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13718302 No.13718302 [Reply] [Original]

Why yes, I am a pro-natalist. How could you tell?

>> No.13718306

hey op can i ask you a question?

>> No.13718310

You already asked one.

>> No.13718317

well im 7 days into nofap and rn im really horny. im praying but the temptation is there. im only 19 but i wanna marry asap and pump a buncha kids into said wife because im just so horny. what do i do?

>> No.13718326

> another cope thread
Anon, keep this up and you just might cause a global cope crisis due to the world running out of cope.

>> No.13718345

My mother smoked whike she was pregnant with me.

>> No.13718349

Kill yourself

>> No.13718350

chop it off
sorry i don't speak retard

>> No.13718352

Yeah, we can tell.

>> No.13718356

why so rude? also i feel a lil less horny now

>> No.13718366

Why yes, I do get sexually aroused by abortions, what gave it away?

>> No.13718377

How will you pay your child support if you don't have a career sweetie

>> No.13718382

by having a career. or living in the woods. fuck society im so horny

>> No.13718428

>sorry i don't speak retard
That's strange, how do you talk to friends and relatives then?

>> No.13718433
File: 49 KB, 694x613, amsosmart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-natalists should collectively jump off a bridge
Die by your principles and stop bitching

>> No.13718463

antinatalism is not compatible with moral nihilism.

and also:
choosing to create a life =/= choosing to continue one.

>> No.13718483


>normal woman carrying her kid: why don't you leave the pool if it's so bad?

>anti-natalist: [floating serenely on his back while surfing his iPad]
>Ummmm no sweetie, this pool might not be good enough for your kids, but it's good enough for me.

>Benatar: YA ME TOO! *sucks his own dick*

>> No.13718490


>> No.13718497

>to create a life =/= choosing to continue one

The argument is that life is not worth creating because it's not worth living, due to some suffering-calculus.
If life were worth living/continuing then it would justify the creation of life. Since the problem of life is not in the act of creation, but in the process of living it out...
You can't have it both ways and say life is worth living but life is not worth creating. This is peak hypocrisy and self-contradiction.

This guy gets it.

>> No.13718499
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Kyrie eleison....

>> No.13718693

Are you also willing to claim that dying is the same as not being created in the first place?

>> No.13718721

Based, please auto reply this to anti-natalist threads FUCKING ASSLICKING JANNIES

>> No.13718729

post original link

I don't believe this

>> No.13718744

Exactly. But I do not believe any of them is intellectually honest enough to accept this.

Dying can be made practically painless, in fact if you are worried about dying you should as promptly as possible obtain a gun and end your life with a well positioned bullet into your brain.
You will feel absolutely no pain and have a very swift death, alternatively there are multiple countries in which assisted suicide is legal.

>> No.13718779

You're forgetting all the suffering my loved ones would endure if I were to do this. And the fact that dying can sometimes be painless doesn't make it essentially the same as never existing in the first place, I would say.

>> No.13718790

Dying will never be painless. It will create suffering for your family, friends, dog, whatever. Not existing, on the other hand, is not a good or a bad thing. It's completely neutral, devoid of pain and happiness. And for some people, especially people who see the world getting progressively worse, if a life will be worth living or not is a gamble. And why would you risk it?

And then there's the fact that the reasons for having a child are often selfish. Sometimes I rib my family-oriented STEM friends on this subject, and all they can come up with to justify their preference is the preference itself: they want to. I don't think that's a bad reason, but I think it's an insufficient one for someone who thinks the child will mostly suffer once in the world.

>> No.13718800

>Are you also willing to claim that dying is the same as not being created in the first place?

If the ontology of the dead and the unborn is superior to the living and born, then it would be worth pursuing that non-life state, no matter the transient inconvenience.

But anti-natalists are trying to argue that the
unborn > living
but living > dead

There is a weird asymmetry here. Which shows the tension in their thinking, the dishonesty.
Most anti-natalists don't believe in an afterlife, no hell, no reincarnation, to them death is just annihilation and 0 suffering forever. So it's hard to see how they can argue the living are superior to dead, yet the unborn are superior to the living.

My mom is pained by the fact that I haven't given her grandkids yet.

>> No.13718808

Ask her if she'd rather you didn't have kids or if you shot yourself in the head.

>> No.13718843

>Not existing, on the other hand, is not a good or a bad thing. It's completely neutral, devoid of pain and happiness.

Ask some involuntarily childless women about that one and see what you get, lol.

Also, grow up.

>> No.13718844

A true anti-natalist would persuade her to suicide as well, or kill her in her sleep. She would have 0 suffering then and so would you.
To them life is ultimately meaningless and death is the end, so moral considerations don't matter, they are illusory, simply the suffering calculus matters (for some reason that can't be provided).

>> No.13718861

People like you will take care
There are enough beta providers while chads inseminate and dump

>> No.13718868

>Ask some involuntarily childless women about that one and see what you get, lol.
Probably that she wishes her uterus worked. Ask her unborn child what they think about the situation. Do they regret not being born, do you figure?
>true anti-natalism
I'm not sure what this strawman stands for. I suppose I don't fit, since I quite like life. At the same time, I can't see a good reason to have a child. It's either selfish or completely disconnected from reality (You could give birth to the new Einstein! Your kid could solve global warming!)
So I guess my question to your grief-stricken barren woman would be
>Why don't you adopt, lol.

>> No.13718873
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But living is pretty awesome, rabbi.

>> No.13718918

Only white women who still have children are white trash. Tatoos, trash food, cigarettes, slutty and trashy clothes, often overweight. Easy to spot.
Note that they have children with any kind of men. Blacks, arabs, whites.

>> No.13719898

The only reason anons here question and criticize antinatalism is because they still buy into the (((Hollywood))) myth that they can have it all and be all.

>> No.13719907

can relate very much to you, sadly im really bad with women and dont know how to live in the woods

>> No.13719913

no it's because I'm not a loser, pretty simple

>> No.13719924

im a pro natalist, but too much of a loser so no women would ever be with me

>> No.13719932

The problem with antinatalism is that it's generally Whites, on average, who adopt it. Most other races or people come from cultures where empathy is not valued as much. BTW, I say this as a non-White antinatalist.

>> No.13720309


>> No.13720335

That's fucked up.

>> No.13720338

Browsing chans and nofap are not compatible

>> No.13720340

Just be a pro-natalist eugenicist bro.

>> No.13720343

Nah dude, I hate anti-natalists with a passion, but I see this argument often and its stupid.
Consider it from a utilitarian perspective and grant the premise that life is mostly suffering and that the moral person would not create new life because it would increase net suffering. But if they were to kill themselves, the suffering they cause to themselves and family/friends (assuming antinatalists have friends, haha) would be higher than just living out their life, since theyre gonna die anyway.

>> No.13720352

Once other cultures catch up in spiritual decline, you will see even African baby factories come to an end.

>> No.13720363

lol imagine the amount of speed you would need to do to actually make this, absolute delusion

>> No.13720366

This unironically makes me happy. Anyone who wants a woman with this attitude to be forced to have and raise a kid is a fucking idiot who hates children.

>> No.13720367


>> No.13720377

well, in their view, getting out of the pool is not worth it, because it would be worse than staying in (pain and anxiety in suicide, knowledge of the suffering it will cause to others). but if you never get into the pool, you never have to deal with the shitty pool and the even shittier way of getting out of it.
Bad argument guys. But I also wish they did kill themselves.

>> No.13720389

Churning out endless babies doesn't seem to be a metric of "spirituality" to me.

>> No.13720393

That's because you're a degenerate, anon.

>> No.13720409

Because you're sexy

>> No.13720418

maybe not, but its based and welfarepilled

>> No.13720419

Based demon ladies aborting their demon babies

>> No.13720453

maybe if i had god tier genetics and life or basically anything except my shitty genetics and life i wouldn't be an antinatalist.
it's really evil to bring another soul into a body of your failures and in didn't even talk about the psychological disadvantages this new person would have from being my son.

>> No.13720469

I am just not particularly fond of humanity. My life has not been easy and no one helps me out. I wish I were a happy bird or whale.
Stuff like that is destroying the economy.

>> No.13720472

>Stuff like that is destroying the economy.
my point exactly

>> No.13720473

This, what woman would want me to breed her anyway,? :;( I don't even belong in this conversation desu. No woman will proudly carry my child and nurture it with all her love because I'm a terrible man it hurts so much

>> No.13720475
File: 84 KB, 777x1198, 61NVEVB7CNL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a compilation of compilations of already developed memes. Never been to /pol/? Whoever put it together this final image just added the numbers to connect the compilations to the conspiracy. (The whole conspiracy is fascinating. I don't believe it's anything so conscious. Not that that will matter in the end. See pic related. )

>> No.13720478

That must suck anon. That must really suck.

>> No.13720490

4chan is just a hub for neo Nazi propaganda it needs to be aborted

>> No.13720550

60/40 this is a bad idea. It'd be like trying to make a cancer metastasize.

>> No.13720562

i wonder why you guys find it so hard to properly debate neonazi propaganda and have to censor it. i wonder why that could possibly be.

>> No.13720712

I think what it is is self awareness and a knowledge of human nature and humility to understand yes whites are very evil and no a white person in his mom's basement isn't superior to a black person outside of his mom's basement. I also understand that it's an impossible position to hold and be a functional person you are fundi mentally at war with society like a terrorist.

>> No.13720794

I'm sorry you fell for the /pol/fag meme but it's your fault for being prone to that behavior maybe try getting therapy and judge others less before you end up being a school shooter

>> No.13720812

Fartsniffer: The Post

>> No.13720816

Not an argument.

>> No.13720823

Present evidence that the races are the same. On my side I have iq, brain size, all of history, crime rates, basically everything. You have nothing except calling me and my entire race arbitrarily evil as though we are the only people in history to have committed atrocities and are all tarred forever because Hitler existed.

You will not win this argument, that's why you guys largely dont hang out on this website, you cant just get my post removed.

>> No.13720825

Based, fuck f*tusoids.

>> No.13720828

join the marines it'll come naturally

>> No.13720831

How so? The people on the right seem to be the smug bullies from what I've seen very arrogant

>> No.13720833
File: 232 KB, 1024x679, 1565783025484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go live in somalia and leave the evil basment dwelling whites alone then fag. after all we are all =

>> No.13720843

Oh what is your side?

>> No.13720860

>Hitler existed
Hitler was the lesser evil compared to Winston Churchill. You are, indeed, part of the problem and one of the low-IQ Whites.

>> No.13721039

Ok I'll shoot, it's not ok to talk about Hitler but generalizing all black people because of crime(arbitrary morality) is ok. Yes because we have the history you have no excuse to be racist. You wouldn't want to be dehumanized and enslaved so why do you think it's ok to do that to black people? "B-but I didn't advocate that" then don't defend white people.

>> No.13721057

im ashamed that back in 2014 i had a slave plantation, how can i be so horrible to blax...
i guess its ok if they shit up my neighboor hood because i had slaves back a few years ago.

>> No.13721075

every race has enslaved people retard, why are you attacking whites specifically? Before you come at me with some bullshit about american slavery being worse than other types, they still enslaved people which is still evil, and they committed genocides as well. So again, why are only whites evil?

>> No.13721090

You're saying that Asians are superior to you because of crime and iq then? Just accept that humanity is more complicated than the /pol/fag autism, white males are oppressive and racist, Thomas Jefferson was raping his slaves, colonialism produced some of the worst atrocities you could imagine, no black crime is not enforced by the state, and they have suffered from racism on profound ways itshould make your numale neckbeard balls shrink I'm shame but you have to dehumanize people or else you'd see how evil it is and probably have white guilt.

>> No.13721104

There are arabs enslaving black people literally right now. are arab men oppressive and racist? There are blacks enslaving people right now, are black men oppressive and racist?

Just admit you hate white men, likely out of jealousy.

>> No.13721106

You mean "normal person"?

>> No.13721117

Uh yeah maybe a little shame is the least that could happen unless you're a psychopath

>> No.13721143

I don't think whites are only evil but racism always is evil and they seem to produce a lot of it

>> No.13721149

No there are whites ending racism right now so they're not all bad.

>> No.13721171

>racism always is evil

>> No.13721179

>white males are oppressive and racist
That literally contradicts your narrative that the races of the world are equal

>> No.13721180

I dont care what it seems like to you, i dont give a shit about you, you're a faggot and you can't think, you can't write, you're just mad at white men and whining about it. Fuck yourself.

>> No.13721211

Because of its fruits, the Nazis in ww2 are basically the most known racist movement. The Japanese towards other Asians in ww2, white Americans towards Asians in Vietnam, Europeans towards natives, history is a nightmare and it's because of racism. It's dehumanization of others to justify exploitation or murder. We're all human kid. really look at the history of racism before you get into politics or vote you're just part of the evil in humanity. Racism is the most psychopathic thing because it's based on the lie we're not all human or that because you're different you should be treated differently, it's pathological.

>> No.13721235
File: 386 KB, 700x690, 1566293073557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asians are superior
you want to live in Myanmar/china or denmark/belgium...
by your logic you want to live in china
dont be a

>> No.13721242

That's your straw man, through exploitation and trauma whites were able to gain dominion, the whole equality thing is like you're bragging about the subjugation of others and maybe that false sense of power you feel is why you're so drawn to racism like a drug. If you weren't so spoiled you would see you're not better than a black person it's all insecurity from what I can tell you need the covering of white power to sheild you from the reality of racism and how it's affected blacks but you're just acting psychopathically then.

>> No.13721254

I'm not even mad I feel better stamping out racism and injustice I think it's because I'm a more conscientious person than a racist might be.

>> No.13721255

>It's dehumanization
How is accepting the fact that you're competing with others for resources dehumanising?
>We're all human kid
And of what relevance is that? Lions are all the same species as each other yet they're still territorial
>it's based on the lie we're not all human
What a terrible strawman. I don't see how stating the fact that difference exists within humans is akin to saying people aren't human. Do you think acknowledging the existence of Bulldogs and Poodles is equivalent to saying Poodles aren't really dogs?
>because you're different you should be treated differently
What a bizarre statement. Would you treat a baby the same as adult because of this maxim?

>> No.13721266

Why what do those societies do wrong?

>> No.13721282

not a single person here is going to give a shit about your attempt to guilt white people. we dont care at all dude, you're a bitch

>> No.13721285

>That's your straw man,
You just stated that one group of humans were more prone to certain types of behaviours than others that's the literal definition of being unequal
>the whole equality thing is like you're bragging about the subjugation
No it's more like not deluding myself into thinking differences don't exist when I can observe them
>If you weren't so spoiled you would see you're not better than a black person
Seems like you're making an assertion of inferiority about me almost as if I'm defective, not even human one could say

>> No.13721296
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a bug people who cant manage to balance themselves, white Appalachians may not have an apple store and starbucks on every corner but they arent as bad as asians

>> No.13721320

I don't have all day and I probably won't stop you from being racist at this point but it is very strange to me how you accept your own pathological behavior as inherent you're going to run into a lot of problems, I guess lions eating each other's cubs and defecating in the open is how we should operate it seems more like a biblical reference to a beast system anyway have a nice day racist

>> No.13721332

You've not actually provided any reason why different things should be treated the same

>> No.13721399

White people have the best record on racism and slavery of any agricultural people. Name a civilization that ever even considered 'hey maybe we should outlaw slavery in all cases'. Tell me about all those other, contemporary even, cultures that think racism is untrue and wrong. It's only white people who don't think "obviously other peoples are worse then us"