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13721922 No.13721922 [Reply] [Original]

I'm right wing but I want an accessible critique of capitalism to better understand the globohomo capitalist gayplex

Should I start at Lenin's essay on Imperialism? Deluze? Or just go to Alain De Benoist

>> No.13721972

You should unironically kill yourself.

>> No.13721982
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>You should unironically kill yourself.

>> No.13721993
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>> No.13721995

Globalists are not Marxists.

Progressives are not Marxists.

>> No.13722009

Where tf is her belly button ?

>> No.13722017

Read Marx: 1844 manuscripts, thesis on feuerbach, part 1 of the german ideology, the commie manifesto, and finally capital volume 1.

>> No.13722032

That's not what I'm saying in my OP

I understand the globalist system is AIDS-capitalism that's why I want to understand a critique of capitalism

>> No.13722034
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If leftists were serious against combating capitalism, they would go after gays and trannies, seeing all the capitalists support them. Are there any books advocating homo/transphobia from a leftist perspective?

>> No.13722039
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Benoist is great. I'd also start by taking a look at some of Cockshott's online postings. Also Dugin and Yockey are good right wing intros into anticapitalism. Mark Fisher is also a good intro.

God lit has fallen so far.

>> No.13722041

>If leftists were serious against combating capitalism, they would go after gays and trannies, seeing all the capitalists support them.

Literally how stupid are you as a human being? There's no way this isn't what the kids call trolling these days.

>> No.13722048
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>If leftists were serious against combating capitalism, they would go after gays and trannies, seeing all the capitalists support them.

big if true

>> No.13722076

Go back to pol. Capital supports liberal social causes just like it supported conservative causes in years past. They follow what the majority of the culture believes and what will make them look the best.

Capitalism also produces clothes and uses machines. That doesn't mean all leftists need to burn their clothes and destroy machines.

>> No.13722108

leftist movements that let in gays/trannies are invariably subverted by them and made exclusively to focus on identity politics. why? Medieval theologicians, including the Holy doctor tommy d'aquino, explicitly linked sodomy to usury which is why sodomy probably played an important role in the origins of capitalism and this is also why the current phase of imperial monopoly capital is also known as globohomo. Are there any marxists brave enough to link sodomy to the theory of value?

>> No.13722113

Belly button removal plastic surgery

>> No.13722122
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What do I read to fix myself after reading this? I need this book's socialist doppelganger. I'd genuinely value real recs by people who have read this. Am lit brainlet.

>> No.13722126

Shut up faggot, homos are literally sterile soulless religionless capitalist super soldiers

>> No.13722136

Why criticize it from a Marxist point of view? They only care about money.

Fascists do better criticism, focusing beyond the money.

>> No.13722135

>Are there any marxists brave enough to link sodomy to the theory of value?
no it is inherent in leftist pathology to sympathize with putting dick in crusted shithole

>> No.13722141

Nothing. There's no equal equivalence between socialism and capitalism. One doesn't work, the other does.

>> No.13722143

Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher is an approachable popular angle to start from. But the real shit is definitely Marx's Capital and Reading Capital by Althusser, Balibar etc.

>> No.13722145
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>Capitalism also produces clothes and uses machines. That doesn't mean all leftists need to burn their clothes and destroy machines.
>cloth is the same as homosexual pathology

>> No.13722166

>Marx's Capital
If your best criticism is based on fallacies, then no wonder Marxism can't even touch capitalism.

>> No.13722202
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>sodomy is linked to capitalism

>> No.13722204

If you dont read books why do you persist in shitting up this board?

>> No.13722212
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>god lit has fallen so far
>lists a bunch of literal who /pol/ memes that no one takes seriously

>> No.13722218

Marx Das Kapital Vol.1.
There is no other way around it.
If it is not accessible for you, it means you are around 100 IQ.

>> No.13722224

Hedonistic unproductive passionate desires are incentive by capitalism

>> No.13722229

So Cockshott and Marx Fisher are pol memes now? OP is a right wing and wants to get into anti-capitalism. Obviously I'm going to give them right wing anticapitalist authors.

>> No.13722231
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>you don't like dick in shit crusted AIDs infested asshole
>you dont read books

>> No.13722234
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wouldn't militant opposition to socially liberal causes be the ultimate act of nihilistic and transgressive rebellion against capital? Why not become everything abominable to proper bourgeoisie cosmopolitan society? I am in fact working on my own theory called straight theory, which turns queer theory upon its head like Marx did with Hegel.

>> No.13722237

Supporting capitalism has nothing to do with being right wing, I think you mean you are “fiscally liberal” if you support capitalism. Don’t waste your time on leftist pseudoscience, you probably aren’t empathetic and emotional enough for it to resonate with you.

>> No.13722245

in fact one could even go as far as saying modern leftists are the foremost supporters of capital, while any serious opposition to capital is -and has to be- right wing.

>> No.13722260

Yes to both. Marxists by definition are both globalists and progressists; and stand at the origin of the modern progressists movement of politics.
If You wish to deny that You also have to deny 90% of marxist philosophers of the last century; amongst which doubtlessly your waiphilosopher, whoever he might be.
Don't try to deny. We know that You'd be lying and will humiliate you.

>> No.13722265

That's what people did when capitalism was anti-degeneracy and it just adopted and consumed it into itself. Fighting Capitalism while doing anything at all besides actually opposing it directly will never do anything to it. Anything else is just lifestylism.

>> No.13722277

I refuse to believe someone posting these vulgar memes reads. If you did, you would still be scum

>> No.13722292

>vulgar memes
woman spotted

>> No.13722303

Which book is Benoist's magnum opus?

>> No.13722323

What do you have in mind that opposes capitalism directly?

>> No.13722334

What right wing thinkers provide viable theories or offer viable alternatives that oppose capitalism? A lot of what I read looks like attempts to turn back the clock or ahistorically bring back traditions without evaluating what historical forces led to the demise of those traditions. I'll read whatever you recommend me, seriously.

>> No.13722335

I would say that would probably go to Manifesto. But he deals with anti-capitalism the most with Brink.

>> No.13722356

There's really not anything any one individual can do to destroy capitalism. It's a system that will eventually destroy itself. Maybe there needs to be some new concept like "financial terrorism" like fucking with markets to cause major crashes. But worrying about race, gender, sexuality, or even welfare will never actually do shit because capitalism only cares about the reproduction of capital and anything that dossnt attack it directly it can incorporate.

>> No.13722366
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if anything it's accelerationism, muh reading marx won't make shit happen, that's why I have switched over from the radical left to the radical right, the best hope we have is tribal schismogenesis, an hyperfetishisation of all the old bogeys, Power, Domination, Violence, Transgression, Terror and the reckless unleashment of boundless Satanic Excess more broadly. In order to achieve the Impossible we must harness the powers of the Unspeakable.

Nick Land, Sam Hyde/MDE, SIEGE by James Mason and the collected works of David Myatt and the Order of Nine Angles


>> No.13722408

That would also be my assumption, but it feels unfair to discredit it with how little I've put into trying to understand it from the perspective of those who support the idea. Do you mean to say that there are no decent books that are self titled citizen's guides to socialism? Even if you were, I still feel like I need to read something. I need to give it a real genuine shot, something other than reading a giant book written by a dude 100 years ago. Not that that wouldn't be worth reading, but it wouldn't help me specifically.

>> No.13722429

That 09A shit is dangerous

>> No.13722432


>> No.13722456

Yeah I'm not really interested in the retarded Satanist shtick. Hyde is an amusing comedian, not a constructive thinker. SIEGE is pretty dumb Nazi fan-fiction, I don't know why you would recommend it.

David Myatt, at the very least, had an interesting ideological journey but I don't think a bunch of occultism, etc will show me the nuts and bolts of how right wing ideas or policies can get us from here to a better society. Nick Land doesn't deserve to be lumped in with these people because he has a well founded philosophical project -- that said, doesn't do enough to build a positive vision of a future society for him to be an answer to my question. I would barely consider him a right winger anyway even if he likes to mingle with that crowd.

'Why Not Socialism?" is a fairly short work that gives a primer on the appeal of basic socialist ideas written by an analytic Marxist. It's probably the closest thing to a 'citizen's guide to socialism'. Besides that, reading a few of the primary sources like Marx or Engels in part is doable (important ideas historically, anyway, so worth reading on those grounds alone). All this stuff is available for free online so there's no excuses.

>> No.13722568

Well this thread unsurprisingly went straight to shit.
For a real suggestion OP read Alasdair Macintyre. He started out as a commie then went Thomist and is still deeply influenced by both.
In general contemporary Catholic and Orthodox philosophers are likely to talk about what you are interested in.

>> No.13722588

I have chosen satanism precisely because I rejoice in stupidity and the debasement of all signifiers. Everything that marxist social critics, christians and well meaning liberals have said is bad i think of as good. Fascism is for me the ultimate form of anarchism a revolutionary comittment to live every instant of life to the utmost degree of intensity. A fascist is just an anarchist who is not willing to let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his freedom.

>> No.13722609

Unironically the best thing is to read the Adorno. He is weirdly right-wing.

>> No.13722642

Forget Marxism, just read Terry Pratchett's Going Postal and you're good on critiques of capitalism and it's very accessible.
It's not like there's a logical way to criticize modern capitalism, it's entirely predicated on that nothing has inherent value and because all value is subjective, the worst fucking fraud and scammer that can manipulate that subjective value is literally God.

>> No.13722647

In other words, bomb a bunch of media and tech giant HQ's, assassinate key executives and developers a la Unabomer.

>> No.13722668

It would be a shame if someone who isn't me decided to plant electromagnetic pulse charges in [major data processing centers, pacific shelf of the north american continent] and kidnapping technical specialists working in [redacted]

>> No.13722710

I would suggest you find a very legal pdf of "A companion to MARX'S CAPITAL" by David Harvey, its long but has much more plain language than Marx.

>> No.13722848

Yup would sure be a real shame if that happened

>> No.13722985

The left supports LGBT because doing so aligns with the values of the left. The left cares about making people's lives better, and making the lives of LGBT people better is pretty easily fit into that idea. Throwing former allies under the bus in pursuit of greater power is an action that aligns with the values of the right. Do not assume you share the same value systems as the left, you do not. Not understanding the left means that you cannot have a valid opinion of them.

>> No.13722991

read trotsky, hes the only actual marxist of all the early communists

>> No.13723021
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this assumes ''lgbt people'' are normal and can be satisfied by rational concessions, experience suggests they will always keep pushing for further and further transgressions in a slippery slope down to hell.

>> No.13723129

>I want to get jacked
>I don't want to get pain

Das Kapital is not so hard. Vol.1 is 1000 pages. It's not like it'll take you a decade to finish it.

Far easier than learning a programming language or leaning piano for example.
If you want to take shortcuts, do what you want.

>> No.13723137

jesus christ that picture

>> No.13723149

Why, hes not wrong? Corporate homoeroticism is exploititive. Why wouldnt a leftist fight against it? In the collectivist menality, hetorosexuality is whats best for the group, homos and trannys weaken the groups ability to form bonds and raise children reliably. The past marxists and leninists and todays communism with chinese characteristics are all staunchly against sexual deviancy.

>> No.13723154


Your enemies will never educate you on how to defeat them, anon.* You have to extract that shit for yourself. Fortunately, it sounds like you're intelligent enough that you're on the right track in the first place. Keep going with what you're doing.

*Some masochists will, but these are always a small minority in practice and can't be counted on as legitimate opponents for vanquishing-they aren't even worth the trouble unless they get in the way.

>> No.13723165

>Throwing former allies under the bus in pursuit of greater power
Yeah because noone on the left side of politics has ever done that.

>> No.13723213

This >>13723154. A leftist's worst nightmare is debating a right winger who knows the Left's language and their ideology inside and out as well as knowing how to use their critiques against them. I suggest digesting Foucault, Derrida, and Adorno to get started.

>> No.13723232

Foucault and Deleuze are objectively right wing and based

>> No.13723312

What alignment do you choose in Shin Megami Tensei?

>> No.13724101
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Based and Marx pilled
/pol/tards BTFO

>> No.13724139

Marxists aren't necessarily pro-anything. Marxism is globalist and progressive in that it expects capitalism to expand itself internationally and that the economic and social development of a capitalist society is a part of its evolution. You can be a literal white supremacist and still be Marxist in thinking that globalisation and the erosion of borders is a consequence of the interminable worldwide expansion of the capitalist system. This is because it's a certain method of analysing history, the qualitative judgements you make about it are up to you.

It's a Marxist idea that the development of protestantism was a consequence of the emergence of capitalism and the relative strength of the business class in early modern northern Europe. This doesn't mean Marxists are necessarily pro-protestant.

>> No.13724214

Any Marxist literature that talks about female hypergamy?

>> No.13724253

This, Marxism is just handwaving away all criticism with not true Marxism to ensure that you are the only allowed critique of the current world order. Marxists are only interested on maintaining a hegemony of critique, not in solving problems.

>> No.13724292

Economic texts under capital are solely built to perpetuate the system that informs them.

In all serious, a non-meme answer would be that Marx, Hegel, Kant and Weber take it from a different approach (and not in that order). Here's an obtuse metaphor: capitalist thinkers are incredibly seasoned and intelligent meteorologists-- they can give you the weather in the near future and lean towards historic trends. (Otherwise ascribed as) Leftist thinkers are more like climatologists or macrobiologists, they rather map the schemas rather than rationalize them. One is concerned with the rationalization of the system, the other is the mapping of the system. Weber explains this phenomenon implicitly.

>> No.13724299

Evola criticizes both.

>> No.13724596

Very interesting stuff. What comes close, though it's not that exactly, are Klossowski's Living Currency and Lyotard's Libidinal Economy.

>> No.13724621


>> No.13724668

Wow good article

>> No.13724693

>Economic texts under capital are solely built to perpetuate the system that informs them.

>> No.13724701

Please don't take the meme answer anon-- there's a completely different intention between economics textbooks or schools of thought in Capitalism which doesn't necessarily make for a clear implicit claim from the all-too-bandied statement of, "*sniff sniff* all is in service to capital *tug tug sniff* lacan"

>> No.13724716

Man it sure is convenient to be able to have an all-pervasive bogeyman to blame so you never have to exit your ivory tower isn't it?

>> No.13724723

>I'm right wing but I want an accessible critique of capitalism to better understand the globohomo capitalist gayplex
Capitalism promotes liberal social values, no shit but so does any form of substantive socialism. Totalitarian regimes are socially conservative because freedom, in any sense, isn't something that's going to protect a static state.

Sowell doesn't even attempt to explain basic economic concepts like marginal utility or even pretend to understand how a monetary economy works instead of barter economics so basically you know notting. If you want an older (truer) American understanding of things read Veblen's The Theory of Business Enterprise:

>> No.13724729

If only you understood the terrain that the statement I said half-jokingly paints. I think you could definitely argue in a bit better faith than just throwing out gaymergay-tier buzzwords that came straight out of the daddy Beterson's mouth.

The problem is that capital is fundamentally detached from the actual material value of things now. Capitalism isn't a problem when the sign value (Sorry, I'm mixing registers here, it's the first thing that came to mind) overtakes all other values.

>> No.13724738

Capitalism isn't a problem until the sign value overtakes all other values*.

>> No.13724747
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Werner Sombart's "The Jews and Modern Capitalism"

>> No.13724764
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>*confuses crypto-Italians with Jews*

>> No.13724793

why do you speak in memes, senpai?

>> No.13724797

it may be pretty low-brow but Bourgeois Bohemians is a pop sociology book that deals with the formation of the globohomo capitalist class in America, might be worth a read since it's short

>> No.13726162

they are an adaptation of today standards but in the core they still are

>> No.13726197

>I'm right wing but I want an accessible critique of capitalism
maybe you should read Ludwig Von Mises Human Action
and/or Menger Principles of Economics
and see if you still are right or left wing ;)

>> No.13726226
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No, you dipshit, corporate """support""" of homosexuality is not a reason to advocate for leftist homophobia. However, TERFs have a decent leftist critique of transgenderism. Transgender is unironically supported by the amassed capital of the biopharmaceutical industry, since it requires lifelong medical intervention to be trans.

>> No.13726297
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>I'm right wing but I want an accessible critique of capitalism
Read Lasch

>> No.13726709

There's a girl who gets on a stop after me who discussed this very matter with me rather ardently and it made me 1). need to go have sex/dilate/cope, and 2). realize intelligent and appropriately aloof women are out there in the real world.

God I want her to sit on my face and talk more fucking Kimberlee Crenshaw.

>> No.13726774

sounds terribly overcomplicated, you can just say trannies are cringe af and leave it at that

>> No.13726800

Name one thing this sort of LARPer has achieved. Nothing. You're a joke and nobody would take you seriously if they interacted with you in real life. It's only the written medium that allows you to not look like a retard while typing this shit out, say it out loud and then behead yourself

>> No.13726942

TERFs are the only good thing about feminism. their raging about trans """women"" is gold. decades of fighting for women to be seen as strong and capable while still being feminine, and now girls think that because they like sports and camping they have to pull their cunts inside out and graft pubic hair onto their cheeks. meanwhile, men in stretched out cocktail dresses are plopping their cocks into women's groups and teheeing about being one of the gals. only an absolute dumbfuck would realize that transgenderism inimical to the entire history of feminism, but it appears 99.9% of women are too self-effacing to push back

>> No.13727003

Anon, I think that capitalism was a consequence of Protestantism. Weber explains that it begins with the rational and the practice of it in the last realm of collective magical thinking.

>> No.13727496


>> No.13727786

You think wrong.
It's protestantism which is a consequence of Capitalism. Inverting cause and effect. As usual.

>> No.13727826

>Name some academic right-wing criticism of capitalism
>Uhhhhh there's land and then there's this comedian uhhhhh

Neck yourself you absolute imbecile. Your whole life is a fucking meme.

>> No.13727834

This is the dumbest shit I have ever read. It's like you don't know what ANY words mean and just use them randomly. What a fucking shitshow, Jesus Christ. Never try to publish anything, the embarrassment might actually kill you.

>> No.13727839

I don't you fully understand what a "TERF" is. They're for mandatory androgyny and think masculinity and femininity are inherently oppressive social constructs created only to oppress women always and heterosexual sex is categorically rape under patriarchy. Most feminism historically has been liberal and about extending choice not enforcing and making sweeping generalizations, that came out of the most stupid radical 60s thinking about oppression.

>> No.13727843

Right wing criticism of capitalism? I have one for you The Bible

>> No.13727845

No you imbecile. People are very replaceable. If you wanted to make any kind of impact, it would have to be either cyberterrorism or highjacking big media outlets with subversive content.

>> No.13727846
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Also this. If you haven't started to hate Jews yet, you're not really a Marxist. It's the litmus test.

>> No.13728098

Capitalism only exist since the 16th century.

>> No.13728127

Capitalism was born when the first schmuck took promises in exchange for real goods.

>> No.13728143
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The phrase "decolonize education" is a common thread from Marxist-loving leftists in academia.

The narrative they spin is that colonizing another people is a uniquely European male phenomena even though it's not. Then by forming this baseline they springboard that into how Americans only read dead white man that held cultural values of the time. Subsequently labelled "racist/bigot/sexist/chauvinist/whatever-ist" under modern cultural construction of the labels.

Then they advocate "culturally appropriate" authors which all get a Karl Marx stamp of approval. Under the guise of clearly not being bigotted because the author is a woman, LGBTQ, a person of color, or some combination.

This is explicitly done to demonize our history in an "evil/good" dichotomy in which European males are the problem and if we just replace them all of our problems will go.

A result of this is what many call "the dumbing down of education" in which our reading level in the US has been dwindling each decade since the 60s. The Wallstreet journal used to have a reading level comparable to college at the time, now it's high school. Just as an example. This same phenomena is occuring in our public schooling and higher academia.

This dumbing down and making college easier happened during Vietnam in which it was a political move to spare more lives from the military draft at the time. Professors would bump scores up so Cs, Bs, and As were easier to achieve.

The connection is that the "dumbing down" is done under the label of "social justice" and "deconlizing education". They say that by removing Eurpean literature they are "giving marginalized groups a voice" but it's there are alterior motives grounded explicitly in Marx.

When you look at the top of the umbrella of where this starts you will see Pierre Bourdieu, Yossu, bell hooks, Beverly Daniel Tatum. The latter wrote "Why Do All the Black Kids Sit Together in the Cafeteria", in her book she redefines racism as a system of privileges rather than intentional acts of racial bias. Under her new definition, all white people are racist now. These are the academics in which inspire these movements. All of them very Marx, very filled with hate, very hypocritical.

Language redefinition is another strategy advocated by Marx which makes communication more difficult between groups.

Just thought I should share.
-some anon in a masters in teaching program at a radical left university

>> No.13728173

Number one Good effortposting.
Number two, isn't this whole concept of dead white males racist?
Number three, who is that rape receptacle?

>> No.13728224
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Yes. I mentioned the hypocrisy and race is one of the biggest examples. They hyper emphasize race, which was a term invented by the Germans a few hundred years ago. Then they broad scope categorize the world racially. The same strategy used by Nazis but masked as anti-racist.

They claim “race is a social construct” nevertheless they put race at the forefront of their operations in attempts to “defeat racism” by white people, particularly by acknowledging their privilege, understand their literature and mode of thinking is inherently tainted by “racism, the smog we all breathe”. They ignore the fact that their perspective is specific to America but speak as an authority on the what race is globally. They think everyone needs to have a “critical race consciousness” in order to better serve humanity, undo systemic marginalization and then we’ll all get along.

I just saved the image, wish I could help.

>> No.13728304
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>accessible critique of capitalism
that's the problem, even marx's most accessible work (wage labor) that he tried to simplify so poor uneducated workers can understand is full of gibberish rambling, just get to the point dude no one cares about your yarn and shillings.
for the masses an argument like "you eventually run out of free money" is more acceptable and agreeable than walls of text that deconstruct the very concept of society , economy and individual to prove capitalism is shit.

>> No.13728331

Anon your hegel pic is inverted

>> No.13728334

1. trannies and other radlibs aren't marxists
2. you can't be a marxist if you don't know and believe in dialectical materialism/historical materialism
3. read marx, understand marx then read other Marxists and nonmarxist communists, skimming through a wikipedia article doesn't count

>> No.13728341

Eh I mean if you're really only interested in Marxist lit then you should start with some Marx, at least the first 8 chapters of Capital. That will give you some background and (imo) it's not that difficult. You can move on to Frankfurt school stuff after that. Probably best to find a reader. There's a lot of later Marxist work but I don't know how necessary it is for your purposes.

You mention Deleuze so maybe you're also interested in postmodernism? Probably the best way to start would be Foucault since it doesn't require a huge historical background to understand what he's saying. The issue with most postmodernism is that you need to understand the historical context of the movement, so unless you want to spend a year+ reading literal piles of outdated doorstoppers on psychoanalyis, anthropology, philosophy and linguistics (not to mention a bunch of random memoirs, absurdist plays and poetry) you're really not getting anything out of Deleuze or Derrida.

>> No.13728346

Also a lot of people don't understand Marx because they don't understand his place within the context of the vulgar economists. Getting a background on Smith and Ricardo would also help, and they also offer pretty good critiques of capitalism as well.

>> No.13728352
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Also to add fun trivia.

My 3 professor line up:
>Butch white lesbian
>Fiery passionate black woman married to an affluent white man
(advocates public schooling above all else, hates charter schools, yet paradoxically sent their mixed children to private catholic school)
>Latinx woman married to a black man

All 3 obese. None have children except the black woman.

I paid $30,000 for this education but I’m giving it to you all for free because it’s bonkers.
Just want to make everyone aware who is at the seat of power in controlling the flow of how our youth will be educated now and in the coming future.

>> No.13728365

Sexual transgression isn't limited to lgbt groups, consider all the straight men who like to be erotic asphyxiation, fecal stuff etc. Ones sexual experience increases over time regardless of orientation

>> No.13728381

puritans happened at the same time as capitalists, but they are not logically related

>> No.13728382
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>> No.13728425

>We know that You'd be lying and will humiliate you.
Imagine thinking you and your teenage buddies have power on an anonymous imageboard
You're a faggot forever

>> No.13728432

>Sam Hyde

>> No.13728459
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>homosexual pathology
are you unironically saying that you think homosexuality is a disease?

>> No.13728460
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They marry Marx to the movement, I’m try to explain this to you plainly . You’re nitpicking semantics and assuming I’m using Wikipedia.

If you know the roots of “critical theory” you are aware of the Frankfurt School and the Marxist influence there in. That is the tip of the umbrella branching out into other forms of “critical X theory”

Whatever that X may be, race, gender, sexual orientation, faith, it is subsequently the catalyst to unweave current cultural milieu.

>Critical Race Theory (CRT), which has a much longer history in the US, is grounded in ‘the uncompromising insistence that “race” should occupy the central position in any legal, educational, or social policy analysis’(Darder and Torres, 2004: 98). Given this centrality,‘“racial” liberation [is] embraced as not only the primary but as the most significant objective of any emancipatory vision of education in the larger society’(Darder and Torres, 2004: 98). CRT emerged out of Critical Legal Studies (CLS).

This also isn’t so new or exciting. Watch this video about Soviet Strategy in South Africa during Cold War Times.

>> No.13728814

>This dumbing down and making college easier happened during Vietnam in which it was a political move to spare more lives from the military draft at the time. Professors would bump scores up so Cs, Bs, and As were easier to achieve.

>Language redefinition is another strategy advocated by Marx which makes communication more difficult between groups.

>Yes. I mentioned the hypocrisy and race is one of the biggest examples. They hyper emphasize race, which was a term invented by the Germans a few hundred years ago. Then they broad scope categorize the world racially. The same strategy used by Nazis but masked as anti-racist.

Thank you for the effortposts. Do you have any recommendations for books, articles, and videos about the points listed above? I find these to be particularly interesting.

>> No.13728865

You can criticise European literature from many different angles be it postmodernist, conservative, etc, etc and make a much better case against teaching Shakespeare to Africans from a different angle than Marxism.

>2. you can't be a marxist if you don't know and believe in dialectical materialism/historical materialism
Marx himself didn't "know" or "believe" in "dialectical materialism"/"historical materialism".

Have you studied the history of the Frankfurt School? They're closer to Hegel and standard continental philosophy than Marx. Also it seems you accidentally linked to some wacko cold war spook claiming Libya is being used as a Soviet staging ground for launching global attacks against the West.

>> No.13729263

>trannies aren't marxists
I am a marxist uwu

>> No.13729325
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>David Myatt, at the very least, had an interesting ideological journey but I don't think a bunch of occultism, etc will show me the nuts and bolts of how right wing ideas or policies can get us from here to a better society.
how are Myatt's solutions not clear? We gotta keep that chaos building, not only committing but spreading encouraging and supporting all manners of crime and vice. We will infiltrate radical organisations and security agencies and take every chance to escalate terror . until the whole structure of magian christian civilisation with its phony humanism and nauseating slave morality comes crashing down and the vindex will arrive in order to fulfill the faustian destiny of the west, establishing a satanic imperium based on national socialist principles, which will then proceed to colonise the galaxy.

"Let us not be mis-understood: genuine Satanists are evil… They cause, and strive to cause, Chaos, disruption, revolution... they bring joy, ecstasy and laughter, but perhaps most of all they bring death… death to those who have shown by their actions that they have a weak character or are a nuisance, or a hindrance to the spread of darkness." (O9A - 'Satanism - Epitome of Evil' ca. 2008)

>> No.13729430

>It's a Marxist idea that the development of protestantism was a consequence of the emergence of capitalism
Which is false, capitalism was already up and running centuries prior in the Italian citystates.
>and the relative strength of the business class in early modern northern Europe
Which is false. What is the Anseatic League?
>This is because it's a certain method of analysing history, the qualitative judgements you make about it are up to you.
Which is false since Marx continuously makes moral judgments on This or that development. Both in the manifesto and the Capital.

>> No.13729439

And Then for no reason the germans voted hitler into power

>> No.13729445

>TERFs are the only good thing about feminism.
Granted with no discussion.

>> No.13729451

>the penis is a "symbol of terror"

>> No.13729457

But heterosexual fetishists arent out there pushing for child drag queens or child sex changes or going on corporate funded parades through all major . Lgbts are more motivated by ideology than by the libido, these people don't have sex they virtue signal. Woah we are better and more progressive than you because we get fucked in the ass!

>> No.13729475

>Which is false, capitalism was already up and running centuries prior in the Italian citystates.
Not him, but I think you misunderstood. If protestantism is the result of capitalism, then of course capitalism predated protestantism. I'm not sure, but you might be dumb.

>> No.13729486

Gay men, TERFs, nazis, lesbians, black people, marxist leninists, devout christians, normies, muslims, might all have their differences but at the end of the day they can all get together in harmony and hate trannies.

>> No.13729488
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>closer to Hegel and standard continental philosophy than Marx
Yes again. The discussion was about influence of Marx, yes other theorist are always used and have impact. I never dispute that.

As with the video. Are you going to disqualify impertinent information with how Marx spreads into countries due to your disagreement with his Libya position? That’s fine if you disregard one video.

Here’s a former KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov speaking on how they subvert a nation over 30 years ago. Notice any similarities with the words in my posts to you today? If you’d like check out his warning to America, he spoke out often.

>> No.13729505

>sam hyde
could you elaborate on that?

>> No.13729659

You have serious lack of knowledge. Exchange value was born in the neolitic revolution. But Capitalism was born at the very earliest sense in the 13 century, but really deployed itself in the 16th century in England.

>> No.13729744

>Are you going to disqualify impertinent information with how Marx spreads into countries due to your disagreement with his Libya position
Yes because it's typical disinfo

>a former KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov
i.e. full of shit... what kind of intelligence officer "defects"?
he gave those talk$ on a speaking tour with the John Birch Society for Reagans reelection campgain

>> No.13729753

How can a spirited young man who has read de sade and lautreamont who has even as much as glimpsed the divine cruelties of the infinite be committed to a banal humanist or marxist program?

>> No.13729822

Protestants are more uptight, more rigorous than Catholics. They are more adapted to cold, ruthless business. Catholics like to party and are prone to laziness. That's why when Capitalism emerged, it propelled Protestants.

Analogy: if basketball is popularized somewhere, of course, tall people are going to be favored.
Protestantism originated from the development of exchange value. As people were more like trading and less lord and peasant, emerged a new category of Christians, closer to the jews: the protestants.
Catholics are lazy bastards. So it's logical that protestants got favorized and thrived in Capitalism, and that more and more people became protestant, as a pulling factor.

>> No.13730038
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Grade Inflation: Academic Standards in Higher Education By Lester Hunt
- this will be more technical aspect on how grading changes and general methods of computation.

The Truth About Harvard: A Behind the Scenes Look at Admissions and Life on Campus by Dov Fox
-this will cover more specifically about the Vietnam phenomenon along with general decline in academic rigor. Interviews with deans and more.
Orwell and Marxism: The Political and Cultural Thinking of George Orwell
By Philip Bounds
Sources, inspiration and such of Marxist themes packed in 1984

Also, a lot of these terms have prelevent materials in most college libraries. Or related authors, read their biographies and see who they’ve been connected with over their lives. Or funny facts like James Joyce’s saucy letters to his muse, pure love.

>> No.13730120
File: 230 KB, 448x347, D494189F-5556-49CC-A948-35855BB8B0A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Marxism Explain America's Racism?
By Sidney M. Willhelm

Marxism and the Concept of Racism
By John Gabriel and Gideon Ben-Tovim

Just counter points to capitalism being to blame for racism yet Marxist inspired thought promoting racism under a social justice ruse.

>> No.13730217
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Are you asking why officers in communist countries defected to America? If you’re genuine then I’ll break it down; if you’re just funposting by feigning the knowledge of atrocities committed in the history of 20th century Russia, then you are less mature than I thought.

These things are happening in the here and now, and and recent decades. If you care about critical thinking like Marxists do, you’ll critically critique Marx, love by the sword die by the sword.

These are human lives at stake. I’ll share a parable. I do hope you read the whole story behind it.

“The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us.

9 But the olive tree said unto them, Should I leave my fatness, wherewith by me they honour God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees?

10 And the trees said to the fig tree, Come thou, and reign over us.

11 But the fig tree said unto them, Should I forsake my sweetness, and my good fruit, and go to be promoted over the trees?

12 Then said the trees unto the vine, Come thou, and reign over us.

13 And the vine said unto them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees?

14 Then said all the trees unto the bramble, Come thou, and reign over us.

15 And the bramble said unto the trees, If in truth ye anoint me king over you, then come and put your trust in my shadow: and if not, let fire come out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon.” Judges 9

>> No.13730351

>The left cares about making people's lives better
unless you are a republican in which case they will throw bottles of piss at you and crack you in the skull with bike locks at their peaceful protests

>> No.13730371

The left only cares about revenge and hatred

>> No.13730377

No I'm asking why would an intelligence officer "defect" period? Why would a Western intelligence officer defect to the East like dozens did throughout the cold war? Because they're disinfo agents.

>> No.13730416

>Catholics are lazy bastards. So it's logical that protestants got favorized and thrived in Capitalism, and that more and more people became protestant, as a pulling factor.

please don't hurt my feelings like that, Catholics are simply more ideologically inclined to asceticism and internal development in a skill and their intimate understandings with it.

>> No.13730450

Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants maybe? Maybe even shit and cum?

>> No.13730468

>unironically suggesting glow in the dark satanism
holy fuck kys

>> No.13730492

Thank you. Which one of these discusses Marxists adopting the Nazi racializing tactics for "anti"-racism?

>> No.13730540

There are no actual leftists left, just as your 'right' is a joke made up of incels who can't do 2 push ups. Ideology is dead and you are all LARP'ing cucks

>> No.13730597
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Holy reactionary. Ever heard of child pageants? Those are perpetuated by weird hetero families and their kin. Pink Capitalism is a very real thing, and there are a large part of the lgbt community that are staunchly against it. There is a correlation between neoliberalism and lgbt groups, and yes a lot of the surface level gays adhere to it, but many many others do not. They have sex because...they like having sex...

>> No.13730859

>globalist not marxists
>what is manifesto

Literally asking all the workers to unite all around the world.

THe state of this place, just go kys

>> No.13731160

Globalist and progressive are meaningless terms

>> No.13731175

marx called homosexuality bourgeois fun.
im surprised nobody else has pointed that out.

>> No.13731669

Shhh it defeats their narrative anon!

>> No.13731684

Education anon is there any way for us to reach you?

>> No.13731685

>Anything my "enemy" likes must be bad

t. poltard NPC who defines his entire identity on a lack of compassion.

>> No.13731720
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>> No.13731734

>lefty who thinks hedonist sodomites sticking dicks into shit crusted assholes is worthy of compassion

What is it about the leftist pathology that makes them like this. No standards?

>> No.13731755

Yeah Conquest of Head by Peter Kropotkin

>> No.13732127

I specifically asked for those who have read the book.

>> No.13732132

that's internationalism not globalism you retard

>> No.13732137
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>mfw i see a marxist/communist
>mfw i realise every single one of the dozens of attempts at implementing their ideology has crashed and burned
>mfw i realise they're stupider than me

>> No.13732171

>the family is a bourgeois concept hurr people only get married for economic gain
Thanks Marx, totally doesn't sound like jewish subversion at all.

>> No.13732205 [DELETED] 
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i want to live independently out in the woods somewhere where i don't have to rely on anyone for my livelihood. no reliance on an employer, on my family, on a social safety net, etc
unfortunately i can't make it without working for some cunt employer which means i can't move to a cabin in the woods

>> No.13732212


only marxist leninism has been tried. no non-leninist marxism has been tried yet

all the communisms that have been tried have copied the soviet union and the reason they did that was because they needed the soviet union as allies to prevent america from fucking their shit up

>> No.13732219

globalism is a capitalist version of internationalism. that's the difference between globalism and internationalism
globalism is like the idea that corporations should be able to buy and sell and trade across borders and fuck over workers. free trade(which is what nafta was) was globalism

>> No.13732254

communists not only want to dissolve borders but often seem hostile to the concept of nationality, painting it as a bourgeois contrivance invented ~19th century purely to disunify the working class. communism vehemently opposes nationalism except as a stepping stone to communism in anti-imperialist struggles. internationalism was a strategy to implement communism only while nation states still existed.

>> No.13732260

>Not real communism guys!!!

>> No.13732263

That's your problem, you want to make everything safe and comfortable and anodyne. That's not the way to fix things.