properly read him. Rand apes some of the superficial aspects of Nietzsche but perverts them into a tychoon parody.

>> No.13725487

Are you implying Nietzsche would not have edmired life-affirming, entrepenurial capitalists? Lol, you're the retard. Bet you're one of theose Bataille fags who think Nietzsche was leftist.

>> No.13725491
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>towards to

>> No.13725499

I see, no argument, just the same old "Nietzsche is nothing like Rand" bullshit, with nothing to back it up. There is virtually no difference between Rand's and Nietzsche's philosophy.

>> No.13725515
File: 122 KB, 1912x1072, hannibal-nbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was not a leftist but he was not a capitalist either. Nietzsche valued artists and art above all else while capitalism degrades, perverts, and destroys everything beautiful. Capitalism also leaves great men at the burden of appealing to masses which Nietzsche also hated. Nietzsche's ideal men are fearless thinkers, artists, and conquerors not little bugmen in suits pushing money around.

>> No.13725531

If there exists one poisonous ideology that is absolutely hostile to the sanctity life and all that is whole and sacred it is certainly capitalism

>> No.13725533
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an übermensch is about amassing material fortune
fuck you're clueless

>> No.13725539

I'm right wing as fuck, so right that I already shit on materialism again. Just like Nietzsche did, btw. Try reading him.

>> No.13725540

An Übermensch is not an egoist. End of discussion. And Nietzsche despised the pursuit of fortune as the driving essence of a man.

>> No.13725552

"Mankind unsparingly uses every individual as material to heat its great machines; but what good are the machines when all individuals (that is, mankind) serve only to keep them going? Machines that are their own end - is that the umana commedia"

>> No.13725553

if you want to read nietzschean novels, try stuff by robert e. howard.

>> No.13725569
File: 2.56 MB, 4320x2432, you_are_here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I believe it was Plato who said that acquiring wealth as your main goal in life is to confuse the means with the end. One should only strive wealth if one intends on using it virtuously, which can absolutely not be said of the shithead protagonists in Rands novels.

>> No.13725580
File: 100 KB, 500x375, burgerpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>behold, the land John Galt would build.

>> No.13725649

>"An Übermensch is not an egoist."
Kek, now I truly know you're a faggot who probably only ever read the Wikipedia entry on Nietzsche.

>> No.13725677

I speak German fluently since birth and read Nietzsche in the original writing, du verkommener Sklave. Your lack of understanding of what an Übermensch is and how he elevates himself by making the world a place of virtue through his power is not my problem. The whole point of Zarathustra is that by leaving his hermit life behind and spreading his values and insight he becomes a veritable Übermensch.

>> No.13725684

Not the guy you are arguing with, but Zarathustra is not an Ubermensch, he only announces his coming

>> No.13725711

I read it that by announcing his coming, Zarathusra has understood the process of becoming an Übermensch and is therefore heading irreversibly down the path of the Eternal Throw. This is only possible ´by making the announcement to himself and the world, which is only possible in a social context.
Literally one of his first acts when he enters the social sphere (the city) is to come to the aid of the tightrope walker, so the concept of the Übermensch as an egoist is a severe misunderstanding of Nietzsche.

>> No.13725719

I really don't think Zarathustra is the Ubermensch, but I agree on your egoism point. I am not OP and I do not agree with Randlets

>> No.13725720

>Bless the cup that is about to overflow, that the water may flow golden out of it, and carryeverywhere the reflection of: thy bliss!
he described the Übermensch as "the Roman Caesar with the sould of Christ"

>> No.13726469

I-it's life-affirming

>> No.13726678
File: 8 KB, 211x239, brainlet21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>egoism is about amassing material fortune

>> No.13726728

Nietzsche saw pure egoism as little better than Nihilism. You want to be self-centered but the highest ideal is to be gripped by some powerful desire, feeling, or project in order to further your power throughout history even at the cost of your own annihilation.
In other words the egoism of tycoons is of a smaller, lesser variety than the grand will-based egoism of Nietzsche.